Year | Author | Title | Type | Citation | ||||
2024 | Corbu | Formația clasicistă a unui autor patristic: Evagrie Ponticul | journalArticle | Corbu, Agapie. “Formația clasicistă a unui autor patristic: Evagrie Ponticul.” Classica & Christiana 19, no. 1 (2024): 175–189. This study traces the scholarly context in which one of the great patristic figures of Christian antiquity was formed: Evagrius Ponticus. Biographical data on this author are extremely scarce and, therefore, in reconstructing the picture of Evagrius’ intellectual formation, information from a wide variety of sources is used. In this way, the study succeeds in placing Evagrius in the general context of classical Greek paideia, showing how his many connections with pagan teachers of rhetoric and philosophy, as well as with the great theologians of the time, succeeded in imprinting on Evagrius’ thought the characteristic stamp of a classical education impregnated with the Christian ethos. It was with this education that Evagrius left, in the last part of his life, for the Egyptian desert, where he used all his intellectual endowment to create a system that has become a classic in Eastern monastic theology. -pub | ||||
2024 | Evagrius Ponticus Nešić | Аскетска дела и писма | book |,2012:scriptum:nešić-2024 Evagrius Ponticus and Nešić, Lazar. Аскетска дела и писма . Novi Sad: Beseda, Diocese Backa, 2024. | ||||
2024 | Evagrius Ponticus | Evagrius of Pontus: The Gnostic Trilogy | book |,2012:scriptum:young-et-al-2024 ISBN 978-0-19-999767-1 Evagrius Ponticus. Evagrius of Pontus: The Gnostic Trilogy . Translated by Robin Darling Young, Joel Kalvesmaki, Columba Stewart, Luke Dysinger, and Charles M. Stang. New York: Oxford University Press, 2024. The Gnostic Trilogy is the best-known and most important work by the ascetic philosopher and teacher Evagrius of Pontus. Among the writers of his age, Evagrius stands out for his short, perplexing, and absorbing aphorisms, which provide sharp insight into philosophy, Scripture, human nature, and the natural world.The first part of the trilogy, the Praktikos (The Practiced One), provides a diagnosis and treatment of the eight tempting thoughts. It was a foundational text for monastic asceticism and was the basis for the later Seven Deadly sins tradition. The second, Gnostikos (The Knower), explains how someone who has mastered the body and mental delusions should teach others. The third, longest, and most controversial, the Kephalaia gnostika (Gnostic Chapters), ranges broadly over the origin of the universe, the nature of rational beings, and the hidden symbols of Scripture. This part was responsible for Evagrius's condemnation as a heretic and, as a result, does not survive intact in the original Greek and must be restored from ancient translations.This volume presents the Trilogy in its entirety for the first time since antiquity and provides a fresh, comprehensive English translation of all three works, in all their known ancient versions, both Greek and Syriac. Detailed explanatory notes, cross-references to Scripture, to ancient literature, and to Evagrius's other writings, as well as commentary on the translation techniques of the Syriac translators, provide the necessary resources for understanding this significant but puzzling text. | ||||
2024 | Evagrius Ponticus Fogielman | Antirrhétique | book |,2012:scriptum:fogielman-2024 ISBN 978-2-204-16170-1 Evagrius Ponticus. Antirrhétique . Edited by Charles-Antoine Fogielman. Sources chrétiennes 640. Paris: CERF, 2024. L' Antirrhétique Charles-Antoine Fogielman, prêtre du diocèse de Paris, est bibliothécaire en chef du Collège des Bernardins, où il enseigne également la théologie biblique et patristique. Il a publié dans cette collection le traité À Euloge (SC 591). L 'Antirrhétique est une oeuvre d'un genre presque unique dans la littérature des Pères du désert égyptien : passant en revue les huit vices principaux et les différentes pensées de tentation que chacun d'entre eux peut insinuer à l'esprit du moine, Évagre le Pontique († 399) y oppose systématiquement une parole de l'Écriture, que le priant est invité à méditer pour fortifier la vertu correspondante. Presque tout le canon biblique est ainsi couvert par cette méthode originale de lectio divina. Ce texte conserve une remarquable fraîcheur et constitue un témoignage précieux et très concret sur l'utilisation de l'Écriture dans le milieu monastique du ive siècle pour la prière individuelle. L 'Antirrhétique est perdu en grec, mais conservé en syriaque, en sogdien, en arménien, en géorgien et en arabe ; le présent volume reconstitue l'oeuvre à partir de ces versions et propose une édition intégrale du texte syriaque. Syriac edition of CPG 2434 French translation of CPG 2434 | ||||
2024 | Muller | The Metaphysics of Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle | Muller, Fabien. “The Metaphysics of Evagrius Ponticus.” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 98, no. 3 (2024): 267–292. pdcnet.orgScholars in recent decades have downplayed or completely denied that Evagrius Ponticus has a metaphysical system, instead suggesting that he merely borrows from various philosophies, particularly Stoicism, without a coherent system. In this paper, I propose a different perspective, arguing for a metaphysical and Platonic interpretation. I reconstruct Evagrius’s metaphysics systematically, relate its fundamentals to the environment of the late antique Medio- and Neoplatonic tradition, and show that by establishing the principles and structures of being, Evagrius indeed reveals himself to be a metaphysician. | ||||
2024 | Tkebuchava | ფსევდონილოს სინელის (ევაგრე პონტოელი) „სენტენციების“ (Sententiae) ძველი ქართული თარგმანი. Old Georgian Translation of Sententiae by Pseudo-Nilus of Sinai (Evagrius Ponticus) | journalArticle | Tkebuchava, Lasha. “ფსევდონილოს სინელის (ევაგრე პონტოელი) „სენტენციების“ (Sententiae) ძველი ქართული თარგმანი. Old Georgian Translation of Sententiae by Pseudo-Nilus of Sinai (Evagrius Ponticus).” The Scroll, Ecclesiastical-Scientific Collection 10 (2024): 161–198. academia.eduThis essay examines old Georgian translations of the two-part work Capita Paraenetica (Κεφάλαια ἤ παραίνεσις: CPG 6583) by Pseudo-Nilus of Sinai. The mentioned text in Greek, in the form of combined and split versions, is known as the work of Saint Nilus of Sinai and Saint Hesychius of Jerusalem (its critical edition does not exist). In the first stage of the periods of ancient Georgian translation (the pre-Athonian period: V-X centuries), both parts of Capita Paraenetica appear to be translated in fragments under the name of Hesychius, and later its complete version was translated by Ephrem Mtsire (XI century) but it is known as the one under the authorship of Nilus. This study shares the opinion that the work actually belongs to the Origenist author Evagrius Ponticus, but was spread in the Greek manuscript tradition under the names of Hesychius and Nilus, therefore, their ancient Georgian translations were also influenced by the tradition mentioned above. In this essay, the translation of the second part of the text done by Ephrem Mtsire – Sententiae (Γνῶμαι: 6583b) – is published for the first time. It is compared with the existing Greek versions, and is accompanied with a table of juxtapositions of the sententiae in Georgian and Greek versions is given. -pub | ||||
2024 | Tkebuchava | ევაგრე პონტოელის სწავლება „გულისზრახვებთან სიტყვისმგებლობის შესახებ“ და მისი კვალი ასკეტურ ტრადიციაში. Evagrius Ponticus’s Teaching “About Refutation of Passions” and Its Imprint in the Ascetic Tradition | journalArticle | Tkebuchava, Lasha. “ევაგრე პონტოელის სწავლება „გულისზრახვებთან სიტყვისმგებლობის შესახებ“ და მისი კვალი ასკეტურ ტრადიციაში. Evagrius Ponticus’s Teaching “About Refutation of Passions” and Its Imprint in the Ascetic Tradition.” The Scroll, Ecclesiastical-Scientific Collection 10 (2024): 133–160. academia.eduThe essay presented here discusses the teaching of the well-known ascetic Evagrius Ponticus about contending with demonic thoughts. The first part of the article analyzes Evagrius’ work Antirrheticus, which in the old Georgian translation of Euthymius the Athonite is called "Refutation of Passions" („სიტყჳსგებისათჳს ვნებათაჲსა“). The treatise represents an ascetic handbook which teaches how to withstand the eight temptations. The second part of the article suggests a theme of coping with one’s temptations and ascetic tradition. The research done on the topic shows that Evagrius Ponticus’ Antirrheticus is a very useful guide to ascetic practice. The book is equipped with the wisdom of the Holy Scriptures. Its practical purpose is to conduct one’s spiritual battle wisely and drive out demonic thoughts immediately as they occur so that their persistence in the heart does not become the cause of sin. -pub | ||||
2023-03 | Prado Neto | O Praktikós e o Gnōstikós de Evágrio Pôntico: estudo, tradução e comentários | thesis |,2012:scriptum:prado-neto-2023 Prado Neto, Benedito de Pina Almeida. “O Praktikós e o Gnōstikós de Evágrio Pôntico: estudo, tradução e comentários.” thesis. Universidade de São Paulo, 2023–03. In this study, there is, along with some essays and commentaries, a translation of two ascetical treatises attributed to Evagrius of Pontus (345-399 C.E.): the Praktikós and the Gnōstikós. Given the misfortune of the transmission of his manuscripts since his condemnation in the Second Council of Constantinople (553 C.E.), there have been, throughout the centuries, many hindrances related to Evagrian studies. In effect, there is not only the problem of the misattributions of his works to other authors - for example, the attributions of some of these works to Nile of Ancyra, a philological tool that is likely to have been a way of getting rid of the so-called censorship -, but also many misconceptions about his ideas. To be aware of this, it was necessary to analyze, at least in passing, the transmission of his manuscripts, which was possible for us only through discussing the philological study already made by Antoine and Claire Guillaumont, i.e., indirectly. After all, this philological problem seems to go through all the Evagrian literary and philosophical content to be studied here. At any rate, Evagrius, as a historical person, can be known not only through the depictions made in his own manuscripts, but also through those present in the manuscripts of other late-antique authors, such as Socrates Scholasticus, Palladius and Rufinus of Aquileia in their historiographic oeuvre. Furthermore, there are also interesting depictions of Evagrius in other sources, such as the epistulae of Jerome. As will be seen in this research, it is also important to pay attention to this: Evagrius was not indifferent to the science of his time. By incorporating the main late-antique discussions in his thinking, he wrote about the human soul, the human body and the universe in a unique style. He is said to have been the first Christian writer to express his thoughts in kephálaia - something like very small chapters. And, last but not least, the medical thinking present in his work and the importance of the allegorical language as a tool of composition and hermeneutics are elements that make him simultaneously an original thinker and a man of his own time. -pub | ||||
2023 | Bunge | « N'abandonne pas la foi de ton baptême ! »: La christologie d'Évagre le Pontique, face à son interprétation par Antoine Guillaumont et ses continuateurs | book | ISBN 978-3-8306-8173-1 Bunge, Gabriel. « N'abandonne pas la foi de ton baptême ! »: La christologie d'Évagre le Pontique, face à son interprétation par Antoine Guillaumont et ses continuateurs . Sankt Ottilien: Eos Verlag U. Druck, 2023. | ||||
2023 | Vîlcu Corbu | Folosirea Scripturii în scoliile exegetice ale lui Evagrie Ponticul | bookSection | Vîlcu, Filothei. “Folosirea Scripturii în scoliile exegetice ale lui Evagrie Ponticul.” In Scriptura în spiritualitatea monastică: Studii de exegeză biblică patristică . Edited by Agapie Corbu, pp. 123–139. Arad: Ed. Sf. Nectarie; Ed. Universităţii „Aurel Vlaicu“ Arad, 2023. | ||||
2023 | Evagrius Ponticus | Enunciados sobre a oração e outros discursos, comentários & sentenças | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-nara-2023 ISBN 978-85-5638-368-6 Evagrius Ponticus. Enunciados sobre a oração e outros discursos, comentários & sentenças . Translated by João Carlos, Jr. Nara. São Paulo, SP: Cultor de Livros, 2023. Os escritos de Evágrio Pôntico são tão influentes quanto desconhecidos. Padre do Deserto do século IV, é um dos poucos autores não canonizados citado no Catecismo da Igreja; seus ensinamentos estão na base de muitos autores difundidos atualmente. Enunciados sobre a oração é uma coletânea de diversas obras de Evágrio (tratados, discursos, extratos e fragmentos) acerca da vida de oração. O coração dessa seleção é o tratado de mesmo nome, obra seminal da espiritualidade cristã e fruto da maturidadeespiritual do autor. Em língua portuguesa pela primeira vez, traduzida diretamente do grego, siríaco, copta e etiópico por João Carlos Nara Jr., e enriquecida com introdução e notas esclarecedoras, esta obra é valiosa tanto para aqueles que queiramfazer um estudo científico sobre o autor, quanto para qualquer pessoa que almeje crescer e aprofundar na vida de oração. Portuguese translation of CPG 2433 CPG 2440 CPG 2452 CPG 2453 CPG 2461 CPG 2462 CPG 2475 CPG 2481.1 CPG 2481.3 CPG 2481.4 no CPG 03 | ||||
2023 | Alciati | Gli esercizi di Evagrio | book | Alciati, Roberto. Gli esercizi di Evagrio . Pisa: [n.p.], 2023. | ||||
2023 | Vadnais | Une série d'énigmes syriaques sous le patronage d'Aristote, d'Éphrem et d'Évagre le pontique | journalArticle | Vadnais, Yann. “Une série d'énigmes syriaques sous le patronage d'Aristote, d'Éphrem et d'Évagre le pontique.” Parole de l'Orient (2023): 283–303. | ||||
2023 | Kalvesmaki | Evagrius the Cappadocian: Redating the <i>Kephalaia Gnostika</i> | journalArticle | Kalvesmaki, Joel. “Evagrius the Cappadocian: Redating the Kephalaia Gnostika.” Journal of Early Christian Studies 31, no. 4 (2023): 523–541. The three works Praktikos, Gnostikos, and Kephalaia Gnostika (KG) are traditionally dated to the late 380s, when Evagrius Ponticus was a monk in Egypt. The trilogy is commonly seen as a unified, gradated curriculum for monks. In this article, I argue that this paradigm is deficient. Evagrius wrote the KG largely in the 370s, before he ever became a monk, and well before he even started the Praktikos and Gnostikos, which were written later, as a pair of companion pieces, to attempt to repackage the KG as part of a monastic trilogy.
Redating the KG to the middle years of Evagrius’s life significantly changes our interpretation of his entire corpus. It reveals a layer of his writings that originally had nothing to do with monks and monasticism, but were turned to that purpose late in life. An early KG opens up an important and poorly documented part of Evagrius’s writing career, when, in company with the Cappadocians, he had already developed a sophisticated exegesis and metaphysics, long before he became a monk. | ||||
2023 | Vázquez Gargiulo | Evagrius Ponticus’ Rejection of a Magical Understanding of Grace | journalArticle | Vázquez, Santiago Hernán and Gargiulo, María Teresa. “Evagrius Ponticus’ Rejection of a Magical Understanding of Grace.” Biblica et Patristica Thoruniensia 16, no. 2 (2023): 133–148. academia.eduIn recent years, a growing number of studies have presented—in one way or another—various psychotherapeutic projections of a set of spiritual practices of early Christian monasticism. In an attempt to establish a dialogue between the doctrines of Late Antiquity and contemporary psychotherapy, it could be risky to extrapolate anachronistic terms, questions and discussions that are foreign to the original context of the Early Church Fathers. In order to overcome this difculty, we will try to elucidate Evagrius Ponticus’ model of psychospiritual integration through his particular understanding of the effective relations between grace and nature. This will possibly allow us to translate and understand the current interest in his psycho-spiritual model in the same terms as those in which it was formulated by Evagrius. In his effort to think about how the process of complete healing of man takes place, Evagrius takes up intuitions and ideas from the Hippocratic and Platonic traditions. These traditions disapprove of magic as an act of impiety towards the divine order inscribed in the θύσις. Evagrius follows this fundamental intuition of rejection of magic and sorcery to integrate it into a new Christian synthesis that strives to move away from a magical understanding of the action of grace. Now, as Evagrius moves away from a magical conception of grace, certain theoretical-practical knowledge related to mental and spiritual health can be found in his writings. Evagrius is particularly interested in specifying how grace operates in the cognitive-emotional dynamics that intervene in the healing processes of the soul without contradicting or magically suspending the immanent laws of the θύσις. | ||||
2023 | Muller | What is Evagrian ΓΝΩΣΙΣ? | journalArticle | Muller, Fabien. “What is Evagrian ΓΝΩΣΙΣ?.” The Heythrop Journal 64, no. 5 (2023): 608–623. wiley.comAbstract: Evagrius famously characterises divine nature as γνῶσις οὐσιώδης, ‘substantial knowledge’. In the Alexandrian, Cappadocian, and other intellectual contexts informed by Platonic, Aristotelian, and Philonic thought, characterisations of God as a noetic or intellectual being are fairly common. However, these traditions concur in using the term νοῦς rather than γνῶσις. How can we explain that Evagrius deviates from the metaphysical mainstream? In this paper, I review this question from an historical and systematic point of view. I propose to examine ancient theories of Mind about the function and structure of the νοῦς, compare them to the Evagrian theory, and identify a possible explanation for the substitution of γνῶσις to the νοῦς. Since God is the key element in Evagrius's metaphysics, a clearer vision of the divine essence will help us appreciate the whole system more fully. | ||||
2023 | Muller | The Neoplatonism of Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle | Muller, Fabien. “The Neoplatonism of Evagrius Ponticus.” Revue Philosophique de Louvain 120, no. 2 (2023): 183–206. | ||||
2023 | Tkebuchava | ევაგრე პონტოელის სწავლათა წმ. ექვთიმე ათონელისეული თარგმანები. Translations of the Studies of Evagrius Ponticus Made by Euthymius the Hagiorite | journalArticle | Tkebuchava, Lasha. “ევაგრე პონტოელის სწავლათა წმ. ექვთიმე ათონელისეული თარგმანები. Translations of the Studies of Evagrius Ponticus Made by Euthymius the Hagiorite.” Spekali 17 (2023): . academia.eduThis paper identifies and discusses the translations authored by Evagrius Ponticus (IV century) and translated by St. Euthymius the Hagiorite. Monk Evagrius, a famous Origenist, excommunicated by the Fifth World Church Council (553), is the author of many ascetic works in Greek. Many of his works were spread over time under the names of other church writers, and the original versions of some were completely lost. The following works were preserved only in translations. Exhortations by Evagrius Ponticus became known in the Georgian language as extracts quite early (in the pre-Athonic period), although, as it turns out, many of his writings were also translated disguised by Euthymius the Hagiorite but under the name of St. Basil the Great and St. Maximus the Confessor. -pub | ||||
2022 | Michelson | The Library of Paradise: A History of Contemplative Reading in the Monasteries of the Church of the East | book | ISBN 978-0-19-257327-8 Michelson, David A. The Library of Paradise: A History of Contemplative Reading in the Monasteries of the Church of the East . Oxford Early Christian Studies. Oxford: University Press, 2022. This book tells the story of contemplative reading, a spiritual discipline practiced in the Syriac Christian monasteries of the Church of the East in sixth- and seventh-century Mesopotamia. These ascetics practiced a form of contemplation which moved from reading, to meditation, to prayer, to the ecstasy of divine vision. The book proceeds in two parts. The first part crafts a methodology. The second, longer part is an historical narrative of the development, definition, and diffusion of contemplative reading. The book adapts methodological insights from prior scholarship on the history of reading, including studies on early medieval lectio divina. Another methodological chapter undertakes a cautionary case study of the British Library manuscript collection and identifies how future scholarship can overcome cultural and racial prejudices which have sometimes obscured the history of Syriac monastic readers from view. The second half of the book employs this methodology to narrate the evolution of East Syrian contemplative reading over three historical phases: the establishment of the practice, the articulation of its theology, and the maturation and spread of the tradition. Individual chapters focus on the role of ascetic reading in the monastic reform of Abraham of Kashkar, the commentaries on Evagrius of Pontus written by Babai the Great, and the monastic handbooks of ʿEnanishoʿ of Adiabene and Dadishoʿ of Qatar. A concluding chapter points the way forward for further scholarship by noting the long legacy of East Syrian contemplative reading through its reception into Sogdian, Arabic, and Ethiopic monastic libraries. -pub
The study puts Evagrius's approach to reading front-and-center in the development of Syriac ascetic reading traditions, arguing that Evagrius's works were seen as the epitome of the Egyptian ascetic ideal. -jk | ||||
2022 | Outtier Géhin | L’Importante découverte de deux traités d’Évagre le Pontique sous le nom de Maxime le Confesseur en géorgien | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:outtier-géhin-2022 Outtier, Bernard and Géhin, Paul. “L’Importante découverte de deux traités d’Évagre le Pontique sous le nom de Maxime le Confesseur en géorgien.” Le Muséon 135 (2022): 393–416. During his research work on the heritage of Maximos the Confessor in Georgian literature, Ekvtime K'oč'lamazašvili has discovered and edited a strange text entitled "Answers of the holy Maximos the Confessor to questions of/from the priest Thalassios." This composition has nothing to do with the Quaestiones ad Thalassium by Maximos (CPG 7688). In fact it turned out to be the reunion of two works of Evagrius Ponticus: the De octo spiritibus malitiae (CPG 2451) and the Antirrheticus (CPG 2434). The article aims to draw specialists' attention to the importance of this discovery, for the diffusion of Evagrius' work in oriental languages, as well as for the history of translations from Greek into Georgian (the author of this editing seems to be Ekvtime Atoneli/Euthymios Hagiorites). The article seeks to analyse and translate the Letter-Peface, which is reported to be a Letter by Maximos to Thalassios, but in fact derives from three different sources: one Letter by Evagrius, one Cathechesis by Theodoros Stoudites, and the very Preface to the Antirrheticus (the Georgian editor had only identified the third element). -pub
Includes a French translation of the prefatory letter, and a side-by-side comparison (in French) with Letter 4, which begins the letter by pseudo-Maximus to Thalassios. Also includes the Greek fragment for letter 4 with French translation. Greek edition of CPG 2437 French translation of CPG 2437 | ||||
2022 | Bunge | «Évagre le sage»: L'image d'Evagre le Pontique dans l'histoire de l'eglise | book | ISBN 978-3-8306-8122-9 Bunge, Gabriel. «Évagre le sage»: L'image d'Evagre le Pontique dans l'histoire de l'eglise . Theologie der Spiritualität 11. Sankt Ottilien: Eos, 2022. In the present study, the author endeavors to traverse the testimonies of those who knew Evagrius Ponticus († 399) personally, then those of the authors of the 5th century until the second controversy in the first half of the 6th century, which represents a kind of watershed, and so on, until modern times. At the end of the 19th century Evagrius became a subject of scholarly studies. Only such a historical study is likely to clear old prejudices with a view to a dispassionate and studied analysis of doctrinal questions that trouble people's today but the ancients were manifestly ignorant of. -pub trans | ||||
2022 | Evagrius Ponticus Young Karapetian | Evagrius Letters in Armenian Translation | book |,2012:scriptum:young-karapetian-2021 ISBN 978-90-429-4701-6 Evagrius Ponticus. Evagrius Letters in Armenian Translation . Edited by Robin Darling Young and Hovsep Karapetian. Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 704. Louvain: Peeters, 2022. English translation of CPG 2437 Armenian edition of CPG 2437 | ||||
2022 | Zecher | Spiritual Direction as a Medical Art in Early Christian Monasticism | book | ISBN 978-0-19-885413-5 Zecher, Jonathan. Spiritual Direction as a Medical Art in Early Christian Monasticism . Oxford Early Christian Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. What expectations did the women and men living in early monastic communities carry into relationships of obedience and advice? What did they hope to achieve through confession and discipline? To explore these questions, this study shows how several early Christian writers applied the logic, knowledge, and practices of Galenic medicine to develop their own practices of spiritual direction. Evagrius reads dream images as diagnostic indicators of the soul's state. John Cassian crafts a nosology of the soul using lists of passions while diagnosing the causes of wet dreams. Basil of Caesarea pits the spiritual director against the physician in a competition over diagnostic expertise. John climacus crafts pathologies of passions through demonic family trees, while equipping his spiritual director with a physician's toolkit and imagining the monastic space as a vast clinic. These different appropriations of medical logic and metaphors not only show us the thought-world of late antique monasticism, but they would also have decisive consequences for generations of Christian subjects who would learn to see themselves as sick or well, patients or healers, within monastic communities. -pub | ||||
2022 | Poiani | Evagrius and Abraham of Nathpar: A Reaction to Some Recent Works | journalArticle | Poiani, Matteo. “Evagrius and Abraham of Nathpar: A Reaction to Some Recent Works.” Le Muséon 135, no. 1–2 (2022): 83–91. academia.eduThe pseudo-authority in the past is something that we should study better still today. In the case of Evagrius, many of his texts of his were attributed to Nil of Ancyra in the Greek tradition, but he was also the pseudo-authority for other authors in the Syriac tradition. In recent times, an article and a translation of Potrepticus and Paraeneticus show how far we are from the knowledge of the Syriac version of Evagrius and the Syriac monastic milieu of the late antiquity: the two works are attributed to Evagrius and not to Abraham of Nathpar, who is actually the real author. Even though scholars have explored the lack of secondary literature that delineates the wrong attribution, which in this case is important as the source itself, more study is needed in this area to correct some past errors. This short article would be a reassessment which corrects wrong attributions and suggests further studies on this particular relation between Evagrius and Abraham of Nathpar. -pub | ||||
2022 | Tkebuchava | წმ. ექვთიმე ათონელის მიერ თარგმნილი კომპილაციური შრომა „სწავლანი სულიერნი წმიდისა მაქსიმე აღმსარებელისანი“. “Spiritual Teachings of Saint Maximus the Confessor” – A Compilation Work Translated by Euthymius the Athonite | journalArticle | Tkebuchava, Lasha. “წმ. ექვთიმე ათონელის მიერ თარგმნილი კომპილაციური შრომა „სწავლანი სულიერნი წმიდისა მაქსიმე აღმსარებელისანი“. “Spiritual Teachings of Saint Maximus the Confessor” – A Compilation Work Translated by Euthymius the Athonite.” The Scroll, Ecclesiastical-Scientific Collection 9 (2022): 191–224. academia.eduThe present essay partially identifies the work, titled – “Spiritual Teachings”, translated by Saint Euthymius the Athonite.The author of the writing, consisting of one hundred teachings, is purported to be Saint Maximus the Confessor. As it has been discovered, the main part of the mentioned text contains qoutations from Evagrius Ponticus’s exhortatory writing Capita Paraenetica (CPG 6583a). In the Greek tradition of manuscript study, this work circulated with the authorship attributed to Saint Nilus of Sinai and Saint Hesychius of Jerusalem. In addition, the essay discusses “Teachings”, known as the writings of Saint Gregory of Nazianzus and Saint Basil the Great, which were also translated by Saint Euthymius the Athonite. While studying Pseudo-Basil’s “Teachings” (“On Prayer”), an interesting novelty was revealed, namely, it was discovered to be a compendium of the works of Evagrius Ponticus. As it has also been discovered, in the translations of Euthymius the Athonite, the works of Evagrius Ponticus are attributed to St. Basil the Great and St. Maximus the Confessor. -pub | ||||
2021 | Kaminis | The Path of Spiritual Ascent According to Evagrius Ponticus | thesis | Kaminis, Ioannis. “The Path of Spiritual Ascent According to Evagrius Ponticus.” thesis. Sofia University "St. Clement of Ohrid", 2021. This study thoroughly analyzes the theological method of Evagrius Ponticus, which elevates the human person to a higher spiritual state, bringing them closer to God. The focus of this work is to reconstruct and present the theology of Evagrius as a spiritual ascent to God. The division of this ascent into different stages, the aim of overcoming the passions, the struggle against demons, prayer as a dialogue with God, and the appearance of sapphire light in the mind are staples of Orthodox monastic theology, but they are introduced fully and for the first time in Evagrius’s theology. However, apart from the three different stages of spiritual ascent, Evagrius incorporates five different types of contemplation that lead from the material to the immaterial. In consequence, we believe that he is the first author to truly systematize the whole process of spiritual ascent to God, opening the way for other significant authors such as St. John of Climacus and St. Maximus the Confessor. Another interesting point analyzed in the current work is the influence of Plotinus on Evagrius’s teaching on the appearance of sapphire light (οἰκεῖον φέγγος) that has a direct relation to the attainment of impassibility (ἀπάθεια). | ||||
2021 | Evagrius Ponticus Rondeau Géhin Cassin | Scholies aux Psaumes II, Psaumes 71-150 | book |,2012:scriptum:rondeau-2021,2012:scriptum:rondeau-2021b ISBN 978-2-204-14205-2 Evagrius Ponticus. Scholies aux Psaumes II, Psaumes 71–150 . Edited by Marie-Josèphe Rondeau, Paul Géhin, and Matthieu Cassin. Sources chrétiennes 615. Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2021. Greek edition of CPG 2455 French translation of CPG 2455 | ||||
2021 | Evagrius Ponticus Rondeau Géhin Cassin | Scholies aux Psaumes I, Psaumes 1-70 | book |,2012:scriptum:rondeau-2021,2012:scriptum:rondeau-2021a ISBN 978-2-204-14186-4 Evagrius Ponticus. Scholies aux Psaumes I, Psaumes 1–70 . Edited by Marie-Josèphe Rondeau, Paul Géhin, and Matthieu Cassin. Sources chrétiennes 614. Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2021. Greek edition of CPG 2455 French translation of CPG 2455 | ||||
2021 | Bunge | Les enseignements d'Évagre: (Chapitres des disciples d'Évagre); Le missing link entre la première et la deuxième controverse origéniste | book | Bunge, Gabriel. Les enseignements d'Évagre: (Chapitres des disciples d'Évagre); Le missing link entre la première et la deuxième controverse origéniste . Rome and Sankt Ottilien: Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo and Editions Sankt Ottilien, 2021. | ||||
2021 | Buijkx | Beholding the Luminous Nous: Trinitarian and Demonic Light-Visions in Evagrius of Pontus’ Prayer Trilogy | book | ISBN 978-3-8306-7995-0 Buijkx, Thirza S. H. Beholding the Luminous Nous: Trinitarian and Demonic Light-Visions in Evagrius of Pontus’ Prayer Trilogy . Theologie der Spiritualität. Quellen und Studien 10. Sankt Ottilien: Editions Sankt Ottilien, 2021. eos-verlag.deIn a society increasingly bombarded by contrasting information, the question of how to interpret reality has become more and more important. This same question, though in a vastly different setting, also existed in the times of Evagrius of Pontus, a fourth-century desert father who was later condemned for his speculative teachings. In the writings of Evagrius, we see his profound fascination with the problem of delusion: of whether one’s experience or interpretation of reality can be trusted. This problem is at the heart of this study, where the author argues that Evagrius’ accounts of the vision of the light of the Holy Trinity cannot be properly understood without also taking into account his warnings against delusion. -pub | ||||
2021 | Podbielski | Evagrius of Pontus on corporeal reality: Taking the Stoics to the desert | journalArticle | Podbielski, Marcin. “Evagrius of Pontus on corporeal reality: Taking the Stoics to the desert.” “” (2021): 1–21. In this article, the issue of corporeal reality in Evagrius is discussed in abstraction – to the extent that this is possible – from its soteriological purpose. An analysis of Evagrius’ statements about corporeal reality reveals a world that cannot be known in itself, but which is established through a hierarchy of qualifications. Evagrius’ account of the elements and their features, of the relationship of qualities to matter, and of the process in which the intellect apprehends bodies, appears to be deeply indebted to the Stoic account of bodily reality. Evagrius differs, however, in that the corporeal reality he describes is inherently unknowable and lifeless. As he develops Stoic intuitions about the commanding faculty into a vision of an intellect holding within itself a model of its bearer’s body, and as he moves the logoi of judgement and providence outside of corporeal reality, the latter turns into a desert from which life and rationality are absent. An intellect, as a soul, is only liminally present in corporeal reality. Focused on itself, it becomes a subjectivity that only interacts with the external bodily world through a model of the latter that it constructs within the boundaries of the soul itself. | ||||
2021 | Bíblica (ReBiblica) Silva | O Evangelho de Bartolomeu: Uma luta espiritual como superação e temperança a partir de Evágrio Pôntico (The Gospel of Bartholomew: A Spiritual Struggle as Overcoming and Temperance from Evagrius Ponticus) | journalArticle | Bíblica (ReBiblica), Revista Brasileira de Interpretação and Silva, Roberto Marcelo da. “O Evangelho de Bartolomeu: Uma luta espiritual como superação e temperança a partir de Evágrio Pôntico (The Gospel of Bartholomew: A Spiritual Struggle as Overcoming and Temperance from Evagrius Ponticus).” Revista Brasileira de Interpretação Bíblica (ReBiblica) 2, no. 4 (2021): 343–368. academia.eduThe current research aims to present considerations on the apocryphal Gospel of Bartholomew as well as to make an approximation of the themes presented with the spiritual method of EvágriusPonticus. This approach has the perspective of accentuating the spiritual struggle in the search for the presence of God. The apocryphal text is the dialogue between Bartholomew and Belial/Satan that configures the need for a spiritual practice to face demonic powers. Bartholomew reactions to the enemy of men denote this process of overcoming and asceticism in search of the sacred. In a scheme of questions and answers, through the initiative of Bartholomew, Belial/Satan, the enemy of men, appears revealing the mysteries of hisfall before God. There is an analogy between the dialogue between Bartholomew and Belial/Satan in which, through the apostle reactions, when facing the enemy of men, we will be able to approach the method presented by EvágriusPonticus. Evágriuspresents a spiritual method in which it is possible to reach contemplation through ascesis. If demons (logismoi) act on ideas and on passions/emotions, according to Evágrius, we can see from Bartholomew reactions how much this process of overcoming and tempering became a characteristic of the apostle to attain apatheia. -pub | ||||
2021 | Miltenova | Once Again about the Multifold Slavonic Translations and their Context: On Prayer by Evagrius of Pontus (CPG 2452) | journalArticle | Miltenova, Anissava. “Once Again about the Multifold Slavonic Translations and their Context: On Prayer by Evagrius of Pontus (CPG 2452).” Studia Ceranea 11 (2021): 321–346. academia.eduThe article examines the history of the Slavic translations of the work On Prayer by Evagrios (Evagrius) of Pontus (CPG 2452). The witnesses are more than 35-in manuscripts of Russian, Serbian, Bulgarian and Moldavian-Wallachian provenance, from the 12 th to the 17 th century. Two translations are analysed, which are distributed in monastic collections compiled in different ways. The first of these can be situated in the context of the early parenetic literature of the First Bulgarian Kingdom (10 th c.), and the other is related to the literary tradition and ascetical practices of Hesychasm in the 14 th century. A version of the first translation, which appeared in the 14 th century in the Bulgarian milieu is also considered. The comparison of the language of the translations with their Greek original allows for extremely interesting observations on the translators' approaches. The reception of the text On Prayer is a key to understanding the processes that take place in the Slavic literature over a long period, characterized on the one hand by the continuity, and on the other by the introduction of new phenomena, both in the selection of vocabulary and in the compositions of the manuscripts as a whole. The history of the work On Prayer sheds light on the connections of the monastic centres on the Balkans, Russia, and Mount Athos. -pub | ||||
2021 | Tkebuchava | ევაგრე პონტოელის აპოფთეგმის ექვთიმე ათონელისეული თარგმანი. Euthymios the Hagiorite’s Translation of Evagrius Ponticus’ Apophthegmata | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:tkebuchava-2021b Tkebuchava, Lasha. “ევაგრე პონტოელის აპოფთეგმის ექვთიმე ათონელისეული თარგმანი. Euthymios the Hagiorite’s Translation of Evagrius Ponticus’ Apophthegmata.” Enriko Gabidzashvili 90 (2021): . academia.eduThe paper is a publication and study of Euthymios the Hagiorite’s translation of an apophthegm of the famous 4th-century ascetic monk Evagrius Ponticus’. The maxim is the 9th chapter of the Evagrius’ Rerum Monachalium Rationes (PG 40, col. 1261), which is also included in the alphabetic as well as systematic collection of the Apophthegmata Patrum. Euthymios’ translation of Evagrios’ sayings was discovered in the untitled teachings attributed to Basil the Great, where it is the last maxim (A-1101, 132v-134r; Jer. 14, 340v-342v). The same apophthegm was discovered in Theophilos the Hieromonk’s Georgian translation of the systematic Patericon, which, due to its editorial differences, is attributed to monk Amona. -pub Georgian edition of CPG 2441 | ||||
2021 | Tkebuchava | ევაგრე პონტოელის მე-4 ეპისტოლე და მისი წმ. ექვთიმე ათონელისეული თარგმანი. Evagrius Ponticus’s Fourth Epistle and Its Georgian Version Translated by Saint Euthymius the Athonite. | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:tkebuchava-2021a Tkebuchava, Lasha. “ევაგრე პონტოელის მე-4 ეპისტოლე და მისი წმ. ექვთიმე ათონელისეული თარგმანი. Evagrius Ponticus’s Fourth Epistle and Its Georgian Version Translated by Saint Euthymius the Athonite.” The Scroll, Ecclesiastical-Scientific Collection 8 (2021): . academia.eduThe present essay represents an analysis of the old Georgian translation of Evagrius Ponticus’s Fourth Epistle. The translated version belongs to Saint Euthymius the Athonite. The mentioned text in the Georgian translation is an introductory epistle to the ascetic work “Talking Back of Passions”, the latter known as belonging to Maximus the Confessor. The “Talking Back of Passions”, in turn, is a synthesis of Evagrius Ponticus’s “Antirrheticus” and “De octo spiritibus malitiae”. As is known, the Fourth Epistle was written as related to “Antirrheticus” and was its integral part before the loss of the Greek original of the monument. This fact is confirmed in the Georgian version of the text, but the difference it contains is that the work itself is attributed to Maximus the Confessor but Father Thalassius is named as its addressee. The Georgian translation of Evagrius’s Fourth Epistle is quite different from the original. In particular, Euthymius’s translation is compilated and extended. The fourth paragraph of the epistle is to be marked out as completely different from the one in the original. It has been proved that this different section represents a fragment of Saint Theodore Studite’s Fifty-sixth Catechesis (Catechesis LVI). The same fragment was also found in “The Life of Theodore of Edessa”. The interpolations in “The Life of Theodore of Edessa” gives us an interesting picture and leads us to the conclusion that it must have been compiled by Euthymius the Athonite and includes “The Martyrdom of Michael of the Monastery of Saint Sabbas the Sanctified”, translated from Georgian into Greek by Euthymius, as well as the fragment from Theodore the Studite’s Catechesis LVI, Michael Syncellus’s “Creed” and anathemas, which are also found as incorporated sections in the Georgian translations executed by Euthymius (“The Hodegos”, “The Life of Saint Maximus the Confessor“ and “Talking Back of Passions”). -pub Georgian edition of CPG 2437 | ||||
2021 | Pirtea | Astral Ensoulment and Astral Signifiers in Sixth-Century Readings of Origen and Evagrius: Justinian’s Anathemas, Sergius of Rešʿaynā, John Philoponus | journalArticle | Pirtea, Adrian C. “Astral Ensoulment and Astral Signifiers in Sixth-Century Readings of Origen and Evagrius: Justinian’s Anathemas, Sergius of Rešʿaynā, John Philoponus.” “” (2021): 483. In 543 and 553, two church councils initiated by Justinian condemned Origen's belief that stars possess rational souls. In this article, I place Justinian's anathemas in the wider context of sixth-century debates on Biblical cosmology and on the validity of astral sciences. In the first part, I review the arguments for and against astral ensoulment and astral signification in Origen, Evagrius, and other Christian and Neoplatonic authors. The second part consists of an in-depth reading of two sixth-century Christian authors who reacted differently to Origen's ideas: Sergius of Rešʿaynā (d. 536) and John Philoponus (d. ca. 570). While Sergius endorses and expands on the Origenian view by integrating Evagrian and Neoplatonic elements, I argue that John Philoponus constructs his arguments not only in opposition to Origen, but specifically as a reaction to the Origenist-Evagrian line of interpretation represented by Sergius. Finally, I offer a few examples of how Sergius' and Philoponus' divergent readings of Origen can contribute to a better understanding of later debates on similar issues in Byzantium and the Islamic world. -pub | ||||
2020 | Mutalâp | Redacția scurtă a unei scrieri ascetico-mistice atribuite lui Evagrie ponticul în literatura română veche [II] | journalArticle | Mutalâp, Daniar. “Redacția scurtă a unei scrieri ascetico-mistice atribuite lui Evagrie ponticul în literatura română veche [II].” “” (2020): 461–474. The article deals with the circulation of an ascetico-mystical text attributed to Evagrius Ponitcus in the old Romanian manuscripts dating from the middle of the 17th century to the end of the 18th century. Translated from Slavonic, the text is part of the Skete Patericon and it represents one of the sources of a writing which will be atrributed to Evagrius in the Abridged Life of Saints (the Prologue). Even though it is addressed to hermits, the ascetical text is copied and read by both monks and laymen, formally resembling the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete and other ascetical writings, such as the Laments of Abba Isaiah, the spuria chapter 29 of his Asketikon. -pub | ||||
2020 | Mutalâp | Redacţia scurtă a unei scrieri ascetico-mistice atribuite lui Evagrie ponticul în literatura română veche [I] | journalArticle | Mutalâp, Daniar. “Redacţia scurtă a unei scrieri ascetico-mistice atribuite lui Evagrie ponticul în literatura română veche [I].” Limba Română 69, no. 1 (2020): 31–48. | ||||
2020 | Vârlan | Din memoria istoriei: Evagrie ponticul și opera sa în preocupările patriarhului Iustin Moisescu | journalArticle | Vârlan, Florin. “Din memoria istoriei: Evagrie ponticul și opera sa în preocupările patriarhului Iustin Moisescu.” “” (2020): 73–79. The year 2019 was dedicated to paying homage to one of the foremost servants of the Romanian Orthodox Church – patriarch Iustin Moisescu. This was a good opportunity for us to bring back to light writings which relate to his preoccupations with the teachings of the Church Fathers. These preoccupations originate as early as the time of the courses attended in the “Miron Patriarhul” Seminary in Câmpulung Muscel, which he graduates as valedictorian, followed by the Faculty of Theology in Athens, where he goes for four years, between October 1930 and July 1934. Following this fruitful period, he prepares his doctoral thesis entitled “Evagrius Ponticus. Life, Writings and Teachings” which he presents in 1937 in Athens, under the guidance of the distinguished Greek patrologist Dimitrios Balanos. This paper was graded as exceptional. -pub | ||||
2020 | Corbu | Evagrius of Pontus, Guide to the Divine Light | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:corbu-2020b Corbu, Agapie. “Evagrius of Pontus, Guide to the Divine Light.” St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 64, no. 3–4 (2020): 129–155. | ||||
2020 | Capete filocalice | book |,2012:scriptum:corbu-2020 Capete filocalice . Translated by Agapie Corbu. Arad: Sfântul Nectarie, 2020. academia.eduGreek edition of CPG 2483 Romanian translation of CPG 2483 | |||||
2020 | Tobon | Apatheia and Anthropology in Evagrius of Pontus: Restoring the Image of God | book |,2012:scriptum:tobon-2020 Tobon, Monica. Apatheia and Anthropology in Evagrius of Pontus: Restoring the Image of God . [n.p.]: Routledge, 2020. | ||||
2020 | Brouria Hoffmann Timotin | The Poetic Performance of the Praying-Mind: Evagrius Ponticus’ Theory of Prayer and Its Legacy in Syriac Christianity | bookSection | Brouria, Ashkelony. “The Poetic Performance of the Praying-Mind: Evagrius Ponticus’ Theory of Prayer and Its Legacy in Syriac Christianity.” In Théories et pratiques de la prière à la fin de l’antiquité . Edited by Philippe Hoffmann and Andrei Timotin, pp. 327–344. Turnhout: Brepols, 2020. academia.eduAfter tracing the innovative aspect of Evagrius’ conception of pure prayer – in which the mind, that is, the center of the self, is the element that prays – this essay highlights the transposition of this theory into Syriac Christianity. Through the writings of Isaac of Nineveh and Joseph Hazzaya, we witness the fusing of the Evagrian theory with Syriac indigenous concepts. The Syriac authors melded this theory of prayer with their emphasis on the experience of prayer, discerning it through the stirrings, the movements of the soul and the mind. The stirrings of the mind appear as a key component in the introvertive performance of pure prayer, all the while refecting a radical change in the discourse on prayer in late antique Eastern Christianity. -pub | ||||
2020 | Nichols | Reassessing the Tradition of the Fathers in John Cassian and Evagrius Ponticus | thesis | Nichols, Andrew. “Reassessing the Tradition of the Fathers in John Cassian and Evagrius Ponticus.” thesis. Lincoln Christian Seminary, 2020. In this work I trace the relationship between John Cassian and Evagrius in scholarship and offer an alternative to the uncontested consensus. Rather than saying that their parallels are evidence of influence, I argue that the parallels are evidence of similar sources. -pub | ||||
2020 | Tkebuchava | ევაგრე პონტოელის შრომა „ბოროტების რვა სულის შესახებ“ და მისი წმ. ექვთიმე ათონელისეული თარგმანი. The Treatise of Evagrius Ponticus "On the Eight Evil Spirits" and Its Translation Made by St. Euthymius the Athonite. | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:tkebuchava-2020b Tkebuchava, Lasha. “ევაგრე პონტოელის შრომა „ბოროტების რვა სულის შესახებ“ და მისი წმ. ექვთიმე ათონელისეული თარგმანი. The Treatise of Evagrius Ponticus "On the Eight Evil Spirits" and Its Translation Made by St. Euthymius the Athonite.” Theological-Scientific Works (Tbilisi) 10–11 (2020): 183–264. academia.eduThe hereby Paper considers the work by Evagrius Ponticus “De octo spiritibus malitiae” and its translation by Euthymius the Athonite. The novel is considered to belong to St. Maximus the Confessor in Georgian theological scripts and is revealed as part of the “Talking Back of Passions”. The hereof ascetic monument (Talking Back of Passions) is the ascetic guideline consisting of "Antirrheticus" by Evagrius Ponticus (IV century) and his “De octo spiritibus malitiae”. The Georgian fragments of the works by Evagrius Ponticus with the ancient pre-Athonian translation (Sin. 35, 907) exist, including the first two chapters of “De octo spiritibus malitiae” (De gula and De luxuria). The Greek original of the novel itself is known with the extended (B) and brief (A) versions. As it is revealed, both Georgian translations in editorial terms (pre-Athonian and by Euthymius the Athonite) follow the extended (B) version of the Greek text. At that, the translation by Euthymius the Athonite reveals particular proximity to the Athonian manuscript Lavra Γ 93 dated with the XI century. -pub Georgian edition of CPG 2451 | ||||
2020 | Tkebuchava | ევაგრე პონტოელის „ანტირეტიკოსი“ და მისი წმ. ექვთიმე ათონელისეული თარგმანი. "Antirrheticus" of Evagrius Ponticus and Its Translated Version by St. Euthymius the Athonite. | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:tkebuchava-2020a Tkebuchava, Lasha. “ევაგრე პონტოელის „ანტირეტიკოსი“ და მისი წმ. ექვთიმე ათონელისეული თარგმანი. "Antirrheticus" of Evagrius Ponticus and Its Translated Version by St. Euthymius the Athonite.” The Scroll, Ecclesiastical-Scientific Collection 7 (2020): 167–196. academia.eduThe present work examines Euthymius the Athonite’s translation of Evagrius Ponticus’ writing “Antirrheticus” and its relation to the Armenian-Syrian versions of the work. The Armenian and Syrian translations are editorially close to each other, of which the Armenian is relatively extensive - therefore should be closer to the lost Greek original. The Georgian translation is a clearly different edition, which differs from the Armenian-Syrian versions by the length of the text. In addition, in Euthymius’ translation, it is not Evagrius Ponticus but St. Maxime the Confessor named as the author of the text. For indicative purposes, the biblical citations found in all three versions of “Antirrheticus” and their interrelationships are presented in parallel columns in the form of a table, according to chapters of discourse. -pub Georgian edition of CPG 2434 | ||||
2019 | K'oč'lamazašvili | Evagre Pontoelis Antirrhetikos - is żveli kʻartʻuli tʻargmani / The Old Georgian Version of <i>Antirrhetikos</i> | book |,2012:scriptum:kochlamazashvili-2019 ISBN 978-9941-468-83-4 K'oč'lamazašvili, Ekʻvtʻime. Evagre Pontoelis Antirrhetikos - is żveli kʻartʻuli tʻargmani / The Old Georgian Version of Antirrhetikos . Tbilisi: Logosi, 2019. | ||||
2019 | K'oč'lamazašvili | The Old Georgian Version of <i>Antirrhetikos</i> by Evagrius Ponticus and Its Relation with the Syriac Version | journalArticle | K'oč'lamazašvili, Ekʻvtʻime. “The Old Georgian Version of Antirrhetikos by Evagrius Ponticus and Its Relation with the Syriac Version.” Adamantius 25 (2019): 445–451. | ||||
2019 | Tobon | Rethinking Evagrius' Christology | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:tobon-2013a Tobon, Monica. “Rethinking Evagrius' Christology.” Studia Patristica 112 (2019): . Evagrius’ Christology is widely considered unorthodox by the standards of his own day. Reading the Kephalaia Gnostika from the perspective of the anathemas associated with his condemnation, Antoine Guillaumont argued that for him the subject of the Incarnation is not the Logos but a created nous united to the Logos. He found support for this view in Evagrius’ use of formulae distinguishing Christ from the Logos. Although Guillaumont’s hermeneutic has been critiqued, his conclusions have been widely upheld. The present article argues that Evagrius did not subscribe to pre-existence as traditionally but questionably imputed to Origen. His distinction between primary and secondary natures refers to our first and last state and our present state respectively. The nous in the primary nature is our essential being in God, bearing his image, unified in itself and united to God, and pre-existing our fallen condition. The primary nature is compresent with the secondary nature and accessible in the present life. For Christ to be fully human his creaturely nature must encompass both the primary and secondary natures such that the core of the human nature assumed by the Logos is a nous in the primary nature. Once this is clarified, there is less rea son to take Evagrius’ Christ-Logos formulae as statements of a dualistic Christology, and Evagrius’ warning against Christological dualism and affirmation that the Logos became flesh and God human point to the need to seek an alternative reading. I propose one, and conclude that Evagrius’ Christology was orthodox by the standards of Constantinople 1. -pub | ||||
2019 | Aimilianos | Despre rugăciune: Tâlcuire la Avva Evagrie | book |,2012:scriptum:aemilianos-2019 Aimilianos, Elder. Despre rugăciune: Tâlcuire la Avva Evagrie . Translated by Agapie Corbu. Arad: Sfântul Nectarie, 2019. Romanian translation of CPG 2452 | ||||
2019 | Stadel | Prayer without Anger and Sadness: The Syriac Adaptation of Evagrius' Chapters on Prayer | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:stadel-2019 Stadel, Seth M. “Prayer without Anger and Sadness: The Syriac Adaptation of Evagrius' Chapters on Prayer.” Parole de l'Orient 45 (2019): 341–362. academia.eduStudy of the Syriac version of the Chapters on Prayer, which consists of the first 35 chapters, roughly corresponding to Prayer 1-32. Includes a table of correspondence between Syriac and Greek chapters, and concludes with an English translation of the text. -jk English translation of CPG 2452 | ||||
2019 | Godo | Conversation avenue de France, Paris 13e, entre Michel Houellebecq, écrivain et Évagre le Pontique, moine du désert | book | ISBN 978-2-204-13243-5 Godo, Emmanuel. Conversation avenue de France, Paris 13e, entre Michel Houellebecq, écrivain et Évagre le Pontique, moine du désert . Paris: Les éditions du Cerf, 2019. | ||||
2019 | Gerdon | Friendship and Knowledge in Evagrius of Pontus | journalArticle | Gerdon, Ian. “Friendship and Knowledge in Evagrius of Pontus.” Cistercian Studies Quarterly 54, no. 4 (2019): 363–380. academia.eduAn examination of Evagrius’s discussions of friendship in the Scholia on Proverbs ofers at least two rewards. First, it will fll in a gap in the history of ancient Christian friendship, perhaps drawing a link between Nazianzen and Cassian. Second, it will expand our understanding of Evagrian thought by giving attention to his exegetical works. My attention in this article will be primarily on the latter. I will argue that Evagrius’s discussion of friendship in the Scholia on Proverbs shifs our understanding of his theology by connecting friendship to his ascetic trajectory, thereby giving the whole trajectory a relational tone that is present but muted in his other works. Direct engagement with Scripture allows him to bring to the fore themes that might otherwise pass unnoticed. -pub | ||||
2019 | White | Evagrius of Pontus on Exodus and the Virtues | journalArticle | White, Devin. “Evagrius of Pontus on Exodus and the Virtues.” Vigiliae Christianae 73, no. 5 (2019): 516–530. In On Prayer 1-4, Evagrius of Pontus reads the incense described in Exodus 30:34-37 as an allegorical type of the four cardinal virtues. This essay explains the logic of Evagrius's interpretation, situating his argument in a longstanding philosophical debate about the interrelationship of the virtues. By reading the incense as virtue, Evagrius joins both Gregory of Nazianzus and Gregory of Nyssa in interpreting Exodus as a source for virtue theory, as well as several ancient philosophers who explained the virtues and their interrelation by comparing them to physical substances combined in a mixture. Central to Evagrius's argument is the compound ancient philosophers called a "juxtaposition" (σύνθεσις), the use of which term shows Evagrius's knowledge of a well-attested hexaplaric variant in Exod 30:35. In sum, authorized by his text of Exodus, Evagrius suggests the virtues relate to each other in the same fashion that the ingredients of a σύνθεσις relate to each other. -pub | ||||
2019 | Aijian | Fleeing the Stadium: Recovering the Conceptual Unity of Evagrius’ Acedia | journalArticle | Aijian, Janelle. “Fleeing the Stadium: Recovering the Conceptual Unity of Evagrius’ Acedia.” The Heythrop Journal 00 (2019): 1–14. academia.eduThe definition of acedia presents unique conceptual problems among the eight Evagrian logismoi. Its descriptions are so complex and varied as to render the concept seemingly incoherent. This article argues that the conceptual unity of acedia has been obscured by the translation of Evagrian logismoi into the 'deadly sins' tradition, resulting in a category error. Acedia is more properly understood, not as a psychological state or a sin, but rather as an array of demonic temptations with the unifying end-goal of interrupting the anchoritic ideal of sustained contemplation. | ||||
2019 | Pirtea Pavlos Janby Emilsson Tollefsen | The Origin of Passions in Neoplatonic and Early Christian Thought: Porphyry of Tyre and Evagrius Ponticus | bookSection | Pirtea, Adrian C. “The Origin of Passions in Neoplatonic and Early Christian Thought: Porphyry of Tyre and Evagrius Ponticus.” In Platonism and Christianity in Late Antiquity . Edited by Panagiotis Pavlos, Lars Janby, Eyólfur Emilsson, and Torstein Tollefsen, pp. 258–274. London: Routledge, 2019. academia.eduThis chapter explores the connections between Porphyry of Tyre’s (d.305 CE) philosophical ethics and the ascetic theology of Evagrius Ponticus (d.399 CE). The main foci of this comparison are Porphyry’s and Evagrius’ theories of the soul’s passions (pathē) and the attempt of the two authors to trace back the origins of passions to the interaction between embodied souls and the realm of sensibles. Through a close reading of several key passages in their writings, Pirtea argues that both Porphyry and Evagrius reconstruct a similar “causal chain” in order to explain the emergence of human passions. On the basis of Plato’s and Aristotle’s psychology, Porphyry and Evagrius link the appearance of passions to the pleasure and pain experienced in the act of sense-perception and to the memories, desires, and opinions arising from those experiences. Pirtea further argues that Evagrius’ ideal of reaching a state of “freedom from passion” (apatheia) - long believed to be a token of Stoic influence - is in many respects a reflection of the discussions concerning apatheia in Plotinus’ Enneads and in Porphyry’s Sententiae and De abstinentia. Moreover, in describing the aim of the ascetic as a life “according to the intellect,” Evagrius even adopts Porphyry’s phraseology. The close parallels between Porphyry and Evagrius discussed in this chapter therefore challenge the prevalent theory of an alleged Stoic background for Evagrius’ teachings and provide a new perspective on the relationship between Late Antique Platonism and Early Christian asceticism. -pub | ||||
2019 | Alciati | Akēdia: The Black Beast of the Ascetic in Evagrius of Pontus, Jerome and Cassian (2019) | journalArticle | Alciati, Roberto. “Akēdia: The Black Beast of the Ascetic in Evagrius of Pontus, Jerome and Cassian (2019).” Vetera Christianorum 56 (2019): . academia.eduScopo principale di questo saggio è descrivere ciò che dicono Evagrio Pontico, Cassiano e Girolamo a proposito dell’akēdia/acedia e dei suoi effetti sulla forma di vita ascetica. Tutti e tre sembrano condividere la stessa preoccupazione: l’akēdia/acedia non è semplicemente un vizio o un cattivo pensiero, e ancor meno un brutto scherzo giocato da qualche demone. Essa il solo state of mind capace di frustrare anni di esercizi ascetici e di far cadere l’asceta nella condizione che la nostra società contemporanea chiama abitualmente depressione. -pub | ||||
2019 | Tkebuchava | წმინდა მაქსიმე აღმსარებლის სახელით ცნობილი ასკეტური ძეგლი „სიტყჳსგებისათჳს ვნებათაჲსა“ და მისი ექვთიმე ათონელისეული თარგმანი. Ascetic Text „Talking Back to Passions“ Attributed to St Maximus the Confessor and its Translation by Euthymius the Hagiorite. | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:tkebuchava-2019 Tkebuchava, Lasha. “წმინდა მაქსიმე აღმსარებლის სახელით ცნობილი ასკეტური ძეგლი „სიტყჳსგებისათჳს ვნებათაჲსა“ და მისი ექვთიმე ათონელისეული თარგმანი. Ascetic Text „Talking Back to Passions“ Attributed to St Maximus the Confessor and its Translation by Euthymius the Hagiorite.” Mravaltavi, Philological and Historical Researches (2019): 127–138. academia.eduThe present paper discusses the question of authorship of an ascetic text 'Talking Back of Passions' translated by Euthymius Hagiorites. According to the ancient Georgian manuscripts, the author of the text is Maximus the Confessor and the addressee is Father Thalassius. According to Euthymius’ translation, the text is the second work sent to Thalassius, which was requested by Thalassius himself from the Maximus, already after he had received one text – ‘Quaestiones ad Thalassium’. George Hagiorites too in the index of Euthymius’ translations attributes the text to Maximus the Confessor. This text attributed to Maximus the Confessor in ancient Georgian ecclesiastical writings is not attested in Greek sources. The present paper presents evidence in favour of the view that the text in question represents a manual describing ethical-moral and ascetic life-style compiled from two works 'Antirrheticus' and 'De octo spiritibus malitiae' by the 4th century famous ascetic Evagrius Ponticus. It is possible that Euthymius Hagiorites possessed the original Greek manuscript which already had Maximus the Confessor mentioned as the author of the text. It could also be suggested that Euthymius Hagiorites himself attributed the text to Maximus the Confessor, since the Origenist Evagrius Ponticus had already been anathematized. -pub | ||||
2018 | Bunge | Évagre le Pontique fut-il un condisciple de saint Jean Chrysosotome? | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bunge-2018 Bunge, Gabriel. “Évagre le Pontique fut-il un condisciple de saint Jean Chrysosotome?.” Irénikon 2018, no. 2–3 (2018): 163–183, 323–345. The writings of Evagrius Ponticus (ca 354-399), a disciple of both Basil the Great and Gregory of Nazianzus, testify to the high culture, not only theological but also philosophical and rhetorical, of their author. Until now, it was unknown where and by whom Evagrius had acquired this intellectual education, since his disciple and biographer Palladius does not breathe a word about it. A contextual reading, however, of a passage by the historian Socrates of Constantinople leads the author of this paper to the conclusion that a certain "Evagrius", who together with John Chrysostom attended in Antioch the classes of the rhetorician Libanios and the philosopher Andragathios, can be no other than Evagrius Ponticus. If so, many of the details of the first Origenist controversy, in which John Chrysostom was involved in spite of himself, light up. The same can be said about the fate of the personal disciples of Evagrius, Palladius of Galatia and Heraclides of Cyprus, who both were consecrated bishop by John Chrysostom. -pub | ||||
2018 | Muehlberger Larsen Rubenson | Affecting Rhetoric: The Adoption of Ethopoeia in Evagrius of Pontus’ Ascetic Program | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:muehlberger-2018 Muehlberger, Ellen. “Affecting Rhetoric: The Adoption of Ethopoeia in Evagrius of Pontus’ Ascetic Program.” In Monastic Education in Late Antiquity: The Transformation of Classical 'Paideia' . Edited by Lillian Larsen and Samuel Rubenson, pp. 182–94. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018. Muelhberger's chapter is one in a volume dedicated to the presence of classical forms of paideia in the monastic world of late antiquity. Her own contribution is a study of ethopoeia in two texts of Evagrius' that have been lost in Greek but preserved in Syriac translation: the Protrepticus and the Paraeneticus. As attested in surviving educational handbooks of the period, Ethopoeia was a standard part of rhetorical education, in which one would compose a speech in the person of some character, such as Heracles, in his/her particular situation in a story or fable. The situations were typically difficult, so that the exercise forced the author to encounter and speak out of a situation laden with pathos. In each of the texts just mentioned, Evagrius engages in the same exercise, only with characters from the Bible. The author takes this fact as more evidence of the co-extensive nature of Christian and Hellenistic education in this period. Evagrius is only one notable example of monastic authors who appropriated Hellenistic educational techniques to find their way in a growing ascetic landscape. -CSV | ||||
2018 | Joest | Die arithmetische Feinstruktur im Traktat <i>De oratione</i> des Evagrios Pontikos | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:joest-2018 Joest, Christoph. “Die arithmetische Feinstruktur im Traktat De oratione des Evagrios Pontikos.” Vigiliae Christianae 72, no. 2018 (2018): 21–40. "In the introduction to his tractate De oratione Evagrios Pontikos speaks of figures" "that are “triangles”, “squares”, and even “spheres”. These remarks are less cryptic if one regards the numerical systems used in late antiquity. However, they may hint at a hidden structure within De oratione. Selecting all chapters whose numbers are “triangles”, or “squares” respectively, etc., we find chains of sayings which follow certain themes woven into the “fabric” of the tractate. This discovery reveals again Evagrios as the "master of literary composition." -pub | ||||
2018 | Graiver | Possible Selves in Late Antiquity: Ideal Selfhood and Embodied Selves in Evagrian Anthropology * | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:graiver-2018 Graiver, Inbar. “Possible Selves in Late Antiquity: Ideal Selfhood and Embodied Selves in Evagrian Anthropology *.” “” (2018): 59–89. In social psychology an ideal self is understood as a psychological component of the self that serves as the core mechanism for self-regulation and motivation. According to the theory of Possible Selves put forward by psychologists Hazel Markus and Paula Nurius, the self is a collection of schemas or possible selves, which represent individuals' ideas of what they might become, what they would like to become, and what they are afraid of becoming. According to this prominent model, people evaluate their current selves with reference to possible selves. The latter function as incentives for behavior by providing a conceptual link between cognition and motivation. This article considers the intellectual background that gave rise to this double view of selfhood and examines the ideal self model prescribed by the Alexandrian theologians and their followers. The identification of the self is tied to value judgments, namely, to what one believes to express oneself best, be that cognition, desire, moral choices or personality. -pub | ||||
2018 | Davis Bertaina Keating Swanson Treiger | Evagrius Ponticus at the Monastery of the Syrians: Newly Documented Evidence for an Arabic Reception History | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:davis-2018 Davis, Stephen J. “Evagrius Ponticus at the Monastery of the Syrians: Newly Documented Evidence for an Arabic Reception History.” In Heirs of the Apostles: The Story of Arabic Christianity . Edited by D. Bertaina, S. Keating, M. N. Swanson, and A. Treiger, pp. 347–92. Leiden: Brill, 2018. [I survey] the Dayr al-Suryān collection as evidence for the Christian Arabic reception of Evagrius Ponticus and will raise questions about the indirect transmission of Origen’s thought into that language. In the process, I will report on my discovery of two previously undocumented manuscripts at the Monastery of the Syrians containing the only complete, currently extant Arabic copies of Evagrius’ Kephalaia Gnostika. -pub | ||||
2018 | Knežević | U Origenovu obranu: Povijesno-teološke karakteristike origenizma Evagrija Pontskog (In Defence of Origen: The Historical‑Theological Characteristics of Origenism of Evagrius Ponticus) | journalArticle | Knežević, Josip. “U Origenovu obranu: Povijesno-teološke karakteristike origenizma Evagrija Pontskog (In Defence of Origen: The Historical‑Theological Characteristics of Origenism of Evagrius Ponticus).” Bogoslovska smotra 88, no. 4 (2018): 987–1009. academia.eduRad je podijeljen u četiri cjeline. U prvoj cjelini, u kojoj se govori o prvoj origenističkoj kontroverziji, autor predstavlja pojam i fenomen origenizma kao takvog te prvu origenističku kontroverziju u svrhu što boljeg upoznavanja nauka Evagrija Pontskog. Taj nauk autor u drugoj cjelini predstavlja kao Evagrijevo shvaćanje origenizma, stavljajući ga u povijesno‑teološki okvir. Zadnje dvije cjeline, koje govore o drugoj origenističkoj kontroverziji te o Origenovoj obrani, zapravo predstavljaju središnji dio članka, odnosno jedan oblik »obrane« Origena, nastojeći prikazati kako je na određen način Origenova osuda u VI. stoljeću na Petome ekumenskom koncilu u Carigradu 553. godine bila plod političko‑religijskog djelovanja u vrijeme cara Justinijana, ali donekle i nedovoljnog shvaćanja problematike kod palestinskih monaha, poglavito kod grupe takozvanih isokrista.
The article is divided into four units. Within the context of the first Origenistic controversy, the first unit discusses the notion and phenomenon of Origenism as such and the first Origenistic controversy insofar as it is helpful for the understanding of the teaching of Evagrius Ponticus. The author presents Evagrius’ teaching second unit as his view of Origenism by putting his teaching in a historical‑theological framework. The last two units discuss the second Origenist controversy and Origen’s defence and constitute the core of the article, as a form of »defence« of Origen. These try to show how in a certain way Origen’s condemnation in the sixth century at the Fifth Ecumenical Council in Constantinople (553) was the fruit of the political-religious activity at the time of Emperor Justinian and of a lack of understanding of the problem by Palestinian monks, especially by the group of so-called Isochrists. -pub | ||||
2017 | Ramelli Tarrant Layne Baltzly Renaud | Origen to Evagrius | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:ramelli-2017 Ramelli, Ilaria L. E. “Origen to Evagrius.” In Brill's Companion to the Reception of Plato in Antiquity . Edited by Harold Tarrant, Danielle A. Layne, Dirk Baltzly, and François Renaud, pp. 271–291. Brill's companions to classical reception 13. Boston: Brill, 2017. | ||||
2017 | Evagrius Ponticus Géhin | Chapitres sur la prière | book |,2012:scriptum:géhin-2017 ISBN 978-2-204-12207-8 Evagrius Ponticus. Chapitres sur la prière . Edited by Paul Géhin. Sources chrétiennes 589. Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2017. Greek edition of CPG 2452 French translation of CPG 2452 | ||||
2017 | Evagrius Ponticus Muehlberger | Evagrius of Pontus, <i>Paraeneticus</i> | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:muehlberger-2017b Evagrius Ponticus. “Evagrius of Pontus, Paraeneticus.” In The Cambridge Edition of Early Christian Writings, vol. 2, Practice . Edited by Ellen Muehlberger, pp. 80–85. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. English translation of CPG 2440 | ||||
2017 | Evagrius Ponticus Muehlberger | Evagrius of Pontus, <i>Protrepticus</i> | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:muehlberger-2017a Evagrius Ponticus. “Evagrius of Pontus, Protrepticus.” In The Cambridge Edition of Early Christian Writings, vol. 2, Practice . Edited by Ellen Muehlberger, pp. 75–79. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. English translation of CPG 2440 | ||||
2017 | Evagrius Ponticus Fogielman | A Euloge: Les vices opposés aux vertus | book |,2012:scriptum:fogielman-2018 ISBN 978-2-204-12617-5 Evagrius Ponticus. A Euloge: Les vices opposés aux vertus . Edited by Charles-Antoine Fogielman. Sources Chrétiennes 591. Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2017. | ||||
2017 | Evagrius Ponticus | Scolii la Pilde şi Ecclesiast | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-corbu-2017 Evagrius Ponticus. Scolii la Pilde şi Ecclesiast . Translated by Agapie Corbu. Bucurest: IBMO, 2017. academia.eduRomanian translation of CPG 2458.4 CPG 2458.5 | ||||
2017 | Tobon | Two Poor Ones in the Desert: Vestiges of Evagrius in Bonaventure's Itinerarium | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:tobon-2017 Tobon, Monica. “Two Poor Ones in the Desert: Vestiges of Evagrius in Bonaventure's Itinerarium.” Studii Franciscane: Revista Institutuli Teologic Romano-Catolic Franciscan 17 (2017): 95–105. academia.eduBonaventure introduces his Journey of the Mind into God as 'the speculation of a poor one in the desert'. His 'desert' is spiritual rather than physical, but his use of Dionysius links the main contours of his 'speculation' to the thought of the fourth century desert monk Evagrius. Even where material influence can be ruled out these two 'poor ones in the desert' are to be found thinking alike. A creative misreading of Dionysius by Bonaventure inspired by his Augustinian perspective makes the thirteenth century Franciscan in some ways a more faithful interpreter of Evagrius than the sixth century monk. This paper traces the vestiges of Evagrius in relation to the threefold way, the graded contemplative ascent, interior illumination, the apex mentis as the place of encounter with God, and the climax of the ascent in a love beyond words and intellection, and shows how Bonaventure forges elements from Gregory of Nyssa, Evagrius, Augustine, and Dionysius into an authentically Franciscan synthesis. -pub | ||||
2017 | Peretó Rivas | Dreams in Evagrius Ponticus' Life and Teaching | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:peretó-rivas-2017 Peretó Rivas, Rubén. “Dreams in Evagrius Ponticus' Life and Teaching.” Vox Patrum 37 (2017): 523–542. academia.eduThere are few late antiquity authors who pay more attention than Evagrius to dreams. For him, visions and dreams are not a way to prophesy the future or tokeep in contact with the dead. They are basically a way to know oneself and the state of one's own spiritual life. After contextualizing the theories on dreams in themost significant authors of that period, I discuss the place that visions and dreams occupied in the Evagrian corpus, describing their mechanisms as a complex operationbetween passions, memory and the influence of demons. -pub | ||||
2017 | Rozumna | "Be Angry and Do Not Sin": Human Anger in Evagrius of Pontus and Gregory of Nyssa | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:rozumna-2017 Rozumna, Yulia. “"Be Angry and Do Not Sin": Human Anger in Evagrius of Pontus and Gregory of Nyssa.” Studia Patristica 82 (2017): . academia.eduThe very presence of this verse, Psalm 4:5, posed a difficulty for Evagrius of Pontus and Gregory of Nyssa: how can divine authority order us to be angry when anger is obviously a destructive emotion? How could God, who is all Goodness, make creatures with such a harmful capacity?
Firstly, in this paper my focus will be on the two theologians’ explanations of the possibility of the righteous human anger. Secondly, I will examine how two theologians regarded the origin of anger as a natural capacity of the soul, and how they explained its existence in relation to the presence of evil.
I shall argue that although Evagrius and Gregory lived in the same period of time, and met at the Council of Constantinople in 381 and were both influenced by ancient philosophy and Origen, their views on human nature are quite different. In my view, this difference can be explained by different contexts: life in the desert and in the city, and by different audiences: treatises addressed to monks and to heretics or to seculars. However, they agreed that the original goodness of anger can be restored when the irascible part of the soul, which is responsible for its production, was subjected to reason. -pub | ||||
2017 | Ekman | ‘Natural Contemplation’ in Evagrius Ponticus’ Scholia on Proverbs | journalArticle | Ekman, Benjamin. “‘Natural Contemplation’ in Evagrius Ponticus’ Scholia on Proverbs.” Studia Patristica 95 (2017): 431–439. academia.eduEvagrius assigns to natural contemplation, phusikē theōria, a central place in his account of the monastic spiritual life. Despite this there is still a great deal lacking in our understanding of the theoretical framework and practice of this article I claim that this approach needs to be replaced with a more careful attention to the styles of thought, the genres, literary habits and philosophical framework in which he frames phusikē theōria. Through an analysis of the first five scholia on Proverbs I suggest that the work of exegesis of scriptural language is a practice which contributes to contemplation of nature and that it should be understood against the philosophical background of the attainment of reliable ‘scientific’ knowledge, epistēmē, as mediated to Evagrius by Clement of Alexandria. | ||||
2017 | Knežević | Jerome Between Pelagianism and Origenism of Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle | Knežević, Josip. “Jerome Between Pelagianism and Origenism of Evagrius Ponticus.” Urhbosnensia 21, no. 1 (2017): 141–170. academia.eduCilj je ovog članka prvenstveno prikazati Jeronimov pogled na korijene pelagijanizma te način na koji se borio protiv ovog krivovjerja želeći ga prikazati kao „izdanak origenizma“ kako prigovara u svojem Pismu Ktestifontu (Ep. 133: „Doctrina tua Origenis ramusculus est!“). Ne treba nas iznenaditi ta Jeronimova optužba. Kod otaca, povezati neki sumnjivi nauk s nekim drugim već osuđenim kao krivovjernim, heretičnim, značilo je „ubrzati“ osudu tog „sumnjivog“ nauka. U ovom slučaju Jeronim je nastojao povezati pelagijanizam s već osuđenim origenizmom, nakon tzv. Prve origenističke kontroverzije.
Zbog veće jasnoće nastojat ćemo u uvodnom dijelu prikazati na što se Jeronim referira kada izjednačava pelagijanizam i origenizam Evagrija Pontskog. Zato ćemo u kratkim crtama predstaviti kratak pregled pelagijanizma s posebnim naglaskom na pojmu impeccantia, odnosno učenju koje kaže da čovjek može, ako želi, biti bez grijeha. Nadalje ćemo predstaviti origenizam Evagrija Pontskog s naglaskom na kratkom pregledu Prve origenističke kontroverzije te na identifikaciji pojmova impeccantia i ἀπάθεια, odnosno čovjekovoj mogućnosti postizanja stanja potpune odsutnosti naslada i strasti koje ga u životu okružuju. Ovaj pojam studirali su Klement Aleksandrijski, Origen te posebno Evagrije Pontski. Zbog toga je nužno vratiti se u Prvu origenističku kontroverziju kako bismo napravili poveznicu između pelagijanizma i origenizma.
U tom povezivanju pelagijanizma i origenizma predstavit ćemo i neke tekstove koji su izvršili znatan utjecaj na Pelagijevu misao te istražiti pojam ἀπάθεια kao takav kako bismo mogli na kraju dati jasan odgovor na pitanje: Je li Jeronim bio u pravu ili nije u svojem izjednačavanju pojmova impeccantia i ἀπάθεια?
The primary aim of this article is to present Jerome’s view of the origins of Pelagianism, and to describe the way in which he fought against this heresy characterizing it as the “offspring of Origenism” in his Epistula ad Ctestiphontem (Ep. 133: “Doctrina tua Origenis ramusculus est.”) We should not be surprised by this characterization. For the Fathers of the Church, connecting dubious teaching with already condemned heresies had the function of accelerating the condemnation of such teaching. In this case, Jerome after the first Origenist controversy, intended to connect Pelagianism to the already condemned Origenism.
For greater clarity, the introduction explains what Jerome is referring to when he equates Pelagianism with the Origenism of Evagrius Ponticus. There is a brief survey of Pelagianism, focusing on the term impeccantia, the contention that man, if he wishes, can be without sin. This is followed by a brief presentation of the Origenism of Evagrius Ponticus, focusing on the first Origenist controversy. There is a definition of the terms impeccantia and ἀπάθεια, the possibility of man achieving a complete separation from the passion and pleasures that surround him. Clement of Alexandria, Origen, and especially Evagrius Ponticus studied this term, which is why it is necessary to return to the first Origenist controversy in order to identify the relationship between Pelagianism and Origenism.
Relating Origenism and Pelagianism, the article introduces some writings that had a significant impact on Pelagius’s thought, and examines the term ἀπάθεια in a way that may provide a clear answer to the question: Was Jerome correct when he equated the terms impeccantia and ἀπάθεια? -pub | ||||
2017 | Rivas D'Amico Finamore Stroke | Negligence as the Cause of the Fall of Souls in Origen and its Reinterpretation by Evagrius Ponticus | bookSection | Rivas, Rubén Peretó. “Negligence as the Cause of the Fall of Souls in Origen and its Reinterpretation by Evagrius Ponticus.” In Platonic Inquiries: Selected Papers from the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies . Edited by Claudia D'Amico, John F. Finamore, and Natalia Stroke, pp. 233–242. [n.p.]: Prometheus Trust, 2017. academia.eduStudies by leading Origenists like Henry Crouzel and Marguerite Harl, show that, for the Alexandrian author, satiety would be the cause of the fall of the souls from the original unit, a subject that Origen receives from the Neoplatonic tradition. Evagrius of Pontus, the Egyptian desert monk who writes extensively during the second half of the fourth century, is formed in the school of Origen but reinterprets some of the key points of his teaching according to their own philosophy. In his Kephalaia Gnostica introduces the concept of negligence to refer to the cause that originated the movement, not the fall, from the Unit. The purpose of this paper is discuss the concept of negligence in Evagrius of Pontus and its ability or effectiveness to cause the movement that ended with the fall of souls. My hypothesis holds that this negligence may be understood as acedia, a concept that Evagrius use to indicate a disorder of spiritual kind. In this way, the acedia is located in a new horizon of understanding and acquires a new weight and importance. -pub | ||||
2017 | Kurdybaylo | О понятии символа в трудах Евагрия Понтийского / On the Symbolism in the Writings of Evagrius Ponticus (in Russian) | journalArticle | Kurdybaylo, Dmitry. “О понятии символа в трудах Евагрия Понтийского / On the Symbolism in the Writings of Evagrius Ponticus (in Russian).” Вестник Ленинградского государственного университета им. А. С. Пушкина 1 (2017): 147–157. academia.eduThe term “symbol” is analyzed in the writings of Evagrius Ponticus (4th cent. AD) using the contextual method. The most important contexts are discussed, including the cosmological, anthropological symbols and symbolism of Biblical exegesis; attention is paid to liturgical symbols also. The metaphor of the whole world compared to a God-written letter is considered to be an iconic manifestation of symbolism grounding the religious ontology of Evagrius. The dependency of Evagrian symbolism on Origen’s one is revealed, as long as its influence on the symbolism of Corpus Areopagiticum is shown.
В статье обсуждается понятие символа в корпусе сочинений Евагрия Понтийского (IV в.) на основе контекстного анализа словоупотреблений. Показаны основные контексты, в которых возникает необходимость символизма, различены символы в космологии, психологии, библейской экзегезе, а также обсуждаются литургические символы. Уделено внимание метафоре, уподобляющей весь космос написанному Богом письму, как образной манифестации символического принципа в основе религиозной онтологии. Показаны степень преемства Евагрием символизма Оригена и черты символизма, которые впоследствии унаследованы корпусом Ареопагитик. -pub | ||||
2016 | Michelson | Philoxenos of Mabbug and the Simplicity of Evagrian Gnosis | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:michelson-2016 Michelson, David A. “Philoxenos of Mabbug and the Simplicity of Evagrian Gnosis.” In Evagrius and His Legacy . Edited by Joel Kalvesmaki and Robin Darling Young, pp. 175–205. South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press, 2016. Examines the fact that Evagrius' writings in the fifth and sixth centuries were viewed in multiple fasion by different writers and theologians. It is argued that Philoxenos of Mabbug, a West Syrian author, used the Evagrian ascetic system as a counter to speculative theology. | ||||
2016 | Krausmuller | Origenism and Anti-Origenism in the Late Sixth and Seventh Centuries | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:krausmuller-2016 Krausmuller, Dirk. “Origenism and Anti-Origenism in the Late Sixth and Seventh Centuries.” In Evagrius and His Legacy . Edited by Joel Kalvesmaki and Robin Darling Young, pp. 288–316. South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press, 2016. Examines the complexity of Christological arguments in the sixth and seventh centuries and the influence of Origenist concepts on those arguments. | ||||
2016 | Konstantinovsky | Evagrius Ponticus and Maximus the Confessor: The Building of the Self in Praxis and Contemplation | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:konstantinovsky-2016 Konstantinovsky, Julia. “Evagrius Ponticus and Maximus the Confessor: The Building of the Self in Praxis and Contemplation.” In Evagrius and His Legacy . Edited by Joel Kalvesmaki and Robin Darling Young, pp. 128–153. South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press, 2016. Examines the close affinities between Evagrius and Maximus regarding the purpose of ascetic practice and contemplation. | ||||
2016 | Kalvesmaki Young | Evagrius and His Legacy | book |,2012:scriptum:kalvesmaki-young-2016 ISBN 0-268-03329-3 978-0-268-03329-3 Kalvesmaki, Joel and Young, Robin Darling. Evagrius and His Legacy . Edited by Joel Kalvesmaki and Robin Darling Young. South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press, 2016. This book brings together essays by eminent scholars who explore selected aspects of Evagrius’s life and times and address his far-flung and controversial but long-lasting influence on Latin, Byzantine, and Syriac cultures in antiquity and the Middle Ages. Touching on points relevant to theology, philosophy, history, patristics, literary studies, and manuscript studies, Evagrius and His Legacy is also intended to catalyze further study of Evagrius within as large a context as possible. Contributors: Gregory Collins, OSB, Kevin Corrigan, Brian E. Daley, SJ, Luke Dysinger, OSB, Joel Kalvesmaki, Julia Konstantinovsky, Dirk Krausmüller, David Michelson, Blossom Stefaniw, Columba Stewart, OSB, Anthony J. Watson, Robin Darling Young. -pub | ||||
2016 | Kalvesmaki Kalvesmaki Young | Evagrius in the Byzantine Genre of Chapters | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:kalvesmaki-2016 Kalvesmaki, Joel. “Evagrius in the Byzantine Genre of Chapters.” In Evagrius and His Legacy . Edited by Joel Kalvesmaki and Robin Darling Young, pp. 257–287. South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press, 2016. | ||||
2016 | Géhin Mellerin | L’<i>Ecclésiaste</i> à l’épreuve de l’allégorie dans les scholies d’Évagre le Pontique | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:géhin-2016 Géhin, Paul. “L’Ecclésiaste à l’épreuve de l’allégorie dans les scholies d’Évagre le Pontique.” In La réception du livre de Qohélet (ier-xiiie s.) . Edited by Laurence Mellerin, pp. 133–148. Patrimoines. Paris: Editions du Cerf, 2016. | ||||
2016 | Aimilianos | On Prayer: An Interpretation of St. Neilos / Περὶ προσευχῆς: Ἑρμηνεία στὸν ὅσιο Νείλο τοῦ ἀσκητή | book |,2012:scriptum:aimilianos-2016 ISBN 978-960-518-440-7 Aimilianos, Elder. On Prayer: An Interpretation of St. Neilos / Περὶ προσευχῆς: Ἑρμηνεία στὸν ὅσιο Νείλο τοῦ ἀσκητή . Athens: Indiktos, 2016. Commentary on On Prayer, CPG 2452. See the review by Fr. Maximos (Constas), | ||||
2016 | Corrigan | Thoughts that Cut: Cutting, Imprinting, and Lingering in Evagrius of Ponticus | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:corrigan-2016 Corrigan, Kevin. “Thoughts that Cut: Cutting, Imprinting, and Lingering in Evagrius of Ponticus.” In Evagrius and His Legacy . Edited by Joel Kalvesmaki and Robin Darling Young, pp. 49–72. South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press, 2016. An examination of the theme of "cutting" thoughts in Evagrius theory concerning logismoi | ||||
2016 | Constas Andreopoulos Speake | Nothing is Greater than Divine Love: Evagrios, Maximos the Confessor, and the Philokalia | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:constas-2016 Constas, Maximos. “Nothing is Greater than Divine Love: Evagrios, Maximos the Confessor, and the Philokalia.” In Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth: Studies in Honour of Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia . Edited by Andreas Andreopoulos and Graham Speake, pp. 57–74. Bern: Peter Lang, 2016. | ||||
2016 | Collins, OSB | The Evagrian Heritage in Late Byzantine Monasticism | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:collins-2016 Collins, OSB, Gregory. “The Evagrian Heritage in Late Byzantine Monasticism.” In Evagrius and His Legacy . Edited by Joel Kalvesmaki and Robin Darling Young, pp. 317–331. South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press, 2016. Examines the constant influence of Evagrian spirituality in late Byzantine monasticism | ||||
2016 | Daley, S.J. | Evagrian and Cappadocian Orthodoxy | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:daley-2016 Daley, S.J, Brian E. “Evagrian and Cappadocian Orthodoxy.” In Evagrius and His Legacy . Edited by Joel Kalvesmaki and Robin Darling Young, pp. 14–48. South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press, 2016. Examines the influence of the "three Cappadocians" (Gregory Nazienzen, Gregory of Nyssa, and Basil) on Evagrius' theology. | ||||
2016 | Dysinger OSB | Evagrius Ponticus, Exegete of the Soul | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:dysinger-2016 Dysinger OSB, Luke. “Evagrius Ponticus, Exegete of the Soul.” In Evagrius and His Legacy . Edited by Joel Kalvesmaki and Robin Darling Young, pp. 73–95. South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press, 2016. The article explores the correlation between the exegesis of scripture and the exegesis of the soul's progress toward theosis as found in Evagrius' writings. -jk | ||||
2016 | Outtier Binggeli Bouvarel-Boud'hors Cassin | La traduction arménienne des <i>Chapitres sur la prière</i> d'Évagre le Pontique | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:outtier-2016 Outtier, Bernard. “La traduction arménienne des Chapitres sur la prière d'Évagre le Pontique.” In Manuscripta graeca et orientalia: Mélanges monastiques et patristiques en l'honneur de Paul Géhin . Edited by André Binggeli, Anne Bouvarel-Boud'hors, and Matthieu Cassin, pp. 523–538. Bibliothèque de Byzantion 12. Leuven; Paris; Bristol, CT: Peeters, 2016. French translation of CPG 2452 | ||||
2016 | Binggeli Bouvarel-Boud'hors Cassin | Manuscripta graeca et orientalia: Mélanges monastiques et patristiques en l'honneur de Paul Géhin | book | ISBN 978-90-429-3358-3 Binggeli, André, Bouvarel-Boud'hors, Anne, and Cassin, Matthieu. Manuscripta graeca et orientalia: Mélanges monastiques et patristiques en l'honneur de Paul Géhin . Edited by André Binggeli, Anne Bouvarel-Boud'hors, and Matthieu Cassin. Bibliothèque de Byzantion 12. Leuven ; Paris ; Bristol, CT: Peeters, 2016. | ||||
2016 | Corbu Lemeni | Avva Evagrie Ponticul, povăţuitor spre lumina dumnezeiască | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:corbu-2016a Corbu, Agapie. “Avva Evagrie Ponticul, povăţuitor spre lumina dumnezeiască.” In Dumnezeu - izvorul înţelepciunii: Teologie şi educaţie ascetică la sfinţii părinţi . Edited by Daniel Lemeni, pp. 10–31. [n.p.]: Astra Museum, 2016. academia.eduRomanian translation of CPG 2452 | ||||
2016 | Evagrius Ponticus | Monahul sau Faptuitorul: Praktikos | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-ica-2016 Evagrius Ponticus. Monahul sau Faptuitorul: Praktikos . Translated by Ioan I. Ică. Sibiu: Deisis, 2016. Romanian translation of CPG 2430 | ||||
2016 | Watson | Evagrius East of the Euphrates | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:watson-2016 Watson, Anthony J. “Evagrius East of the Euphrates.” In Evagrius and His Legacy . Edited by Joel Kalvesmaki and Robin Darling Young, pp. 236–256. South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press, 2016. Explores the legacy of Evagrius in Persia and central Asia. | ||||
2016 | Stewart | Evagrius beyond Byzantium: The Latin and Syriac Reception | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:stewart-2016 Stewart, Columba. “Evagrius beyond Byzantium: The Latin and Syriac Reception.” In Evagrius and His Legacy . Edited by Joel Kalvesmaki and Robin Darling Young, pp. 206–235. South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press, 2016. Discusses the different reception Evagrius' writings had in both the Latin and Syriac traditions. -jk | ||||
2016 | Stefaniw | Evagrius and Authority | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:stefaniw-2016 Stefaniw, Blossom. “Evagrius and Authority.” In Evagrius and His Legacy . Edited by Joel Kalvesmaki and Robin Darling Young, pp. 96–127. South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press, 2016. Examines notions of authority and how Evagrius' notion came into conflict with later Byzantine imperial notion of authority. | ||||
2016 | Cain | Piety and Propaganda | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:cain-2016 Cain, Andrew. “Piety and Propaganda.” In The Greek Historia Monachorum in Aegypto: Monastic Hagiography in the Late Fourth Century . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. oxfordscholarship.comIn this chapter it is proposed that the anonymous author had his own propagandistic agenda for the Greek Historia monachorum beyond simply providing generic edification, which (it is argued) passed through a specific ideological filter before it reached its readers. It is demonstrated first of all that most of the Egyptian monks’ discourses about practical ascetic spirituality betray strong affinities with core teachings of the famed ascetic theologian Evagrius of Pontus. On the basis of this finding, it is argued that these affinities reflect the anonymous author’s own intellectual and spiritual sympathies and provide valuable clues about his motivations for composing the Historia monachorum. | ||||
2016 | Vázquez | Convergencias fenomenológicas y articulaciones conceptuales entre la acedia evagriana y la caída heideggeriana | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:vázquez-2016 Vázquez, Santiago Hernán. “Convergencias fenomenológicas y articulaciones conceptuales entre la acedia evagriana y la caída heideggeriana.” “” (2016): 197–214. In the frame of contemporary studies on the concept of acedia, and in the work of its first
systematizer, the philosopher monk Evagrius Ponticus, this paper, firstly, proposes to show the many similarities between the phenomenological manifestations of acedia in Evagrius and those recognized as the "fall" in Heidegger‘s system. As part of the manifestations of this fall are considered, among others, the avidity of innovations, gossip, the lack of mansion; we show the identical phenomena theming by Evagrius of Pontus in his conceptualization of acedia. Secondly, and moving already in the binding capacity of such phenomenological convergences, we analyze the role of "death care" in the definition and configuration of Evagrius‘s acedia and Heidegger‘s fall. -pub (adapted) | ||||
2016 | Young | The Role of Letters in the Works of Evagrius | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:young-2016 Young, Robin Darling. “The Role of Letters in the Works of Evagrius.” In Evagrius and His Legacy . Edited by Joel Kalvesmaki and Robin Darling Young, pp. 154–174. South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press, 2016. Examines the use of letters by Evagrius to both formulate teachings expounded later in treatise and to teach recipients and maintain their frienship. | ||||
2016 | Wellington | "Sing Psalms with Understanding": Some Reflections on Evagrius' Use of Christos in the Scholia ad Psalmos | journalArticle | Wellington, James F. “"Sing Psalms with Understanding": Some Reflections on Evagrius' Use of Christos in the Scholia ad Psalmos.” Studia Patristica 74 (2016): 203–208. academia.eduIs the Christology of Evagrius Ponticus to be determined by his apparent heterodoxy in the Kephalaia Gnostica or by his apparent orthodoxy in such works as the Scholia ad psalmos? This paper sets this question to one side, and begins with Evagrius' own injunction to his readers in De oratione 82, to 'sing psalms with understanding'. Evagrius' psalm-commentary would have been intended to provide the understanding to which he was calling his readers. Hence the purpose here is to allow the Scholia ad psalmos to speak for itself, independently of any questioning as to its precise relationship with the Kephalaia Gnostica, and to uncover the Christ whom Evagrius was commending in its teaching to those for whom psalmody was a way of life. This paper will briefly outline Evagrius' extensive use of the title Χριστός throughout the _Scholia ad psalmos_. It will then proceed to summarize the three main interlocking themes
which govern this usage, as follows: Christ as a meeting-place between God and humanity; Christ as a divine-human deliverer; Christ as a pathway to γνῶσις -pub | ||||
2016 | Conway-Jones | Interiorised Apocalyptic in Gregory of Nyssa, Evagrius of Pontus and Pseudo-Macarius | journalArticle | Conway-Jones, Ann. “Interiorised Apocalyptic in Gregory of Nyssa, Evagrius of Pontus and Pseudo-Macarius.” Studia Patristica 74 (2016): . academia.eduThe fourth century writers Gregory of Nyssa, Evagrius of Pontus and Pseudo-Macarius draw on apocalyptic traditions of heavenly ascent as they reinterpret Moses’ experience on Mount Sinai and Ezekiel’s chariot vision. Alexander Golitzin has coined the phrase ‘the interiorization of apocalyptic’, arguing that for Evagrius and Pseudo-Macarius, ‘the ascent to heaven, the vision of the throne of the glory, the initiation into the mysteries of God’s purposes: all of these now reside within the soul’. It is often assumed that the same is true for Gregory of Nyssa, with Life of Moses presenting the Jewish leader as a model of the soul’s spiritual journey to God. This article argues, however, that Gregory does not travel as far as Evagrius and Macarius along the route of interiorisation. In Gregory’s portrayal, Moses does not arrive inside himself, but is given a vision of the tabernacle not made with hands, a type of Christ. This is esoteric knowledge of theological verities which are not to be questioned, brought back to the people waiting below by a privileged authority figure. Gregory, a bishop mired in theological controversy, follows Clement and Origen in appropriating apocalyptic imagery for Christianity; it is the monastic leaders Pseudo-Macarius and Evagrius who interiorise it. -pub | ||||
2015 | Ramelli | Evagrius's Kephalaia Gnostica: A New Translation of the Unreformed Text from the Syriac | book |,2012:scriptum:ramelli-2015 ISBN 1-62837-041-6 978-1-62837-041-6 Ramelli, Ilaria L. E. Evagrius's Kephalaia Gnostica: A New Translation of the Unreformed Text from the Syriac . Writings from the Greco-Roman World. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2015. amazon.comThis English translation of the most complete Syriac version of Kephalaia Gnostica makes Evagrius Ponticus's thoughts concerning reality, God, protology, eschatology, anthropology, and allegorical exegesis of Scripture widely available.
Features: English translation of the longer Syriac version discovered by Antoine Guillaumont. Commentary provides an integrated analysis of Evagrius's ascetic and philosophical writings
Extensive introduction on the importance of Evagrius and the context of his writings English translation of CPG 2432 | ||||
2015 | Kavvadas | Isaak von Ninive und seine Kephalaia Gnostika: Die Pneumatologie und ihr Kontext | book |,2012:scriptum:kavvadas-2015 ISBN 978-90-04-28440-1 90-04-28440-0 Kavvadas, Nestor. Isaak von Ninive und seine Kephalaia Gnostika: Die Pneumatologie und ihr Kontext . Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 128. Leiden: Brill, 2015. "Isaac of Nineveh (7th century AD), or Isaac the Syrian, was, among all the Syriac writers, the one to exert the greatest influence outside the Syriac-speaking world, becoming a highly venerated Father of Byzantine Orthodox spirituality and theology. In Isaak von Nineve und seine Kephalaia Gnostika, Nestor Kavvadas first draws out the frictions between East Syrian episcopacy and the anchorite mystical movement as represented by Isaac, in search of the historical context of Isaac's teaching on the working of the Holy Spirit on the monk. Then, he draws out of Isaac's writings, and especially the Kephalaia Gnostika, the underlying structure of Isaac's thought on the working of the Holy Spirit, with the tension here between the here and now and the 'New World' that can be momentarily anticipated in the present world."--Provided by publisher. | ||||
2015 | Gibbons | Passions, Pleasures, and Perceptions: Rethinking Evagrius Ponticus on Mental Representation | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:gibbons-2015 Gibbons, Kathleen. “Passions, Pleasures, and Perceptions: Rethinking Evagrius Ponticus on Mental Representation.” “” (2015): 297–330. Evagrius Ponticus’s theory of the eight bad thoughts has often been read as indebted to Stoic ideas of mental representation. This is in part, however, a consequence of the fact that the significance of φαντασία to Plato’s own thought has only recently begun to receive adequate attention. In this paper, I explore how recent studies into Plato’s theory of passion help illuminate Evagrius’s ideas about the relationship between affect and mental representation. Interpreting Evagrius’s treatment of passion as perspectival (rather than judgmental) helps illuminate his understanding of the relationship between the ascetic and contemplative lives and his conception of selfhood. | ||||
2015 | Evagrius Ponticus | Spisi in Pisma | book |,2012:scriptum:kocijančič-and-širca-2015 ISBN 978-961-6519-92-2 Evagrius Ponticus. Spisi in Pisma . Translated by Gorazd Kocijančič and Alen Širca. Ljubljana: KUD Logos, 2015. Complete Slovenian translation of the majority of Evagrius's works:
9 G. Kocijančič: Predgovor
13 W Harmless DJ: Mistik kot puščavski kaligraf: Evagrij Pontski (prevedel Vid Snoj)
45 Druga poglavja (CPG 2443)
47 Duhovne gnome v abecednem zaporedju (CPG 2444)
50 Druge gnome (CPG 2445)
52 Druga poglavja (fragment) (CPG 2446)
53 Praktik (CPG 2430)
85 Gnostik (CPG 2431)
102 O molitvi (CPG 2452)
131 Gnostična poglavja (CPG 2432)
191 Motrenja (CPG 2433)
199 Samotarjem v samostanih in skupnostih (CPG 2435)
213 Spodbuda za devico (CPG 2436)
220 Spodbuda samotarjem (CPG 2454)
227 Triintrideset urejenih poglavij ali Opredelitve strasti duše, dovzetne za smisel (CPG 2442)
232 Osnove samotarskega življenja: predstavitev delovanja molka (CPG 2441)
245 O osmih hudobnih duhovih (CPG 2451)
263 O mislih (CPG 2450)
302 Evlogiju (CPG 2447)
339 O nekrepostih, ki so nasprotne krepostim (CPG 2448)
345 Ugovarjalec (CPG 2434)
441 Sholija k Apostolskim delom (nocpg05)
442 Sholije k Jobovi knjigi (CPG 2458.2)
446 Sholije k Pridigarju (CPG 2458.5)
473 O molitvi očenaš (CPG 2461)
476 Sholije k Lukovemu evangeliju (CPG 2458.6)
487 Sholije k Pregovorom (CPG 2456)
566 Razlaga Pregovorov (CPG 2477)
568 Sholija k Prvi Samuelovi knjigi (CPG 2458.1)
568 Sholije k Psalmom (fragmenti) (CPG 2455)
571 Opredelitve (nocpg03)
573 Tri poglavja o molitvi (CPG 2453)
575 Spodbuda umu (CPG 2473)
576 O serafih, o kerubih (CPG 2460, 2459)
579 PISMA (CPG 2437-2439)
661 Nasveti (nocpg02)
663 Spodbude (CPG 2469)
665 Posnemanje Visoke pesmi (CPG 2463)
666 O učiteljih in učencih (CPG 2449)
668 Parenetik (CPG 2443)
673 Posnemanje Pridigarja (CPG 2464)
675 Posnemanje Pregovorov (CPG 2464a)
669 Izbrana bibliografija Slovenian translation of CPG 2430 CPG 2431 CPG 2432 CPG 2433 CPG 2434 CPG 2435 CPG 2436 CPG 2437 CPG 2438 CPG 2439 CPG 2441 CPG 2442 CPG 2443 CPG 2444 CPG 2445 CPG 2446 CPG 2447 CPG 2448 CPG 2449 CPG 2450 CPG 2451 CPG 2452 CPG 2453 CPG 2454 CPG 2455 CPG 2456 CPG 2458.1 CPG 2458.2 CPG 2458.5 CPG 2458.6 CPG 2459 CPG 2460 CPG 2461 CPG 2463 CPG 2464 CPG 2464a CPG 2469 CPG 2473 CPG 2477 no CPG 02 no CPG 03 no CPG 05 | ||||
2015 | Fogielman | Les deux traités à Euloge d'Evagre le Pontique: Introduction, édition critique, traduction, commentaire et notes | thesis |,2012:scriptum:fogielman-2015 Fogielman, Charles-Antoine. “Les deux traités à Euloge d'Evagre le Pontique: Introduction, édition critique, traduction, commentaire et notes.” PhD diss. École pratique des hautes études, 2015. Evagrius Ponticus expounded his ascetic philosophy, centered on the notion of a list of vices and corresponding virtues, in several treatises, several of which have already been critically edited. The present work consists of an introduction, an edition, and a French translation of two texts which stand out, to a certain degree, within the Evagrian opus. The treatise addressed to the monk Eulogius, along with its appendix describing the Vices opposed to Virtues, which appears adjoined to the former in a majority of manuscripts, display stylistic and doctrinal characteristics which have often called its authenticity into question. A detailed study of the manuscript testimony, both of the Greek original and of the various oriental versions (Syriac, Arabic, Armenian, Georgian and Ethiopic), has allowed us to confirm the treatises' authenticity and to establish their text reliably, as it can be seen to have suffered considerable turmoil during its transmission. Aside from material damage, Evagrius' works, in the Greek medium, were mainly distributed under the name of Nilus of Ancyra, owing to Evagrius' condemnation for alleged Origenism, at the council of Constantinople II in 553. The accompanying commentary aims at addressing the proximity of Evagrian thought with the legacy of Origen, as well as highlighting the formation, formulation, and posterity of that most remarkable of Evagrian doctrines, the list of vices, and the philosophical and ascetic context wherein it originated. | ||||
2015 | Bunge Ilarion Popova | From Greek to Syriac—and Back: The Misadventures of a Quotation from Evagrius Ponticus | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:bunge-2015 Bunge, Gabriel. “From Greek to Syriac—and Back: The Misadventures of a Quotation from Evagrius Ponticus.” In Saint Isaac the Syrian and His Spiritual Legacy: Proceedings of the International Patristics Conference, Held at the Sts Cyril and Methodius Institute for Postgraduate Studies, Moscow, October 10–11, 2013 . Edited by Metropolitan of Volokolamsk Ilarion and Olʹga Sigismundovna Popova, pp. 135–45. Yonkers, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2015. Treats the appearance of Skemmata 27 (= Cent. suppl. 30) in Isaac's First Collection 22 and its translation back into Greek in the 9th c. Build's on Hausherr's 1932 study. | ||||
2015 | Arzhanov Rammelt Schlarb Schlarb | Abba Platon und Abba Evagrius | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:arzhanov-2015 Arzhanov, Yuri. “Abba Platon und Abba Evagrius.” In Begegnungen in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart: Beiträge dialogischer Existenz; Eine freundschaftliche Festgabe zum 60. Geburtstag von Martin Tamcke . Edited by Claudia Rammelt, Cornelia Schlarb, and Egbert Schlarb, pp. 75–82. Theologie 112. Berlin: LIT, 2015. academia.eduTraces the origin of "Abba Plato" from the Apophthegmata to the medieval period (Sin. Syr. 14, 10th c.), whose teaching was essentially Evagrius's. The author argues that the Platonic dialogues were replaced by Evagrius and related texts (e.g., Dionysius, Hierotheos) -jk | ||||
2015 | Corbu | Vederea luminii dumnezeieşti potrivit scrierilor Avvei Evagrie Ponticul | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:corbu-2016a Corbu, Agapie. “Vederea luminii dumnezeieşti potrivit scrierilor Avvei Evagrie Ponticul.” “” (2015): 25–42. Romanian translation of CPG 2452 | ||||
2015 | Corbu Herban | Povăţuiri duhovniceşti ale Avvei Evagrie: Metamorfozele lor peste veacuri şi semnificaţiile contemporane | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:corbu-2015a Corbu, Agapie. “Povăţuiri duhovniceşti ale Avvei Evagrie: Metamorfozele lor peste veacuri şi semnificaţiile contemporane.” In Liturghie şi povăţuire duhovnicească în parohia de azi, în lumina scrierilor filocalice ale primului mileniu . Edited by Mihai Laurenţiu Herban, pp. 7–23. Alba Iulia, Deva: Reîntregirea, Devei şi Hunedoarei, 2015. academia.eduRomanian translation of CPG 2452 | ||||
2015 | Bunge | Rugăciunea în Duh şi Adevăr | book |,2012:scriptum:bunge-2015b Bunge, Gabriel. Rugăciunea în Duh şi Adevăr . Translated by Ioan I. Ică. Sibiu: Deisis, 2015. Romanian translation of CPG 2452 | ||||
2015 | Casiday | "If You Pray Truly..." What Happens Next? On the Uses and Abuses of an Evagrian Dictum | journalArticle | Casiday, Augustine. “"If You Pray Truly.." What Happens Next? On the Uses and Abuses of an Evagrian Dictum.” Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, Revue des études de l’Orient chrétien 56, no. 3–4 (2015): 431–450. academia.eduBased on a lecture, this essay surveys four recent interpretations of On Prayer 61. The author argues that those interpretations have little concern with what the aphorism meant for Evagrius himself. -jk | ||||
2015 | Dysinger Daley, S.J. Kolbet | Evagrius Ponticus: The Psalter as a Handbook for the Christian Contemplative. | bookSection | Dysinger, Luke. “Evagrius Ponticus: The Psalter as a Handbook for the Christian Contemplative.” In The Harp of Prophecy: Early Christian Interpretation of the Psalms . Edited by Brian E. Daley, S.J. and Paul R. Kolbet, pp. 97–125. Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity 20. South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press, 2015. academia.eduDysinger approaches Evagrius’<span> </span>Scholia on Psalms<span> through the levels of </span>praktikē, physikē, and<span> </span>theologikē. At each level he presents examples and explains the relationship between the<span> </span>Scholia on Psalms<span> and the rest of the corpus. He draws out how the text may have been used by other </span>gnostikoi<span> to understand their own spiritual progress and to offer guidance to those who approached them for advice. -CSV.</span> | ||||
2015 | Fokin | Apocatastasis in the Syrian Christian Tradition: Evagrius and Isaac | bookSection | Fokin, A. R. “Apocatastasis in the Syrian Christian Tradition: Evagrius and Isaac.” In St Isaac the Syrian and His Spiritual Legacy: Proceedings from the International Patristics Conference, Moscow, October 10–11, 2013 , pp. 123–134. Crestwood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2015. academia.eduThe author argues that Evagrius's eschatology significantly influenced Isaac the Syrian's teaching on universal salvation. Parallels are traced between the two author's views on creation, rational beings, judgment, providence, and the final state. -jk | ||||
2015 | Peretó Rivas | La <i>Kephálaia gnóstica</i> de Evagrio Póntico. Sus dos versiones y la discusión contemporánea | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:peretó-rivas-2015b Peretó Rivas, Rubén. “La Kephálaia gnóstica de Evagrio Póntico. Sus dos versiones y la discusión contemporánea.” Stylos 24 (2015): 193–201. | ||||
2015 | Vázquez | Las implicancias psicopatológicas de la acedia en Evagrio Póntico | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:vázquez-2015b Vázquez, Santiago Hernán. “Las implicancias psicopatológicas de la acedia en Evagrio Póntico.” “” (2015): 679–703. The present communication highlights the contribution by Evagrius Ponticus to the etiologic understanding of acedia, a condition that’s similar to both modern melancholy and contemporary depression. The concept of acedia is illustrated by means of some elements of the Freudian notions of melancholy and of self-discrepancy about depression, especially regarding the role of the ideal of the ego in the etiopathogenic dynamism. In this context, we show the historical importance of Evagrius’ contribution as it anticipates subsequent psychological and psychopathological approaches and integrates an etiologic understanding of this psychic disturbance and its possible therapy into a spiritual perspective. -pub | ||||
2015 | Vázquez Muñoz | Acedia y depresión: Manifestaciones fenomenológicas y dinamismo psicológico | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:vázquez-2015a Vázquez, Santiago H. “Acedia y depresión: Manifestaciones fenomenológicas y dinamismo psicológico.” In El cristianismo frente a los problemas perennes de la filosofía occidental . Edited by Carlos Muñoz. Mendoza: [n.p.], 2015. | ||||
2015 | Peretó Rivas Muñoz | El concepto de acedia en Evagrio Póntico | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:peretó-rivas-2015a Peretó Rivas, Rubén. “El concepto de acedia en Evagrio Póntico.” In El cristianismo frente a los problemas perennes de la filosofía occidental . Edited by Carlos Muñoz, pp. 101–114. Mendoza: [n.p.], 2015. | ||||
2015 | Hayden | "Wisdom Has Built Herself a Home": Evagrius Ponticus and The Wisdom of Creation | thesis |,2012:scriptum:hayden-2015 Hayden, Evagrius. “"Wisdom Has Built Herself a Home": Evagrius Ponticus and The Wisdom of Creation.” Master's Thesis. International Theological Institute, 2015. My primary purpose in this thesis is to come to understand Evagrius' teaching regarding the wisdom of creation. But before we come to see that, we will first need to understand who he was and how his life influenced his theology of wisdom.
In the First Part of this thesis, we will try to understand who Evagrius was by first focusing on his life, his works, and their modern reception. In Chapter One of this First Part we will focus on recounting the life of Evagrius, taking as our primary sources the Vita Copta and the Historia Lausiaca, both of them written by Palladius. In Chapter Two we will turn our attention to the modern reception of Evagrius' patrimony and the different schools of thought that have formed around his teachings. In presenting an overview of the modern status quaestionis, we will rely primarily on the work of Fr.'s Gabriel Bunge, Izsák Baán, Jeremy Driscoll, and Luke Dysinger, all of them Benedictine monks, as well as on the work of Augustine Casiday. These scholars together represent the 'Benedictine school' of interpretation, that is, a particular hermeneutic that seeks to understand Evagrius in an orthodox light and thus to receive his patrimony as an organic whole, coming as it does from the scriptural and monastic milieu of Cappadocia and the Egyptian desert.
We will examine in the Second Part of our thesis the role of the wisdom of creation in the theology of Evagrius and how it draws the mind towards God. If we wish to come to knowledge about something, the first and most fundamental question that must be answered is, “what is it?” But, the first step in understanding the nature of a thing is to seek for its causes, for these are the principles of its being. Once one has the cause, then they know why it is and, to some extent, what it is. Therefore, in trying to understand what wisdom is and how it operates in the theology of Evagrius, we will focus primarily on its various causes. In the First Chapter of this Second Part, we will discuss the final cause of wisdom, that is its ultimate purpose or final goal. In the Second Chapter of this part we will discuss the content of created wisdom, namely its material and formal aspects. Finally, in the Third Chapter we will discuss the divine author and agent cause of created wisdom, that is, the Word and Wisdom itself. -pub | ||||
2015 | Spanu | The Method of Unceasing Prayer in Evagrius Ponticus and John Cassian | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:spanu-2015 Spanu, Nicola. “The Method of Unceasing Prayer in Evagrius Ponticus and John Cassian.” E-Patrologos 1–2 (2015): 46–59. academia.eduThe paper will reconstruct Evagrius’ and John Cassian’s doctrines concerning the practice of unceasing prayer and it will describe how the two authors’ quest for the development of a praying method that allowed them to overcome the negative in-fluence of intrusive thoughts has led them to carry out a detailed investigation of how the human psyche operates. Possible similarities and differences between the two authors’ views on this topic will be assessed. By focusing on describing in detail the method of unceasing prayer, the paper will shed light on a branch of Patristic Studies that needs further investigation, that is, the specific techniques that the De-sert Fathers recommended to their followers in order to transcend the limitations of human nature and come closer to the ultimate goal of union with God. -pub | ||||
2015 | Casiday | Connaissance de soi et examen de conscience – Évagre le Pontique (IVe siècle) | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:casiday-2015 Casiday, Augustine. “Connaissance de soi et examen de conscience – Évagre le Pontique (IVe siècle).” Communio. Revue internationale catholique 40, no. 5 (2015): 39–48.‘L’examen de conscience est chez Évagre un cas particulier de la connaissance de soi, passage indispensable pour tout progrès spirituel : la conscience d’un manque conduit à attendre du Christ le complément nécessaire pour atteindre la plénitude, et porter à sa perfection « l’icône inachevée ». | ||||
2015 | Müller Rammelt Schlarb Schlarb | Kleider machen Leute Evagrius: Zur allegorischen Deutung des monastischen Gewandes bei Evagrios Pontikos | bookSection | Müller, Andreas. “Kleider machen Leute Evagrius: Zur allegorischen Deutung des monastischen Gewandes bei Evagrios Pontikos.” In Begegnungen in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart: Beiträge dialogischer Existenz; Eine freundschaftliche Festgabe zum 60. Geburtstag von Martin Tamcke . Edited by Claudia Rammelt, Cornelia Schlarb, and Egbert Schlarb, pp. 110–121. Berlin: LIT, 2015. academia.eduDer Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Gewanddeutung bei Origenes und im monastischen Umfeld der Spätantike | ||||
2015 | Stang Doerfler Fiano Smith Von Rompay | Evagrius of Pontus on the ‘Great Gift of Letters' | bookSection | Stang, Charles. “Evagrius of Pontus on the ‘Great Gift of Letters'.” In Syriac Encounters: Papers presented at the Sixth North American Syriac Symposium Held at Duke University, 26–29 June 2011 . Edited by Maria Doerfler, Emmanuel Fiano, Kyle Smith, and Luke Von Rompay, pp. 151–161. Louvain: Peeters, 2015. | ||||
2014 | Pilato | Participating in Divine Simplicity: Apophatic Theology and Apatheia in the Thought of Evagrius Ponticus | thesis |,2012:scriptum:pilato-2014 Pilato, Michael. “Participating in Divine Simplicity: Apophatic Theology and Apatheia in the Thought of Evagrius Ponticus.” thesis. Eden Theological Seminary, 2014. The purpose of this thesis was
to explore how Evagrius’ apophatic
approach to the knowledge of God informs his ascetical concept of apatheia, a fusion of doctrinal reflection and spirituality. I examined Evagrius’ texts using the methods of Gadamer and Kierkegaard – literary and philosophical analysis. Evagrius constructed his theology by writing axioms meant to be
meditated. I found that Evagrius’ apophatic framework is undergirded by his doctrine of God’s
incomprehensibility/indescribability, monist theory of mind, theory of contemplative prayer, and spiritual exegesis of scripture. This involves negating multiple disordered thoughts in order to participate in divine simplicity, in the oneness of God. I concluded
that Evagrius’ apophatic, contemplative approach to theology/doctrine facilitates his teaching of apatheia – the practice of negating multiple desires to mystically experience divine union. Essentially in doing so, Evagrius unites mysticism and asceticism, theological construction and spiritual experience. His apophatic asceticism is a fully integrated theology consisting of spiritualized thought and action. -pub | ||||
2014 | Peretó Rivas | La acedia como causa de la caída del <i>nous</i> en Orígenes y Evagrio Póntico | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:peretó-rivas-2014 Peretó Rivas, Rubén. “La acedia como causa de la caída del nous en Orígenes y Evagrio Póntico.” Teología y Vida 55, no. 4 (2014): 581–593. academia.eduStudies by leading Origenists like Henry Crouzel and Marguerite Harl, show that, for the Alexandrian author, satiety would be the cause of the fall of the souls from the original unit, a subject that Origins receives from the Neoplatonic tradition. Evagrius of Pontus, the Egyptian desert monk who writes extensively during the second half of the fourth century, is formed in the school of Origen but reinterprets some of the key points of his teaching according to their own philosophy. In his Kephalaia Gnostica introduces the concept of negligence to refer to the cause that originated the movement, not the fall, from the Unit. The purpose of this paper is discuss the concept of negligence in Evagrius of Pontus and its ability or effectiveness to cause the movement that ended with the fall of souls. My hypothesis holds that this negligence may be understood as acedia, a concept that Evagrius use to indicate a disorder of spiritual kind. In this way, the acedia is located in a new horizon of understanding and acquires a new weight and importance. -pub
A revised version, translated into English, is available under the title "Negligence as the Cause of the Fall of Souls in Origen and Its Reinterpretation by Evagrius Ponticus". -jk | ||||
2014 | Nešić | Евагрије Понтски: Монасима у манастирима и заједницама (Εὐαγρίου Ποντικοῦ: Πρὸς τοὺς ἐν κοινοβίοις ἢ συνοδίαις μοναχούς) - превод (translation) | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:nešić-2014 Nešić, Lazar. “Евагрије Понтски: Монасима у манастирима и заједницама (Εὐαγρίου Ποντικοῦ: Πρὸς τοὺς ἐν κοινοβίοις ἢ συνοδίαις μοναχούς) - превод (translation).” Theological Views 47, no. 1 (2014): 13–32. academia.eduBilingual Greek-Serbian (Cyrillic) edition of the Chapters to Monks. -jk Greek edition of CPG 2435 Serbian translation of CPG 2435 | ||||
2014 | Michelson | The Practical Christology of Philoxenos of Mabbug | book |,2012:scriptum:michelson-2014 ISBN 978-0-19-872296-0 Michelson, David. The Practical Christology of Philoxenos of Mabbug . Oxford Early Christian Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. The first work in English solely focused on the theology of Philoxenos of Mabbug, whose works are the largest surviving single corpus in all of Syriac literature
Offers a new approach to the theological disputes over Christology with particular attention to miaphysite/ monophysite perspective, an aspect of the controversy that has often proved opaque in previous scholarship
Connects early Christian doctrinal controversies to contexts of religious practice, such as asceticism and liturgy
Philoxenos of Mabbug (c. 440-523) was a prolific late-antique theologian and polemicist who produced the largest literary corpus to have survived in Syriac. He earned a reputation as the leading Syriac opponent of the Council of Chalcedon (451) and its two-nature Christology. In The Practical Christology of Philoxenos of Mabbug, David A. Michelson offers a new understanding of Philoxenos one-nature Christology by interpreting the post-Chalcedonian doctrinal disputes through a holistic analysis of Philoxenos life and works. Michelsons close reading of the entire Philoxenian corpus reveals a miaphysite perspective on the Christological controversies in which the intellectual clash was not primarily over defining doctrine. As a metropolitan bishop, sponsor of a revised New Testament, and monastic theologian, Philoxenos was principally concerned with matters of Christian praxis and the ascetic pursuit of divine knowledge. This book shows how he opposed Chalcedonian Christology because he was convinced its intellectual theological method was inimical to the mystical pursuit of divine knowledge through liturgical and ascetic practice. Philoxenos polemical engagement drew upon a theological epistemology that he had adapted from Pro-Nicene theologians including Ephrem, the Cappadocians, and Evagrius. Philoxenos argued that divine knowledge was not to be achieved through human understanding or doctrinal inquiry. Instead, true divine knowledge was attained through practice, specifically contemplation, reading of scripture, participation in the liturgical mysteries, and ascetic discipline. Michelson considers each of these practices in turn to show how Philoxenos thought ofopposition to Chalcedon as part of a larger vision of ascetic and spiritualstruggle. In short, for Philoxenos conflict over Christology was foremost a practical matter.
Readership: Students and scholars of early Christianity; of the history of Late Antiquity; of historical theology; of patristics | ||||
2014 | Kalvesmaki | The Soul's Cure in Letters: The Death of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Consolation of Evagrius of Pontus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:kalvesmaki-2014 Kalvesmaki, Joel. “The Soul's Cure in Letters: The Death of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Consolation of Evagrius of Pontus.” The American Benedictine Review 65, no. 2 (2014): 135–144. Translation of Evagrius of Pontus, Letter 57, along with commentary, arguing that Evagrius wrote the letter in response to news of the death of Gregory of Nazianzus, and used the moment as a lesson to show how one should go through consolation. English translation of CPG 2437 | ||||
2014 | Corrigan Glazov | Compunction and Compassion: Two Overlooked Virtues in Evagrius of Pontus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:corrigan-glazov-2014 Corrigan, Kevin and Glazov, Gregory Yuri. “Compunction and Compassion: Two Overlooked Virtues in Evagrius of Pontus.” Journal of Early Christian Studies 22, no. 1 (2014): 61–77. Instead of an extreme asceticism characterized by imperturbability, Evagrius's thinking should rather be characterized by two often overlooked virtues, compunction and compassion, that, together with the other virtues and imperturbability, form the systole and diastole of the monk's life. These make it possiblefor the call of the Prophets and the words of the Psalmist to take up personal residence in each individual, on behalf of others, in the gentle sympathy of divine live. Divine sympathy is, in fact, the model for understanding the range and root of compassion, for it is present in a remarkable way in both piercing repentance for our weakness and loving mercy for others. -pub | ||||
2014 | Deville | Eastern Christian Books: Augustine Casiday on Evagrius of Pontus | blogPost |,2012:scriptum:deville-2014 Deville, Adam. “Eastern Christian Books: Augustine Casiday on Evagrius of Pontus.” Eastern Christian Books (Blog). [n.p.]: [n.p.], 2014. Interview with Augustine Casiday on the background to his writings on Evagrius of Pontus. -jk | ||||
2014 | Tobon | Words Spoken in Silence: the "Missing Chapters" of Evagrius’ Kephalaia Gnostika | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:tobon-2014 Tobon, Monica. “Words Spoken in Silence: the "Missing Chapters" of Evagrius’ Kephalaia Gnostika.” Studia Patristica 72 (2014): 197–210. academia.eduEvagrius’ understanding of the spiritual life as reflected in his great trilogy of handbooks for the monastic life, the Praktikos-Gnostikos-Kephalaia Gnostica, should lead us to expect the ninety chapters of each century of the KG to be followed by ten chapters devoted to theology, and that this is what the apparently missing chapters in fact are. Thus they are not missing at all, but fully present in imageless silence. This interpretation is consistent with, and enriched by, Guillaumont’s association of the five hundredand forty chapters with the created order, and it has strong resonances with the interpretations of Evagrius’ Syriac interpreters, but in each case with a twist that I would suggest is wholly in keeping with them. As the portion of the treatise allocated to theology the silent chapters are not, as Mar Babai suggests, ‘set apart in the Holy of Holies,’ but are themselves the Holy of Holies, the placewhere the nous and God meet in the union which is perfect knowledge and perfect love. And as such they both represent and anticipate the ‘next life’, with which Denys bar Salibi rightly associates them. -pub | ||||
2014 | Wellington | Christe Eleison! The Invocation of Christ in Eastern Monastic Psalmody c.350-450 | book |,2012:scriptum:wellington-2014 ISBN 3-0343-1789-1 978-3-0343-1789-4 Wellington, James F. Christe Eleison! The Invocation of Christ in Eastern Monastic Psalmody c.350–450 . Studies in Eastern Orthodoxy Book 2. Bern, Switerland: Peter Lang, 2014. amazon.comFor centuries the Jesus Prayer has been leading Orthodox Christians beyond the language of liturgy and the representations of iconography into the wordless, imageless stillness of the mystery of God. In more recent years it has been helping a growing number of Western Christians to find a deeper relationship with God through the continual rhythmic repetition of a short prayer which, by general agreement, first emerged from the desert spirituality of early monasticism. In this study James Wellington explores the understanding and practice of the psalmody which underpinned this spirituality. By means of an investigation of the importance of psalmody in desert monasticism, an exploration of the influence of Evagrius of Pontus and a thorough examination of selected psalm-commentaries in circulation in the East at this time, he reveals a monastic culture which was particularly conducive to the emergence of a Christ-centred invocatory prayer. | ||||
2014 | Tondello | Babai il grande e il santo Evagrio | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:tondello-2014 Tondello, M. “Babai il grande e il santo Evagrio.” Adamantius 20 (2014): 389–395. | ||||
2014 | Vázquez | La acedia en Evagrio Póntico y la existencia impropia de Heidegger: Algunas Coincidencias Fenomenológicas Significativas | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:vázquez-2014 Vázquez, Santiago Hernán. “La acedia en Evagrio Póntico y la existencia impropia de Heidegger: Algunas Coincidencias Fenomenológicas Significativas.” In “Senderos medievales, pasos contemporáneos”. IX Jornadas Nacionales de Filosofía Medieval (CONICET) Buenos Aires, 22 al 24 de abril de 2014 . [n.p.]: [n.p.], 2014. | ||||
2014 | Đjakovac | Теолошке основе аскетске традиције Евагрија Понтијског (Theological Basis of Ascetic Tradition of Evagrius Ponticus) | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:đakovac-2014 Đjakovac, Aleksandar. “Теолошке основе аскетске традиције Евагрија Понтијског (Theological Basis of Ascetic Tradition of Evagrius Ponticus).” Зборник Матице српске за друштвене науке 149, no. 4 (2014): 949–957. academia.edunb.rsEvagrius Ponticus is one of the most significant representatives of ancient Christian ascetic tradition of the East. His work had a strong impact on theology and Christian ascetic practice in the past centuries. However, the theological basis of his asceticism is certainly not unquestionable. In this article the author examines Evagrius’s theological position and its relation to his asceticism, so that his work could be appropriately evaluated. | ||||
2014 | Zecher | Death among the Desert Fathers: Evagrius and Theophilus in the Sayings Tradition | journalArticle | Zecher, Jonathan. “Death among the Desert Fathers: Evagrius and Theophilus in the Sayings Tradition.” Sobornost 35, no. 1–2 (2014): 148–169. academia.eduA literary-theological examination of two sayings in the Alphabeticon: Evagrius 1 and Theophilus 4. This paper argues that these sayings exemplify a practice which Sayings literature exemplifies, that "imagination of death" leads to a "practice of dying" or, in the case of Evagrius 1, "staying dead." It examines the specific eschatology presented in these sayings and shows how that eschatological speculation (the "figuratio iuditii") drives ascetic practices (the "ars moriendi"). Concerns of monastics are brought together through contemplation of death and judgment, leading to a conclusion that imagination of death is integral to monastic formation. -pub | ||||
2014 | Pinggéra | Theodor von Mopsuestia und Evagrius Ponticus bei Joseph Hazzaya – eine theologische Integration? | bookSection | Pinggéra, Karl. “Theodor von Mopsuestia und Evagrius Ponticus bei Joseph Hazzaya – eine theologische Integration?.” In Zu Sprache, Geschichte, Theologie und Gegenwartslage der syrischen Kirchen: Ausgewählte Beiträge zum 7. Deutschen Syrologen-Symposium , pp. 303–314. Göttinger Orientforschungen, I. Reihe: Syriaca 46. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2014. academia.eduZum Reichtum der syrischen Literatur gehört das mystische Schrifttum, das auf dem Boden der ostsyrischen Kirche vom 6. bis zum 8. Jh. in so unvergleichlicher Weise geblüht hat. Sabino Chialä hat jüngst zu verstehen gegeben, inwiefern die | ||||
2014 | Đakovac | Теолошке основе аскетске традиције Евагрија Понтијског (Theological Basis of Ascetic Tradition of Evagrius Ponticus) | journalArticle | Đakovac, Aleksandar. “Теолошке основе аскетске традиције Евагрија Понтијског (Theological Basis of Ascetic Tradition of Evagrius Ponticus).” “” (2014): . Evagrius Ponticus is one of the most significant representatives of ancient Christian ascetic tradition of the East. His work had a strong impact on theology and Christian ascetic practice in the past centuries. However, the theological basis of his asceticism is certainly not unquestionable. In this article the author examines Evagrius’s theological position and its relation to his asceticism, so that his work could be appropriately evaluated. -pub | ||||
2014 | Howard | Is Thoughtless Prayer Really Christian? A Biblical/Evangelical Response to Evagrius of Pontus | journalArticle | Howard, Evan B. “Is Thoughtless Prayer Really Christian? A Biblical/Evangelical Response to Evagrius of Pontus.” Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 7, no. 1 (2014): 118–139. academia.eduWhile many Christians are finding comfort in forms of prayer that emphasize silence, others find concern with just such forms, seeing them as doctrinally unfaithful innovations of early monks. This article, then, investigates one influential early monk, Evagrius of Pontus, regarding thoughtless prayer. The article summarizes Evagrius' life and monastic practice. It explores Evagrius' mystical theology in general and particularly his understanding of the roles that (thought-less) prayer plays in the various stages of development in Christian maturity. The article then develops a biblical and evangelical response to Evagrius' approach, examining themes of the transcendent greatness of God, silence, and prayer in the Scriptures. Based on these investigations, the article offers three practical suggestions concerning the use of thoughtless prayer for Christians today. -pub | ||||
2013 | Ramelli | "Preexistence of Souls"? The Arche and Telos of Rational Creatures in Origen and Some Origenians | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:ramelli-2013e Ramelli, Ilaria L. E. “"Preexistence of Souls"? The Arche and Telos of Rational Creatures in Origen and Some Origenians.” Studia Patristica 56 (2013): 167–226. I examine the doctrine of the soul, its composition, origin and destiny, in some eminent Christian Platonists: Origin, with his doctrine of the logika, the Christian Middle Platonist Bardaisan of Edessa, Gregory of Nyssa, Evagrius and Adamantius in the Dialogue of Adamentius, ( which I suspect to include more of Origen's thought than is commonly assumed). I investigate how their psychology is related to the themes of creation and apokatastasis, a doctrine that, not accidently, is shared by them all, but that does not presuppose a belief in the 'preexistence of souls'.A common pattern emerges, which renders the label 'preexistence of souls' inadequate.From this research it results that the Dialogue of Adamentius, Gregory, and Evagrius are closer to Origen's authentic thought on the logika and their spiritual bodies between protology and eschatology than is usually assumed. Gregory, I argue, did not criticise Origen's purported preexistence of souls. As for Bardaisan, more and more clues point to a relationship with Origen's thought and his tradition. | ||||
2013 | Ramelli | A Rhetorical Device in Evagrius: Allegory, the Bible, and Apokatastasis | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:ramelli-2013d Ramelli, Ilaria L. E. “A Rhetorical Device in Evagrius: Allegory, the Bible, and Apokatastasis.” In The Purpose of Rhetoric in Late Antiquity: From Performance to Exegesis , pp. 55–69. Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum / Studies and Texts in Antiquity and Christianity 72. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013. Ramelli starts by presenting scriptural interpretation from the Kephalaia Gnostika as a means of illustrating Evagrius’ allegorical methods, with background from Origen. She emphasizes the tight bond between virtue and knowledge evident in Evagrius’ interpretations. Next, she argues that Evagrius used “astronomical allegory” to illustrate his teachings on apokatastasis, with background from Basil’s Homilies on Isaiah. -CSV | ||||
2013 | Ramelli | Origen's Apologists and Followers, the Cappadocians, Evagrius, the Antiochenes, and Fourth-Century Latin Origenians | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:ramelli-2013b Ramelli, Ilaria L. E. “Origen's Apologists and Followers, the Cappadocians, Evagrius, the Antiochenes, and Fourth-Century Latin Origenians.” In The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis: A Critical Assessment from the New Testament to Eriugena , pp. 279–658. Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 120. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2013. In this 379-page (!) chapter, see especially pp. 461–512, which covers Evagrius. The author argues in part that Evagrius's view of the apokatastasis (the restoration of all things at the end of time) was consonant with the teaching of Origen and the Cappadocians. -jk | ||||
2013 | Ramelli | Evagrius and Gregory: Nazianzen or Nyssen? Cappadocian (and Origenian) Influence on Evagrius | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:ramelli-2013c Ramelli, Ilaria L. E. “Evagrius and Gregory: Nazianzen or Nyssen? Cappadocian (and Origenian) Influence on Evagrius.” Greek Roman and Byzantine Studies 53, no. 1 (2013): 117–137. duke.eduRamelli argues that Gregory of Nyssa had a deep influence on Evagrius, deeper than previously thought. | ||||
2013 | Peretó Rivas | Las doctrinas secretas en la obra de Evagrio Póntico | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:peretó-rivas-2013b Peretó Rivas, Rubén. “Las doctrinas secretas en la obra de Evagrio Póntico.” Mediaevalia: Textos e estudos 32 (2013): 15–28. | ||||
2013 | Casiday | Translation, Controversies, and Adaptations at St Sabas Monastery during the Sixth Century | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:casiday-2013b Casiday, Augustine. “Translation, Controversies, and Adaptations at St Sabas Monastery during the Sixth Century.” The Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies 2 (2013): . This article identifies two texts from St Sabas Monastery that give important information about theological crises that occured there during the sixth century: Evagrius Ponticus's *Gnostic Chapters* as well as the *Book of Cassian the Monk*. The importance of the monastery as a centre of spiritual and theological authority is explained, before our sources of information are critically surveyed. Counter to the arguments of their respective editors, I argue that the two texts studied here should be seen to correct the bias of a major source for information about the crises (Cyril of Schythopolis's monastic lives), rather than to corroborate that bias. | ||||
2013 | Nešić | Изабрана писма Писмо прво [Меланији] | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:nešić-2013 Nešić, Lazar. “Изабрана писма Писмо прво [Меланији].” Теолошки погледи / Theological Views 46, no. 2 (2013): 331–336. Greek retroversion and Serbian translation of Evagrius, Ep. 1, along with extensive footnotes providing background explanations. -jk Serbian translation of CPG 2437 | ||||
2013 | Muehlberger | Angels in Late Ancient Christianity | book |,2012:scriptum:muehlberger-2013 ISBN 978-0-19-993193-4 Muehlberger, Ellen. Angels in Late Ancient Christianity . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. amazon.comThe first chapter compares Evagrius and Augustine's views on angels. | ||||
2013 | Meyer | "Marvel at the Intelligence of Unthinking Creatures!": Contemplative Animals in Gregory of Nazianzus and Evagrius of Pontus | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:meyer-2013 Meyer, Eric Daryl. “"Marvel at the Intelligence of Unthinking Creatures!": Contemplative Animals in Gregory of Nazianzus and Evagrius of Pontus.” In Animals as Religious Subjects: Transdisciplinary Perspectives . London: Blomsbury T&T Clark, 2013. | ||||
2013 | Konstantinovsky | Evagrius Ponticus on Being Good in God and Christ | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:konstantinovsky-2013 Konstantinovsky, Julia. “Evagrius Ponticus on Being Good in God and Christ.” Studies in Christian Ethics 26 (2013): 317–332. academia.eduCan moral theories of the kind Evagrius Ponticus upheld be useful today? Is his ethics one of many other virtue ethical theories or is it something else entirely? I argue that Evagrius’s theory of virtue is an instance of traditional Christian moral theory. Moreover, as a Christian theory, Evagrius’s moral system stands apart from non-Christian moral theories, virtue, consequentialist and deontological. I further maintain that his morality is robust, because it is able to undercut some of the strongest critiques generally made against moral theories: those of inconsistency and selfishness. It is also successful, because it produced fertile cultural movements that continue at present. I conclude, however, that its theistic, kenotic and inverted nature presents a direct challenge to ethical assumptions of today. -pub | ||||
2013 | Horyacha | Monastic Thought on the Passions: Pseudo-Macarius versus Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:horyacha-2013 Horyacha, Mariya. “Monastic Thought on the Passions: Pseudo-Macarius versus Evagrius Ponticus.” Byzantion 83 (2013): 113–147. peeters-leuven.beThis paper offers a comparative study of two prominent figures of Byzantine monasticism – Evagrius of Pontus and Pseudo-Macarius – with regard to their teaching concerning the passions. The author considers the basic ideas of the passions in the writings of these two authors and discusses the similarities and differences between their teachings, as well as the compatibility of the Macarian teaching on the passions with the Evagrian schema of eight generic thoughts. The comparative analysis shows that the Macarian and Evagrian lists of passions, though different, are not incompatible. They represent different approaches and emphases, rather than a disagreement in principles between the two ascetic writers. | ||||
2013 | Grün | Die spirituelle Hausapotheke: Für alle Fälle | book |,2012:scriptum:grün-2013 ISBN 978-3-89680-821-9 Grün, Anselm. Die spirituelle Hausapotheke: Für alle Fälle . Münsterschwarzach: Vier Türme; Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2013. Die spirituelle Hausapotheke
Die große Widerrede, der Antirrhetikos des Evagrius Ponticus gegen die negativen Gedanken, ist auch heute noch eine wichtige Inspiration für das spirituelle Leben. In diesem Büchlein sollen die wertvollen und durchaus sehr lebenspraktischen Vorschläge aus dem 4. Jahrhundert in leicht lesbarer Weise für alle Not- und Lebenslagen des heutigen Menschen nutzbar gemacht werden. Dazu werden Textauszüge aus dem Antirrhetikos in Bezug zu solchen Lebenslagen gebracht. Kommentare von Anselm Grün runden das Ganze ab. | ||||
2013 | Gombos | Divine Sovereignty, Divine Providence,and Prayer in the Thought of Evagrius Ponticus | thesis |,2012:scriptum:gombos-2013 Gombos, Chris S. “Divine Sovereignty, Divine Providence,and Prayer in the Thought of Evagrius Ponticus.” Ph.D. Loyola University, 2013. According to the thesis of the project, the intent is to detail the relationship in Evagrius’ thought between prayer and theological conviction, namely sovereignty and
providence. The present work intends to illustrate that Evagrius’ s position on sovereignty and providence informs his teachings on
prayer. -pub | ||||
2013 | Golitzin | Dionysius’ Predecessors: Evagrius and Macarius | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:golitzin-2013 Golitzin, Alexander. “Dionysius’ Predecessors: Evagrius and Macarius.” In Mystagogy: A Monastic Reading of Dionysius Areopagita , pp. 305–361. [n.p.]: Cistercian Publications, 2013. | ||||
2013 | Géhin Rigo | Les collections de <i>Kephalaia</i> monastiques: Naissance et succès d'un genre entre création originale, plagiat et florilège | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:géhin-2013 Géhin, Paul. “Les collections de Kephalaia monastiques: Naissance et succès d'un genre entre création originale, plagiat et florilège.” In The Minor Genres of Byzantine Theological Literature . Edited by Antonio Rigo, pp. 1–50. Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization 8. Turnhout: Brepols, 2013. Overview of the history of the genre of chapters (kephalaia), beginning with the role of Evagrius, tracing its development through the 14th century in monastic milieux. The article also deals with secular chapter literature and florilegia. -jk | ||||
2013 | Cattoi | An Evagrian ὑπόστασις? Leontios of Byzantium and the 'Composite Subjectivity' of the Person of Christ | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:cattoi-2013 Cattoi, Thomas. “An Evagrian ὑπόστασις? Leontios of Byzantium and the 'Composite Subjectivity' of the Person of Christ.” Studia Patristica 68 (2013): 133–148. In his treatise Contra Nestorianos et Eutychianos, Leontios of Byzantium articulates his own Christological vision, attempting to show how the Chalcedonian paradigm offers an antidote to the evacuation of the incarnation implicit in aphthartodocetism, but also to the Nestorian tendencies of authors such as Theodore of Mopsuestia. Leontios challenges the Monophysite understanding of the incarnation as a “natural union” (henōsis physikē), insisting rather that soul and body are ontologically perfect in themselves, and preferring to use the term “essential union” (henōsis ousiōdes) to characterize the unity between divinity and humanity in the person of Christ. While Leontios asserts the physical reality of Christ’s body as well as the presence of a single subject in the person of Christ, this is accomplished by way of retrieving a surreptitiously Evagrian understanding of the relationship between the eternal Logos and Christ’s own humanity. The reason why Leontios was able to reintroduce elements of Origenist anthropology behind the bastions of Chalcedonian Christology was his skilful reliance on the semantic polyvalence of the term hypostasis, which could denote a principle of subjectivity or a composite reality formed of two distinct natures. While the Chalcedonian paradigm relied on the former meaning of the term in line with the Cappadocian Fathers, and viewed the hypostasis of the eternal Word as Christ’s own principle of subjectivity, Leontios’ vision reserved the term hypostasis for the reality that comes into existence at the moment of the incarnation and that can be defined by specific physical characteristics.
The purpose of this paper is to reassess Leontios’ notion of hypostasis in Contra Nestorianos et Eutychianos, highlighting the points of contact, as well as the differences, between Leontios’ (crypto-Evagrian?) relational understanding of the concept, and its more “normative” reading -denoting personhood- that underpinned the Chalcedonian definition. | ||||
2013 | Corrigan | Suffocation or Germination: Infinity, Formation and Calibration of the Mind in Evagrius’ Notion of Contemplation | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:corrigan-2013 Corrigan, Kevin. “Suffocation or Germination: Infinity, Formation and Calibration of the Mind in Evagrius’ Notion of Contemplation.” Studia Patristica 57 (2013): 9–26. | ||||
2013 | Dysinger | An Exegetical Way of Seeing: Contemplation and Spiritual Guidance in Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:dysinger-2013 Dysinger, Luke. “An Exegetical Way of Seeing: Contemplation and Spiritual Guidance in Evagrius Ponticus.” Studia Patristica 57 (2013): 31–50. academia.eduDysinger presents the theoretical foundations for Evagrius’ interpretation of and use of Scripture, and argues that his theory and praxis for interpretation of Scripture and for the diagnosis of spiritual maladies in others is very similar, if not identical. To prove his argument, Dysinger first lays out Evagrius’ theory of interpretation through quotations from the scholia collections and the Gnostikos, and then he gives an extended interpretation of Letter 25 to Anatolius, in which Evagrius uses encoded scriptural language, which he himself decodes in his other works (the scholia and the Kephalaia Gnostika). Scripture is the Gnostic’s study and his tool. As a Gnostic, Evagrius sees both the particular human soul under his guidance and the particular passage of Scripture within the context of the ultimate goal of all a creation, a return to unity with God. -CSV | ||||
2013 | Engelmann | Kommentar zu den Kephalaia des Euagrios Pontikos | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:engelmann-2013 Engelmann, Till. “Kommentar zu den Kephalaia des Euagrios Pontikos.” In Annahme Christi und Gottesschau: Die Theologie Babais des Großen . [n.p.]: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013. Dieses monastisch-asketische Hauptwerk Babais ist, anders als z.B. der Liber de Unione, kaum zu gliedern, da Babai in seinem Kommentar der bewusst unstrukturierten Anordnung der euagrianischen Logien folgt. Da Babais Theologie dargestellt werden soll, ist vorrangig kein Beitrag zu Euagrios intendiert. Diese Trennung bei der Gattung „Kommentar“ durchzuhalten ist schwieriger als bei anderen Genera durchzuführen, und gerade bei dieser Schrift können sich mannigfaltige Schwierigkeiten ergeben: Der von Babai kommentierte Text ist nicht allein eine Übersetzung, sondern durch die Purgation des Textes von origenistischer Kosmologie eine stark dogmatisch wertende Umakzentuierung. Indem Babai Euagrios als Antiorigenisten präsentiert, werden noch verbleibende origenistische Konzeptionen... -pub | ||||
2013 | Koenig | D'Évagre le Pontique à Jean Cassien: Aspects de la transmission de l'expérience monastique égyptienne à l'Occident | bookSection | Koenig, Yvan. “D'Évagre le Pontique à Jean Cassien: Aspects de la transmission de l'expérience monastique égyptienne à l'Occident.” In Les mystiques juives, chrétiennes et musulmanes dans l’Égypte médiévale (VIIe-XVIe siècles): Interculturalités et contextes historiques , pp. 17–36. Cairo: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 2013. | ||||
2013 | Krawiec | Literacy and Memory in Evagrius’s Monasticism | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:krawiec-2013 Krawiec, Rebecca. “Literacy and Memory in Evagrius’s Monasticism.” Journal of Early Christian Studies 21, no. 3 (2013): 363–390. jhu.eduThis paper examines Evagrius’s monastic literacy, that is, his views on how to write and read monastic texts, in order to argue for the central role of memory in that literacy. Evagrius’s textuality is Origenist because of the hierarchical relationship between material text and spiritual meaning; that textuality shapes Evagrius’s identity as a monastic writer and the esoteric quality of reading in his monastic community. A collective monastic memory is one element that is necessary to read his texts properly, namely, in a way that will allow access to the spiritual strength in the text. Yet memory, like texts, engages the same tension between corporeal reality and immaterial goals that is at the heart of Evagrius’s monasticism. The relationship between literacy and monasticism shapes the memory of Evagrius in the works of two of his followers, Palladius and John Cassian. | ||||
2013 | Casiday | Reconstructing the Theology of Evagrius Ponticus: Beyond Heresy | book |,2012:scriptum:casiday-2013a Casiday, Augustine. Reconstructing the Theology of Evagrius Ponticus: Beyond Heresy . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Introduction; 1. Evagrius' life and his contemporaries; 2. Evagrius' writings; 3. Evagrius' reputation; 4. The fellowship of Evagrius; 5. The interpretation and enactment of Scriptures; 6. Prayer – the fountainhead of Evagrius' theology; 7. Christ, the Face of God and the Face of Man; 8. The Trinity and ultimate blessedness; Conclusion. -pub Reviewed by Ellen Muehlberger, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014.04.38, | ||||
2013 | Young | The Path to Contemplation in Evagrius’ Letters | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:young-2013 Young, Robin Darling. “The Path to Contemplation in Evagrius’ Letters.” Studia Patristica 57 (2013): 75–86. | ||||
2013 | Watson | Evagrius and the History of Mar Yaballahah: Preliminary Findings on a Virtue Tradition in the Church of the East | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:watson-2013 Watson, Tony. “Evagrius and the History of Mar Yaballahah: Preliminary Findings on a Virtue Tradition in the Church of the East.” In From the Oxus River to the Chinese Shores; Studies on East Syriac Christianity in China and Central Asia , pp. 441–456. Munich: Lit Verlag, 2013. Examines Evagrian influences on a Syrian text of the 13th century. | ||||
2013 | Tobon | Raising Body and Soul to the Order of the Nous: Anthropology and Contemplation in Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:tobon-2013c Tobon, Monica. “Raising Body and Soul to the Order of the Nous: Anthropology and Contemplation in Evagrius Ponticus.” Studia Patristica 57 (2013): 51–74. academia.eduPart of Evagrius of Ponticus on Contemplation, volume 5 of the published papers from the Sixteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2011. For Evagrius, both physical and psychological transformation are integral to spiritual transformation. A human being is essentially a nous that, as image of the Triune God, is itself triune, the anthropological triad of spirit, soul and body and the psychological triad of logistikon, thumos and epithumêtikon being its fragmented, post-lapsarian forms. All three parts of the human soul are, accordingly, in some sense nous, and the soul is the form of the body. The predominance of epithumia characteristic of the human soul is reflected in a predominantly earthy, ‘thick’ and contracted bodily ‘mixture’ which by means of diet can be transmuted to a lighter, more expansive constitution. This ‘passage of the body from the bad to the superior quality’ is reflected in that of the soul from passibility to impassibility and of the nous from ignorance to knowledge. Thus diet establishes the physical ground for the restoration of unity to the ‘trinity of ours’ that is the imago Dei, as body and soul are ‘raised to the order of the nous’ and the spiritual body emerges from the ‘triple resurrection’ of body, soul and spirit. The increasing expansiveness of the body’s mixture is the correlate of the ‘expansion of the heart’ and is reflected phenomenologically in the passage of the nous into ever greater spaciousness and inclusivity as it ‘approaches the unconcealed Divinity in itself.’ -pub | ||||
2013 | Tobon | Evagrius Ponticus on Contemplation: Introduction | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:tobon-2013a Tobon, Monica. “Evagrius Ponticus on Contemplation: Introduction.” Studia Patristica 57 (2013): . | ||||
2013 | Brakke Weidemann | Reading the New Testament and Transforming the Self in Evagrius of Pontus | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:brakke-2013 Brakke, David. “Reading the New Testament and Transforming the Self in Evagrius of Pontus.” In Asceticism and Exegesis in Early Christianity: The Reception of New Testament Texts in Ancient Ascetic Discourses . Edited by Hans-Ulrich Weidemann, pp. 284–299. Novum Testamentum et orbis antiquus, Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments 101. Göttingen and Bristol, CT: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013. academia.eduBrakke gives an introduction to the exegesis of Evagrius by way of the scholia collections on Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, some scholia on Luke, and the Antirrhetikos, or Talking Back. To frame his argument, Brakke asserts that for Evagrius Christianity is doctrinal, monastic, and philosophical. The encounter with Scripture is privileged form of contemplation, which ultimately will lead its reader to assimilation with the text. Finally, Brakke examines Evagrius’ treatment of the Old and New Testaments and concludes that there is not a great difference between them in the eyes of Evagrius; each are spoken as parables by the voice of Christ. -CSV | ||||
2013 | Tobon | From Evagrian Prayer to Centering Prayer | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:tobon-2013b Tobon, Monica. “From Evagrian Prayer to Centering Prayer.” In Proceedings of the Colloquium Origenianum Undecimum: Origen and Origenism in the History of Western Thought . Leuven: Peeters, 2013. | ||||
2013 | Ramelli | Harmony between Arkhē and Telos in Patristic Platonism and the Imagery of Astronomical Harmony Applied to Apokatastasis 1 | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:ramelli-2013a Ramelli, Ilaria L. E. “Harmony between Arkhē and Telos in Patristic Platonism and the Imagery of Astronomical Harmony Applied to Apokatastasis 1.” The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 7, no. 1 (2013): 1–49. brillonline.comThis study investigates the idea of harmony as a protological and eschatological principle in three outstanding Patristic philosophers, well steeped in the Platonic tradition: Origen, Gregory Nyssen, and Evagrius. All of them attached an extraordinary importance to harmony, homonoia, and unity in the arkhē and, even more, in the telos. This ideal is opposed to the disagreement/dispersion of rational creatures’ acts of volition after their fall and before the eventual apokatastasis. These Christian Platonists are among the strongest supporters of the final universal restoration. Their reflection on the unity-multiplicity dialectic, which parallels that between harmony and disorder/discord/dissonance, is informed by the Platonic tradition. In Gregory, the idea of harmony assumes musical connotations, especially in relation to the telos. In this connection, I examine the relationship between their notion of harmony in the arkhē and telos and Plotinus’ concept of harmony. Plotinus was well known to Gregory, the author of a Christianized version of Plato’s Phaedo in which apokatastasis is prominent. Origen, whose readings included many Middle-Platonic and Neo-Pythagorean texts, in Alexandria attended the classes of the “proto-Neoplatonist” Ammonius, who was also Plotinus’ teacher. A wide-ranging methodical investigation of the relation between Origen’s and Plotinus’ philosophical thoughts is still a notable desideratum. Finally, I concentrate on the concept of harmony in astronomy as a metaphor for intellectual harmony and apokatastasis in Patristic Platonism, especially in Evagrius’ Kephalaia Gnōstika. The noun apokatastasis was used in an astronomical sense, and employed in Stoicism for the conclusion of a cosmic cycle. Evagrius, who loved astronomical metaphors, focussed a kephalaion on a wordplay—which escaped Guillaumont and all other scholars—concerning the astronomical meaning of apokatastasis, thus embedding his theory of the eventual restoration in an allegorical framework that rests on a notion of astronomical harmony. A strong case is made in this connection that Evagrius was elaborating on Plato’s pivotal link between cosmological (astronomical) and intellectual harmony, and was aware that the Stoic theory of cosmological apokatastasis drew on Plato. -au | ||||
2013 | Misiarczyk | The Relationship Between Nous, Pneuma and Logistikon in Evagrius Ponticus’ Anthropology | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:misiarczyk-2013 Misiarczyk, Leszek. “The Relationship Between Nous, Pneuma and Logistikon in Evagrius Ponticus’ Anthropology.” Studia Patristica 68 (2013): 149–154. academia.eduDid Evagrius in his anthropology identify the rational part of soul, so called logistikon, with the nous? There is much confusion among scholars, e.g., in the texts of A. Guillaumont and P. Gehin, where there are different explanations. This communication attempts to clarify this point of Evagrian doctrine. -au (adapted) | ||||
2013 | Conroy | John Cassian: The Devil in the Details | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:conroy-2013 Conroy, Katie Hager. “John Cassian: The Devil in the Details.” Studia Patristica 64 (2013): 59–64. academia.eduIt is widely accepted that Evagrius Ponticus had a large influence on the writings of John Cassian. Cassian’s use of the eight vices compiled by Evagrius are a clear indication of this influence. Many scholars also deem Cassian’s demonology to be an inheritance of Evagrius, but a closer look shows how Cassian both inherits and develops Evagrian concepts. An important part of his demonology is his conception of the person of the Devil. Cassian’s origin story of the Devil vastly departs from Evagrius’ making the role of the Devil in either theologian’s writings serve a different purpose and openup questions concerning Evagrius’ influence on Cassian. -pub | ||||
2013 | Vázquez | La curación por la palabra: De Platón al primer monacato cristiano | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:vázquez-2013 Vázquez, Santiago Hernán. “La curación por la palabra: De Platón al primer monacato cristiano.” Cauriensia (Universidad de Extremadura - España) 8 (2013): 459–472. academia.eduThe concept of Curatio verbi or treatment for the word has a long tradition, dating back to Homeric epos, in Plato and Aristotle finding a more or less systematic development. Christian monasticism expressly assumes the concept that had already been outlined by Aristotle’s rhetoric: to achieve the wanted effect on the listener the word near himself provides clarification. Meanwhile it is a curative instance of spiritual and psychological affections: the word mentioned that fulfils the above condition can be understood performative, like the logos. For the word, Christian monasticism may do things. In this direction it is possible to establish a dialogue with contemporary psychology studies about the psychotherapeutic process and its performative condition. This research, occupied in clearing the linguistic patterns during changes in the patient, insist that to achieve the cure the therapeutic conversation must trigger in the patient a process of resignification of himself. -pub (adapted) | ||||
2013 | Peretó Rivas Muñoz Muñoz Jiménez Cañizares Martín Puente | La compilación como práctica terapéutica en Evagrio Póntico | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:peretó-rivas-muñoz-2013 Peretó Rivas, Rubén and Muñoz, Carlos. “La compilación como práctica terapéutica en Evagrio Póntico.” In La compilación del saber en la Edad Media . Edited by María José Muñoz Jiménez, Patricia Cañizares, and Cristina Martín Puente, pp. 399–416. Textes et Études du Moyen Âge 69. Porto: Gabinete de Filosofia Medieval, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 2013. | ||||
2013 | Peretó Rivas | La acedia y Evagrio Póntico: Entre ángeles y demonios | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:peretó-rivas-2013a Peretó Rivas, Rubén. “La acedia y Evagrio Póntico: Entre ángeles y demonios.” Studia Patristica 67 (2013): . Evagrio Póntico ha sido uno de los teorizadores más importantes de la Patrística sobre la acedia, logismos al que otorga un enorme peso en el desarrollo de la vida espiritual. Se trata de un fenómeno que no afecta de modo exclusivo a los monjes y que ocupa también un lugar en el proceso de maduración psicológica de la persona.
Los demonios y los ángeles poseen un papel protagónico en la configuración y la evolución de la acedia. Y, si el propósito de los demonios es impedir que el hombre pueda conocer (Kepahalaia gnostica III, 41), la acedia deberá ser entonces un cierto “desconocimiento” o, más bien, el conocimiento de una realidad ficticia, o metarealidad, en la cual ellos puedan adquirir el dominio del alma. El propósito de esta comunicación es mostrar de qué modo la acción de los demonios y de los ángeles se imbrica en el desarrollo acedioso del alma. | ||||
2013 | Hiżycki | Ermeneutica ed esegesi biblica secondo gli scritti di Evagrio Pontico | thesis |,2012:scriptum:hiżycki-2013 Hiżycki, Szymon. “Ermeneutica ed esegesi biblica secondo gli scritti di Evagrio Pontico.” PhD. Pontificium Athenaeum S. Anselmi de Urbe, 2013. Sz. Hiżycki, Ermeneutica ed esegesi biblica secondo gli scritti di Evagrio Pontico | ||||
2013 | Nemeš | Evagrius z Pontu : Myšlienky / Evagrius of Pontus : Sentences | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:nemeš-2013 Nemeš, Jaroslav. “Evagrius z Pontu : Myšlienky / Evagrius of Pontus : Sentences.” Kultúrne dejiny / Cultural History 4, no. 1 (2013): 67–93. academia.eduEvagrius of Pontus (Evagrius Ponticus, around 346 – 399) was a monk of Egyptian desert and a gifted author of spiritual literature. In large monastic centres of Nitria and Kellia, he was primarily formed by two contemporary greats of ascetic life: priest Macarius of Alexandria and monk Macarius of Egypt. Thus Evagrius gained experiences that later he could pass to younger hermits. The thoughts of Evagrius became a source for literarily active John Cassian, Palladius, Maximus the Confessor or Dorotheus of Gaza. By bringing adapted ancient philosophy and lately assimilated Christian doctrine into the monastic system of education, he became a founder of “the monastic pedagogy of occupation”. For translation of the text of the Sentences (Sententiae ad monachos, Sententiae ad virginem) we used the Latin translation by Rufinus of Aquileia. In certain regards, the material resembles monastic rules of a newly established community. -pub Slovak translation of CPG 2435 | ||||
2012- | Kalvesmaki | Guide to Evagrius Ponticus | webpage |,2012:scriptum:kalvesmaki-gep Kalvesmaki, Joel. “Guide to Evagrius Ponticus.” Guide to Evagrius Ponticus (Website). [n.p.]: [n.p.], 2012–. Provides definitive lists of Evagrius's works, of editions and translations of those works, and of studies related to his life and thought. The Guide includes an inventory of relevant ancient sources that refer to Evagrius and a display of imagery from the ancient world. Updated quarterly, the Guide will gradually introduce a manuscript checklist, images of manuscripts, transcriptions of those manuscripts, and open source critical editions of Evagrius's writings. -pub | ||||
2012 | Robinette Pfeil Winwright | Deceit, Desire, and the Desert: René Girard’s Mimetic Theory in Conversation with Early Christian Monastic Practice | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:robinette-2012 Robinette, Brian. “Deceit, Desire, and the Desert: René Girard’s Mimetic Theory in Conversation with Early Christian Monastic Practice.” In Violence, Transformation, and the Sacred: "They Shall Be Called Children of God" . Edited by Margaret R. Pfeil and Tobias L. Winwright. The annual publication of the College Theology Society 57. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 2012. academia.eduThe author brings early desert monasticism into conversation with mimetic theory, arguing that Evagrius and Cassian had "a profound intuitive grasp of mimetic desire that can be light of mimetic theory." See pp. 139-141 for Evagrius. -jk | ||||
2012 | Ramelli | The Syriac version S2 of Evagrius’ Kephalaia Gnostica. Toward a New Edition, Translation, and Commentary | presentation |,2012:scriptum:ramelli-2012 Ramelli, Ilaria L. E. “The Syriac version S2 of Evagrius’ Kephalaia Gnostica. Toward a New Edition, Translation, and Commentary.” Symposium Syriacum, Malta, 2012 | ||||
2012 | Peretó Rivas | Evagrio Póntico y la exclaustración de la acedia | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:peretó-rivas-2012b Peretó Rivas, Rubén. “Evagrio Póntico y la exclaustración de la acedia.” Carthaginensia (Instituto Teológico de Murcia) 28, no. 53 (2012): 23–35. | ||||
2012 | Peretó Rivas | Acedia y trabajo: El justo equilibrio | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:peretó-rivas-2012a Peretó Rivas, Rubén. “Acedia y trabajo: El justo equilibrio.” “” (2012): 333–344. | ||||
2012 | Bunge | Despondency | book |,2012:scriptum:bunge-2012a ISBN 978-0-88141-394-6 Bunge, Gabriel. Despondency . Crestwood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2012. This ultimately joyful work is one of the few books available in English to deal exclusively with the problem of despondency—acedia—and how it can be overcome. Bunge analyzes the views of Evagrius Ponticus, the famous "philosopher of the desert," on the dangers of acedia. Evagrius develops a sophisticated psychology which remains beneficial to us today. Indeed, this 4th-century Desert Father writes for Christians everywhere: for those in modern deserts—the city—and for those subject to silent despair. This is a companion book to Dragon's Wine and Angel's Bread (SVS Press, 2009). | ||||
2012 | Bunge | Gastrimargia: Wissen und Lehre der Wüstenväter von Essen und Fasten; Dargestellt anhand der Schriften des Evagrios Pontikos | book |,2012:scriptum:bunge-2012b ISBN 978-3-643-10782-4 Bunge, Gabriel. Gastrimargia: Wissen und Lehre der Wüstenväter von Essen und Fasten; Dargestellt anhand der Schriften des Evagrios Pontikos . Eremos. Texte zur Spiritualität, Geschichte und Kunst 3. Berlin: Lit, 2012. Ausgehend von der Acht-Laster-Lehre des Mönchsvaters Evagrios Pontikos (+399, ägyptische Wüste) behandelt der Autor das erste Laster, die Sünde oder den Dämon der Gastrimargia, den "entfesselten Magen". Er beschreibt zunächst eine Erscheinung unserer Tage, das moderne Laster des "Over-Eatings" (Kap. I) und die klassischen Erscheinungsformen der Gastrimargia (Kap. II). Erst anschließend wird in die Kunst des Fastens (Kap. IV) eingeführt und die theologische Dimensionen des Essens (Vom Segen des Essens, Kap. V) dargestellt. - Essen und Fasten sind für den Menschen höchst fragwürdige Vorgänge, Vorgänge die sein Menschsein in Frage stellen können. Der Autor bietet in seinem Text Diagnose und Therapie der Gastrimargia aus der Weisheit der frühen christlichen Mönchsväter für den heutigen Menschen. -pub | ||||
2012 | Misiarczyk Drączkowski | Syryjskie przekłady Kephalaia Gnostica Ewagriusza z Pontu [Syriac Versions of Evagrius Ponticus’ Kephalaia Gnostica] | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:misiarczyk-2012 Misiarczyk, Leszek. “Syryjskie przekłady Kephalaia Gnostica Ewagriusza z Pontu [Syriac Versions of Evagrius Ponticus’ Kephalaia Gnostica].” In Ortodoksja, herezja, schizma w Kościele starożytnym [Orthodoxy, Heresy and Schism in Early Church] . Edited by Franciszek Drączkowski, pp. 157–167. Lublin: Polihymnia, 2012. docplayer.plLe versioni syriache dei testi di evagrio ci aiutano di confermare la paternità dei suoi trattati conservati in greco, sono fondamentali per attribuire a lui le opere pervenuteci sotto il nome di Nilo di ancira e infine ci danno l’accesso ai suoi testi do cui l’originale greco è andato completamente perduto. Nel caso di Kephalaia Gnostica abbiamo a che fare proprio con il terzo caso dato che l’originale greco dell’opera non è arrivato fino ai nostri tempi e le traduzioni syriache sono uniche che ci danno la possibilità di conoscere e ricostruire questo testo. Poi, le traduzioni syriache dell’opera hanno avuto il ruolo fondamentale sia nel far conoscere agli ambienti monastici syriaci la dottrina spirituale e mistica del nostro autore sia nella creazione del linguaggio tecnico della spiritualità syriaca. Infine, con la pubblicazione della versione S2 da parte di a. Guillaumont non ripulita dagli cosidetti errori di origenismo è stato possibile conoscere meglio il cosidetto origenismo di evagrio e di compararlo con la dottrina condannata dal Concilio di Costantinopoli del 553 e posteriori. Le analisi di G. Bunge hanno mostrato chiaramente che la dottrina condannata dai concili non è uguale a quella di evagrio e quindi le versioni syriache pos-sono aiutarci di precisare meglio anche questo aspetto delle sua dottrina. -pub | ||||
2012 | Louth | Review of Greg Peters, Peter of Damascus: Byzantine Monk and Spiritual Theologian (Toronto, 2011) | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:louth-2012 Louth, Andrew. “Review of Greg Peters, Peter of Damascus: Byzantine Monk and Spiritual Theologian (Toronto, 2011).” “” (2012): 543–544. | ||||
2012 | Konstantinovsky Bingaman Nassif | Evagrius in the Philokalia of Sts. Macarius and Nicodemus | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:konstantinovsky-2012 Konstantinovsky, Julia. “Evagrius in the Philokalia of Sts. Macarius and Nicodemus.” In The Philokalia: A Classic Text of Orthodox Spirituality . Edited by Brock Bingaman and Bradley Nassif. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. | ||||
2012 | Kalvesmaki | The <i>Epistula fidei</i> of Evagrius of Pontus: An Answer to Constantinople | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:kalvesmaki-2012 Kalvesmaki, Joel. “The Epistula fidei of Evagrius of Pontus: An Answer to Constantinople.” Journal of Early Christian Studies 20, no. 1 (2012): 113–139. The De fide or Epistula fidei by Evagrius is widely thought to have been written from Constantinople around 381 to Christians back home, in Pontus. In this article I revive and refine a thesis advanced in 1923 by Melcher, that the letter was written in fact to Constantinople, after Evagrius fled the city in 382. Building on Melcher’s insights, I argue that Evagrius wrote the letter from Jerusalem or Egypt, as a monk, sometime in 383 or later. Thus, the letter is not really a defense of his actions, even though he explains why he fled Constantinople. It is rather a pastoral letter, draped in the spiritual and intellectual mantle of Gregory—an attack on the heresies in the city and a demonstration to the orthodox of a higher epistemology. Revising the date and audience of the Epistula fidei permits new insights into the development of Evagrius’s theology, the state of Constantinople under Nectarius, and the contested inheritance of Gregory of Nazianzus. -pub | ||||
2012 | Evagrius Ponticus Nau | Evagrius Ponticus' Chapters on Prayer: Introduction, English Translation and Notes | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-nau-2012 ISBN 978-1-291-01733-5 Evagrius Ponticus and Nau, Sr. Pascale-Dominique. Evagrius Ponticus' Chapters on Prayer: Introduction, English Translation and Notes . Rome: [n.p.], 2012. English translation of CPG 2452 | ||||
2012 | Evagrius Ponticus Joest | Ad monachos; Ad virginem; Institutio ad monachos = Der Mönchsspiegel; Der Nonnenspiegel; Ermahnungen an Mönche | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-joest-2012 ISBN 978-3-451-30956-4 Evagrius Ponticus. Ad monachos; Ad virginem; Institutio ad monachos = Der Mönchsspiegel; Der Nonnenspiegel; Ermahnungen an Mönche . Edited by Christoph Joest. Fontes Christiani 51. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 2012. | ||||
2012 | Bradford | Evagrius Ponticus and the Psychology of 'Natural Contemplation' | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bradford-2012 Bradford, David T. “Evagrius Ponticus and the Psychology of 'Natural Contemplation'.” Studies in Spirituality 22 (2012): 109–125. Evagrius was the first ascetical theologian of the Christian tradition and one of its most influential. His mystical theology has been widely discussed with the exception of his writings on ‘natural contemplation’ (theoria physike). Traditional spiritual writings regularly mention natural contemplation but provide relatively few details and little practical exposition. This study has nine sections. The first is concerned with textual sources. The second situates natural contemplation in Evagrius’s outline of the stages of the ascetic life. The third shows that the two forms of natural contemplation are aspects of a single cognitive process. The fourth is focused on psychological insights mediated through natural contemplation. The types of contemplative objects are reviewed in the fifth section, and the mystic’s identification with the objects is discussed in the sixth. The seventh section highlights contemplation’s effect of inhibiting sensory perception. The eighth is concerned with extraordinary spatial perceptions intrinsic to contemplation. The temporal duration of the two forms of natural contemplation is considered in the final section. This is the first psychological analysis of natural contemplation. | ||||
2012 | Nieścior | Teologia i wiara według Ewagriusza z Pontu [Theology and Faith according to Evagrius Ponticus] | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:nieścior-2012 Nieścior, Leon. “Teologia i wiara według Ewagriusza z Pontu [Theology and Faith according to Evagrius Ponticus].” Teologia Patrystyczna 9 (2012): 73–93. | ||||
2012 | Christie | The Blue Sapphire of the Mind: Notes for a Contemplative Ecology | book |,2012:scriptum:christie-2012 ISBN 0-19-981232-2 Christie, Douglas E. The Blue Sapphire of the Mind: Notes for a Contemplative Ecology . Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. Chapter 2: Contact, or the Blue Sapphire of the Mind For Evagrius and many other early Christian monks, Mt. Sinai was a symbol of a certain intimacy with God the contemplative might hope to realize on the inner journey. The evocation of the mountain and the sapphire-blue tiles remains an important reminder of the intricate relationship that exists between outer and inner landscapes, and of the way the physical landscape can spark thought, open the imagination, and deepen awareness. The mountain became a place toward which the monk could direct his gaze, a point of orientation, an emblem of the awesome and charged space of his own inner life. This chapter argues that the contemplative vision arising from the ancient Christian monastic world expresses a hunger still present and familiar to us at the dawn of the twenty-first century: the longing to live with an awareness of the whole. And it speaks to the promise inherent in all great spiritual traditions of the world, that the human mind (or heart or soul) is capable of expanding and deepening to such an extent that it becomes possible to incorporate everything and to be incorporated into everything: to exist and know oneself as existing within the whole. -pub | ||||
2012 | Evagrius Ponticus | Worte an die Mönche; Worte an eine Jungfrau = Sententiae ad monachos; Sententiae ad virginem | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-ruppert-iesele-2012 ISBN 9783896807069 (hd. bd.) Evagrius Ponticus. Worte an die Mönche; Worte an eine Jungfrau = Sententiae ad monachos; Sententiae ad virginem . Translated by Fidelis Ruppert and Wilfried Eisele. Quellen der Spiritualität 6. Münsterschwarzach: Vier-Türme-Verlag, 2012. Translations of Sententiae ad monachos and Sententiae ad virginem, with endnotes commenting on the chapters and identifying textual reuse. Includes a short chapter by Wilfried Eisele on the place of Evagrius in collections of wise sayings. -jk | ||||
2012 | Lemeni | Evagrie Ponticul – un avva al deşertului | journalArticle | Lemeni, Daniel. “Evagrie Ponticul – un avva al deşertului.” “” (2012): 41–46. The intention of this study is to approach the issue of spiritual guidance in the Eastern Christian tradition, based on a great ascetic from the deserts of Egypt in the 4th century—Evagrius Ponticus. The clear conclusion of the Pontic hermit is that the work of a patér pneumatikós is not to communicate a doctrine in an abstract manner and by means of discourse, but rather to offer his apprentice a way to intensely assimilate spiritual teachings. We support the idea of placing the practice of spiritual guidance in the context of spiritual experience; our intention was to do justice to the thesis that an abba is basically an anthropos pneumatikós i.e. a man who learned the spiritual mysteries of life during his prolonged experience in the desert. Thus, the way of life of the Pontic hermit is not the same as that of a teacher (didaskalos), as the message send by this way of life is not a doctrine, but a personal experience of spiritual life. In brief, abba Evagrius Ponticus is more of an authentic spiritual father rather than a “philosopher” of the desert (A. Guillaumont), whose main job is to offer spiritual guidance to his apprentice in his spiritual life. -pub | ||||
2012 | Evagrius Ponticus | Τα ρνγ΄ κεφαλαια περι προσευχης | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-dionysatos Evagrius Ponticus. Τα ρνγ΄ κεφαλαια περι προσευχης . Translated by Theokletos Dionysatos. [n.p.]: Speliote, 2012. Greek translation of CPG 2452 | ||||
2012 | Cassian the Sabaite Tzamalikos | A Newly Discovered Greek Father: Cassian the Sabaite Eclipsed by John Cassian of Marseilles | book |,2012:scriptum:tzamalikos-2012a ISBN 9789004224414 (hardback : alk. paper) Cassian the Sabaite and Tzamalikos, Panagiōtēs. A Newly Discovered Greek Father: Cassian the Sabaite Eclipsed by John Cassian of Marseilles . Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae. Vol. 111. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2012. This is a companion volume to the author's monograph The Real Cassian Revisited, presenting primary sources in their original language along with facing translation. Collectively, the two volumes argue that the putative early fifth-century writer John Cassian is a late Latin forgery, and that the Latin texts that survive under his name are interpolated translations of the original Greek, which survives in manuscript 573 from the Monastery of the Metamorphosis (Meteoron) in Greece. The true author of the treatises is a hitherto unknown sixth century Origenist polymath monk, Cassian the Sabaite. Tzamalikos's thesis has significant import for studies Evagrius, in that it locates a major source of Evagrius's teaching from a late fourth and early fifth century Latin milieu into a six-century Greek one, a time and place where Evagrius's legacy was hotly contested, and for which we have little surviving evidence. Reviews (listed below) have been overall skeptical. -jk ReviewsColumba Stewart, Journal of Ecclesiastical History 66, no. 2 (2015): 372–76, doi:10.1017/S0022046914000670. Augustine Casiday, Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies 2014, no. 3 (2014): 119–25. doi:10.1484/J.JMMS.5.102724 | ||||
2012 | Tzamalikos | The Real Cassian Revisited: Monastic Life, Greek Paideia, and Origenism in the Sixth Century | book |,2012:scriptum:tzamalikos-2012b ISBN 9789004224407 (hardback : alk. paper) Tzamalikos, Panagiōtēs. The Real Cassian Revisited: Monastic Life, Greek Paideia, and Origenism in the Sixth Century . Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae. Vol. 112. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2012. This monograph accompanies the authors A Newly Discovered Greek Father. See the entry there for summary and assessment. Contents: Introduction. Monk Cassian, the Sabaite of Scythopolis in Palestine and John Cassian, the Scythian of Marseilles : the resurrection of an eclipsed author -- Testimonies, addresses, and Cassian's real milieu -- Cassian the Sabaite -- A Greek writer -- An eclipsed author -- Hellenism in the sixth century -- Doctrinal decorum and imperial power -- Late antique intellectual interplay -- Conclusion -- Appendix I. The Book of Cassian copied by posterity -- Appendix II. Greek references to Cassian -- Appendix III. Cassian and Caesarius reviewed by Photius. -pub | ||||
2012 | Torevell Schmack Thompson Torevell | Like a Jar of Wine Left in Its Place for a While . . . Clear, Settled and Perfumed”: Evagrius of Pontus and the Purifying Engagement of Stillness | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:torevell-2012 Torevell, David. “Like a Jar of Wine Left in Its Place for a While . . . Clear, Settled and Perfumed”: Evagrius of Pontus and the Purifying Engagement of Stillness.” In Engaging Religious Education . Edited by Joy Schmack, Matthew Thompson, and David Torevell, pp. 171–184. Liverpool Hope University Studies in Ethics. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2012. | ||||
2012 | Sheridan OSB | From the Nile to the Rhone and Beyond; Studies in early monastic literature and scriptural interpretation | book |,2012:scriptum:sheridan-2012 ISBN 978-3-8306-7558-7 Sheridan OSB, Mark. From the Nile to the Rhone and Beyond; Studies in early monastic literature and scriptural interpretation . Studia Anselmiana. [n.p.]: Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo, 2012. google.itA collection of articles on early monasticism with emphasis on the Patristic methods of interpreting Holy Scripture, the role of Origen and the monastic theology and praxis of John Cassian. | ||||
2012 | Evagrius Ponticus Nau | Évagre le Pontique: Sentences sur la prière | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-nau-2012b ISBN 978-1-291-04044-9 Evagrius Ponticus and Nau, Sr Pascale-Dominique. Évagre le Pontique: Sentences sur la prière . Place of publication not identified:, 2012. French translation of CPG 2452 | ||||
2011 | Perrone | La preghiera secondo Origene: L'impossibilità donata | book |,2012:scriptum:perrone-2011 Perrone, Lorenzo. La preghiera secondo Origene: L'impossibilità donata . Letteratura Cristiana Antica. Nuova Serie 24. Brescia: Morcelliana, 2011. | ||||
2011 | Peretó Rivas | Las mutaciones de la acedia: De la Patrística a la Edad Media | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:peretó-rivas-2011c Peretó Rivas, Rubén. “Las mutaciones de la acedia: De la Patrística a la Edad Media.” Studium 27 (2011): 159–173. El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar el tránsito conceptual de la acedia desde su formulación técnica por parte de los Padres del Desierto –quienes la entienden como un logismos–, hasta su consideración estrictamente moral por parte de los autores medievales –que la ubican dentro de la categoría de vicio o pecado–. Se tendrán en cuenta de modo particular las obras de Evagrio Póntico en las que discute el tema y, entre los medievales, la Summa de vitiis de Guillermo Peraldus. -pub | ||||
2011 | Peretó Rivas | La acedia y el transitus monástico en el siglo XII | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:peretó-rivas-2011b Peretó Rivas, Rubén. “La acedia y el transitus monástico en el siglo XII.” Teología Espiritual (Facultad de Teología San Vicente Ferrer - Valencia) 55, no. 165 (2011): 313–324. El autor nos presenta la acedia y el transitus monástico en el siglo XII. Era frecuente entonces, encontrarse con casos como el de Adan Scott, que como la mayoría de los que optaban por la vida monástica, estaba marcada por el deseo y la tendencia a la perfección. Se trataba, indudablemente, de una vida en tensión. ¿Qué podía ocurrir, sin embargo, cuando luego de varios años de vida religiosa, se descubría que el estado de perfección que se buscaba originariamente estaba aún lejano? O, aún más, ¿qué reacción podía suscitarse en la psicología del monje cuando caía en la cuenta que las tentaciones y los ataques que sufría en su estado de vida actual eran mucho más duros que los que debía enfrentar en la vida del mundo? Sobrevendría, seguramente, una etapa de fuerte frustración, tristeza y desesperanza. Adán relata esta difícil situación, con palabras particularmente dramáticas, en el primer capítulo de su obra Soliloquiorum de instructione animae: «Yo creía que, al renunciar al mundo e ingresar en la vida religiosa, encontraría la paz y el reposo». -pub | ||||
2011 | Peretó Rivas | Acedia y depresión: Aportes para una reconstrucción histórica | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:peretó-rivas-2011a Peretó Rivas, Rubén. “Acedia y depresión: Aportes para una reconstrucción histórica.” Revista de Humanidades Médicas & Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología 3, no. 1 (2011): . ea-journal.comAcedia and depression. A contribution for an historical reconstruction.<br /> <br /> The many histories of depression that have been written in the last decades dedicate, in my opinion, few pages to the study of an important precedent of this pathology that took place in closed religious ambiences of the first centuries of the Christianity and, later, during the Middle Ages. I refer to the spiritual phenomenon named acedia and that was object of study of remarkable personages of these times. The manifestation of the same phenomenon will be assimilated to those of the melancholy during the modernity and will center the attention not only of physicians but also of writers.<br /> The purpose of this paper is to delineate some fundamental elements of the acedia and its close relationship with today’s depression, from an approach that bears in mind principally the writings of the Christian patristic and medieval authors and its projections into the Modern Ages. -pub Las numerosas historias de la depresión que se han escrito en las últimas décadas dedican, a mi juicio, pocas páginas al estudio de un importante antecedente de esta patología que tuvo lugar en ámbitos religiosos cerrados propios de los primeros siglos del cristianismo y, más adelante, durante la Edad Media. Me refiero al fenómeno espiritual denominado acedia y que fue objeto de estudio de notables personajes de esas épocas. Las manifestaciones de este fenómeno se asimilarán a las de la melancolía durante la modernidad y centrará la atención no solo de médicos sino también de literatos.<br />El objeto de este artículo es delinear algunos elementos fundamentales de la acedia y sus estrechas relaciones con lo que hoy denominamos depresión, a través de una aproximación que tenga en cuenta principalmente los escritos de los autores cristianos patrísticos y medievales y sus proyecciones en la época moderna. -pub | ||||
2011 | Bunge Kaffanke | "Die Lehren der heiligen Väter" (RB 73, 2): Aufsätze zu Evagrios Pontikos aus drei Jahrzehnten | book |,2012:scriptum:bunge-2011 ISBN 978-3-87071-243-3 Bunge, Gabriel. "Die Lehren der heiligen Väter" (RB 73, 2): Aufsätze zu Evagrios Pontikos aus drei Jahrzehnten . Edited by Jakobus Kaffanke. Weisungen der Väter 11. Beuron: Beuroner Kunstverlag, 2011. Celebrating the 70th birthday of Gabriel Bunge, this volume collects a number of articles published between 1986 and 1999. -jk | ||||
2011 | Katos | Palladius of Helenopolis: The Origenist Advocate | book |,2012:scriptum:katos-2011 ISBN 0-19-969696-9 Katos, Demetrios S. Palladius of Helenopolis: The Origenist Advocate . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Chapter 4 "The Lausiac History" reconstructs the context of the composition of HL, and sees it as an "Origenist Apologia" directed to the imperial court in response to the accusations of Jerome. Palladius' relationship to Evagrius and other "Origenist" monks is discussed here. Chapter 5 "The ascent to God in prayer" deals with the influence on the HL of Evagrius' understanding of praxis, natural contemplation and Scripture, and theologia. -be | ||||
2011 | Jullien Pierre | Monachismes d'Orient: Images, échanges, influences; hommage à Antoine Guillaumont; cinquantenaire de la chaire des "Christianismes orientaux", EPHE SR | book |,2012:scriptum:jullien-pierre-2011 ISBN 978-2-503-54144-0 Jullien, Florence and Pierre, Marie-Joseph. Monachismes d'Orient: Images, échanges, influences; hommage à Antoine Guillaumont; cinquantenaire de la chaire des "Christianismes orientaux", EPHE SR . Edited by Florence Jullien and Marie-Joseph Pierre. Bibliothèque de l'École des hautes études. Section des sciences religieuses 148. Turnhout: Brepols, 2011. | ||||
2011 | Hager | John Cassian: The Devil in the Details | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hager-2011 Hager, Kathryn. “John Cassian: The Devil in the Details.” Studia Patristica 64 (2011): 59–64. academia.eduIt is widely accepted that Evagrius Ponticus had a large influence on the writings of John Cassian. Cassian’s use of the eight vices compiled by Evagrius are a clear indica-tion of this influence. Many scholars also deem Cassian’s demonology to be an inherit-ance of Evagrius, but a closer look shows how Cassian both inherits and developsEvagrian concepts. An important part of his demonology is his conception of the personof the Devil. Cassian’s origin story of the Devil vastly departs from Evagrius’ makingthe role of the Devil in either theologian’s writings serve a different purpose and openup questions concerning Evagrius’ influence on Cassian. | ||||
2011 | Gibbons | Vice and Self Examination in the Christian Desert: An Intellectual Historical Reading of Evagrius Ponticus | thesis |,2012:scriptum:gibbons-2011 Gibbons, Kathleen. “Vice and Self Examination in the Christian Desert: An Intellectual Historical Reading of Evagrius Ponticus.” thesis. University of Toronto, 2011. This thesis offers an analysis of the vice tradition of the fourth-century monk Evagrius Ponticus.sWhile Evagrius, like others before him, understands that virtue and vice have an affective component, and that these affections are reactions to mental images, for Evagrius these images aresveridically thinner than what we find in earlier discussions of passion in ancient philosophy. As a result, vice is less a matter of false reasoning andsfalse perception than it is a matter of the excessive dwelling on representations connected with events of one’s personal history, to the point that the passions aroused at the time of those events become globalized dispositions. Evagrius’s concern withshow memories lead us to dwell on these “bad thoughts” proves to be point of contact with psychoanaly which many modern authors, including Michel Foucault, have detected; yet a closesanalysis of what Evagrius takes to be involved in self-examination revealssthat Foucault’s account of the “technologies of the self” fails to take into account Evagrius’s interest in the distinction between the endowed self, that self which is examined, and the ideal self, the goal of the ascetic activity. -pub | ||||
2011 | Géhin Jullien Pierre | D’Égypte en Mésopotamie: La réception d’Évagre le Pontique dans les communautés syriaques | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:géhin-2011b Géhin, Paul. “D’Égypte en Mésopotamie: La réception d’Évagre le Pontique dans les communautés syriaques.” In Monachismes d'Orient: Images, échanges, influences; hommage à Antoine Guillaumont; cinquantenaire de la chaire des "Christianismes orientaux", EPHE SR . Edited by Florence Jullien and Marie-Joseph Pierre, pp. 29–49. Bibliothèque de l'École des hautes études. Section des sciences religieuses 148. Turnhout: Brepols, 2011. In discussing the transmission of Evagrius's works into Syriac, the author deals with Giullaumont's hypothesis that Sergius of Reshaina is the translator of S2, the unexpurgated Syriac translation of the Kephalaia gnostika. Géhin argues against this possibility, on the basis of translation techniques and choices. He also discusses the influence of Evagrius on Philoxenus of Mabbug and Sassanian-period Syriac authors such as Babai the Great. -jk | ||||
2011 | Géhin Rigo | À propos d’une expression des <i>Chapitres sur la prière d’Évagre</i>: 'Vis selon l’intellect' | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:géhin-2011a Géhin, Paul. “À propos d’une expression des Chapitres sur la prière d’Évagre: 'Vis selon l’intellect'.” In Byzantine Theology and Its Philosophical Background . Edited by Antonio Rigo, pp. 17–31. Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization 4. Turnhout: Brepols, 2011. metapress.comThe Chapters on Prayer unanimously ascribed by the Byzantine tradition to a certain Nilus were attributed convincingly to Evagrius Ponticus by Irénée Hausherr. Based on a phrase in ch. 110 “Live in accordance with the intellect”, this contribution intends to examine the well refined conception of Evagrius about prayer: True prayer should be related to the highest activities of the intellect and should require an overflow of the normal cognitive activity. On this point, his teaching is in a particular tributary of Platonism and of all the Alexandrian-Patristic tradition (Clement of Alexandria, Origen). But by asserting that this eminent activity doubles itself through an experience of enlightenment, Evagrius blew a breach in that what, in a first approach, could be seen as an absolute rejection of every image and representation. Because of the topic of the intelligible light, of its reality and its significance, our text was used in the 14th century during the Palamite controversy, when every part intends to find citations in favour of its own position. -pub DOI: 10.1484/M.SBHC-EB.1.100960 | ||||
2011 | Ekman | On the Texture of an Invisible God: Biblical Exegesis and Imageless Prayer in Evagrius Ponticus | thesis |,2012:scriptum:ekman-2011 Ekman, Benjamin. “On the Texture of an Invisible God: Biblical Exegesis and Imageless Prayer in Evagrius Ponticus.” MPhil. University of Wales, 2011. Evagrius Ponticus (345-399) has been described as the teacher of prayer par excellence for the Greek Christian tradition. Central to his understanding of prayer is his recurring emphasis on therejection of mental “images” of God during prayer. Evagrius wants the person at prayer to meetGod without mediators in a vision of formless light. In modern accounts of his theology this tendency has often been described as a philosophical theology which devalues the body and the createdorder. Around the time of Evagrius’ life, a controversy flared up in Egypt regarding the question whether one should conceive of God as having an anthropomorphic bodily form. Many modern scholars have seen Evagrius’ focus on “imageless” prayer as a cause of, or response to, this debate. The “anthropomorphite” monks have been described as rustic biblical literalists in stark contrast tothe spiritualising tradition represented by monks like Evagrius. In this project we show that Evagrius placed great emphasis on meditation and commentary on the Bible in his understanding of thespiritual life of monks. Evagrius expected that a monk who was growing in ascetic purity and wis-dom should devote his time to spiritual interpretation of the Scriptures, through which he could contemplate the spiritual “reasons” (logoi) of the created world, a process he referred to as theōria phusikē, natural contemplation. Evagrius thus wanted the monk to both contemplate God’s cre-ation and seek intimate knowledge of God’s self. In this project we show how Evagrius used biblicalmotifs to elaborate his understanding of the contemplative life. One of the biblical images thatEvagrius is most fond of is the theophany on Mount Sinai as described in the book of Exodus; language from this episode often appears in his description of the most elevated forms of prayer. Weshow that for Evagrius, the Exodus narrative as a whole functions as a central organising metaphorfor how he understands the process leading from vice to virtue and deepened knowledge of the world and its Creator. We also show that his emphasis on “imageless” prayer should be understoodagainst the background of the prominent place that theōria phusikē had in his understanding of themonastic life. We suggest that Evagrius perceived a danger in moving too quickly from Scripture- based phusikē to “imageless” prayer before one was sufficiently prepared for this form of prayer.But we also show that he stressed that even the monk who had reached “imageless” prayer shouldseek out the logoi of creation that reveal to him the “face of God,” especially through meditation onthe words of Scripture. We argue that this close relationship between phusikē and “imageless” pray-er in Evagrius’ theology should serve as a corrective of descriptions of his understanding of prayer that emphasise only the “iconoclastic” language found in his treatises. -pub Evagrius Ponticus (345-399) has been described as the teacher of prayer par excellence for the Greek Christian tradition. Central to his understanding of prayer is his recurring emphasis on the rejection of mental “images” of God during prayer. Evagrius wants the person at prayer to meet God without mediators in a vision of formless light. In modern accounts of his theology this tendency has often been described as a philosophical theology which devalues the body and the created order. Around the time of Evagrius’ life, a controversy flared up in Egypt regarding the question whether one should conceive of God as having an anthropomorphic bodily form. Many modern scholars have seen Evagrius’ focus on “imageless” prayer as a cause of, or response to, this debate. The “anthropomorphite” monks have been described as rustic biblical literalists in stark contrast to the spiritualising tradition represented by monks like Evagrius. In this project we show that Evagrius placed great emphasis on meditation and commentary on the Bible in his understanding of the spiritual life of monks. Evagrius expected that a monk who was growing in ascetic purity and wisdom should devote his time to spiritual interpretation of the Scriptures, through which he could contemplate the spiritual “reasons” (logoi) of the created world, a process he referred to as theōria phusikē, natural contemplation. Evagrius thus wanted the monk to both contemplate God’s creation and seek intimate knowledge of God’s self. In this project we show how Evagrius used biblical motifs to elaborate his understanding of the contemplative life. One of the biblical images that Evagrius is most fond of is the theophany on Mount Sinai as described in the book of Exodus; language from this episode often appears in his description of the most elevated forms of prayer. We show that for Evagrius, the Exodus narrative as a whole functions as a central organising metaphor for how he understands the process leading from vice to virtue and deepened knowledge of the world and its Creator. We also show that his emphasis on “imageless” prayer should be understood against the background of the prominent place that theōria phusikē had in his understanding of the monastic life. We suggest that Evagrius perceived a danger in moving too quickly from Scripture-based phusikē to “imageless” prayer before one was sufficiently prepared for this form of prayer. But we also show that he stressed that even the monk who had reached “imageless” prayer should seek out the logoi of creation that reveal to him the “face of God,” especially through meditation on the words of Scripture. We argue that this close relationship between phusikē and “imageless” prayer in Evagrius’ theology should serve as a corrective of descriptions of his understanding of prayer that emphasise only the “iconoclastic” language found in his treatises. -pub | ||||
2011 | Evagrius Ponticus | Über das Gebet | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-joos-2011 ISBN 978-3-89680-704-5 Evagrius Ponticus. Über das Gebet . Translated by Guido Joos. Quellen der Spiritualität 4. [n.p.]: Münsterschwarzach Vier-Türme-Verl, 2011. d-nb.infoTranslation of De oratione. Includes introductory contributions by P. Anselm Grün, OSB, and P. John Eudes Bamberger, OCSO. -jk German translation of CPG 2452 | ||||
2011 | Bradford | Brain and Psyche in Early Christian Asceticism | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bradford-2011 Bradford, David T. “Brain and Psyche in Early Christian Asceticism.” Psychological Reports 109, no. 2 (2011): 461–520. This study is an 11-part investigation of the psychology and neuropsychology of early Christian asceticism as represented by Evagrius Ponticus (AD 345–399), the tradition's first ascetical theologian and possibly its most influential. Evagrius's biography is reviewed in the first section. The living circumstances and perceptual consequences of desert asceticism are considered in the second. Penitence, dispassion, and the mysticism of “pure prayer” are discussed in the third. Austerities are addressed in the fourth section, particularly fasting, prostrations, and prolonged standing. Ascetical perspectives on sleep, dreams, and the hypnogogic state are analyzed in the fifth. The depressive syndrome of acedia is discussed in the sixth. Evagrius's reports of auditory, olfactory, and visual hallucinations are analyzed in the seventh. Multiple complementary interpretations of demonic phenomena are developed in the eighth section. Evagrius's psychotherapy for anger is reviewed in the ninth. Interpersonal relations among ascetics are considered in the tenth section. The study concludes with a summary. | ||||
2011 | Brakke Bull Lied Turner | Mystery and Secrecy in the Egyptian Desert: Esotericism and Evagrius of Pontus | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:brakke-2011 Brakke, David. “Mystery and Secrecy in the Egyptian Desert: Esotericism and Evagrius of Pontus.” In Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices . Edited by Christian H. Bull, Liv Ingeborg Lied, and John D. Turner. Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies 76. Leiden: Brill, 2011. | ||||
2011 | Baán | I "due occhi dell'anima": L'uso, l'interpretazione e il ruolo della Sacra Scrittura nell'insegnamento di Evagrio Pontico | book |,2012:scriptum:baán-2011 ISBN 978-3-8306-7522-8 Baán, Izsák Zsolt. I "due occhi dell'anima": L'uso, l'interpretazione e il ruolo della Sacra Scrittura nell'insegnamento di Evagrio Pontico . Studia Anselmiana. Analecta monastica 11. Roma: Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo, 2011. | ||||
2011 | Dionysius bar Ṣalībī Çiçek | A Commentary on the 100 Theses of Evagrius Ponticus | book |,2012:scriptum:bar-salibi-2011 Dionysius bar Ṣalībī, Bishop of Amida. A Commentary on the 100 Theses of Evagrius Ponticus . Edited by J. J. Çiçek. Bar Ebroyo Kloster Publications 10. Piscataway, N.J.: Gorgias Press, 2011. Reprint of 1991 volume, Pušaqa d-maʼwata d-qadiša Mar ʼEwagris Iḥidaya. -cat Commentary on the ascetic instructions of Evagrius by 12th century Syriac author Dionysius (Jacob) bar Salibi. The work is organized according to the order of Evagrius' "100 Theses" that deal with instruction for new monks. Bar Salibi presents the text of all 100 of Evagrius' statements and then offers a brief interpretation and discussion of each one. The text of the work is presented in a vocalized Serto script and the individual theses are distinguished according to the Syriac numbering system. -pub | ||||
2011 | DelCogliano | The Quest for Evagrius Ponticus: A Historiographical Essay | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:delcogliano-2011 DelCogliano, Mark. “The Quest for Evagrius Ponticus: A Historiographical Essay.” American Benedictine Review 62 (2011): 388–401. | ||||
2011 | Cook | The Philokalia and the Inner Life on Passions and Prayer | book |,2012:scriptum:cook-2011 ISBN 978-0-227-17342-8 Cook, Christopher. The Philokalia and the Inner Life on Passions and Prayer . London: James Clarke and Co, 2011. jamesclarke.coThe Philokalia, published in Venice in 1782, is an anthology of patristic writings from the Eastern Church spanning the fourth to the fifteenth centuries, and which has been the subsequent focus of a significant revival in Orthodox spirituality. It presents an understanding of psychology and mental life which is significantly different to that usually encountered in Western Christianity. It also presents accounts of both mental wellbeing and the pathologies of the mind or soul which are radically different to contemporary secular accounts and yet which also find remarkable points of similarity with contemporary psychotherapeutic approaches, such as cognitive therapy.
This book provides an introduction to the history of the Philokalia and the philosophical, anthropological and theological influences that contributed to its formation. It presents a critical account of the pathologies of the soul, the remedies for these pathologies, and the therapeutic goals as portrayed by the authors of the Philokalia. It then offers a critical engagement of this material with a contemporary understanding of psychotherapy. Finally, it raises important questions about the relationship between thoughts and prayer.
Written with an international academic readership in mind, the book is also accessible to a more general readership and anyone interested in Christian theology, particularly in relation to mental health issues, addictions and psychotherapy.
Note- Evagrius is extensively referenced. | ||||
2011 | Wilson | A Descriptive Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts at Corpus Christi College, Oxford | book |,2012:scriptum:wilson-2011 ISBN 978-1-84384-287-3 Wilson, N. G. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts at Corpus Christi College, Oxford . Cambridge: DSBrewer, 2011. Has some importance for the manuscript tradition of the Epistula fidei. At p. 30, Wilson discusses the possible relationship between CCC 284 and the presumed lost manuscript behind Erasmus's 1532 edition of the correspondence of Basil and Gregory of Nazianzus (= siglum G in Gribomont's edition). After summarizing preceding scholarly opinions, Wilson concludes that G was either a copy of CCC 284 made specifically for the typesetter, or was a twin manuscript. -jk | ||||
2011 | Tobon | <i>Apatheia</i> in the Teachings of Evagrius Ponticus | thesis |,2012:scriptum:tobon-2011a Tobon, Monica. “Apatheia in the Teachings of Evagrius Ponticus.” thesis. University College London, 2011. This thesis is to my knowledge the first full-length examination of Evagrian apatheia. | ||||
2011 | Tobon | Letting our Light Shine into the Heavens: The Spirituality of Evagrius | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:tobon-2011c Tobon, Monica. “Letting our Light Shine into the Heavens: The Spirituality of Evagrius.” In Ex Corde: Franciscan Studies in Theology , pp. 101–121. Canterbury: Franciscan International Study Centre, 2011. academia.eduThis paper introduces the spiritual theology of Evagrius of Pontus. It includes a description of how he understands the knowledge of God that is our beginning and end, and is prefaced by a reflection on the relevance of Evagrius’ spiritual theology to our ecological crisis. -pub | ||||
2011 | Tobon Kaczmarek Pietras | Evagrius as Writer: The Example of <i>Eulogios</i> 2's Discussion of <i>Xeniteia</i> | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:tobon-2011b Tobon, Monica. “Evagrius as Writer: The Example of Eulogios 2's Discussion of Xeniteia.” In Origeniana Decima: Origen as Writer; Papers of the 10th International Origen Congress, University School of Philosophy and Education "ignatianum", Kraków, Poland, 31 August-4 September 2009 . Edited by Sylwia Kaczmarek and Henryk Pietras, pp. 765–778. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium 244. Leuven: Peeters, 2011. | ||||
2011 | Sperber-Hartmann | Das Gebet als Aufstieg zu Gott: Untersuchungen zur Schrift <i>de oratione</i> des Evagrius Ponticus | book |,2012:scriptum:sperber-hartmann-2011 ISBN 978-3-631-60314-7 Sperber-Hartmann, Doris. Das Gebet als Aufstieg zu Gott: Untersuchungen zur Schrift de oratione des Evagrius Ponticus . Early Christianity in the Context of Antiquity 10. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2011. | ||||
2011 | Smither | Lessons from a Tentmaking Ascetic in the Egyptian Desert: The Case of Evagrius of Pontus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:smither-2011 Smither, Edward. “Lessons from a Tentmaking Ascetic in the Egyptian Desert: The Case of Evagrius of Pontus.” Missiology: An International Review 39, no. no. 4 (2011): 485–496. liberty.eduIn this article, an invitation is given to modern practitioners and thinkers on
missionary tentmaking - especially those from the majority world- to reflect on the apparent tentmaking approach of the fourth-century monk Evagrius of Pontus (c. 345-399). Though not a missionary himself, Evagrius proved to be innovative in
his approach to work, which sustained his primary spiritual calling- monasticism.
After exploring the necessity and context for his manual labor, his theology of work and the relationship between physical and spiritual labor will be considered.
Finally, some suggestions for applying Evagrius' tentmaking principles will be
offered. | ||||
2011 | Scully | Angelic Pneumatology in the Egyptian Desert: The Role of the Angels and the Holy Spirit in Evagrian Asceticism | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:scully-2011 Scully, Jason. “Angelic Pneumatology in the Egyptian Desert: The Role of the Angels and the Holy Spirit in Evagrian Asceticism.” Journal of Early Christian Studies 19, no. 2 (2011): 287–305. This article explains why Evagrius seemingly neglects the Holy Spirit in his ascetical writings, even though we know from doctrinal texts that he held a robust pneumatology. This paucity of Spirit references confused twentieth-century scholars, who dismissed Evagrius as having unorthodox positions regarding the Trinity. An analysis of Evagrius's references to the angels and the Spirit, however, shows that Evagrius's silence regarding the Spirit is due to his increased attention to the roles that the angels play in the beginning stages of the ascetic life. As mediators, the angels assist the monks who are in the beginning stages of the ascetic life while the Spirit interacts with those who are in more advanced stages. -pub | ||||
2011 | Wiltse Palmer | Hidden in Plain Sight: Observations on the Origins of the Enneagram | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:wiltse-palmer-2011 Wiltse, Virginia and Palmer, Helen. “Hidden in Plain Sight: Observations on the Origins of the Enneagram.” IEA Enneagram Journal (2011): . got.netUnusual essay which posits the origins of the "esoteric" ennegrams in Evagrius' writings. | ||||
2011 | Young Blanchard Young | The Influence of Evagrius of Pontus on the Early Monastic Thought of Philoxenos of Mabbug | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:young-2011 Young, Robin Darling. “The Influence of Evagrius of Pontus on the Early Monastic Thought of Philoxenos of Mabbug.” In To Train His Soul in Books: Syriac Asceticism in Early Christianity . Edited by Monica J Blanchard and Robin Darling Young, pp. 157–175. CUA studies in early Christianity. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2011. | ||||
2011 | Bitton-Ashkelony | The Limit of the Mind (νοῦς): Pure Prayer according to Evagrius Ponticus and Isaac of Nineveh | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bitton-ashkelony-2011 Bitton-Ashkelony, Brouria. “The Limit of the Mind (νοῦς): Pure Prayer according to Evagrius Ponticus and Isaac of Nineveh.” Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum / Journal of Ancient Christianity 15, no. 2 (2011): 291–321. | ||||
2011 | Stewart | Evagrius Ponticus and the Eastern Monastic Tradition on the Intellect and the Passions | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:stewart-2001b Stewart, Columba. “Evagrius Ponticus and the Eastern Monastic Tradition on the Intellect and the Passions.” “” (2011): 263–275. Evagrius Ponticus (c. 345–399) combined the resources of Hellenistic philosophy, the theologies of Origen and the Cappadocians, and Egyptian monastic practice to create a comprehensive view of spiritual development, within which he placed a sophisticated study of the human passions. His main tools in this study were an adapted version of Platonic tripartite anthropology and his own system of eight “generic thoughts.” Freedom from control by irrational passions would allow a monk to gain deeper insight into the meaning of Scripture, experience communion with God in “pure prayer,” and love other people in freedom. Evagrius' influence on later eastern and western Christian traditions was profound, though often obscured by his controversial reputation. -pub | ||||
2011 | Vasquez | Evagrius and the Naked Nous | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:vasquez-2011 Vasquez, Michel F. “Evagrius and the Naked Nous.” From Bodhgaya to the Cuyahoga 1 (2011): 49–73. fbttc.orgOverview of parallels between Evagrius and Zen and Buddhist thought. -jk | ||||
2010 | Rich | Discerning Evagrius Ponticus Discerning: Διάκρισις in the Works of Evagrius | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:rich-2010 Rich, Antony D. “Discerning Evagrius Ponticus Discerning: Διάκρισις in the Works of Evagrius.” Studia Patristica 47 (2010): 203–208. | ||||
2010 | Peretó Rivas | El itinerario medieval de la Acedia | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:peretó-rivas-2010a Peretó Rivas, Rubén. “El itinerario medieval de la Acedia.” Intus – Legere: Historia 4, no. 1 (2010): 33–48. unirioja.esAcedia is a spiritual phenomenon which is present throughout Patristic times and the
Middle Ages that, after Modern times, suffers a series of transformations that turn it into melancholy or, in contemporary times, into depressive disorders. The aim of this paper is firstly to show the centrality of acedia in the spirituality of the Desert Fathers and secondly to follow the course of transformations and treatments that it suffers along the Middle Ages, through the different authors who write about it in their works. -pub | ||||
2010 | Patrascu | Acedia—The Anchoretic Bovarism: Gustave Flaubert and Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:patrascu-2010 Patrascu, Horia. “Acedia—The Anchoretic Bovarism: Gustave Flaubert and Evagrius Ponticus.” “” (2010): 390–403. 40.249 Starting from The Temptation of Saint Anthony, Gustave Flaubert’s literary work,and from the situation of its misunderstanding and negative reception which it faced during its time, not to mention the later indifference, we set as the goal of this article the cultural and historic recuperation of the emotion that constitutes the main object of the Flaubertian work. The thesis of this article is that emotions are not ahistorical or atemporal, but typical for a certain period of time, for an epoch or, more precisely, for a historical world. That is the reason why Flaubert’s work was rejected. It presupposed as self – understood a feeling, acedia, which, in fact, had
long disappeared from people’s affective horizon. Our main landmark in the reconstruction of this feeling is Evagrius Ponticus. At the end of the article, we contradict Gabriel Bunge, the author of a well-known work on acedia, who defends the atemporality of emotions. An eloquent example of the situation in which a written work can get starting from this presupposition, is the unhappy fate of Flaubert’s The Temptation of Saint Anthony. | ||||
2010 | Casiday | Universal Restoration in Evagrius Ponticus’ ‘Great Letter’ | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:casiday-2010 Casiday, Augustine. “Universal Restoration in Evagrius Ponticus’ ‘Great Letter’.” Studia Patristica 47 (2010): 223–228. academia.eduCasiday claims that there is not a firm evidence for an ‘isochristic’ Christology in Evagrius’ Great Letter. His belief is that confusion has resulted from this letter being read through the condemnations of Constantinople II, and then the Great Letter being read as a key for the Kephalaia Gnostika. Casiday notes that the term “isochrist” does not appear in Evagrius’ corpus, no less in the Great Letter, even though there is firm evidence for universal salvation. From there, he analyzes evidence from the Great Letter about the dissolution of names and numbers and argues, contrary to some previous scholars, that Evagrius may suggest the eternal preservation of the tripartite soul and personal difference, even after the final unification with God. -CSV | ||||
2010 | Bunge | "In Geist und Wahrheit": Studien zu den 153 Kapiteln <i>Über das Gebet</i> des Evagrios Pontikos | book |,2012:scriptum:bunge-2010 ISBN 978-3-923946-81-5 3-923946-81-3 Bunge, Gabriel. "In Geist und Wahrheit": Studien zu den 153 Kapiteln Über das Gebet des Evagrios Pontikos . Translated by Hagia Witzenrath. Hereditas 27. Bonn: Borengässer, 2010. | ||||
2010 | Louth | Evagrios on Anger | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:louth-2010 Louth, Andrew. “Evagrios on Anger.” Studia Patristica 47 (2010): 179–186. | ||||
2010 | Briquel-Chatonnet Debié Kessel | Sinai Syr. 24 as an Important Witness to the Reception History of Some Syriac Ascetic Texts | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:kessel-2010 Briquel-Chatonnet, Françoise and Debié, Muriel. “Sinai Syr. 24 as an Important Witness to the Reception History of Some Syriac Ascetic Texts.” In Sur les pas des Araméens chrétiens: Mélanges offerts à Alain Desreumaux . Edited by Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet and Muriel Debié, pp. 207–218. Cahiers d'études syriaques 1. Paris: Geuthner, 2010. Author notes that in Sinai Syr. 24 every mention of Evagrius in the Homilies of St. Isaac of Nineveh has been altered. -jk | ||||
2010 | Hill | Did Evagrius Ponticus (AD 346–99) Have Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder? | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hill-2010 Hill, Jonathan. “Did Evagrius Ponticus (AD 346–99) Have Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder?.” Journal of Medical Biography 18, no. 1 (2010): 49–56. rsmjournals.comacademia.eduEvagrius Ponticus was one of the most important and influential spiritual writers in the early Christian church. This author argues that he suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder: in particular, the demonic ‘thoughts’ which he repeatedly describes meet all the criteria for obsessions. If this is true, it offers a new perspective on the relation between pastoral theology and psychiatric disorders: the spiritual tradition which Evagrius helped found may, as a result, have tended to exacerbate such symptoms in others, but it also possessed the resources to address them in a practical way. -pub | ||||
2010 | Gillette | Four Faces of Anger: Seneca, Evagrius Ponticus, Cassian, and Augustine | book |,2012:scriptum:gilette-2010 ISBN 978-0-7618-5169-1 0-7618-5169-0 Gillette, Gertrude. Four Faces of Anger: Seneca, Evagrius Ponticus, Cassian, and Augustine . Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2010. Foreword by George Lawless. -cat | ||||
2010 | Géhin | La dette d'Isaac de Ninive envers Évagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:géhin-2010b Géhin, Paul. “La dette d'Isaac de Ninive envers Évagre le Pontique.” Connaissance des Pères de l'Eglise 119 (2010): 40–52. | ||||
2010 | Géhin | En marge de la constitution d'un repertorium Evagrianum Syriacum: Quelques remarques sur l'organisation en corpus des oeuvres d'Évagre | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:géhin-2010a Géhin, Paul. “En marge de la constitution d'un repertorium Evagrianum Syriacum: Quelques remarques sur l'organisation en corpus des oeuvres d'Évagre.” Parole de l'Orient 35 (2010): 285–301. inist.frStudy of the transmission of Evagrius's works in Syriac, through the lens of ten manuscripts. Focusing on BL Add. 14578, which contains virtually the entire corpus of Evagrius in Syriac, Géhin explores the way the works were aggregated and disaggregated through time. He compares this 7th-c. MS with later ones, exploring basic ways copyists and compilers reorganized Evagrius's writings. The article concludes with two appendixes: an analysis of the 48 pieces in BL Add. 14578 and a table of the order of Evagrius's works as attested in ten Syriac MSS (following principally the sequence of BL Add. 14578). -jk | ||||
2010 | Evagrius Ponticus | Contra los pensamientos malignos: Antirrhetikos | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-lazzeri-egrejas-2010 ISBN 978-9972-212-44-4 Evagrius Ponticus. Contra los pensamientos malignos: Antirrhetikos . Translated by Valerio Lazzeri and Júlio Egrejas. Lima: Vida y Espiritualidad, 2010. Spanish translation of CPG 2434 | ||||
2010 | Evagrius Ponticus | Sentenze; Gli otto spiriti della malvagità | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-coco-2010 ISBN 978-88-311-8215-7 Evagrius Ponticus. Sentenze; Gli otto spiriti della malvagità . Translated by Lucio Coco. Collana di Testi Patristici 215. Rome: Città nuova, 2010. Italian translation of CPG 2451 | ||||
2010 | Dysinger | Exegesis and Spiritual Guidance in Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:dysinger-2010 Dysinger, Luke. “Exegesis and Spiritual Guidance in Evagrius Ponticus.” Studia Patristica 47 (2010): 209–222. | ||||
2010 | Evagrius Ponticus | Die grosse Widerrede | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-trunk-2010 ISBN 978-3-89680-701-4 Evagrius Ponticus. Die grosse Widerrede . Translated by Leo Trunk. Quellen der Spiritualität 1. Münsterschwarzach: Vier-Türme-Verl, 2010. German translation of CPG 2434 | ||||
2010 | Nicodemus the Hagiorite Makarios | Φιλοκαλία τῶν ἱερῶν Νηπτικῶν | book |,2012:scriptum:philokalia-galites-1984 ISBN 978-960-99525-1-4 (volume 1) 978-960-99525-0-7 (set) Nicodemus the Hagiorite and Makarios, Saint. Φιλοκαλία τῶν ἱερῶν Νηπτικῶν . Translated by Monk Theologia . Thessalonike: Ἱερᾶς Μονῆς Κοιμήσεως Θεοτόκου Μπούρα, 2010. Introduction: 1:181-182; Hypotyposis: 1:183-201; On the [Evil] Thoughts, 202-240; 5 chapters from the Praktikos (29, 32, 91, 94, 15; uncredited): 242-244; On Prayer: 2:125-164 (ascribed to St. Nilus, notes at 165-172). -jk | ||||
2010 | Evagrius Ponticus | Maximele Părinţilor | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-ica-2010 Evagrius Ponticus. Maximele Părinţilor . Translated by Ioan I. Ică. Sibiu: Deisis, 2010. | ||||
2010 | Tsakiridis | Evagrius Ponticus and Cognitive Science: A Look at Moral Evil and the Thoughts | book |,2012:scriptum:tsakiridis-2010 ISBN 1-60899-066-4 978-1-60899-066-5 Tsakiridis, George. Evagrius Ponticus and Cognitive Science: A Look at Moral Evil and the Thoughts . Eugene, Or.: Wipf and Stock, 2010. This study puts the thought of Evagrius Ponticus, a fourth-century theologian, into dialogue with modern cognitive science in regard to the topic of evil, specifically moral evil. Evagrius, in his writings about prayer and the ascetic life, addressed the struggle with personal moral evil in terms of the eight "thoughts" or "demons." These "thoughts" were transmitted by John Cassian to the Western church, and later recast by Gregory the Great as the Seven Deadly Sins. Though present understandings of evil appear to differ greatly from those of Evagrius, his wisdom concerning the battle against evil may prove to be of great help even today. Using the work of Pierre Hadot to recover Evagrius' context, and the work of Paul Ricoeur to discuss how we construct descriptions and myths of evil, Evagrius is brought into dialogue with the cognitive sciences. Using current research, especially the work of Eugene d'Aquili and Andrew Newberg, this study reveals the contemporary relevance of Evagrius' approach to combating evil. In addition, the interdisciplinary study of patristics and cognitive science opens the pathway to a better understanding between Christian tradition and the modern sciences. -pub This study puts the thought of Evagrius Ponticus, a fourth-century theologian, into dialogue with modern cognitive science in regard to the topic of evil, specifically moral evil. Evagrius, in his writings about prayer and ascetic life, addressed the struggle with personal moral evil in terms of the eight "thoughts" or "demons." These "thoughts" were transmitted by John Cassian to the Western church, and later recast by Gregory the Great as the Seven Deadly Sins. Though present understandings of evil appear to differ greatly from those of Evagrius, his wisdom concerning the battle against evil may prove to be of great help even today. Using the work of Pierre Hadot to recover Evagrius' context, and the work of Paul Ricoeur to discuss how we construct descriptions and myths of evil, Evagrius is brought into dialogue with the cognitive sciences. Using current research, especially the work of Eugene d'Aquili and Andrew Newberg, this study reveals the contemporary relevance of Evagrius' approach to combating evil. In addition, the interdisciplinary study of patristics and cognitive science opens the pathway to a better understanding between Christian tradition and the modern sciences. -pub | ||||
2010 | Tobon | The Health of the Soul: Ἀπάθεια in Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:tobon-2010 Tobon, Monica. “The Health of the Soul: Ἀπάθεια in Evagrius Ponticus.” Studia Patristica 47 (2010): 187–202. | ||||
2010 | Stewart | Monastic Attitudes Toward Philosophy and Philosophers | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:stewart-2010 Stewart, Columba. “Monastic Attitudes Toward Philosophy and Philosophers.” Studia Patristica 44 (2010): 321–327. Comparative examination of the perspective on philosophy taken by Antony the Great (both the letters and the traditions ascribed to him), Evagrius, John Cassian. "In the 75 years and many miles that passed between Athanasius's Life of Antony and Cassian's monastic project in Gaul, much changed in the relationship between Christianity and non-Christian philosophers. As time passed, the polemical imperative faded. By the time of Cassian's Conferences, philosophy as a living alternative to monasticism seems quite remote. ... [T]he most significant monastic affinity with philosophy, as well as the most intense monastic critique of philosophy's ultimate value, is where they competed most keenly, in the cultivation of virtue." [326-327]
-jk | ||||
2010 | Stefaniw | Mind, Text, and Commentary: Noetic Exegesis in Origen of Alexandria, Didymus the Blind, and Evagrius Ponticus | book |,2012:scriptum:stefaniw-2010a ISBN 978-3-631-60267-6 3-631-60267-7 Stefaniw, Blossom. Mind, Text, and Commentary: Noetic Exegesis in Origen of Alexandria, Didymus the Blind, and Evagrius Ponticus . Early Christianity in the Context of Antiquity 6. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2010. Scholarship on early Christian exegesis is full of puzzlement at the commentator's apparent lack of concern for the literal or historical meaning of the text, usually explained as the result of an illegitimate allegorical method. This study comes to grips with the particularities of this type of interpretation by using tools from ethnography and literary criticism. By analysing the commentator's interpretive assumptions and the framework of significances within which the commentaries were produced and read, the author is able to solve a chronic problem in the study of early Christian exegesis. Further, she articulates the social context of the performance of noetic exegesis and its significance for monastic teachers, philosophers, and their audiences. -pub Slightly revised version of the author's dissertation, University of Erfurt, 2008. -cat | ||||
2010 | Stefaniw | Exegetical Curricula in Origen, Didymus, and Evagrius: Pedagogical Agenda and the Case for Neoplatonist Influence | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:stefaniw-2010b Stefaniw, Blossom. “Exegetical Curricula in Origen, Didymus, and Evagrius: Pedagogical Agenda and the Case for Neoplatonist Influence.” Studia Patristica 44 (2010): 281–294. | ||||
2010 | Rydell Johnsén Stenqvist Lindstedt Cronberg | Dödssyndernas genealogi: Evagrios Pontikos åtta onda grundtankar och det antika arvet [The Genealogy of the Cardinal Sins: The Eight Thoughts of Evagrius Ponticus and the Heritage from Antiquity] | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:rydell-johnsén-2010 Rydell Johnsén, Henrik. “Dödssyndernas genealogi: Evagrios Pontikos åtta onda grundtankar och det antika arvet [The Genealogy of the Cardinal Sins: The Eight Thoughts of Evagrius Ponticus and the Heritage from Antiquity].” In Dygder och laster: Förmoderna perspektiv på tillvaron . Edited by Catharina Stenqvist and Marie Lindstedt Cronberg, pp. 23–38. Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2010. I sin kommentar till Jobs bok diskuterar påven Gregorius den Store (d. 604) i slutet på 500-talet en rad med sju huvudlaster (septem principales vitia): fåfänga (inanis gloria), avund (invidia), vrede (ira), leda (tristitia), girighet (avaritia), frosseri (ventris ingluvies) och vällust (luxuria). Roten till dem alla är, enligt Gregorius, högmodet (superbia). 2 Dessa huvudlaster kom senare, med vissa mindre förändringar -högmod kom efterhand att ta fåfängans plats och sorg kom att gå under namnet acedia istället för tristitia 3 -att kallas de sju dödssynderna. 4 Dessa laster eller synder har otvetydigt spelat en stor roll i västerländsk kultur och moraluppfattning. De har varit ett återkommande tema, inte minst från medeltiden och framåt, inom såväl litteratur som konst, och i senare tid även inom film. 5 Inte att förvåna har de sju dödssynderna ofta fascinerat mer än de så kallade sju kardinaldygerna. -pub | ||||
2010 | Paša | The Influence of Evagrius Ponticus on the Thought of Maximus the Confessor | thesis |,2012:scriptum:paša-2010 Paša, Željko. “The Influence of Evagrius Ponticus on the Thought of Maximus the Confessor.” Licentiate. Pontificio Istituto Orientale, 2010. The influence of Evagrius’ thought on Maximus the Confe
ssor need not be proved; it is obvious. But evident is also Maximus’ originality. He did not blindly copyhis teacher but he “shaped these observations through his own personal experience andtheological wisdom.” He brings his own view, thinking and observations, which are more optimistic than those of Evagrius. As much as he follows the thought of Evagrius in these chapters we have seen that there is always a distance which shows us Maximus’ originality and the greatness of his spirit. -pub | ||||
2010 | Popovici | Psychological-Mystical Aspects at St. Evagrius Ponticus and St. Maximus the Confessor | journalArticle | Popovici, Gheorghe Teofil. “Psychological-Mystical Aspects at St. Evagrius Ponticus and St. Maximus the Confessor.” “” (2010): . The Holy Fathers are those who have experienced and deeply studied the mysteries of the human soul. The way a human being is being considered is very special. According to St. Maxim, man is the mediator between God and creation. Created with body and soul, man is charged with knowing God starting even with his earthly life. But, as Plato said, man must at first know himself. The Holy Fathers describe at length this path along which man, as he renounces sins, discovers God inside his heart. These descriptions are extremely actual and relevant to the modern man who seems to have lost a little of the overall picture of the mystery of the human soul showing the great destiny for which man was created. -pub | ||||
2009 | Perrone | "Dsaglebis gandeva locvis zhams" mlocvelis saxe demonebsa da angelozebs šoris: origenedan evagre pontoelamde | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:perrone-2009 Perrone, Lorenzo. “"Dsaglebis gandeva locvis zhams" mlocvelis saxe demonebsa da angelozebs šoris: origenedan evagre pontoelamde.” Kristianul-arkeologiuri dziebani / Studies in Christian Archeology 2 (2009): 9–52. [traduction du français: "Chasser les chiens au moment de la priére". L'image de l'orant entre les démons et les anges: d'Origène à Évagre le Pontique, par M. Mchedlidze, Ts. Bibleishvili] | ||||
2009 | Camplani Fiori | Origene e Evagrio nella cultura siriaca: storie, dottrine, testi / Origen and Evagrius in Syriac Culture: History, Doctrine, and Text | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:camplani-fiori-2009 Camplani, Alberto and Fiori, Emiliano. “Origene e Evagrio nella cultura siriaca: storie, dottrine, testi / Origen and Evagrius in Syriac Culture: History, Doctrine, and Text.” Adamantius 15 (2009): 6–8. | ||||
2009 | Casiday López-Tello García Zorzi | Evagrius Engaged: Pastoral Aspects of His Life and Works | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:casiday-2009 Casiday, Augustine. “Evagrius Engaged: Pastoral Aspects of His Life and Works.” In Church, Society and Monasticism: Acts of the International Symposium, Rome, May 31–June 3, 2006 . Edited by Eduarda López-Tello García and Benedetta Selene Zorzi, pp. 385–402. Studia Anselmiana 146. Rome: Centro studi S. Anselmo, 2009. | ||||
2009 | Bunge | Dragon's Wine and Angel's Bread: The Teaching of Evagrius Ponticus on Anger and Meekness | book |,2012:scriptum:bunge-2009a ISBN 9780881413373 (alk. paper); 0881413372 (alk. paper) Bunge, Gabriel. Dragon's Wine and Angel's Bread: The Teaching of Evagrius Ponticus on Anger and Meekness . Translated by Anthony P. Gythiel. Crestwood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2009. Translated from the German. Contents: Introduction: "Aggressiveness" : an entirely natural concern? -- The Evagrian image of man -- The vice of demons -- Anger in the list of the eight evil thoughts -- The essential definition of vice -- The consequences -- Anger and prayer -- The blinding of the intellect -- The means of healing -- "Pure prayer" -- Dialogue with God -- The virtue of the angels -- "For his teaching was very meek." -cat | ||||
2009 | Bunge | Encore une fois: Hénade ou Monade? Au sujet de deux notions-clés de la terminologie technique d'Évagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bunge-2009b Bunge, Gabriel. “Encore une fois: Hénade ou Monade? Au sujet de deux notions-clés de la terminologie technique d'Évagre le Pontique.” Adamantius 15 (2009): 9–42. | ||||
2009 | Marchini Heidl Somos | La tradizione latina del <i>De octo spiritibus malitiae</i> di Evagrio Pontico | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:marchini-2009 Marchini, Diego. “La tradizione latina del De octo spiritibus malitiae di Evagrio Pontico.” In Origeniana nona: Origen and the Religious Practice of His Time; Papers of the 9th International Origen Congress, Pécs, Hungary, 29 August - 2 September 2005 . Edited by György Heidl and Róbert Somos, pp. 565–575. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium 228. Leuven: Peeters, 2009. | ||||
2009 | Konstantinovsky | Evagrius Ponticus: The Making of a Gnostic | book |,2012:scriptum:konstantinovsky-2009 ISBN 9780754662655 (hardback) Konstantinovsky, Julia. Evagrius Ponticus: The Making of a Gnostic . Ashgate New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology, and Biblical Studies. Farnham and Burlington: Ashgate, 2009. Focusing on Evagrius' concept of perfection as the acquisition of spiritual knowledge, this book revisits current perceptions of Evagrius's thought and character by comparing and contrasting him with his contemporaries and predecessors, both Christian and pagan. Ideas of the three 'Cappadocians' and the author of the Macariana, as well as Stoic, Neo-Platonic and earlier Christian writers such as Alcinoos, Plotinus, Clement and Origen, are all explored. Konstantinovsky draws attention to a lack of uniformity in the fourth-century views on the origin of the soul, the body-soul relation, and the eschatological destiny of humankind. Contents: Evagrius in situ : the making of a gnostic -- Knowledge through mental faculties in relation to spiritual knowledge -- Natural contemplation versus knowledge of God's essence -- The intellect's vision of light -- Christology -- The last things. -pub | ||||
2009 | Géhin | Fragments patristiques syriaques des Nouvelles découvertes du Sinai | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:géhin-2009b Géhin, Paul. “Fragments patristiques syriaques des Nouvelles découvertes du Sinai.” Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 6 (2009): 67–93. uco.esThe Catalogue of the new Syriac manuscripts of Sinai by Mother Philothea completes the series of inventories devoted to the “New Finds” of 1975 and the previous publication of Sebastian Brock (1995). The current article focuses only on the parchment manuscripts of patristic, monastic or hagiographic content described in the Catalogue. It provides a study of each of them, proposing new identifications of texts and authors, specifying the dates and styles of writing, and finally reconstituting the dismembered manuscripts sometimes scattered throughout Europe. The fragments, the majority of which are of Melkite origin, are a major contribution to the knowledge of this religious community. -pub Relevant to Evagrius are the following: M10N, M46N (CPG 2433, 2450, 2483); M37N (CPG 2452) -jk | ||||
2009 | Géhin | Antoine Guillaumont (1915-2000) et Claire Guillaumont (1916-2005): Cinquante ans de recherches sur le monachisme ancien et Évagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:géhin-2009a Géhin, Paul. “Antoine Guillaumont (1915–2000) et Claire Guillaumont (1916–2005): Cinquante ans de recherches sur le monachisme ancien et Évagre le Pontique.” Adamantius 15 (2009): 85–92. | ||||
2009 | Evagrius Ponticus Brakke | Talking Back: A Monastic Handbook for Combating Demons | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-brakke-2009 ISBN 9780879073299 (pbk.) Evagrius Ponticus and Brakke, David. Talking Back: A Monastic Handbook for Combating Demons . Cistercian Studies Series 229. Collegeville, Minn.: Cistercian Publications, 2009. Translation of Frankenberg's edition of the Syriac version of the Antirrhetikos, along with the Arabic version of the Letter of Loukios to Evagrius and of the Syriac version of Evagrius's Letter 4. -jk | ||||
2009 | Fiori | "È lui che mi ha donato la conoscenza senza menzogna" (Sap 7,17): Origene, Evagrio, Dionigi e la figura del maestro nel Discorso sulla vita spirituale di Sergio di Rešٔ aynā | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:fiori-2009 Fiori, Emiliano. “"È lui che mi ha donato la conoscenza senza menzogna" (Sap 7,17): Origene, Evagrio, Dionigi e la figura del maestro nel Discorso sulla vita spirituale di Sergio di Rešٔ aynā.” Adamantius 15 (2009): 43–59. | ||||
2009 | Brock | Discerning the Evagrian in the Writings of Isaac of Nineveh | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:brock-2009 Brock, Sebastian. “Discerning the Evagrian in the Writings of Isaac of Nineveh.” Adamantius 15 (2009): 60–72. Brock analyzes five key Syriac terms used by Isaac of Nineveh, in three different grammatical constructions, to differentiate the influence of Evagrius from that of John of Apameia and pseudo-Dionysius. Includes appendix. -jk | ||||
2009 | Chialà | Evagrio il Pontico negli scritti di Isacco di Ninive | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:chialà-2009 Chialà, Sabino. “Evagrio il Pontico negli scritti di Isacco di Ninive.” Adamantius 15 (2009): 73–82. | ||||
2009 | Corrigan | Evagrius and Gregory: Mind, Soul and Body in the 4th Century | book |,2012:scriptum:corrigan-2009 ISBN 9780754616856 (hardcover; 0754616851 (hardcover; 9780754692874 (ebk) Corrigan, Kevin. Evagrius and Gregory: Mind, Soul and Body in the 4th Century . Ashgate Studies in Philosophy & Theology in Late Antiquity. Farnham and Burlington: Ashgate, 2009. This book makes accessible, to a wide audience, the thought of Evagrius and Gregory on the mind, soul and body, in the context of ancient philosophy/theology and the Cappadocians generally. Corrigan argues that in these two figures we witness the birth of new forms of thought and science. Evagrius and Gregory are no mere receivers of a monolithic pagan and Christian tradition, but innovative, critical interpreters of the range and limits of cognitive psychology, the soul–body relation, reflexive self-knowledge, personal and human identity and the soul’s practical relation to goodness in the context of human experience and divine self-disclosure. This book provides a critical evaluation of their thought on these major issues and argues that in Evagrius and Gregory we see the important integration of many different concerns that later Christian thought was not always able to balance including: mysticism, asceticism, cognitive science, philosophy, and theology. -pub Reviewed: Monica Tobon, The Classical Review 61, no. 1 (2010): 85-87 | ||||
2009 | Drottz Nykvist | En kristen buddhist i öknen? En studie av buddhistiska element i Evagrius Ponticus teologi | thesis |,2012:scriptum:drottz-nykvist-2009 Drottz Nykvist, Martin. “En kristen buddhist i öknen? En studie av buddhistiska element i Evagrius Ponticus teologi.” thesis. Högskolan Dalarna, Institutionen för Akademin Humaniora och medier, 2009. Author compares Evagrius and Vasubhandu (the Abbhidharma teacher). In Swedish, short English conclusion. -mv Vid en första anblick kan buddhismen och kristendomen tyckas utgöra en tydlig dikotomi inom den religiösa sfären, men undersöks saken närmre så märker vi snart att det utöver alla skillnader även finns många likheter. Föreliggande studie har för avsikt att behandla både likheter och skillnader mellan buddhismen och kristendomen i en konkret aspekt – genom att jämföra den kappadokiske asketen Evagrius Ponticus och den indiske buddhistiska tänkaren och författaren Vasubandhu i deras syn på människors upplevelse av världen. För att finna svar i denna fråga har respektive författares behandling av våra sinnen och vår perception undersökts, detta huvudsakligen utifrån Evagrius Kephalaia Gnostika samt Vasubandhus Abhidharma-kosa och Pañcaskandhaka-prakarana. Deras tankar i ämnet presenteras och analyseras var för sig, för att sedan också tas upp i en komparativ diskussion. Resultatet av denna studie visar att tidigare hypoteser om likheter mellan Evagrius och diverse buddhistiska skolor i många fall är tämligen relevanta. Däremot fungerar dessa likheter sällan som bevis för att Evagrius personligen skall ha influerats av indiska lärosystem. De flesta av hans tankar är snarare ett arv av den grekiska kontext i vilken han växte upp. Samtidigt som det alltså finns likheter kan vi också i resultatet se uppenbara skillnader mellan de olika kontexterna. Hypotesen att Evagrius i sitt författande av Kephalaia Gnostika skulle vara direkt påverkad av Vasubandhu eller andra buddhistiska läromästare går alltså utifrån denna studie inte att bekräfta även om likheterna mellan de två många gånger är närvarande. -pub | ||||
2009 | Evagrius Ponticus | Tratatul practic-Gnosticul | book |,2012:scriptum:badilita-2009 ISBN 978-973-669-790-6 Evagrius Ponticus. Tratatul practic-Gnosticul . Translated by Cristian Bădiliţă. Stiinta si Religie. Bucurest: Curtea Veche, 2009. | ||||
2009 | Tilby | The Seven Deadly Sins: Their Origin in the Spiritual Teaching of Evagrius the Hermit | book |,2012:scriptum:tilby-2009 ISBN 978-0-281-05632-3 Tilby, Angela. The Seven Deadly Sins: Their Origin in the Spiritual Teaching of Evagrius the Hermit . London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 2009. ...Evagrius of Pontus['s] on the eight evil thoughts was widely influential in the development of the idea of the Seven Deadly Sins in the Western Spiritual tradition. But those who followed him, from Cassian to Augustine, were more concerned with attributing guilt, and thought in a forensic way. This was very unlike the thought of Evagrius, who concerned himself with questions about how to deal with evil thoughts and temptations in a healing way. Each chapter deals with one of the Thoughts, giving the contemporary background, the biblical and theological background, the teaching of Evagrius and what came after, and its relevance for us today. -pub | ||||
2009 | Sheridan OSB | Mapping the Intellectual Genome of Early Christian Monasticism | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:sheridan-2009 Sheridan OSB, Mark. “Mapping the Intellectual Genome of Early Christian Monasticism.” In Church, Society and Monasticism: Acts of the International Symposium, Rome, May 31–June 3, 2006 , pp. 313–340. Studia Anselmiana. Rome: Centro studi S. Anselmo, 2009. academia.eduAn examination of the Greek term "philosophy" and its adaption to Christian monasticism | ||||
2009 | Scully | The Transmission of Evagrian Theological Concepts into East Syrian Christianity: A Comparison of Evagrius and Sahdona on Contemplation and Anthropology | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:scully-2009 Scully, Jason. “The Transmission of Evagrian Theological Concepts into East Syrian Christianity: A Comparison of Evagrius and Sahdona on Contemplation and Anthropology.” Greek Orthodox Theological Review 54, no. 1–4 (2009): 77–96. The author argues that Martyrius Sahdona in his spirituality and anthropology serves as a bridge between pre-Evagrius Syriac spirituality and the Syriac spirituality that soon came to be dominated by Evagrius. Although Sahdona does not quote from Evagrius, enough conceptual common ground shows at least indirect influence. -jk | ||||
2009 | Bettiolo | Discernimento dei pensieri e conoscenza del cuore: Natura e sovrannatura nell'insegnamento di Evagrio Pontico | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bettiolo-2009 Bettiolo, Paolo. “Discernimento dei pensieri e conoscenza del cuore: Natura e sovrannatura nell'insegnamento di Evagrio Pontico.” Rivista di storia del cristianesimo 6 (2009): 43–63. | ||||
2009 | Christie | Evagrius on Sadness | journalArticle | Christie, Douglas E. “Evagrius on Sadness.” Cistercian Studies Quarterly 44, no. 4 (2009): 395–409. | ||||
2009 | Arzhanov | Евагрий Понтийский, Послание к Мелании - Evagrius Ponticus, Letter to Melania (Russian translation, with introduction and commentary) | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:arzhanov-2009 Arzhanov, Yury. “Евагрий Понтийский, Послание к Мелании - Evagrius Ponticus, Letter to Melania (Russian translation, with introduction and commentary).” In Anthology of Oriental Christian Theology , pp. 465–497. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 2009. academia.eduRussian translation of CPG 2438 | ||||
2008– | Theophanes (Constantine) | To the Caesareans | webpage |,2012:scriptum:theophanes-2008 Theophanes (Constantine). “To the Caesareans.” [n.p.]: [n.p.], 2008–. Translation and commentary of the Epistula fidei, raising questions about date and authorship. The text was published to coincide with a presentation at the 2008 North American Patristics Society conference. -jk English translation of CPG 2439 | ||||
2008-2009 | Makarios Nicodemus | The Philokalia: Writings of Holy Mystic Fathers in Which Is Explained How the Mind Is Purified, Illumined, and Perfected Through Practical and Contemplative Ethical Philosophy | book |,2012:scriptum:philokalia-2008 ISBN 1-884729-79-7 Makarios, Saint and Nicodemus, the Hagiorite. The Philokalia: Writings of Holy Mystic Fathers in Which Is Explained How the Mind Is Purified, Illumined, and Perfected Through Practical and Contemplative Ethical Philosophy . Translated by Constantine Cavarnos. Edited by Saint Makarios and the Hagiorite Nicodemus. Belmont, Mass.: Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 2008–2009. Translation of Evagrius as preserved in the Philokalia. 1:123–37: Hypotyposis; 1:139–69: On the Thoughts; 1:171–72: Praktikos fragments; 2:59-90: On Prayer, assigned by the translator to Nilus. -jk | ||||
2008 | Burke | The Enneagram of Evagrius of Pontus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:burke-2008 Burke, David. “The Enneagram of Evagrius of Pontus.” The Enneagram Journal 1, no. 1 (2008): 77–102, 123. The origins of the Enneagram are a constant point of fascination and discussion. Uncovering the source of this remarkable oracle provides for both a deeper personal understanding and the means by which to interpret the enneagram system with legitimate authority. In the last few decades, Evagrius of Pontus has emerged as a seminal figure within mystical Christianity and mystical Islam. His influence upon the psychology and mysticism of Eastern and Oriental Christianity is immense. Much of his writing had been considered lost in antiquity, but in some remarkable recent discoveries in the libraries of Mt. Athos new light has been shone upon the Evagrian Corpus. Among the recovered writings is a letter to the monk Eulogios that describes a psychological system of nine passions and their corresponding virtues dating back to the fourth century CE. Their arrangement and description provide remarkable and groundbreaking new insights into the Enneagram. This article explores the new discoveries from Mt. Athos, and for the first time it reveals the nine passions of Evagrius of Pontus. The article then compares the Evagrian system with the modern Enneagram with a view to interpreting the Enneagram in a new and contemporary way. -pub | ||||
2008 | Moreschini | I Padri cappadoci: Storia, letteratura, teologia | book |,2012:scriptum:moreschini-2008 ISBN 88-311-1630-4 Moreschini, Claudio. I Padri cappadoci: Storia, letteratura, teologia . Rome: Città nuova, 2008. The author includes Evagrius as one of the Cappadocians, giving a broad introduction to his life, works, and thought. -jk | ||||
2008 | Joest | Horsiese zwischen Pachom und Evagrios Pontikos | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:joest-2008 Joest, Christoph. “Horsiese zwischen Pachom und Evagrios Pontikos.” Studia Monastica 50 (2008): 69–85. | ||||
2008 | Janiszewski | Why Can’t We See Demons? The Evagrian Concept of the Structure of Bodies Originating from Three Parallel Material Worlds, in the Context of Aristotelian Quality Theory | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:janiszewski-2008 Janiszewski, Pawel. “Why Can’t We See Demons? The Evagrian Concept of the Structure of Bodies Originating from Three Parallel Material Worlds, in the Context of Aristotelian Quality Theory.” Palamedes: A Journal of Ancient History 3 (2008): 189–208. Drawing from Evagrius's Letter 56 and the Aristotelian approach to sense-perceptible bodies, the author adumbrates Evagrius's common theory about the corporeality shared by demons, humans, and angels. By "quality" the author does not mean Aristotle's third category but rather something more like "temperament" or "mixture" (κρᾶσις). -jk | ||||
2008 | Harmless | Mystics | book |,2012:scriptum:harmless-2008 ISBN 9780195300383 (cloth; 0195300386 (cloth; 9780195300390 (pbk.; 0195300394 (pbk.; 9781435617797 (electronic bk.) Harmless, William. Mystics . Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. See chapter titled Mystic as desert calligrapher: Evagrius Ponticus. -cat | ||||
2008 | Gianfrancesco | Monachisme ancien et psychopathologie | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:gianfrancesco-2008 Gianfrancesco, Angelo. “Monachisme ancien et psychopathologie.” L'Évolution Psychiatrique 73, no. 1 (2008): 105–126. over-blog.comCe travail expose quelques aspects de la psychopathologie telle qu’elle a été évoquée dans la littérature monastique chrétienne des ive–ve siècles. Trois auteurs sont abordés en particulier : Évagre le Pontique (345–399) ; Jean Cassien (360–435) ; Théodore de Pétra ( ?−530). Plus largement, l’étude renvoie aux Apophtegmata Patrum, collection de textes qui recueille les « paroles » ou « déclarations » (c’est le sens grec du mot apophtegme) que des moines expérimentés adressaient à leurs disciples. Trois dimensions de la psychopathologie sont retenues : le rôle de la parole, en particulier dans l’expression spécifique curatio verbi ; l’intérêt psychique de la vie onirique ; la mise en place originale dans le monachisme byzantin du ve siècle d’une structure sociale appropriée d’accueil et de soin de moines présentant des troubles mentaux. Observées à l’aune d’un genre de vie inédit relativement, ces notions de psychologie et de maladie de l’âme, (morbus animae) selon l’expression classique, ne sont pas dépourvues d’intérêt scientifique, d’autant qu’elles sont adossées à une conception de l’homme psychique et des ses difficultés qui laisse présager l’humanisme d’Hegel et des aliénistes. À ce titre, pour le moins, le monachisme chrétien ancien tel qu’il apparaît dans ses écrits, acquiert un droit de cité à explorer dans le cadre d’une histoire de la psychopathologie. | ||||
2008 | Brakke | Care for the Poor, Fear of Poverty, and Love of Money: Evagrius Ponticus on the Monk's Economic Vulnerability | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:brakke-holman-2008 Brakke, David. “Care for the Poor, Fear of Poverty, and Love of Money: Evagrius Ponticus on the Monk's Economic Vulnerability.” In Wealth and Poverty in Early Church and Society . Grand Rapids and Brookline, Mass.: Baker Academic; Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2008. Originally presented at a conference sponsored by the Stephen and Catherine Pappas Patristic Institute at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, Massachusetts, in October 1995. -cat | ||||
2008 | Evagrius Ponticus Bunge | Der Praktikos (Der Mönch): Hundert Kapitel über das geistliche Leben | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-bunge-2008 ISBN 978-3-87071-170-2 Evagrius Ponticus and Bunge, Gabriel. Der Praktikos (Der Mönch): Hundert Kapitel über das geistliche Leben . Weisungen der Väter 6. Beuron: Beuroner Kunstverlag, 2008. German translation of CPG 2430 | ||||
2008 | Casiday | On Heresy in Modern Patristic Scholarship: The Case of Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:casiday-2008 Casiday, Augustine. “On Heresy in Modern Patristic Scholarship: The Case of Evagrius Ponticus.” “” (2008): 241–252. Patristics is a lively scholarly domain in which theologians and historians contribute to the study of Christian antiquity. But modern trends in patristic study (especially the application of contemporary critical theory to ancient sources) are not always conducive to theological research. This paper identifies the preoccupation in modern patristic study with heresy as a major source of problems. The modern study of Evagrius Ponticus (c. 345–99) provides an exemplary case in which some of these problems can be identified and explored. The initial presentation of modern scholarship will bring into focus the way that Evagrius' relationship to the sixth-century condemnations of Origenism is interpreted by most scholars. Next, the paper identifies and evaluates recent indications that Evagrius is prized precisely because he is considered a heretic. In the final section of the paper, attention is paid to the problem of presuming that subsequent events disclose the theological meaning of earlier writings and to the problem of foreclosing independent theological assessment in order to preserve ancient condemnations. The conclusions suggest that preoccupations with alleged heresy can be every bit as detrimental to understanding of theological writings as preoccupations with orthodoxy. -pub | ||||
2008 | Philothea | Nouveaux manuscrits syriaques du Sinaï | book |,2012:scriptum:philothea-2008 ISBN 978-960-85739-8-7 Philothea, Mother. Nouveaux manuscrits syriaques du Sinaï . Athènes: Fondation du Mont Sinaï, 2008. See pp. 405-21 for Syriac (S2) translation of On Prayer (CPG 2452) Syriac edition of CPG 2452 | ||||
2008 | Filocalia | book |,2012:scriptum:staniloae-2008 Filocalia . Translated by Dumitru Stăniloae. Vol. 1. Bucurest: EIBMBOR, 2008. | |||||
2008 | Stewart Hammerling | Imageless Prayer and the Theological Vision of Evagrius Ponticus | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:stewart-2008 Stewart, Columba. “Imageless Prayer and the Theological Vision of Evagrius Ponticus.” In A History of Prayer: The First to the Fifteenth Century . Edited by Roy Hammerling, pp. 137–166. Leiden: Brill, 2008. | ||||
2008 | Veder | Evagrius Ponticus: Sententiae (variously ascribed to Hesychius or Nilus) Collation | bookSection | Veder, William R. “Evagrius Ponticus: Sententiae (variously ascribed to Hesychius or Nilus) Collation.” In “”. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 2008. 9th c. Slavonic translation of a collection of gnomes variously titled "Sententiae abducentes hominem a corruptibilibus" or "Capita paraenetica in all known copies. -pub
This is a digitally published addendum to William R. Veder, ed.,
Кънѧжии Изборникъ, 2 vols. (Veliko Tărnovo: Universitetsko izdatelstvo " Kiril i Metodij", 2008), available at
The collation covers CPG 6583, attributed to Hesychius of Jerusalem and Nilus. This work, unedited in Greek, is not part of the standard corpus of Evagrius, but is thought, not only by Veder but Tkebuchava, to be attributable to Evagrius. -jk | ||||
2007 | Rich | Discernment in the Desert Fathers: Diákrisis in the Life and Thought of Early Egyptian Monasticism | book |,2012:scriptum:rich-2007 ISBN 978-1-84227-431-6 Rich, Antony D. Discernment in the Desert Fathers: Diákrisis in the Life and Thought of Early Egyptian Monasticism . Studies in Christian History and Thought. Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2007. See pp. 39-68 for a discussion of Evagrius's flexible use of terminology pertaining to διάκρισις. -jk | ||||
2007 | Ramelli Konstan | Terms for Eternity: Aiônios and Aïdios in Classical and Christian Texts | book |,2012:scriptum:ramelli-konstan-2007 ISBN 978-1-59333-694-3 Ramelli, Illaria and Konstan, David. Terms for Eternity: Aiônios and Aïdios in Classical and Christian Texts . [n.p.]: Gorgias Press, 2007. What is truly timeless? This book explores the language of eternity, and in particular two ancient Greek terms that may bear the sense of "eternal": aiônios and aïdios. This fascinating linguistic chronicle is marked by several milestones that correspond to the emergence of new perspectives on the nature of eternity. These milestones include the advent of Pre-Socratic physical speculation and the notion of limitless time in ancient philosophy, the major shift in orientation marked by Plato's idea of a timeless eternity, and the further development of Pre-Socratic insights by Epicurean and Stoic thinkers. From the biblical perspective, the intersection of Greek and Hebrew conceptions is reflected in Septuagint, as well as new inflections in popular terminology in the Hellenistic and Roman periods, and in the role of eternity in the theology of the New Testament. The profound cross-fertilization of Christian and classical philosophical conceptions in the works of the Church fathers and their contemporaries is explored, bringing the topic into the Patristic period. Christian theology in the first five centuries of the Common Era and its choice of vocabulary prove to be most revealing of larger doctrinal commitments. Above all debate raged on the question of eternal damnation versus the idea (deemed heretical in the Christian church after the formal condemnation of Origenism) of apocastastis or universal salvation -- that is, the belief that the wicked are not condemned to eternal punishment but will eventually be included among the saved. Terminology for "eternity" is often at the core of how these issues were debated, and helps to identify which writers inclined to one or the other view of the matter.<br /><br />There is a small section on Evagrius Ponticus. He is shown to be as careful with his terminology as previous Patristic writers and therefore quite "mainstream"<br /><br />This is quite an important book, a prologemena to Ramelli's forthcomimg work on Apokatastasis. | ||||
2007 | Cataldo | Vita come tensione nell'antropologia di Evagrio Pontico | book |,2012:scriptum:cataldo-2007 ISBN 978-88-88758-22-0 978-88-88758-21-3 Cataldo, Giovanni. Vita come tensione nell'antropologia di Evagrio Pontico . Analecta Nicolaiana 3. Bari: Ecumenica, 2007. | ||||
2007 | Burrus Burrus Keller | Praying Is Joying: Musings on Love in Evagrius Ponticus | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:burrus-2007 Burrus, Virginia. “Praying Is Joying: Musings on Love in Evagrius Ponticus.” In Toward a Theology of Eros: Transfiguring Passion at the Limits of Discipline . Edited by Virginia Burrus and Catherine Keller, pp. 194–204. New York: Fordham University Press, 2007. universitypressscholarship.comEspecially in the painful disciplines of asceticism and the prayerful fantasies of mysticism, there emerges a sublimely sadomasochistic eroticism played out on a charged field of divine-human seduction that promises to take subjects to their limits and beyond, opening them in and to the cut of love. In his Chapters on Prayer, Evagrius of Pontus exults: “Happy the spirit [nous] which attains to total insensibility at prayer”. This chapter places Evagrius in dialogue with philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy in such a way as to uncover prayer as the site of the advent of a love that cuts across, breaks, or shatters the subject. In the masochistic erotics of ancient asceticism, there is disclosed the collapsing of the binary of activity and passivity that anchors Anders Nygren's dualism of agape and eros. Evagrius assumes a distinction between “impure passions” and the state of spiritual love that is both the precondition and the goal of prayer. For Evagrius, passion is that which produces psychic disturbance and distraction, scattering creative energies and dissipating joy. -pub | ||||
2007 | Misiarczyk | Osiem logismoi w pismach Ewagriusza z Pontu | book |,2012:scriptum:misiarczyk-2007 ISBN 978-83-7354-195-5 Misiarczyk, Leszek. Osiem logismoi w pismach Ewagriusza z Pontu . Kraków: Tyniec - Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów, 2007.[Eight Logismoi in the Writings of Evagrius Ponticus]. Full description (table of contents, summary) in English available. -jk | ||||
2007 | Jelisavčić | Evagrije Pontijski o duši i umu | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:jelisavčić-2007 Jelisavčić, Zoran. “Evagrije Pontijski o duši i umu.” Otačnik 1 (2007): 65–66. | ||||
2007 | Giulea | The Watchers' Whispers: Athenagoras's Legatio 25, 1-3 and the <i>Book of the Watchers</I> | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:giulea-2007 Giulea, Dragos-Andrei. “The Watchers' Whispers: Athenagoras's Legatio 25, 1–3 and the <i>Book of the Watchers</I>.” Vigiliae Christianae 61, no. 3 (2007): 258–81. The passage 25,1-3 in Athenagoras' «Legatio pro christianis», a work replete with Greek philosophical and mythological material, seems to represent a retelling of a Jewish narrative, both biblical and pseudo-epigraphic, namely the myth of the Watchers. The Athenian introduces Greek philosophical terminology and problems within his retelling of the myth. Athenagoras, employing especially Stoic psychological terms, investigates the way the fallen angels act within the human souls. In this way, one may say that he internalized the myth and conferred on it a psychological analysis. He was probably the first to undertake this kind of investigation, before Evagrius, who articulated the most elaborate analysis of the psychological effects of the demonic influences. -cat (L'AP:) | ||||
2007 | Evagrius Ponticus Géhin | Chapitres des disciples d'Évagre | book |,2012:scriptum:géhin-2007 ISBN 978-2-204-08468-0 2-204-08468-9 Evagrius Ponticus and Géhin, Paul. Chapitres des disciples d'Évagre . Sources chrétiennes 514. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 2007. Contents: La tradition manuscrite -- La doctrine des chapitres --Composition, style et langue -- Principes de la présente édition -- Collection athénienne -- Chapitres attestés en dehors de la collection athénienne -- Annexe. Édition des chapitres des florilèges communs à la collection athénienne ou à la chaîne de Nicétas -- Appendix 1. "L'idole du péché" --Appendix 2. Sur l'utilisation du ch. 72 dans les Scholies à l'Échelle -- Tables de concordance. From the publisher: Les Chapitres des disciples d'Évagre, découverts vers 1975 dans un manuscrit du Musée Bénaki d'Athènes et édités ici pour la première fois, sont formés d'un peu plus de 200 képhalaia rassemblés par un ou plusieurs disciples d'Evagre au début du ve siècle. On y retrouve les grandes lignes de la doctrine spirituelle du maître, concernant la vie " pratique " et la vie " gnostique " : comment se forment les pensées (logismoi), par quels moyens peut-on les repousser, dans quelles conditions parvient-on à l'impassibilité, la contemplation et l'état de prière ? Dans ces questions, marquées par la philosophie, le lecteur trouvera l'écho d'Origène et des Cappadociens. Quelques chapitres exégétiques proposent une interprétation allégorique, parfois assez originale, rappelant qu'une des fonctions du gnostique est d'interpréter spirituellement les Écritures. Cette collection, qui ne nous est pas parvenue dans son intégralité, complète notre information sur Évagre et nous livre vraisemblablement le dernier état de sa pensée, le plus mystique. Elle a été lue aussi bien par les syriaques et les arméniens que par les byzantins. Maxime le Confesseur y a largement puisé pour composer ses IV Centuries sur la charité. Paul GÉHIN, responsable de la Section grecque de l'Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes (Paris), a déjà publié dans la collection deux oeuvres exégétiques d'Evagre, les Scholies aux Proverbes (SC 340) et les Scholies à l'Ecclésiaste (SC 397), et, en collaboration avec Antoine et Claire Guillaumont, le traité Sur les pensées (SC 438). -pub JK NEHGreek edition of CPG 2483 French translation of CPG 2483 | ||||
2007 | Brajović | Obnovljenje i ovaploćenje u teoriji Evagrija Pontijskog | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:brajović-2007 Brajović, Boris B. “Obnovljenje i ovaploćenje u teoriji Evagrija Pontijskog.” Otačnik 1 (2007): 58–64. | ||||
2007 | Corrigan | The Organization of the Soul: Some Overlooked Aspects of Interpretation from Plato to Late Antiquity | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:corrigan-2007 Corrigan, Kevin. “The Organization of the Soul: Some Overlooked Aspects of Interpretation from Plato to Late Antiquity.” In Reading Ancient Texts: Essays in Honour of Denis O'Brien , pp. 99–113. Brill's studies in intellectual history 161–162. Leiden: Brill, 2007. | ||||
2007 | Bunge | Akedia: Plictiseala și terapia ei după avva Evagrie Ponticul sau sufletul în luptă cu demonul amiezii | book | ISBN 978-973-7859-30-3 Bunge, Gabriel. Akedia: Plictiseala și terapia ei după avva Evagrie Ponticul sau sufletul în luptă cu demonul amiezii . Translated by Ioan I. Ică. Sibiu: Deisis, 2007. | ||||
2007 | Stefaniw | Evagrius Ponticus on Image and Material | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:stefaniw-2007 Stefaniw, Blossom. “Evagrius Ponticus on Image and Material.” Cistercian Studies Quarterly 42, no. 2 (2007): 125–35. | ||||
2007 | Young | Cannibalism and Other Family Woes in Letter 55 of Evagrius of Pontus | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:young-2007 Young, Robin Darling. “Cannibalism and Other Family Woes in Letter 55 of Evagrius of Pontus.” In The World of Early Egyptian Christianity: Language, Literature, and Social Context; Essays in Honor of David W. Johnson , pp. 130–139. CUA Studies in Early Christianity. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2007. English translation of CPG 2437 | ||||
2007 | 鈴木 | 「魂のアパテイア(apatheia tes psyches)」から「不動の知性(nous akinetos)」へ–エヴァグリオス・ポンティコスのパトス論の一側面 | journalArticle | 鈴木, 順. “「魂のアパテイア(apatheia tes psyches)」から「不動の知性(nous akinetos)」へ–エヴァグリオス・ポンティコスのパトス論の一側面.” “” (2007): 71–86. | ||||
2007 | Junni | Rakkaus Evagrios Pontoslaisen rukousteologiassa: Teologianhistoriallinen tutkielma (Love in the Prayer Theology of Evagrius Ponticus) | thesis | Junni, Jussi. “Rakkaus Evagrios Pontoslaisen rukousteologiassa: Teologianhistoriallinen tutkielma (Love in the Prayer Theology of Evagrius Ponticus).” thesis. University of Helsinki, 2007. The Master's Thesis treats the concept of love in the prayer-centered mystical theology of Evagrius Ponticus (c. 345–399). In thesis, the concepts of love that are used by Evagrius and the types of love in his theology are analyzed. These concepts and types of love are examined in relation to his teaching of the perfection of the soul. | ||||
2006-2007 | Perczel | Finding a Place for the Erotapokriseis of Pseudo-Caesarius: A New Document of Sixth-century Palestinian Origenism | journalArticle | Perczel, István. “Finding a Place for the Erotapokriseis of Pseudo-Caesarius: A New Document of Sixth-century Palestinian Origenism.” ARAM 18–19 (2006–2007): 49–83. academia.eduAuthor argues that the Question-and-answer text by pseudo-Caesarius, datable to 550, is an Origenist text, despite its anti-Origen polemics. More precisely, the author is Theodore Ascidas, who adopts ideas from Evagrius. -jk | ||||
2006 | Case | Becoming One Spirit: Origen and Evagrius Ponticus on Prayer | thesis |,2012:scriptum:case-2006 Case, Hilary OSB. “Becoming One Spirit: Origen and Evagrius Ponticus on Prayer.” thesis. St Benedict / St John's, 2006. | ||||
2006 | (Constantine) | The Evagrian Ascetical System | book |,2012:scriptum:theophanes-2006 (Constantine), Theophanes. The Evagrian Ascetical System . Mount Athos: Timios Prodromos, 2006. blogspot.comvol. 2 of The Psychological Basis of Mental Prayer in the Heart. Available online or in print (but only through the website, as print-on-demand). This volume presents five texts of Evagrius in new English translations: Praktikos (called by the author Treatise on the Practical Life); On the Thoughts; the Gnostic; the complete Kephalaia Gnostica; and the Skemmata. In addition, the author presents a detailed commentary on the Praktikos and On the Thoughts, and a detailed discussion of the parts of the Kephalaia Gnostica that pertain to Evagrius's doctrines of asceticsm and contemplation. -jk | ||||
2006 | Géhin | La tradition arabe d'Évagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:géhin-2006 Géhin, Paul. “La tradition arabe d'Évagre le Pontique.” Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 3 (2006): 83–104. | ||||
2006 | Evagrius Ponticus | Evagrius Ponticus | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-casiday-2006 ISBN 0415324467 (hbk); 0415324475 (pbk); 0203356977 (ebk); 9780415324465 (hbk); 9780415324472 (pbk) Evagrius Ponticus. Evagrius Ponticus . Translated by Augustine Casiday. London and New York: Routledge, 2006. Contains a 40-page introduction followed by translations of several texts: On the Faith, Letters 7, 8, 19, and 20, the Great Letter, among others. Contains expansive notes, thorough introduction, and occasional commentary. -jk | ||||
2006 | Brakke | Demons and the Making of the Monk: Spiritual Combat in Early Christianity | book |,2012:scriptum:brakke-2006 ISBN 0674018753 (hbk.) Brakke, David. Demons and the Making of the Monk: Spiritual Combat in Early Christianity . Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2006. See esp. chap. 3, "The Gnostic: Evagrius Ponticus." -jk | ||||
2006 | Evagrius Ponticus | În luptă cu gândurile: Despre cele opt gânduri ale răutății și Replici împotriva lor | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-ica-2006 ISBN 978-973-7859-20-4 Evagrius Ponticus. În luptă cu gândurile: Despre cele opt gânduri ale răutății și Replici împotriva lor . Translated by Ioan I. Ică. Sibiu: Deisis, 2006. | ||||
2006 | Bunge | Ewagriusz z Pontu: Mistrz Zycia Duchowego | book |,2012:scriptum:bunge-2006 ISBN 83-7354-158-6 Bunge, Gabriel. Ewagriusz z Pontu: Mistrz Zycia Duchowego . Zródla Monastyczne 19. Kraków: Tyniec - Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów, 2006. Polish translation of assorted texts by Evagrius. Contents: Modlitwa ducha : studia o traktacie "De oratione" Ewagriusza z Pontu ; Acedia : nauka duchowa Ewagriusza z Pontu o acedii ; Ojcostwo duchowe : chrzescijanska gnoza u Ewagriusza z Pontu. Note(s): Pierwszy i drugi utwór przel.: Jerzy Bednarek, Arkadiusz Ziernicki, trzeci przel.: Andrzej Jastrzebski, Arkadiusz Ziernicki. Responsibility: Gabriel Bunge ; przekl. Jerzy Bednarek, Andrzej Jastrzebski, Arkadiusz Ziernicki ; wstep i oprac. Leon Nieścior -cat JK NEH | ||||
2006 | Socrates Périchon Maraval | Histoire ecclésiastique. Livres IV-VI | book |,2012:scriptum:socrates-2006 ISBN 2-204-08170-1 978-2-204-08170-2 Socrates. Histoire ecclésiastique. Livres IV-VI . Edited by Pierre Périchon and Pierre Maraval. Sources chrétiennes 505. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 2006. Book IV: Chapter 23. The Deeds of Some Holy Persons who devoted themselves to a Solitary Life. Biography of Evagrius. Extracts from his writings. | ||||
2006 | Smith | Philokalia: The Eastern Christian Spiritual Texts: Selections Annotated & Explained | book |,2012:scriptum:smith-2006 ISBN 1-59473-103-9 Smith, Allyne. Philokalia: The Eastern Christian Spiritual Texts: Selections Annotated & Explained . Edited by Allyne Smith. SkyLight illuminations. Woodstock, Vt.: SkyLight Paths Pub, 2006. Portions of On Prayer translated, passim -jk English translation of CPG 2452 | ||||
2005 | Brakke | Making Public the Monastic Life: Reading the Self in Evagrius Ponticus' Talking Back | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:brakke-2005 Brakke, David. “Making Public the Monastic Life: Reading the Self in Evagrius Ponticus' Talking Back.” In Religion and the Self in Antiquity . Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 2005. academia.eduFirst presented at a conference, "The Religious Self in Antiquity" held at Indiana University in September 2003. -cat | ||||
2005 | Géhin | Reconstitution et datation d’un recueil syriaque melkite (Ambr. A 296 inf., ff. 22-224 + Sinaï syr. 10) | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:géhin-2005b Géhin, Paul. “Reconstitution et datation d’un recueil syriaque melkite (Ambr. A 296 inf, ff. 22–224 + Sinaï syr. 10).” Rivista di Studi Byzantini e Neoellenici 42 (2005): 51–68. Notes on Sinai Syr. 10 and Evagrius's On the Eight Thoughts (attributed to him, not to Nilus). -jk | ||||
2005 | Géhin | Les versions syriaques et arabes des <i>Chapitres sur la prière</i> d'Évagre le Pontique: Quelques données nouvelles | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:géhin-2005a Géhin, Paul. “Les versions syriaques et arabes des Chapitres sur la prière d'Évagre le Pontique: Quelques données nouvelles.” In Les Syriques transmetteurs de civilisations: L'expérience du Bilâd El-Shâm à l'époque omeyyade. , pp. 181–197. Actes du Colloque 9. Anṭilyās: Markaz al-Dirāsāt wa-al-Abḥāth al-Mashriqīyah, al-Jāmiʻah al-Anṭūnīyah, 2005. Supplementary publishing data: Beirut: Centre d'Études et de Recherches Orientales -cat | ||||
2005 | Bocher Rasmussen | Like a Rock or Like God? The Concept of Apatheia in the Monastic Theology of Evagrius of Pontus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bocher-rasmussen-2005 Bocher Rasmussen, Mette Sophia. “Like a Rock or Like God? The Concept of Apatheia in the Monastic Theology of Evagrius of Pontus.” Studia Theologica 59, no. 2 (2005): 147–162. This article is an attempt to clarify the concept of apatheia as it appears in the Praktikos of Evagrius of Pontus. The condition (katastasis) of apatheia is central to the Evagrian understanding of the goal of monastic life, and the Praktikos is the treatise in the writings of Evagrius which deals most thoroughly with apatheia. The thesis of the article is that apatheia should be understood in terms of the Platonic distinction between stability and movement, and apatheia, thus, appears to be two different kinds of conditions, namely imperfect apatheia, related to the daily ascetic struggle of the monks against the demons and the thoughts, and perfect apatheia, related to the peaceful condition of undisturbed prayer, in which the mind contemplates the holy Trinity | ||||
2005 | Nieścior | Sny u Ewagriusza z Pontu [Dreams in Evagrius Ponticus] | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:nieścior-2005b Nieścior, Leon. “Sny u Ewagriusza z Pontu [Dreams in Evagrius Ponticus].” Zycie Duchowe 44 (2005): 21–27. | ||||
2005 | Nieścior | Die Grundlagen der ethischen Beurteilung der Gedanken in der Lehre von Evagrios Pontikos | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:nieścior-2005a Nieścior, Leon. “Die Grundlagen der ethischen Beurteilung der Gedanken in der Lehre von Evagrios Pontikos.” Erbe und Auftrag 81 (2005): 97–119. | ||||
2005 | Casiday | Evagrius Ponticus' Use of Different Versions of Scripture with Special Reference to his Scholia on Job | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:casiday-2005 Casiday, Augustine. “Evagrius Ponticus' Use of Different Versions of Scripture with Special Reference to his Scholia on Job.” Adamantius 11 (2005): 143–157. Using the Scholia on Job as his starting point (on Job 1:5, 10:2, 30:24, 40:25), the author notes that Evagrius availed himeslf of readings other than those attested in the Septuagint, and perhaps had the rudiments of Hebrew. Of particular note is the discussion of the so-called Eἰς τὸ Πιπι (On the Tetragrammaton) that is identical to the scholion on on Job 1:5. Casiday argues against Devreesse's attribution of the short piece to Origen, and further suggests that Evagrius had available in Egypt a copy of the Tetrapla. -jk Casiday advances several arguments alongside each other. At the most generic level, he argues that Evagrius’ interest in the allegorical meaning of the text of Scripture did not preclude him from interest in its literal meaning, and that he can be shown to have had great interest in the literal meaning, as did the Antiochians. More specifically, he argues that a scholion on the Tetragrammaton and the Hebrew names of God, previously thought to be written by Origen, should be attributed to Evagrius. Besides internal paleographic proof, Casiday provides external proof to make the attribution more probable by showing that, as a scribe, Evagrius could very well have had a copy of Origen’s Hexapla. -CSV | ||||
2005 | Diem | Das monastische Experiment: Die Rolle der Keuschheit bei der Entstehung des westlichen Klosterwesens | book |,2012:scriptum:diem-2005 ISBN 3825885569 (pbk.) Diem, Albrecht. Das monastische Experiment: Die Rolle der Keuschheit bei der Entstehung des westlichen Klosterwesens . Vita regularis. Abhandlungen 24. Münster: Lit, 2005. Originally presented as the author's doctoral thesis (Universität Utrecht, 2000). See pp. 54-62, on Evagrius. -cat | ||||
2005 | Driscoll | Steps to Spiritual Perfection: Studies on Spiritual Progress in Evagrius Ponticus | book |,2012:scriptum:driscoll-2005 ISBN 0809142643 (alk. paper) Driscoll, Jeremy. Steps to Spiritual Perfection: Studies on Spiritual Progress in Evagrius Ponticus . New York: Newman Press, 2005. | ||||
2005 | Dysinger | Psalmody and Prayer in the Writings of Evagrius Ponticus | book |,2012:scriptum:dysinger-2005 ISBN 0199273200 (alk. paper) Dysinger, Luke. Psalmody and Prayer in the Writings of Evagrius Ponticus . Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. | ||||
2005 | Tiso | Evagrius of Pontus and Buddhist Abhidharma | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:tiso-2005 Tiso, Francis. “Evagrius of Pontus and Buddhist Abhidharma.” Religion East & West 5 (2005): 41–72. | ||||
2005 | Tilby | From Evil Thoughts to Deadly Sins: Evagrius of Pontus's Psychology of Sin | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:tilby-2005 Tilby, Angela. “From Evil Thoughts to Deadly Sins: Evagrius of Pontus's Psychology of Sin.” In Wilderness: Essays in Honour of Frances Young . Library of New Testament Studies 295. London: T & T Clark International, 2005. | ||||
2005 | Sozomen Bidez Festugière Grillet Sabbah | Histoire ecclésiastique: Livres V-VI | book |,2012:scriptum:sozomen-495 ISBN 2-204-07918-9 978-2-204-07918-1 Sozomen. Histoire ecclésiastique: Livres V-VI . Edited by Joseph Bidez, A. J Festugière, Bernard Grillet, and Guy Sabbah. Sources chrétiennes 495. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 2005. Book VI: Chapter 30. Monks of Scetis: Origen, Didymus, Cronion, Orsisius, Putubatus, Arsion, Serapion, Ammon, Eusebius, and Dioscorus, the Brethren who are called Long, and Evagrius the Philosopher. Chapter 31. Concerning the Monks of Nitria, and the Monasteries called Cells; about the One in Rhinocorura; about Melas, Dionysius, and Solon. | ||||
2005 | Bitton-Ashkelony | Encountering the Sacred: The Debate on Christian Pilgrimage in Late Antiquity | book |,2012:scriptum:bitton-ashkelony-2005 Bitton-Ashkelony, Brouria. Encountering the Sacred: The Debate on Christian Pilgrimage in Late Antiquity . Transformation of the classical heritage 38. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005. Chapter four is entitled "Pilgrimage in monastic culture" and has a subsection (pp. 168-174) about "Evagrius Ponticus and the Holy Places". | ||||
2004 | Plested | Macarius and Evagrius | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:plested-2004 Plested, Marcus. “Macarius and Evagrius.” In The Macarian Legacy: The Place of Macarius-Symeon in the Eastern Christian Tradition , pp. 59–71. Oxford Theological Monographs. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. The author argues that the Evagrian and Macarian legacies were synthesized in the Byzantine tradition, and that the two should not be seen as incompatible. -jk | ||||
2004 | Perczel Schwartz Krech | A Philosophical Myth in the Service of Christian Apologetics? Manichees and Origenists in the Sixth Century | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:perczel-2004 Perczel, István. “A Philosophical Myth in the Service of Christian Apologetics? Manichees and Origenists in the Sixth Century.” In Religious Apologetics – Philosophical Argumentation . Edited by Yosset Schwartz and Volkhard Krech, pp. 205–236. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2004. | ||||
2004 | Casiday Bielawski Hombergen | Christ, the Icon of the Father, in Evagrian Theology | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:casiday-2004a Casiday, Augustine. “Christ, the Icon of the Father, in Evagrian Theology.” In Il Monachesimo tra Eredità e Aperture: Testi e temi nella tradizione del monachesimo cristiano . Edited by Maciej Bielawski and Daniël Hombergen. Studia Anselmiana 140. Rome: Centro studi S. Anselmo, 2004. In this chapter, Casiday disputes Elizabeth Clark’s depiction of Evagrius as iconoclastic. To do so, he distinguishes Evagrius’ teachings from those of iconoclasts from later centuries, and presents parallels from his present day that reflect an openness to the use of sacred images; he presents the importance of the body in the Neoplatonic philosophies of Plotinus and Porphyry; he shows the importance of Christ as an image of the Father, and presents Evagrius’ own pedagogical use of images and symbols on the way to imagelessness. To close, Casiday argues for taking the tradition of monastic theology found in the Philokalia tradition as a useful interpretive key. -CSV | ||||
2004 | Casiday | Gabriel Bunge and the Study of Evagrius Ponticus: A Review Article | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:casiday-2004b Casiday, Augustine. “Gabriel Bunge and the Study of Evagrius Ponticus: A Review Article.” St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 48, no. 2 (2004): 249–297. | ||||
2004 | Bunge | Вино дракона и хлеб ангельский. Учение Евагрия Понтийского о гневе и кротости. | book |,2012:scriptum:bunge-2004b Bunge, Gabriel. Вино дракона и хлеб ангельский. Учение Евагрия Понтийского о гневе и кротости. . Translated by Vladimir Zelinsky and Natalia Kostomarova. Riga: FiAM (Mezhdunarodniy blagotvoritel'nyi Fond imeni Aleksandra Men'a), 2004. Russian translation of "Drachenwein und Engelsbrot". | ||||
2004 | Niculescu | Coping with the Grief of Ignorance: Evagrius Ponticus's Hermeneutics of the Distance Between God and Humanity | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:niculescu-2004 Niculescu, Vlad. “Coping with the Grief of Ignorance: Evagrius Ponticus's Hermeneutics of the Distance Between God and Humanity.” Arches: Revue Internationale des Sciences Humaines 7 (2004): . | ||||
2004 | Misiarczyk | Acedia in Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:misiarczyk-2004 Misiarczyk, Leszek. “Acedia in Evagrius Ponticus.” Studia Plockie 32 (2004): 63–84. | ||||
2004 | Joest | The Significance of Acedia and Apatheia in Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:joest-2004 Joest, Christoph. “The Significance of Acedia and Apatheia in Evagrius Ponticus.” American Benedictine Review 55, no. 2–3 (2004): 121–50, 273–307. Translation by Marc DelCogliano of author's "Die Bedeutung von Akedia und Apatheia bei Evagrios Pontikos," with updates by the author. Includes a fresh English translation from the Greek retroversion (by Frankenberg) of Evagrius's Antirrheticus 6 (On Acedia). -MDC English translation of CPG 2434 | ||||
2004 | Holden | The Christian Ascetic Tradition on Dejection and Despondency | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:holden-2004 Holden, W. David. “The Christian Ascetic Tradition on Dejection and Despondency.” OCAMPR Ejournal 2, no. 2 (2004): . | ||||
2004 | Harmless | Desert Christians: An Introduction to the Literature of Early Monasticism | book |,2012:scriptum:harmless-2004 ISBN 0-19-516222-6 Harmless, William. Desert Christians: An Introduction to the Literature of Early Monasticism . Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. loc.govSee esp. part 4, Monastic Theologians: 10. Evagrius Ponticus: Ascetical Theory (p. 311); The Desert Calligrapher (p. 312); The Art of the Chapter (p. 316) The Eight Evil Thoughts (p. 322) Combat with Demons (p. 327) Notes (p. 330) Bibliography (p. 333) APPENDIX 10.1. Evagrius's Number Symbolism (p. 339) APPENDIX 10.2. Evagrius Ponticus, Sententiae ad Virginem (p. 342). 11. Evagrius Ponticus: Mystical Theology (p. 345) Mapping the Journey to God (p. 345) Pure Prayer (p. 350) Cosmology (p. 354) The Origenist Controversy (p. 359) Notes (p. 364) Bibliography (p. 367) APPENDIX 11.1. A Glossary of Evagrian Spirituality (p. 368) APPENDIX 11.2. Evagrius Ponticus, Skemmata (p. 370). -cat | ||||
2004 | Guillaumont | Un philosophe au désert: Évagre le Pontique | book |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-2004 ISBN 2-7116-1683-5 Guillaumont, Antoine. Un philosophe au désert: Évagre le Pontique . Textes et Traditions 8. Paris: Vrin, 2004. Posthumously published introduction and survey, written by one of the most important modern scholars on Evagrius's life, works, and thought. Currently the best place to begin learning about Evagrius. -jk | ||||
2004 | Parmentier Kitchen | The Book of Steps: The Syriac Liber Graduum | book |,2012:scriptum:parmentier-kitchen-2004 ISBN 0-87907-696-8 Parmentier, M. F. G. and Kitchen, Robert A. The Book of Steps: The Syriac Liber Graduum . Cistercian Studies Series 196. Kalamazoo, Mich.: Cistercian Publications, 2004. See 135–138 for translation of The Just and the Perfect and the introduction (esp. xxviii) for discussion of authorship. -jk English translation of CPG 2465 | ||||
2004 | Bunge | Akedia: Die geistliche Lehre des Evagrios Pontikos vom Überdruss | book |,2012:scriptum:bunge-2004a ISBN 3-927894-19-2 Bunge, Gabriel. Akedia: Die geistliche Lehre des Evagrios Pontikos vom Überdruss . Würzburg: Der Christliche Osten, 2004. | ||||
2004 | Nicodemus the Hagiorite Makarios Galites | Φιλοκαλία τῶν ἱερῶν Νηπτικῶν | book |,2012:scriptum:philokalia-galites-1984 ISBN 960-7407-03-2 (volume 1) 960-7407-02-04 (set) Nicodemus the Hagiorite and Makarios, Saint. Φιλοκαλία τῶν ἱερῶν Νηπτικῶν . Translated by Antonios G. Galites. Edited by Georgios A. Galites. Thessalonike: Τὸ περιβολαὶ τῆς Παναγίας, 2004. First edition, 1984. Introduction: 1:63-65; Hypotyposis: 1:66-72; On the [Evil] Thoughts, 73–86; 5 chapters from the Praktikos (29, 32, 91, 94, 15; uncredited): 87; On Prayer: 1:219-234 (ascribed to St. Nilus). -jk | ||||
2004 | Vivian | Four Desert Fathers: Pambo, Evagrius, Macarius of Egypt, and Macarius of Alexandria: Coptic Texts Relating to the Lausiac History of Palladius | book |,2012:scriptum:vivian-2004 ISBN 0881412562 (alk. paper) Vivian, Tim. Four Desert Fathers: Pambo, Evagrius, Macarius of Egypt, and Macarius of Alexandria: Coptic Texts Relating to the Lausiac History of Palladius . Popular Patristics. Crestwood, N.Y.: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2004. 69-92: Translation and notes on the Coptic Life of Evagrius. -jk | ||||
2004 | Géhin | Les développements récents de la recherche évagrienne | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:géhin-2004 Géhin, Paul. “Les développements récents de la recherche évagrienne.” Orientalia Christiana Periodica 70, no. 1 (2004): 103–125. | ||||
2003 | Muravjev Perrone Bernardino Marchini | Macarian or Evagrian: The Problem of Origenist Legacy in Eastern Syriac Mystical Literature | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:muravjev-2003 Muravjev, Alexej. “Macarian or Evagrian: The Problem of Origenist Legacy in Eastern Syriac Mystical Literature.” In Origeniana octava: Origen and the Alexandrian Tradition = Origene E La Tradizione Alessandrina: Papers of the 8th International Origen Congress, Pisa, 27–31 August 2001 . Edited by Lorenzo Perrone, P. Bernardino, and D. Marchini, pp. 1185–1191. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium 164. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2003. | ||||
2003 | Misiarczyk | Próznosc i pycha: mysli racjonalnej czesci duszy w duchowej walce wedlug Ewagriusza z Pontu [Vanity and hubris: thoughts of the rational part of the soul in spiritual straggle according to Ecagrius Ponticus] | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:misiarczyk-2003 Misiarczyk, Leszek. “Próznosc i pycha: mysli racjonalnej czesci duszy w duchowej walce wedlug Ewagriusza z Pontu [Vanity and hubris: thoughts of the rational part of the soul in spiritual straggle according to Ecagrius Ponticus].” Studia Plockie 31 (2003): 27–38. Includes a summary in Latin. | ||||
2003 | McGinn McGinn | Early Christian Mystics: The Divine Vision of the Spiritual Masters | book |,2012:scriptum:mcginn-mcginn-2003 ISBN 0824521064 (alk. paper) McGinn, Bernard and McGinn, Patricia Ferris. Early Christian Mystics: The Divine Vision of the Spiritual Masters . New York: Crossroad Pub, 2003. See chapter titled "Ascetical practice and contemplative life: Evagrius Ponticus." Title page verso: "Several portions of this book include revised and expanded material from The foundations of mysticism and The growth of mysticism, both by Bernard McGinn" -pub | ||||
2003 | Göbel | Wahrheit und Methode: Platonische Dialektik und Evagrische Seelenführung | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:göbel-2003 Göbel, C. “Wahrheit und Methode: Platonische Dialektik und Evagrische Seelenführung.” Teresianum 54 (2003): 231–60. | ||||
2003 | Evagrius Ponticus | Evagrius Ponticus: Ad monachos | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-driscoll-2003 ISBN 0809105608 (alk. paper) Evagrius Ponticus. Evagrius Ponticus: Ad monachos . Translated by Jeremy Driscoll. Ancient Christian Writers 59. New York: Newman Press, 2003. Contents: Introduction: The condition of the text -- pt. 1. Ad monachos in Greek and in English translation -- pt. 2. The structure of Ad monachos -- pt. 3. Situating this kind of Christian literature -- pt. 4. Commentary on individual proverbs. -cat English translation of CPG 2435 | ||||
2003 | DelCogliano | Situating Sarapion's Sorrow: The Anthropomorphite Controversy as the Historical and Theological Context of Cassian's Tenth Conference on Pure Prayer | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:delcogliano-2003 DelCogliano, Mark. “Situating Sarapion's Sorrow: The Anthropomorphite Controversy as the Historical and Theological Context of Cassian's Tenth Conference on Pure Prayer.” Cistercian Studies Quarterly 38, no. 4 (2003): 377–421. A historical and theological contextualization and reconsideration of the reality of the views labeled "Anthropomorphite" by Cassian, with particular reference to the teachings of Evagrius. -MDC | ||||
2003 | Evagrius Ponticus | Evagrius of Pontus: The Greek Ascetic Corpus | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-sinkewicz-2003 ISBN 0-19-925993-3 Evagrius Ponticus. Evagrius of Pontus: The Greek Ascetic Corpus . Translated by Robert E. Sinkewicz. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. "This is the first complete English translation of Evagrius' Greek ascetic writings, based on modern critical editions, and collations of the principal manuscripts. Two appendices provide variant readings for the Greek texts and the complete text of the long recension of Eulogios. The translations are accompanied by a commentary to guide the reader through the intricacies of Evagrian thought by offering explanatory comments and references to other Evagrian texts and relevant scholarly literature." Table of contents: "Introduction; 1. Foundations of the Monastic Life: A Presentation of the Practice of Stillness [CPG 2441]; 2. To Eulogios On the Confession of Thoughts and Counsel in their Regard; 3. [To Eulogios] On the Vices Opposed to the Virtues; 4. On the Eight Thoughts; 5. The Monk: A Treatise on the Practical Life; 6. To Monks in Monasteries and Communities and Exhortation to a Virgin; 7. On Thoughts; 8. Chapters on Prayer; 9. Reflections; 10. Exhortations 1-2 [CPG 2454]; 11. Thirty-Three Ordered Chapters; 12. Maxims 1-3; Commentary Notes; Appendix I: Variant Readings for the greek texts; Appendix 2: The Greek text of Eulogios." -pub English translation of CPG 2430 CPG 2435 CPG 2436 CPG 2441 CPG 2442 CPG 2443 CPG 2444 CPG 2445 CPG 2447 CPG 2448 CPG 2450 CPG 2451 CPG 2452 CPG 2454 Greek edition of CPG 2447 | ||||
2003 | Driscoll | The "Circle of Evagrius": Then and Now | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:driscoll-2003 Driscoll, Jeremy. “The "Circle of Evagrius": Then and Now.” Studia Monastica 45 (2003): 7–18. | ||||
2003 | Evagrius Ponticus | Tratatul practic-Gnosticul | book |,2012:scriptum:badilita-2003 Evagrius Ponticus. Tratatul practic-Gnosticul . Translated by Cristian Bădiliţă. Polirom: Iași, 2003. | ||||
2003 | Evagrius Ponticus | Tratatul practic; Gnosticul | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-badilita-2003 Evagrius Ponticus. Tratatul practic; Gnosticul . Translated by Cristian Bădiliţă. Iaşi: Polirom, 2003. | ||||
2003 | Stewart Bădiliță Jakab | John Cassian’s Schema of Eight Principal Faults and His Debt to Origen and Evagrius | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:stewart-2003b Stewart, Columba. “John Cassian’s Schema of Eight Principal Faults and His Debt to Origen and Evagrius.” In Jean Cassien entre l'orient et l'occident: Actes du colloque international organisé par le New Europe College en collaboration avec la Ludwig Boltzman Gesellschaft, Bucarest, 27–28 septembre 2001 . Edited by Cristian Bădiliță and Attila Jakab, pp. 205–219. Paris: Beauchesne, 2003. | ||||
2003 | Stewart | Evagrius Ponticus on Monastic Pedagogy | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:stewart-2003a Stewart, Columba. “Evagrius Ponticus on Monastic Pedagogy.” In Abba: The Tradition of Orthodoxy in the West; Festschrift for Bishop Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia , pp. 241–271. Crestwood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2003. | ||||
2002 | Casiday | All Are from One: On St Antony the Great's Protology | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:casiday-2002 Casiday, Augustine. “All Are from One: On St Antony the Great's Protology.” Studia Monastica 44, no. 2 (2002): 207–227. academia.eduExplores the influence of St Antony on Evagrius. | ||||
2002 | Bunge Miller | Earthen Vessels: The Practice of Personal Prayer According to the Patristic Tradition | book |,2012:scriptum:bunge-miller-2002 ISBN 0-89870-837-0 Bunge, Gabriel and Miller, Michael J. Earthen Vessels: The Practice of Personal Prayer According to the Patristic Tradition . San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2002. Translation from German, Irdene Gefässe. Includes bibliographical references (p. 205-207) and indexes. Pen and ink drawings by Francseco Riganti. -cat | ||||
2002 | Misiarczyk | Smutek i zlosc w nauce duchowej Ewagriusza z Pontu [Grief and anger in the spiritual teaching of Evagrius Ponticus] | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:misiarczyk-2002 Misiarczyk, Leszek. “Smutek i zlosc w nauce duchowej Ewagriusza z Pontu [Grief and anger in the spiritual teaching of Evagrius Ponticus].” Studa Plockie 30 (2002): 83–96. Includes a summary in Latin. -cat | ||||
2002 | McGuckin | The Book of Mystical Chapters: Meditations on the Soul's Ascent, from the Desert Fathers and Other Early Christian Contemplatives | book |,2012:scriptum:mcguckin-2002 ISBN 1-57062-900-5 McGuckin, John Anthony. The Book of Mystical Chapters: Meditations on the Soul's Ascent, from the Desert Fathers and Other Early Christian Contemplatives . Boston, Mass.: Shambhala, 2002. Three centuries of chapters taken from various theologians of the Eastern Orthodox tradition, arranged in ascending levels of Praktikos, Theoretikos, and Gnostikos. Extensive citation from the Praktikos and Chapters on Prayer, among others. -jk | ||||
2002 | Göbel | Philosophie des Mönchseins: Am Beispiel des <i>Ad Monachos</i> des Evagrius Ponticus und seines Bezuges zum 'asketischen' Charakter der antiken Ethik | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:göbel-2002 Göbel, C. “Philosophie des Mönchseins: Am Beispiel des Ad Monachos des Evagrius Ponticus und seines Bezuges zum 'asketischen' Charakter der antiken Ethik.” Wissenschaft und Weisheit 65 (2002): 3–23. | ||||
2002 | Evagrius Ponticus Kallinterēs Kounavē | Euagrios Pontikos (Meros 1) | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-moutsoulas-2002 ISBN 960-315-479-2 Evagrius Ponticus. Euagrios Pontikos (Meros 1) . Translated by Ēlias D. Moutsoulas. Edited by Dēmētrios Ch Kallinterēs and Geōrgia P. Kounavē. Βιβλιοθήκη Ἑλλήνων Πατέρων καὶ Ἐκκλησιαστικῶν Συγγράφεων 78. Athens: Αποστολική Διακονία της Εκκλησίας της Ελλάδος, 2002. Contains editions of Praktikos, Gnostikos, Kephalaia Gnostika, "Hellenic Excerpts, Thoughts, Contradiction" (according to publisher), Sentences to Monks, and Sentences to a Virgin. -jk | ||||
2002 | Nieścior | Psalmy w procesie wewnetrznej ewangelizacji chrzescijanina: Metoda antyrretyczna Ewagriusza z Pontu [The Psalms in the interior process of Christian evangelization: The anthirrethical method of Evagrius Ponticus] | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:nieścior-2002b Nieścior, Leon. “Psalmy w procesie wewnetrznej ewangelizacji chrzescijanina: Metoda antyrretyczna Ewagriusza z Pontu [The Psalms in the interior process of Christian evangelization: The anthirrethical method of Evagrius Ponticus].” Verbum Vitae 2 (2002): 243–52. | ||||
2002 | Nieścior | Czystosc serca i umyslu wedlug Ewagriusza z Pontu [The purity of heart cnd mind according to Evagrius Ponticus] | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:nieścior-2002a Nieścior, Leon. “Czystosc serca i umyslu wedlug Ewagriusza z Pontu [The purity of heart cnd mind according to Evagrius Ponticus].” In Ad sapientiam cordis: Ksiega pamiatkowa dedykowana ksiedzu profesorowi Ludwikowi Gladyszewskiemu w 70. rocznice urodzin , pp. 125–150. Gniezno: Prymasowskie Wyzsze Seminarium Duchowne, 2002. | ||||
2002 | Young Russell Christman Hunter Darling Young Blowers | Appropriating Genesis and Exodus in Evagrius's <i>On Prayer</i> | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:darling-young-2002 Young, Robin Darling. “Appropriating Genesis and Exodus in Evagrius's On Prayer.” In In Dominico Eloquio – in Lordly Eloquence: Essays on Patristic Exegesis in Honor of Robert Louis Wilken . Edited by Angela Russell Christman, David Hunter, Robin Darling Young, and Paul M. Blowers, pp. 242–258. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2002. | ||||
2002 | Bady Tchernetska | Un nouveau témoin direct des <i>Scholies aux Proverbes</i> d'Évagre le Pontique (Cambridge, Trinity Coll. O.1.55) | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bady-tchernetska-2002 Bady, Guillaume and Tchernetska, Natalie. “Un nouveau témoin direct des Scholies aux Proverbes d'Évagre le Pontique (Cambridge, Trinity Coll. O.1.55).” Revue d'Histoire des Textes 32 (2002): 63–72. The manuscript Cambridge, Trinity College, 0.1.55 is one on the rare witnesses to the direct textual tradition of the scholia on Proverbs by Evagrius of Pontus and contains the first twenty-eight scholia. These must have been copied in the fourteenth century from a rather old model, which had itself been modified by the insertion of lemmata from a text of the Hexapla accompanied by kephalaia and a variety of additional glosses. -pub Le manuscrit Cambridge, Trinity College, O.1.55 est l'un des rares témoins directs des scholies d'Évagre aux Proverbes, dont il offre les 28 premières. Ces scholies ont dû être copiées au 14e s. d'après un exemplaire assez ancien, lui-même modifié par l'insertion des lemmes d'après un texte hexaplaire accompagné de kephalaia et par l'ajout de gloses diverses. -pub | ||||
2001 | Rappe | The New Math: How to Add and to Subtract Pagan Elements in Christian Education | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:rappe-2001 Rappe, Sarah. “The New Math: How to Add and to Subtract Pagan Elements in Christian Education.” In Education in Greek and Roman Antiquity , pp. 405–432. Leiden: Brill, 2001. | ||||
2001 | Misiarczyk | Mysli zmyslowej czesci duszy i sposoby walki z nimi wedlug Ewagriusza z Pontu [Thoughts of the sensual part of soul and the way to combat them according to Evagrius Ponticus] | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:misiarczyk-2001 Misiarczyk, Leszek. “Mysli zmyslowej czesci duszy i sposoby walki z nimi wedlug Ewagriusza z Pontu [Thoughts of the sensual part of soul and the way to combat them according to Evagrius Ponticus].” Studa Plockie 29 (2001): 147–65. Includes a summary in Latin. -cat | ||||
2001 | Hombergen | Cyril of Scythopolis and the Second Origenist Controversy | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hombergen-2001b Hombergen, Daniël. “Cyril of Scythopolis and the Second Origenist Controversy.” “” (2001): 31–46. Summary of a critical study on Cyril's monastic biographies concerning their reliability as historical sources for Sixth-Century origenism | ||||
2001 | Hombergen | The Second Origenist Controversy: A New Perspective on Cyril of Scythopolis' Monastic Biographies as Historical Sources for Sixth-Century Origenism | book |,2012:scriptum:hombergen-2001a ISBN 88-8139-091-4 Hombergen, Daniël. The Second Origenist Controversy: A New Perspective on Cyril of Scythopolis' Monastic Biographies as Historical Sources for Sixth-Century Origenism . Studia Anselmiana 132. Rome: Centro studi S. Anselmo, 2001. This study is noteworthy for reconstructing the events surrounding the condemnation of Origenism and the three Chapters in the mid-sixth century. The author argues that the fifth ecumenical council was a struggle, in the main, between two coalitions. The anti-Origenists managed to have Origen, Didymus, and Evagrius condemned, but only in a special preliminary session; the main sessions condemned the three Chapters, argued by the author to be a victory for those who opposed the anti-Origenists. This explains the discrepancies in reports of the 5th ecumenical council as to what really happened, with anti-Origenists such as Cyril of Scythopolis downplaying the condemnation of the three Chapters, and suggesting instead that it was a resounding defeat of Origenism. -jk | ||||
2001 | Harmless Fitzgerald | The Sapphire Light of the Mind: The <i>Skemmata</i> of Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:harmless-fitzgerald-2001 Harmless, William and Fitzgerald, Raymond R. “The Sapphire Light of the Mind: The Skemmata of Evagrius Ponticus.” Theological Studies 62, no. 3 (2001): 493–529. English translation of CPG 2433 | ||||
2001 | Harmless | "Salt for the Impure, Light for the Pure": Reflections on the Pedagogy of Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:harmless-2001 Harmless, William. “"Salt for the Impure, Light for the Pure": Reflections on the Pedagogy of Evagrius Ponticus.” Studia Patristica 37 (2001): 514–526. | ||||
2001 | Barsanuphius John of Gaza Neyt | Correspondance: vol. 2, pt. 2, Aux cénobites, Lettres 399-616 | book |,2012:scriptum:neyt-1997 ISBN 2-204-06490-4 978-2-204-06490-3 Barsanuphius, John of Gaza, and Neyt, François. Correspondance: vol. 2, pt. 2, Aux cénobites, Lettres 399–616 . Sources chrétiennes 451. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 2001. Letters 600ff. deal with the question if it is profitable for monks to read Origen, Evagrius, and Didymus the Blind. | ||||
2001 | Evagrius Ponticus Kallinterēs Kounavē | Euagrios Pontikos (Meros 3) | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-moutsoulas-2001 ISBN 960-315-465-2 Evagrius Ponticus. Euagrios Pontikos (Meros 3) . Translated by Ēlias D. Moutsoulas. Edited by Dēmētrios Ch Kallinterēs and Geōrgia P. Kounavē. Βιβλιοθήκη Ἑλλήνων Πατέρων καὶ Ἐκκλησιαστικῶν Συγγράφεων 80. Athens: Αποστολική Διακονία της Εκκλησίας της Ελλάδος, 2001. | ||||
2001 | Brajović | Aretologija Evagrija Pontijskog | book |,2012:scriptum:brajović-2001 Brajović, Boris B. Aretologija Evagrija Pontijskog . Jasen: Nikšić, 2001. | ||||
2001 | Driscoll | 'Love of Money' in Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:driscoll-2001 Driscoll, Jeremy. “'Love of Money' in Evagrius Ponticus.” Studia Monastica 43 (2001): 21–30. | ||||
2001 | Dysinger | The Logoi of Providence and Judgment in the Exegetical Writings of Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle | Dysinger, Luke. “The Logoi of Providence and Judgment in the Exegetical Writings of Evagrius Ponticus.” Studia Patristica 37 (2001): 462–471. academia.eduThe Logoi of Providence And Judgment in the Exegetical Writings of Evagrius Ponticus | ||||
2001 | Toda | Les <i>Apophthegmata patrum</i> et Évagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:toda-2001 Toda, Satoshi. “Les Apophthegmata patrum et Évagre le Pontique.” Mediterranean World 16 (2001): 77–87. Journal published in Tokyo (Hitotsubashi University). For author, see also under 聡. -jk | ||||
2001 | Young | Evagrius the Iconographer: Monastic Pedagogy in the <i>Gnostikos</i> | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:young-2001 Young, Robin Darling. “Evagrius the Iconographer: Monastic Pedagogy in the Gnostikos.” Journal of Early Christian Studies 1 (2001): 53–71. | ||||
2001 | Stewart | Imageless Prayer and the Theological Vision of Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:stewart-2001a Stewart, Columba. “Imageless Prayer and the Theological Vision of Evagrius Ponticus.” Journal of Early Christian Studies 9, no. 2 (2001): 173–204. Evagrius...brought his deep knowledge of both Hellenistic philosophy and Christian thought (especially the work of Origen) to bear on his tracing of the human journey back to perfect union with God. His several writings on prayer, and particularly his teaching about "imageless prayer," must be situated within that philosophical and theological framework. The emphasis on imageless prayer creates a tension with the Christian and monastic focus on biblical texts. Examining Evagrius' theories of mental operation and biblical exegesis helps in understanding both the imperative of imageless prayer for Evagrius and its problematic aspects. -cat | ||||
2000-2001 | Karapetyan | Kirakos Erznkaci's <i>On the Eight Thoughts of Evagrius.</i> | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:karapetyan-2000 Karapetyan, T. “Kirakos Erznkaci's On the Eight Thoughts of Evagrius..” St. Nersess Theological Review 5–6 (2000–2001): 39–118. | ||||
2000-2001 | Blanchard Griffin Horn Timbie | The Armenian Version of the <i>Life of Evagrius of Pontus</i> | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:blanchard-griffin-horn-timbie-2000 Blanchard, Monica, Griffin, Carl, Horn, Cornelia, and Timbie, Janet. “The Armenian Version of the Life of Evagrius of Pontus.” St. Nersess Theological Review 5–6 (2000–2001): 25–37. | ||||
2000 | Penati Bernardini Bettiolo | In margine alla definizione della Trinità: Un confronto tra gli scritti trinitari di Gregorio di Nissa e l'Epistula fidei di Evagrio Pontico | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:penati-benardini-2000a Penati Bernardini, A. “In margine alla definizione della Trinità: Un confronto tra gli scritti trinitari di Gregorio di Nissa e l'Epistula fidei di Evagrio Pontico.” In L'epistula fidei di Evagrio Pontico: Temi, contesti, sviluppi; Atti del III convegno del gruppo italiano di ricerca su "Origene e la tradizione alessandrina" . Edited by Paolo Bettiolo, pp. 145–152. Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum 72. Rome: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2000. | ||||
2000 | Penati Bernardini Bettiolo | La <i>γνῶσις χριστοῦ</i> di Evagrio Pontico | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:penati-benardini-2000b Penati Bernardini, A. “La γνῶσις χριστοῦ di Evagrio Pontico.” In L'epistula fidei di Evagrio Pontico: Temi, contesti, sviluppi; Atti del III convegno del gruppo italiano di ricerca su "Origene e la tradizione alessandrina" . Edited by Paolo Bettiolo, pp. 153–182. Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum 72. Rome: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2000. | ||||
2000 | Bunge | La montagne intelligible: De la contemplation indirecte à la connaisance immédiate de Dieu dans le traité <i>De oratione</i> d'Évagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bunge-2000 Bunge, Gabriel. “La montagne intelligible: De la contemplation indirecte à la connaisance immédiate de Dieu dans le traité De oratione d'Évagre le Pontique.” Studia Monastica 42 (2000): 7–26. | ||||
2000 | Linge | Leading the Life of Angels: Ascetic Practice and Reflection in the Writings of Evagrius of Pontus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:linge-2000 Linge, David E. “Leading the Life of Angels: Ascetic Practice and Reflection in the Writings of Evagrius of Pontus.” Journal of the American Academy of Religion 68 (2000): 537–68. | ||||
2000 | Joest | Die <i>Praktike</i> bei Evagrios Pontikos und in den Pachom-Briefen | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:joest-2000 Joest, Christoph. “Die Praktike bei Evagrios Pontikos und in den Pachom-Briefen.” Ostkirchliche Studien 49 (2000): 31–54. Ausgehend von einem Überblick über Leben und Lehre bzw. Schriften lassen sich anhand der bei Evagrios systematisiert und bei Pachom in den Schriften verteilt vorliegenden Aussagen zu den Grundlagen christlicher Nachfolge im monastischen Leben, anders als beim Thema der kontemplativen Gottesschau, Gemeinsamkeiten beobachten, die einerseits in den Bezugsrahmen der <i>Theologie der Wüste</i>, andererseits in den des Christseins schlechthin einzuordnen sind. -cat (L'AP) | ||||
2000 | Géhin Bettiolo | La place de la <i>Lettre sur la foi</i> dans l'oeuvre d'Evagre | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:géhin-2000 Géhin, Paul. “La place de la Lettre sur la foi dans l'oeuvre d'Evagre.” In L'epistula fidei di Evagrio Pontico: Temi, contesti, sviluppi; Atti del III convegno del gruppo italiano di ricerca su "Origene e la tradizione alessandrina" . Edited by Paolo Bettiolo, pp. 25–58. Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum 72. Rome: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2000. | ||||
2000 | Evagrius Ponticus Kallinterēs Kounavē | Euagrios Pontikos (Meros 2) | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-moutsoulas-2000 ISBN 960-315-456-3 Evagrius Ponticus. Euagrios Pontikos (Meros 2) . Translated by Ēlias D. Moutsoulas. Edited by Dēmētrios Ch. Kallinterēs and Geōrgia P. Kounavē. Βιβλιοθήκη Ἑλλήνων Πατέρων καὶ Ἐκκλησιαστικῶν Συγγράφεων 79. Athens: Αποστολική Διακονία της Εκκλησίας της Ελλάδος, 2000. | ||||
2000 | Driscoll | The Fathers of Poemen and the Evagrian Connection | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:driscoll-2000 Driscoll, Jeremy. “The Fathers of Poemen and the Evagrian Connection.” Studia Monastica 42 (2000): 27–51. | ||||
2000 | Géhin | Les adaptations chrétiennes du <i>Manuel</i> d’Épictète | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:géhin-2000b Géhin, Paul. “Les adaptations chrétiennes du Manuel d’Épictète.” Bolletino della Badia Greca di Grottaferrata 54 (2000): 67–87. | ||||
2000 | Furrer-Pilliod | Oroi kai ypographai: Collections alphabétiques de définitions profanes et sacrées | book |,2012:scriptum:furrer-pilliod-2000 ISBN 88-210-0702-2 Furrer-Pilliod, Christiane. Oroi kai ypographai: Collections alphabétiques de définitions profanes et sacrées . Studi e testi (Biblioteca apostolica vaticana) 395. Città del Vaticano: Biblioteca apostolica Vaticana, 2000. Texts in Greek with critical material in French. Contains Greek texts from many chaps. of the Kephalaia Gnostica and some of "Counsel" (CPG 2475), as well as from other texts that survive in Greek. -cs | ||||
2000 | Lugaresi Bettiolo | 'Non disprezziamo l'economia': L'influsso del pensiero teologico di Gregorio Nazianzeno sull'<i>Epistula fidei</i> | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:lugaresi-2000 Lugaresi, L. “'Non disprezziamo l'economia': L'influsso del pensiero teologico di Gregorio Nazianzeno sull'Epistula fidei.” In L'epistula fidei di Evagrio Pontico: Temi, contesti, sviluppi; Atti del III convegno del gruppo italiano di ricerca su "Origene e la tradizione alessandrina" . Edited by Paolo Bettiolo, pp. 87–144. Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum 72. Rome: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2000. To date the most thorough comparison of Evagrius and Gregory of Nazianzus. The author goes through the Orations and notes similarities in ideas, style, etc. -jk | ||||
2000 | Evagrius Ponticus | Scrieri alese | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-duma-2000 Evagrius Ponticus. Scrieri alese . Translated by Radu Duma. Bucurest: Herald, 2000. | ||||
2000 | Vivian | Coptic Palladiana II: <i>The Life of Evagrius</i> (<i>Lausiac History</i> 38) | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:vivian-2000 Vivian, Tim. “Coptic Palladiana II: The Life of Evagrius (Lausiac History 38).” Coptic Church Review 21, no. 1 (2000): 8–23. | ||||
2000 | Stewart Valantasis | Evagrius on Prayer and Anger | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:stewart-2000 Stewart, Columba. “Evagrius on Prayer and Anger.” In Religions of Late Antiquity in Practice . Edited by Richard Valantasis, pp. 71–80. Princeton Readings in Religions. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2000. | ||||
2000 | Sorabji | From First Movements to the Seven Cardinal Sins Evagrius | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:sorabji-2000 Sorabji, Richard. “From First Movements to the Seven Cardinal Sins Evagrius.” In Emotion and Peace of Mind , pp. 357–371. [n.p.]: Oxford University Press, 2000. Chapter 23 of Emotion and Peace of Mind. Gifford Lectures 1996-1997. Compares Evagrius to Stoic thought. Also has chapters on Origen and Augustine. | ||||
2000 | Simonetti Bettiolo | Dibattito trinitario e tensioni ecclesiali in Cappadecia e Ponto dal 360 al 380 | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:simonetti-2000 Simonetti, M. “Dibattito trinitario e tensioni ecclesiali in Cappadecia e Ponto dal 360 al 380.” In L'epistula fidei di Evagrio Pontico: Temi, contesti, sviluppi; Atti del III convegno del gruppo italiano di ricerca su "Origene e la tradizione alessandrina" . Edited by Paolo Bettiolo, pp. 7–24. Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum 72. Rome: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2000. | ||||
2000 | Bettiolo | L'epistula fidei di Evagrio Pontico: Temi, contesti, sviluppi; Atti del III convegno del gruppo italiano di ricerca su "Origene e la tradizione alessandrina" | book |,2012:scriptum:bettiolo-2000a ISBN 88-7961-022-8 978-88-7961-022-3 Bettiolo, Paolo. L'epistula fidei di Evagrio Pontico: Temi, contesti, sviluppi; Atti del III convegno del gruppo italiano di ricerca su "Origene e la tradizione alessandrina" . Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum 72. Rome: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2000. | ||||
2000 | Bettiolo | 'Camminava sulle orme del Santo Basilio': Evagrio e il vescovo di Cesarea: Un rapporto problematico | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:bettiolo-2000b Bettiolo, Paolo. “'Camminava sulle orme del Santo Basilio': Evagrio e il vescovo di Cesarea: Un rapporto problematico.” In L'epistula fidei di Evagrio Pontico: Temi, contesti, sviluppi; Atti del III convegno del gruppo italiano di ricerca su "Origene e la tradizione alessandrina" , pp. 59–86. Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum 72. Rome: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2000. | ||||
1999 | Regnault | The Day-to-Day Life of the Desert Fathers in Fourth-Century Egypt | book |,2012:scriptum:regnault-1999 ISBN 1879007347 (pbk.) Regnault, Lucien. The Day-to-Day Life of the Desert Fathers in Fourth-Century Egypt . Petersham, Mass.: St. Bede's Publications, 1999. | ||||
1999 | Perczel | Mankind's Common Intellectual Substance: A Study in the Letters of Saint Antony and his Life by Saint Athanasius | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:perczel-1999a Perczel, István. “Mankind's Common Intellectual Substance: A Study in the Letters of Saint Antony and his Life by Saint Athanasius.” In The Man of Many Devices, Who Wandered Full Many Ways: Festschrift in Honor of Janos M. Bak , pp. 197–213. [n.p.]: Central Europen University Press, 1999. An examination of the "Origenism" of St. Antony's Letters and its possible influence in the Life of St. Antony by St. Athanasius. -mj | ||||
1999 | Bunge | Aktive und kontemplative Weise des Betens im Traktat <i>De oratione</i> des Evagrios Pontikos | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1999a Bunge, Gabriel. “Aktive und kontemplative Weise des Betens im Traktat De oratione des Evagrios Pontikos.” Studia Monastica 41 (1999): 211–27. Reprinted 2011 in "Die Lehren der heiligen Väter" (RB 73, 2): Aufsätze zu Evagrios Pontikos aus drei Jahrzehnten | ||||
1999 | Bunge | Created and Renewed after the Image of God | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1999b Bunge, Gabriel. “Created and Renewed after the Image of God.” In Homo Medietas: Aufsätze zu Religiosität, Literatur und Denkformen des Menschen vom Mittelalter bis in die Neuzeit; Festschrift für Alois Maria Haas zum 65. Geburtstag . Bern: Peter Lang, 1999. | ||||
1999 | Bunge | Drachenwein und Engelsbrot: Die Lehre des Evagrios Pontikus von Zorn und Sanftmut | book |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1999c ISBN 3-927894-30-3 Bunge, Gabriel. Drachenwein und Engelsbrot: Die Lehre des Evagrios Pontikus von Zorn und Sanftmut . Würzburg: Der Christliche Osten, 1999. | ||||
1999 | McGuckin Allen | The Prayer of the Heart in Patristic & Early Byzantine Tradition | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:mcguckin-1999 McGuckin, John Anthony. “The Prayer of the Heart in Patristic & Early Byzantine Tradition.” In Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church . Edited by Pauline Allen, pp. 69–108. Everton Park, Qld.: Centre for Early Christian Studies, Australian Catholic University, 1999. | ||||
1999 | Halter | Contextualizing the Spiritual Doctrine of Evagrius of Pontus in Fourth Century Egyptian Monasticism: Determining the Source of Desert Animosity | book |,2012:scriptum:halter-2012 Halter, Ann. Contextualizing the Spiritual Doctrine of Evagrius of Pontus in Fourth Century Egyptian Monasticism: Determining the Source of Desert Animosity . Portland, Or.: Reed College, Religion Dept, 1999. | ||||
1999 | Ferguson | Forms of Devotion: Conversion, Worship, Spirituality, and Asceticism | book |,2012:scriptum:ferguson-1999 ISBN 0815330723 (alk. paper) Ferguson, Everett. Forms of Devotion: Conversion, Worship, Spirituality, and Asceticism . Recent Studies in Early Christianity 5. New York: Garland, 1999. Reprints Parmentier's 1985 translation of the Great Letter at pp. 272–310 -jk English translation of CPG 2438 | ||||
1999 | Bertrand Bienert Kühneweg | L'implication du "nous" dans la prière chez Origène et Évagre le Pontique | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:bertrand-1999 Bertrand, Dominique. “L'implication du "nous" dans la prière chez Origène et Évagre le Pontique.” In Origeniana septima: Origenes in den Auseinandersetzungen des 4. Jahrhunderts . Edited by Wolfgang Bienert and Uwe Kühneweg, pp. 355–63. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium 137. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1999. Alors qu'Origène insiste sur la capacité cognitive du nous, Évagre est plutôt attentif à ses épreuves telles qu'elles sont expérimentées dans la conversion à la prière. -pub | ||||
1999 | O'Laughlin | Closing the Gap between Antony and Evagrius | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:olaughlin-1999 O'Laughlin, Michael. “Closing the Gap between Antony and Evagrius.” In Origeniana septima: Origenes in den Auseinandersetzungen des 4. Jahrhunderts , pp. 345–54. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium 137. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1999. | ||||
1999 | Nieścior | Pierwotny upadek umyslu w pismach Ewagriusza z Pontu [Primordial fall of the nous in the writings of Evagrius Ponticus] | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:nieścior-1999b Nieścior, Leon. “Pierwotny upadek umyslu w pismach Ewagriusza z Pontu [Primordial fall of the nous in the writings of Evagrius Ponticus].” In Grzech pierworodny , pp. 67–85. Zródla Mysli Teologicznej 12. Kraków: Wydaw. WAM- Ksiaza Jezuici, 1999. Material from patristic symposium held at Kraków, 1997. -cat | ||||
1999 | Nieścior | Mistyczne perspektywy apathei w nauce Ewagriusza z Pontu [The Mystical Perspective of Apathy in the teaching of Evagrius of Pontus] | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:nieścior-1999a Nieścior, Leon. “Mistyczne perspektywy apathei w nauce Ewagriusza z Pontu [The Mystical Perspective of Apathy in the teaching of Evagrius of Pontus].” In Koscioly Wschodnie , pp. 65–83. Zeszyty naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego 1237. Kraków: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego, 1999. Alternate series: Studia religiologica 32. Article includes a German summary. Deals with Apatheia with regard to love and Gnosis. -cat | ||||
1999 | Dysinger | The Relationship between Psalmody and Prayer in the Writings of Evagrius Ponticus | thesis |,2012:scriptum:dysinger-1999 Dysinger, Luke. “The Relationship between Psalmody and Prayer in the Writings of Evagrius Ponticus.” PhD dissertation. Oxford University, 1999. | ||||
1999 | Perczel | Une théologie de la lumière: Denys l'Aréopagite et Évagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:perczel-1999b Perczel, István. “Une théologie de la lumière: Denys l'Aréopagite et Évagre le Pontique.” Revue des Études Augustiniennes 45, no. 1 (1999): 79–120. academia.eduL'analyse des textes dionysiens sur la révélation de Dieu dans le monde permet de conclure à la structure triadique de l'épistémologie et de la christologie dionysienne. Cette structure est très proche de la pensée d'Évagre le Pontique. En effet, on y découvre les échos de la christologie évagrienne et de la doctrine de l'apocatastase. Il s'agit cependant d'une révision de la pensée d'Évagre, révision qui en a nuancé les conclusions les plus radicales. -cat | ||||
1999 | Utheman | Protologie und Eschatologie: Zur Rezeption des Origenes im 4. Jahrhundert vor dem Ausbruch der ersten origenistischen Kontroverse | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:utheman-1999 Utheman, Karl-Heinz. “Protologie und Eschatologie: Zur Rezeption des Origenes im 4. Jahrhundert vor dem Ausbruch der ersten origenistischen Kontroverse.” In Origeniana septima: Origenes in den Auseinandersetzungen des 4. Jahrhunderts , pp. 399–458. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium 137. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1999. | ||||
1999 | Somos | Origen, Evagrius Ponticus and the Ideal of Impassibility | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:somos-1999 Somos, Robert. “Origen, Evagrius Ponticus and the Ideal of Impassibility.” In Origeniana septima: Origenes in den Auseinandersetzungen des 4. Jahrhunderts , pp. 365–73. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium 137. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1999. | ||||
1999 | Ware | Prayer in Evagrius of Pontus and the Macarian Homilies | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:ware-1999 Ware, Kallistos. “Prayer in Evagrius of Pontus and the Macarian Homilies.” In An Introduction to Christian Spirituality , pp. 14–30. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1999. | ||||
1999 | Driscoll | Apatheia and Purity of Heart in Evagrius Ponticus | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:driscoll-1997b Driscoll, Jeremy. “Apatheia and Purity of Heart in Evagrius Ponticus.” In Purity of Heart in Early Ascetic and Monastic Literature: Essays in Honor of Juana Raasch, O.S.B. , pp. 141–159. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 1999. | ||||
1998–2005 | Evagrius Ponticus | Ewagriusz z Pontu: Pisma ascetyczne | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-nieścior-1998 ISBN 83-87525-18-9 Evagrius Ponticus. Ewagriusz z Pontu: Pisma ascetyczne . Translated by Leon Nieścior and Krzysztof Bielawski. Zródla Monastyczne 18. Kraków: Tyniec - Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów, 1998–2005. Alt. series: Starozytnosc 16. Volume 1 contains a translation and commentary of the following: O zyciu Ewagriusza (The Life of Evagrius), trans. L. Nieścior, pp. 87-103; Listy Ewagriusza z Pontu (Epistulae 1-62), trans. A. Ziernicki and L. Nieścior, pp. 111-200; O praktyce ascetycznej (Practicus), trans. E. Kedziorek, pp. 201-30; O poznaniu (Gnosticus), trans. K. Bielawski, pp. 231-45; O modlitwie (De oratione), trans. K. Bielawski, pp. 247-77; Trzy rozdzialy o modlitwie (Capita tria de oratione), trans. L. Nieścior, pp. 279-82; Do mnichow zyjacych we wspolnotach (Sententiae ad monachos), trans. M. Grzelak, pp. 283-97; Napomnienia dla dziewicy (Ad virginem), trans. M. Grzelak, pp. 299-305; Podstawy zycia monastycznego (Rerum monachalium rationes), trans. M. Grzelak, pp. 307-19; O mistrzach i uczniach (De magistris et discipulis), trans. M. Grzelak, pp. 320-25; O roznych rodzajach zlych mysli (De malignis cogitationibus), trans. L. Nieścior, pp. 326-72; O osmiu duchach zla (De octo spiritibus), trans. L. Nieścior, pp. 373-403; O wadach, ktore przeciwne sa cnotom (De vitiis quae opposita sunt virtutibus), trans. M. Grzelak, pp. 405-13. Volume 2 consists of 299 pp., containing introduction, bibliography, redaction, and translation of these writings of Evagrius: List do Melanii (Epistula ad Melaniam), trans. A. Ziemnicki, pp. 41-80; Traktat dla Eulogiusza mnicha (Tractatus ad Eulogium), trans. M. Grzelak, pp. 81-135; Zacheta (Protrepticus), trans. M. Grzelak, pp. 137-45; Pouczenie (Paraeneticus), trans. M. Grzelak, pp. 147-56; B. Spieralska, O sporze z myslami (Antirrheticus), trans. L. Nieścior, pp. 157-233; Pouczenie dla mnichów (Institutio seu paraenesis ad monachos), trans. M. Grzelak, pp. 235-44; Rozwazania (Capita cognoscitiva), trans. M. Grzelak, pp. 245-56; Rozwazania - uzupelnienie (Capita cognoscitiva from syriac version), trans. L. Nieścior, pp. 256-61; Definicje róznych namietnosci duszy (Capitula XXXIII), trans. M. Grzelak, pp. 263-67; Napomnienia (Capita Paraenetica), trans. M. Grzelak, pp. 269-72; Inne gnomy (Aliae sententiae), trans. M. Grzelak, pp. 273-74; Gnomy ulozone alfabetycznie (Spiritales senentiae per alphabeticam ordinem dispositae), trans. M. Grzelak, pp. 275-77; Szesc sentencji (Sententiae sex), trans. M. Grzelak, pp. 278-80. -pub | ||||
1998 | Evagrius Ponticus Géhin Guillaumont Guillaumont | Sur les pensées | book |,2012:scriptum:géhin-1998 ISBN 2-204-06081-X Evagrius Ponticus, Géhin, Paul, Guillaumont, Claire, and Guillaumont, Antoine. Sur les pensées . Sources chrétiennes 438. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1998. De malignis cogitationibus. Greek text with parallel French translation; introductory material and notes in French. Reviewed: Gould, Graham. Journal of Theological Studies 50, no. 2 (1999): 778-79. -jk Greek edition of CPG 2450 French translation of CPG 2450 | ||||
1998 | Louth Raitt | Wisdom of the Byzantine Church : Evagrios of Pontos and Maximos the Confessor | book |,2012:scriptum:louth-raitt-1998 Louth, Andrew and Raitt, Jill. Wisdom of the Byzantine Church : Evagrios of Pontos and Maximos the Confessor . Columbia, Missouri: Department of Religious Studies, University of Missouri, 1998. Four lectures by Andrew Louth; edited by Jill Raitt. At head of title: 1997 Paine Lectures in Religion. -cat | ||||
1998 | Géhin | Évagre le Pontique: Une anachorèse spirituelle vers le 'Lieu de Dieu.' | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:géhin-1998b Géhin, Paul. “Évagre le Pontique: Une anachorèse spirituelle vers le 'Lieu de Dieu.'.” Connaissance des Pères de l'Église 72 (1998): n.p. | ||||
1998 | Nieścior | Glos Klemensa Aleksandryjskiego i Ewagriusza z Pontu w starozytnej dyskusji o apathei [The voice of Clement and Evagrius in ancient discussion on apatheia] | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:nieścior-1998 Nieścior, Leon. “Glos Klemensa Aleksandryjskiego i Ewagriusza z Pontu w starozytnej dyskusji o apathei [The voice of Clement and Evagrius in ancient discussion on apatheia].” In Ojcowie Kosciola wobec filozofii i kultury klasycznej: Zagadnienia wybrane; Praca zbiorowa , pp. 41–69. Lublin: Polihymnia, 1998. | ||||
1998 | 聡 | 『師父たちの金言』とポントスのエウアグリオス | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:聡-1998 聡, 戸田. “『師父たちの金言』とポントスのエウアグリオス.” “” (1998): 213–228. The Apophthegmata patrum is generally considered as one of the best witnesses about early monasticism in Egypt, especially about its spirituality. But it is equally well known that manuscript traditions of this document are extremely complicated, and one still does not know its primitive form nor the extent of the apophthegmata contained in that primitive form. Then, which elements that one finds in the extant form of the Apophthegmata patrum can be considered as deriving authentically from monks of the 4th century? To answer this question, the present paper compares the Apophthegmata patrum with the writings of Evagrius, a productive monastic author in the last two decades of the 4th century, and this comparison gives following results:-The image presented in the Apophthegmata patrum about the material (or physical) aspect of monastic life is more or less the same as Evagrius wrote in his writings, and this shows that the image presented in the Apophthegmata patrum is probably authentic on this point.-On the other hand, the image drawn in the Apophthegmata patrum about the spiritual aspect of monastic life differs on certain points from that of Evagrius, and this is possibly connected with the existence of different spiritual currents in the Egyptian monastic milieu.-The comparison in the present paper reveals also some criticism directed against Evagrius by the compiler (s) of the Apophthegmata patrum, and thus confirmed is the often suggested impression of the anti-Origenist tendency of the document. -cat For author, also see under Toda. -jk | ||||
1998 | Stewart | Cassian the Monk | book |,2012:scriptum:stewart-1998 ISBN 0-585-22093-X Stewart, Columba. Cassian the Monk . Oxford Studies in Historical Theology. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. | ||||
1998 | Shaw | The Burden of the Flesh: Fasting and Sexuality in Early Christianity | book |,2012:scriptum:shaw-1998 ISBN 0-8006-2765-2 Shaw, Teresa M. The Burden of the Flesh: Fasting and Sexuality in Early Christianity . Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1998. Abstract, from jacket: "Shaw's rich and fascinating work provides a startling look at early Christian notions of the body - diet, sexuality, the passions, and especially the ideal of virginity - and sheds important light on the growth of Christian ideals that remain powerful cultural forces even today."-pub See esp. ch. 4. The Mother of All Vice: Gluttony and the Health of Body and Soul. -jk | ||||
1998 | Evagrius Ponticus | [untitled] | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-ducos-desprez-1998 Evagrius Ponticus. “[untitled].” Lettre de Ligugé 284 (1998): 14–29. French translation of CPG 2433 | ||||
1997 | Bunge | Evagrios Pontikos: Der Prolog des <i>Antirrhetikos</i> | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1997c Bunge, Gabriel. “Evagrios Pontikos: Der Prolog des Antirrhetikos.” Studia Monastica 39 (1997): 77–106. Contains a translation of the letter-prologue to the Antirrheticus. Reprinted 2011 in "Die Lehren der heiligen Väter" (RB 73, 2): Aufsätze zu Evagrios Pontikos aus drei Jahrzehnten. -jk German translation of CPG 2434 | ||||
1997 | Bunge | Commentary on the Prologue of the <i>Antirrhetikos</i> by Evagrius of Pontus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1997a Bunge, Gabriel. “Commentary on the Prologue of the Antirrhetikos by Evagrius of Pontus.” Studia Monastica 39, no. 1 (1997): 77–105. | ||||
1997 | Bunge | "Créé pour être": A propos d'une citation scripturaire inaperçue dans le <i>Peri Archon</i> d'Origène (III, 5, 6) | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1997b Bunge, Gabriel. “"Créé pour être": A propos d'une citation scripturaire inaperçue dans le Peri Archon d'Origène (III, 5, 6).” Bulletin de Littérature Ecclésiastique 98 (1997): 21–29. Abstract: "The issue debated by Origen, whether the devil might be saved, must be considered within the broader context of the origin, the nature and the destiny of evil. If evil is neither original nor eternal (Sap. 14, 13), what about those affected by it, devil, devils, sinners, at the moment of its eschatological annihilation? Since Sap. 1, 14, the pivot of the debate in Arch III, 6, 5 seemed to exclude the ontological annihilation of the evil one, nothing was left but the possibility of his 'conversion.'" (p. 29) | ||||
1997 | Nieścior | Pojecie apathei w pismach Ewagriusza z Pontu [The notion of apatheia in the writings of Evagrius Ponticus] | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:nieścior-1997b Nieścior, Leon. “Pojecie apathei w pismach Ewagriusza z Pontu [The notion of apatheia in the writings of Evagrius Ponticus].” Studia Paradyskie 6–7 (1997): 105–33. Includes a German summary. -cat | ||||
1997 | Nieścior | Anachoreza w pismach Ewagriusza z Pontu | book |,2012:scriptum:nieścior-1997a Nieścior, Leon. Anachoreza w pismach Ewagriusza z Pontu . Kraków: Tyniec - Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów, 1997. [Anachorese in the writings of Evagrius Ponticus] Includes a summary in German. -cat | ||||
1997 | Leanza | A proposito di una recente edizione del presunto Commentario all'Ecclesiaste di Evagrio Pontico | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:leanza-1997 Leanza, Sandro. “A proposito di una recente edizione del presunto Commentario all'Ecclesiaste di Evagrio Pontico.” Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa 33, no. 2 (1997): 365–98. | ||||
1997 | Gould | An Ancient Monastic Writing Giving Advice to Spiritual Directors (Evagrius of Pontus, <i>On Teachers and Disciples</i>) | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:gould-1997 Gould, Graham. “An Ancient Monastic Writing Giving Advice to Spiritual Directors (Evagrius of Pontus, On Teachers and Disciples).” Hallel 22 (1997): 96–103. | ||||
1997 | Allen Roberts Talbot | Ascetic Theology and Psychology | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:allen-1997 Allen, Diogenes. “Ascetic Theology and Psychology.” In Limning the Psyche: Explorations in Christian Psychology . Edited by Robert Campbell Roberts and Mark R. Talbot, pp. 297–316. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997. | ||||
1997 | Alfeyev | The Patristic Background of St. Symeon the New Theologian's Doctrine of the Divine Light | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:alfeyev-1997 Alfeyev, Hilarion. “The Patristic Background of St. Symeon the New Theologian's Doctrine of the Divine Light.” Studia Patristica 32 (1997): 229–38. Treatment of Evagrius's use of light imagery: 229-31. -jk | ||||
1997 | Elm | The Polemical Use of Genealogies: Jerome's Classification of Pelagius and Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:elm-1997 Elm, Susanna K. “The Polemical Use of Genealogies: Jerome's Classification of Pelagius and Evagrius Ponticus.” Studia Patristica 33 (1997): 311–318. Publishing info: Louvain: Peeters. -jk | ||||
1997 | O'Laughlin | Evagrius Ponticus in Spiritual Perspective | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:olaughlin-1997 O'Laughlin, Michael. “Evagrius Ponticus in Spiritual Perspective.” Studia Patristica 30 (1997): 224–230. Publishing info: Louvain: Peeters. -cat | ||||
1997 | Nieścior | Rozeznawanie mysli (diakrisis) i spor z nimi (anthiresis) wedlug Ewagriusza z Pontu [The Discernement of thoughts (diakrisis) and the dispute with them (anthiresis) according to Evagrius Ponticus] | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:nieścior-1997d Nieścior, Leon. “Rozeznawanie mysli (diakrisis) i spor z nimi (anthiresis) wedlug Ewagriusza z Pontu [The Discernement of thoughts (diakrisis) and the dispute with them (anthiresis) according to Evagrius Ponticus].” In Droga doskonalenia chrzescijanskiego w epoce patrystycznej: Zagadnienia wybrane; praca zbiorowa , pp. 31–56. Lublin: Polihymnia, 1997. Includes summary in German. -cat | ||||
1997 | Nieścior | Praktike jako wlaka ze zlymi mslami w nauce Ewagriusza z Pontu [Prakite as a fight with wrong thougths in the teaching of Evagrius Ponticus] | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:nieścior-1997c Nieścior, Leon. “Praktike jako wlaka ze zlymi mslami w nauce Ewagriusza z Pontu [Prakite as a fight with wrong thougths in the teaching of Evagrius Ponticus].” Vox Patrum 17 (1997): 177–86. Article includes a German summary. -cat | ||||
1997 | Dysinger | The Significance of Psalmody in the Mystical Theology of Evagrius of Pontus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:dysinger-1997 Dysinger, Luke. “The Significance of Psalmody in the Mystical Theology of Evagrius of Pontus.” Studia Patristica 30 (1997): 176–182. Publisher info: Louvain: Peeters. -jk | ||||
1997 | Evagrius Ponticus | Tratatul practic-Gnosticul | book |,2012:scriptum:badilita-1997 Evagrius Ponticus. Tratatul practic-Gnosticul . Translated by Cristian Bădiliţă. Polirom: Iași, 1997. | ||||
1997 | Bunge | Evagrie Ponticul: O introducere | book |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1997d Bunge, Gabriel. Evagrie Ponticul: O introducere . Translated by Ioan I. Ică. Sibiu: Deisis, 1997. | ||||
1997 | Vittis Evagrius | "Aux cimes de l'intelligible...": "le Traité de la prière" de Saint Nil l'Ascète = Titre grec, "Eis ypsos moēton..." : "Logos peri proseuchēs" tou 'Agiou Neilou tou' Askētou | book |,2012:scriptum:vittis-1997 ISBN 978-2-87296-006-4 Vittis, Eusebios N. and Evagrius. "Aux cimes de l'intelligible..": "le Traité de la prière" de Saint Nil l'Ascète = Titre grec, "Eis ypsos moēton.." : "Logos peri proseuchēs" tou 'Agiou Neilou tou' Askētou . [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1997. Greek edition of CPG 2452 French translation of CPG 2452 | ||||
1997 | Stone | The Kaffa Lives of the Desert Fathers: A Study in Armenian Manuscript Illumination | book |,2012:scriptum:stone-1997 ISBN 2-87723-301-4 Stone, Nira. The Kaffa Lives of the Desert Fathers: A Study in Armenian Manuscript Illumination . Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 566. Louvain: Peeters, 1997. Alt. series: CSCO Subsidia 94. Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral)--Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1994. -cat | ||||
1997 | Spiteris | La Conoscenza 'Esperienziale' di Dio et la teologia nella prospettiva orientale | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:spiteris-1997 Spiteris, Yannis. “La Conoscenza 'Esperienziale' di Dio et la teologia nella prospettiva orientale.” Antonianum 72 (1997): 365–426. "In this article the author treats the theme of religious knowledge as the experience of God in the light of the Oriental Christian tradition. After an introduction that pinpoints what is meant by religious experience, there follows an examination of the meaning of apophatism. God by His very nature is unknowable, that is, He trascends absolutely every concept and idea. God remains a mystery for us. The Orient overcomes agnosticism affirming that one knows God only in the mesure in which one communicates with Him. One may affirm that in Oriental Christian tradition the experience and the knowledge of God both coincide. To know God means to communicate with Him. This generic discourse is applied in a particular way to theology. 'Theology' is more an experience of the living God than a discourse about God, it represents the ultimate degree of the believer's coming near to God. Only one who has had an experience of God is able to say something about Him. Among ancient authors, this is the thinking of Origen, Evagrios Pontikos, Pseudo-Macarios or Macarios/Symeon, Diadochos of Photike, Gregory of Nyssa and of the Byzantine authors: Nicholas Kabasilas, Gregory Palamas...." (p. 365) -cat | ||||
1997 | Young | Theologia in the Early Church | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:young-1997 Young, Robin Darling. “Theologia in the Early Church.” Communio (US) 24 (1997): 681–90. | ||||
1997 | Driscoll | Evagrius and Paphnutius on Causes for Abandonment by God | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:driscoll-1997a Driscoll, Jeremy. “Evagrius and Paphnutius on Causes for Abandonment by God.” Studia Monastica 39, no. 2 (1997): 259–86. | ||||
1996 | Bunge Schneider Berschin | Praktike, physike und theologike als stufen der Erkenntnis bei Evagrios Pontikos | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1996b Bunge, Gabriel. “Praktike, physike und theologike als stufen der Erkenntnis bei Evagrios Pontikos.” In Ab Oriente et Occidente (Mt 8,11): Kirche aus Ost und West; Gedenkschrift für Wilhelm Nyssen . Edited by Michael Schneider and Walter Berschin, pp. 59–72. St. Ottilien: EOS, 1996. Reprinted 2011 in "Die Lehren der heiligen Väter" (RB 73, 2): Aufsätze zu Evagrios Pontikos aus drei Jahrzehnten | ||||
1996 | Bunge | Irdene Gefässe: Die Praxis des persönlichen Gebetes nach der Uberlieferung der Heiligen Väter | book |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1996a ISBN 3-927894-22-2 Bunge, Gabriel. Irdene Gefässe: Die Praxis des persönlichen Gebetes nach der Uberlieferung der Heiligen Väter . Würzburg: Verl. "Der Christliche Osten", 1996. Translated into English as Earthen Vessels. Explains some concepts and has numerous references to Evagrius's works. -ak | ||||
1996 | Nieścior | Kategorie mysli w nauce scetycznej Ewagriusza z Pontu [Categories of Thougths in Evagrius Ponticus's ascetic doctrine] | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:nieścior-1996c Nieścior, Leon. “Kategorie mysli w nauce scetycznej Ewagriusza z Pontu [Categories of Thougths in Evagrius Ponticus's ascetic doctrine].” Roczniki Humanistyczne 44, no. 3 (1996): 203–30. Includes a German summary. -cat | ||||
1996 | Nieścior | Ewagriusza z Pontu 'De malignis cogitationibus': O samym dziele; Tlumaczenie [Evagrius of Pontus, 'De malignis cogitationibus': About the work; translation] | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:nieścior-1996b Nieścior, Leon. “Ewagriusza z Pontu 'De malignis cogitationibus': O samym dziele; Tlumaczenie [Evagrius of Pontus, 'De malignis cogitationibus': About the work; translation].” Cenobium 10 (1996): 28–50. Polish translation of CPG 2450 | ||||
1996 | Nieścior | Chrzescijanska asceza rozumiana inaczej [Christian ascetism seen in another way] | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:nieścior-1996a Nieścior, Leon. “Chrzescijanska asceza rozumiana inaczej [Christian ascetism seen in another way].” Homo Dei 65 (1996): 37–51. | ||||
1996 | Krivocheine | Ангелы и бесы в духовной жизни по учению восточных отцов | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:krivocheine-1996 Krivocheine, Archbishop Basil. “Ангелы и бесы в духовной жизни по учению восточных отцов.” In Богословские труды, 1952–1983. Статьи, доклады, переводы. , pp. 375. Nizhny Novgorod: Izdatel'stvo bratstva vo imia sviatogo kniazia Aleksandra Nevskogo, 1996. Concerns the teaching on angels and demons in the life of Antony, and the works of Evagrius of Pontus, Macarius of Egypt, and Diadochus of Photiki. | ||||
1996 | Géhin | Evagriana d'un manuscrit Basilien (<i>Vaticanus gr. 2028; olim Basilianus 67</i>) | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:géhin-1996 Géhin, Paul. “Evagriana d'un manuscrit Basilien (Vaticanus gr. 2028; olim Basilianus 67).” Le Muséon 109 (1996): 59–85. peeters-leuven.beDescription, contenu et place dans la tradition manuscrite d'Évagre du "Vaticanus gr." 2028. Les nouveaux fragments grecs d'Évagre: "Kephalaia gnostica" (fragmenta graeca [text, translation 64-66]); "Epistulae LXII" (fragmenta graeca) (Ep. 16 [67-71]) (extrait); "Ad imitationem Cantici canticorum" [Greek: 59-85 text; 71-73 trans.; Arabic: 77 text; 80-81 trans.]; "Ad imitationem Ecclesiastae" (graece ineditum) ("uersio arabica" [76 text; 78-79 trans.]); "Ad imitationem Prouerbiorum" (arabice [78 text; 81 trans.]); "Epistulae LXII" (fragmenta graeca) ("uersio syriaca") (16) (extrait). Manuscrits et apparat critique. -pub | ||||
1996 | Guillaumont | Études sur la spiritualité de l'Orient chrétien | book |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1996 ISBN 2-85589-366-6 Guillaumont, Antoine. Études sur la spiritualité de l'Orient chrétien . Spiritualité orientale, Série Monachisme primitif 66. Bégrolles en Mauges, Maine-et-Loire: Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1996. | ||||
1996 | Evagrius Ponticus | Traité pratique, ou, Le moine: Cent chapitres sur la vie spirituelle | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-bunge-1996 ISBN 2855893679 (invalid) Evagrius Ponticus. Traité pratique, ou, Le moine: Cent chapitres sur la vie spirituelle . Translated by Gabriel Bunge and Paul Peternell. Spiritualité orientale 67. Bégrolles en Mauges, Maine-et-Loire: Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1996. Translation from the Greek and commentary by Gabriel Bunge; translation from German by Paul Peternell. -cat JK NEHFrench translation of CPG 2430 | ||||
1996 | Evagrius Ponticus | Gli otto spiriti della malvagità; Sui diversi pensieri della malvagità | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-moscatelli-1996 ISBN 88-215-3279-8 Evagrius Ponticus. Gli otto spiriti della malvagità; Sui diversi pensieri della malvagità . Translated by Francesca Moscatelli. Cinisello Balsamo Milano: Editioni San Paolo, 1996. Italian translation of Greek text on facing pages. -cat | ||||
1996 | Drączkowski Palucki | Sticki ideal zgodnosci z natura w nauce Ewagriusza z Pontu [The Stoic ideal of harmony with nature in Evagrius Ponticus teaching] | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:drączkowski-1996 Drączkowski, Franciszek and Palucki, Jerzy. “Sticki ideal zgodnosci z natura w nauce Ewagriusza z Pontu [The Stoic ideal of harmony with nature in Evagrius Ponticus teaching].” In Godnosc chrzescijanina w nauczaniu ojców kosciola , pp. 115–136. Lublin: Polihymnia, 1996. Includes summary in German. -cat | ||||
1996 | Driscoll | Spousal Images in Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:driscoll-1996 Driscoll, Jeremy. “Spousal Images in Evagrius Ponticus.” Studia Monastica 38, no. 2 (1996): 243–56. | ||||
1996 | Evagrius Ponticus | Per conoscere lui: Esortazione a una vergine; Ai monaci; Ragioni delle osservanze monastiche; Lettera ad Anatolio; Pratico; Gnostico | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-bettiolo-1996 ISBN 88-85227-82-1 Evagrius Ponticus. Per conoscere lui: Esortazione a una vergine; Ai monaci; Ragioni delle osservanze monastiche; Lettera ad Anatolio; Pratico; Gnostico . Translated by Paolo Bettiolo. Magnano Biella: Qiqajon Comunità di Bose, 1996. Introduction, translation, and notes by Paolo Bettiolo. Translations of Sentences to a Virgin, Sentences to the Monks, Hypotyposis, Praktikos, and Gnosticus. -jk | ||||
1995-2000 | Butler Burns | Butler's Lives of the Saints | book |,2012:scriptum:butler-1995 ISBN 0-8146-2377-8 Butler, Alban. Butler's Lives of the Saints . Edited by Paul Burns. Tunbridge Wells, Kent and Collegeville, Minn.: Burns & Oates; Liturgical Press, 1995–2000. See vol. 2, February, revised by Paul Burns. Evagrius's inclusion here is not reflected in the Roman Martyrologion. -jk | ||||
1995- | Nicodemus Makarios | Philocalie des pères neptiques: Composée à partir des écrits des saints pères qui portaient Dieu, et dans laquelle, par une sagesse de vie, faite d'ascèse et de contemplation, l'intelligence est purifiée, illuminée et atteint la perfection | book |,2012:scriptum:philokalia-1995 ISBN 2-220-03585-9 Nicodemus, the Hagiorite and Makarios, Saint. Philocalie des pères neptiques: Composée à partir des écrits des saints pères qui portaient Dieu, et dans laquelle, par une sagesse de vie, faite d'ascèse et de contemplation, l'intelligence est purifiée, illuminée et atteint la perfection . Translated by Jacques Touraille. Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 1995–. Translation of Evagrius as preserved in the Philokalia. 1:78–83: Hypotyposis; 84–96: On the Thoughts; 97: Praktikos fragments; 98–111 On Prayer. -jk | ||||
1995 | Nieścior | Ocena moralna sfery popedowej w nauce Ewagriusza z Pontu o naturze ludzkiej [Moral judgement of irrascible sphere in Evagrius Ponticus's doctrine on human nature] | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:nieścior-1995a Nieścior, Leon. “Ocena moralna sfery popedowej w nauce Ewagriusza z Pontu o naturze ludzkiej [Moral judgement of irrascible sphere in Evagrius Ponticus's doctrine on human nature].” Collectanea Theologica 65, no. 4 (1995): 39–53. Includes a German summary. -cat | ||||
1995 | Nieścior | Trudy (pónoi) jako termin ascetyczny u Ewagriusza z Pontu [Hardships as a ascetic concept in Evagrius Ponticus] | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:nieścior-1995b Nieścior, Leon. “Trudy (pónoi) jako termin ascetyczny u Ewagriusza z Pontu [Hardships as a ascetic concept in Evagrius Ponticus].” Studia Paradyskie 5 (1995): 81–108. Notes: Article includes a German summary. | ||||
1995 | Messana | Le definizioni di proseuche nel De oratione de Evagrio Pontico | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:messana-1995 Messana, Vincenzo. “Le definizioni di proseuche nel De oratione de Evagrio Pontico.” In Oeconomus gratiae: Studi per il 20. anniversario di episcopato di Alfredo M. Garsia , pp. 69–87. Quaderni di presenza culturale 32. Caltanissetta: Edizioni del Seminario, 1995. | ||||
1995 | Kannengiesser | Antony, Athanasius, Evagrius: The Egyptian Fate of Origenism | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:kannengiesser-1995 Kannengiesser, Charles. “Antony, Athanasius, Evagrius: The Egyptian Fate of Origenism.” Coptic Church Review 16 (1995): 3–8. | ||||
1995 | Allen | Ascetic Theology and the Eight Deadly Thoughts: [Evagrius of Pontus' Teachings as Resource for Spiritual Regeneration] | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:allen-1995 Allen, Diogenes. “Ascetic Theology and the Eight Deadly Thoughts: [Evagrius of Pontus' Teachings as Resource for Spiritual Regeneration].” Evangelical Journal 13 (1995): 15–21. | ||||
1995 | Evagrius Ponticus | Lettere dal Deserto: Epistulae | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-bunge-1995 Evagrius Ponticus. Lettere dal Deserto: Epistulae . Translated by Gabriel Bunge and Salvatore di Meglio. Testi dei padri della chiesa 19. Magnano: Edizioni Qiqajon-Monastero di Bose, 1995. Italian translation of Gabriel Bunge's Briefe aus der Wüste. -cat JK NEH | ||||
1995 | Brakke | The Problematization of Nocturnal Emissions in Early Christian Syria, Egypt, and Gaul | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:brakke-1995 Brakke, David. “The Problematization of Nocturnal Emissions in Early Christian Syria, Egypt, and Gaul.” Journal of Early Christian Studies 3 (1995): 419–60. | ||||
1995 | Daley, S.J. | What Did 'Origenism' Mean in the Sixth Century? | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:daley-1995 Daley, S.J, Brian E. “What Did 'Origenism' Mean in the Sixth Century?.” In Origeniana sexta: Origène et la Bible = Origen and the Bible; Actes du Colloquium Origenianum Sextum, Chantilly, 30 août-3 septembre 1993 , pp. 627–38. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium 118. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1995. | ||||
1995 | Evagrius Ponticus | Tratrado Práctico, A los monjes, Exhortacióna una virgen, Sobre la oración | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-rubio-sadia-1995 ISBN 84-86987-84-9 Evagrius Ponticus. Tratrado Práctico, A los monjes, Exhortacióna una virgen, Sobre la oración . Translated by Juan Pablo Rubio Sadia. Biblioteca de patristica 28. Madrid: Ciudad Nueva, 1995. Reviewed: A. Olivar, Studia Monastica 38, no. 2 (1996): 411. -jk | ||||
1995 | Van Dam | Self-Representation in the Will of Gregory of Nazianzus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:van-dam-1995 Van Dam, Raymond. “Self-Representation in the Will of Gregory of Nazianzus.” Journal of Theological Studies 46 (1995): 118–48. | ||||
1995 | Thunberg | Microcosm and Mediator: The Theological Anthropology of Maximus the Confessor | book |,2012:scriptum:thunberg-1995 ISBN 0-8126-9211-X Thunberg, Lars. Microcosm and Mediator: The Theological Anthropology of Maximus the Confessor . Chicago: Open Court, 1995. Charts the relationships between Origen, Evagrius, and Maximus. Foreword by A.M. Allchin. -jk | ||||
1994-2004 | Hagedorn Hagedorn | Die älteren griechischen Katenen zum Buch Hiob | book |,2012:scriptum:hagedorn-hagedorn-1994 ISBN 3110144832 (Bd. 1 : alk. paper) Hagedorn, Ursula and Hagedorn, Dieter. Die älteren griechischen Katenen zum Buch Hiob . Patristische Texte und Studien 40, 48, 53, 59. Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 1994–2004. For the Scholia on Job, see 1:109ff. For the so-called Εἰς τὸ ΠΙΠΙ (cpg 2482) see 1:186 (§41). -jk Greek edition of CPG 2458.2 CPG 2482 | ||||
1994 | Bunge | Paternité spirituelle: La Gnose chrétienne chez Evagre le Pontique | book |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1994b ISBN 2-85589-361-5 Bunge, Gabriel. Paternité spirituelle: La Gnose chrétienne chez Evagre le Pontique . Spiritualité orientale 61. Bégrolles en Mauges, Maine-et-Loire: Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1994. French translation of Geistliche Vatershaft. -cat | ||||
1994 | Bunge | The Mystical Meaning of Scripture: Remarks on the Occasion of the Publication of Evagrius Ponticus <i>Scholien zum Ecclesiasten</i> | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1994c Bunge, Gabriel. “The Mystical Meaning of Scripture: Remarks on the Occasion of the Publication of Evagrius Ponticus Scholien zum Ecclesiasten.” Studia Monastica 36, no. 2 (1994): 135–46. | ||||
1994 | Bunge | "Der mystische Sinn der Schrift": Anlässlich der Veroffentlichung der Scholien zum Ecclesiasten des Evagrios Pontikos | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1994a Bunge, Gabriel. “"Der mystische Sinn der Schrift": Anlässlich der Veroffentlichung der Scholien zum Ecclesiasten des Evagrios Pontikos.” Studia Monastica 36 (1994): 135–46. Gabriel Bunge situates the scholia collections within Evagrius’ monastic period, as texts written “as a monk for monks.” He provides detail on their utility within the ancient monastic discipline of reading and provides ways in which the scholia collections could be profitably read today. -CSV Reprinted 2011 in "Die Lehren der heiligen Väter" (RB 73, 2): Aufsätze zu Evagrios Pontikos aus drei Jahrzehnten | ||||
1994 | Nieścior | Apostolat na pustyni w pismach Ewagriusza z Pontu [Apostolate in the Desert in Evagrius's Works] | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:nieścior-1994 Nieścior, Leon. “Apostolat na pustyni w pismach Ewagriusza z Pontu [Apostolate in the Desert in Evagrius's Works].” In Ewangelizacja W Epoce Patrystycznej [Evangelization in the Patristic Period] , pp. 61–81. Lublin: Polihymnia, 1994. Includes a summary written in German. -cat | ||||
1994 | Maier | Apatheia bei den Stoikern und Akedia bei Evagrios Pontikos: ein Ideal und die Kehrseite seiner Realität | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:maier-1994 Maier, Barbara. “Apatheia bei den Stoikern und Akedia bei Evagrios Pontikos: ein Ideal und die Kehrseite seiner Realität.” Oriens Christianus 78 (1994): 230–49. | ||||
1994 | Kohlbacher | Unpublizierte Fragmente des Markianos von Bethlehem (CPG 3898) | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:kohlbacher-1994 Kohlbacher, Michael. “Unpublizierte Fragmente des Markianos von Bethlehem (CPG 3898).” In Horizonte der Christenheit : Festschrift für Friedrich Heyer zu seinem 85. Geburtstag . Oikonomia 34. Erlangen: Lehrstuhl für Geschichte und Theologie des christlichen Ostens, 1994. See p. 155 for a Greek excerpt of De oratione taken from four codices. -jk Greek edition of CPG 2452 | ||||
1994 | Driscoll | Spiritual Progress in the Works of Evagrius Ponticus | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:driscoll-1994b Driscoll, Jeremy. “Spiritual Progress in the Works of Evagrius Ponticus.” In Spiritual Progress: Studies in the Spirituality of Late Antiquity and Early Monasticism; Papers of the Symposium of the Monastic Institute, Rome, Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo, 14–15 May 1992 , pp. 47–84. Studia Anselmiana 115. Rome: Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo, 1994. | ||||
1994 | Géhin | Nouveaux fragments grecs des lettres d'Évagre | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:géhin-1994 Géhin, Paul. “Nouveaux fragments grecs des lettres d'Évagre.” Revue d'Histoire des Textes 24 (1994): 117–47. Greek edition of CPG 2437 | ||||
1994 | Evagrius Ponticus | Творения Аввы Евагрия: Аскетические и богословские трактаты | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-sidorov-1994 ISBN 5-7248-0014-4 Evagrius Ponticus. Творения Аввы Евагрия: Аскетические и богословские трактаты . Translated by А. И. Сидоров. Moscow: Martis, 1994. On leaf preceding t.p. : Pravoslavnyi Sviato-Tikhonovskii Bogoslovskii institut. Institut mirovoi literatury im. A.M. Gor’kogo Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Transliteration of title: Asketicheskie i bogoslovskie traktaty. Commentary by A.I. Sidorova. -cat | ||||
1994 | Evagrius Ponticus | Un écrit ascétique d'Évagre le Pontique ['Institutio seu paraenesis ad monachos' ('Recensio breuior')] | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-1994 Evagrius Ponticus. “Un écrit ascétique d'Évagre le Pontique ['Institutio seu paraenesis ad monachos' ('Recensio breuior')].” La Vie Spirituelle 148 (1994): 389–93. Greek edition of CPG 2435 French translation of CPG 2435 | ||||
1994 | Evagrius Ponticus | La preghiera | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-messana-1994 ISBN 88-311-3117-6 Evagrius Ponticus. La preghiera . Translated by Vincenzo Messana. Collana di Testi Patristici 117. Rome: Città nuova, 1994. Introduction, Italian translation, and notes of On Prayer. -jk Italian translation of CPG 2452 | ||||
1994 | Palladius of Helenopolis | Quatre ermites égyptiens: D'après les fragments coptes de l'Histoire lausiaque | book |,2012:scriptum:palladius-1994 ISBN 2-85589-360-7 Palladius of Helenopolis. Quatre ermites égyptiens: D'après les fragments coptes de l'Histoire lausiaque . Translated by Adalbert de Vogüé. Spiritualité orientale 60. Bégrolles en Mauges, Maine-et-Loire: Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1994. | ||||
1994 | Driscoll | Penthos and Tears in Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:driscoll-1994a Driscoll, Jeremy. “Penthos and Tears in Evagrius Ponticus.” Studia Monastica 36, no. 2 (1994): 147–63. | ||||
1994 | Elm | Virgins of God: The Making of Asceticism in Late Antiquity | book |,2012:scriptum:elm-1994 ISBN 0198149204 : Elm, Susanna. Virgins of God: The Making of Asceticism in Late Antiquity . Oxford Classical Monographs. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. | ||||
1994 | Stadler | Méditation crétienne et techniques de méditation orientale | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:stadler-1994 Stadler, Karin. “Méditation crétienne et techniques de méditation orientale.” Esprit et Vie. L'ami du Clergé 104 (1994): 593–608. "Le 15 octobre l989, la Congrégation pour la Doctrine de la Foi envoyait aux évêques de l'Eglise Catholique, une lettre sur 'Quelques aspects de la méditation chrétienne.'... L'étude qui suit se présente comme une sorte de prolongement: elle envisage les 'techniques de méditation orientale' dans leurs rapports avec la 'méditation chrétienne.'" II. Le christianisme et les techniques de méditation orientale: aspects psychologiques de la prière; gnosticisme; Pères du désert; Évagre le Pontique; contemplation. (p. 503) -cat | ||||
1994 | Sidorov | Евагрий Понтийский: жизнь, литературная деятельность и место в истории христианского богословия | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:sidorov-1994 Sidorov, A. I. “Евагрий Понтийский: жизнь, литературная деятельность и место в истории христианского богословия.” In Творения аввы Евагрия , pp. 5–75. Moscow: Martis, 1994. Introductory article to the Russian translation of selected works of Evagrius. | ||||
1993-2004 | Fedwick | Bibliotheca Basiliana universalis: A Study of the Manuscript Tradition of the Works of Basil of Caesarea | book |,2012:scriptum:fedwick-1993 ISBN 2503503004 (v. 1 relié) Fedwick, Paul Jonathan. Bibliotheca Basiliana universalis: A Study of the Manuscript Tradition of the Works of Basil of Caesarea . Corpus Christianorum. Turnhout: Brepols, 1993–2004. See 1:631–32 for details on the manuscript tradition of the Epistula fidei. -jk | ||||
1993 | Prieur | From Prayer to Perfection | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:prieur-1993 Prieur, J. M. “From Prayer to Perfection.” Etudes Theologiques et Religieuses 68, no. 1 (1993): 142–43. | ||||
1993 | Nieścior | Uwagi bibliograficzne na temat literatury zwiazanej z Ewagriuszem z Pontu [Bibligraphical remarks regarding Evagrius Ponticus Literature] | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:nieścior-1993 Nieścior, Leon. “Uwagi bibliograficzne na temat literatury zwiazanej z Ewagriuszem z Pontu [Bibligraphical remarks regarding Evagrius Ponticus Literature].” Collectanea Theologica 63, no. 4 (1993): 115–20. Includes a German summary. -cat | ||||
1993 | Miquel | Déserts chrétiens d'Egypte | book |,2012:scriptum:miquel-1993 ISBN 978-2-910184-00-1 Miquel, Pierre. Déserts chrétiens d'Egypte . Collection Le portique. Nice: Culture sud, 1993. | ||||
1993 | Joest | Die Bedeutung von Akedia und Apatheia bei Evagrios Pontikos | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:joest-1993 Joest, Christoph. “Die Bedeutung von Akedia und Apatheia bei Evagrios Pontikos.” Studia Monastica 35, no. 1 (1993): 7–53. Has a German translation of Antirrhetikos 6. -jk | ||||
1993 | Evagrius Ponticus Géhin | Scholies à l'Ecclésiaste | book |,2012:scriptum:géhin-1993 ISBN 2-204-04873-9 Evagrius Ponticus and Géhin, Paul. Scholies à l'Ecclésiaste . Sources chrétiennes 397. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1993. Text in French and Greek on facing pages; introd. and commentary in French. Reviewed: A. Pasquier, Laval Theologique et Philosophique 52, no. 3 (1996): 897-98. Graham Gould, Journal of Theological Studies 46, no. 1 (1995): 352-54. -jk Greek edition of CPG 2458.5 French translation of CPG 2458.5 | ||||
1993 | Evagrius Ponticus | The Mind's Long Journey to the Holy Trinity: The Ad Monachos of Evagrius Ponticus | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-driscoll-1993 ISBN 0-8146-2208-9 Evagrius Ponticus. The Mind's Long Journey to the Holy Trinity: The Ad Monachos of Evagrius Ponticus . Translated by Jeremy Driscoll. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 1993. "This work is based on a larger study Father Driscoll did of Evagrius' text, 'The Ad Monachos' of Evagrius Ponticus, Its Structure and a Select Commentary (Rome: Studia Anselmiana, 1991)." (t.p. verso) -pub English translation of CPG 2435 | ||||
1993 | Flipo | L'acédie dans la tradition spirituelle | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:flipo-1993 Flipo, Claude. “L'acédie dans la tradition spirituelle.” Christus 40 (1993): 51–61. "L'acédie, la plus tenace des huit passions reconnues par la tradition ascétique de l'antiquité chrétienne. Sa description, ses causes et ses remèdes pourraient bien éclairer d'un jour nouveau le climat de notre époque." (p. 52) -cat | ||||
1993 | Augustin | Note critique sur deux traités d'Évagre | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:augustin-1993 Augustin, Pierre. “Note critique sur deux traités d'Évagre.” Revue des Études Augustiniennes 39 (1993): 203–13. Comptes rendus et note critique sur deux traités d'Évagre le Pontique: "Au moine Euloge" et "Sur la Prière" édités par Marie-Hélène Congourdeau, M.-A. Jourdan-Gueyer et M.-O. Goudet ("Les Pères dans la foi", 47). -cat | ||||
1993 | Rubenson | Evagrios Pontikos und die Theologie der Wüste | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:rubenson-1993 Rubenson, Samuel. “Evagrios Pontikos und die Theologie der Wüste.” In Logos: Festschrift für Luise Abramowski zum 8. Juli 1993 , pp. 384–401. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche 67. Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 1993. | ||||
1992 | Labate Dionysius of Alexandria | Catena Havniensis in Ecclesiasten: In qua saepe exegesis servatur Dionysii Alexandrini | book |,2012:scriptum:labate-1992 ISBN 2503402410 (relié) Labate, Antonio and Dionysius of Alexandria. Catena Havniensis in Ecclesiasten: In qua saepe exegesis servatur Dionysii Alexandrini . Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca 24. Turnhout: Brepols, 1992. See pp. xxii-xxiii for a view contrary to Géhin 1979 regarding the genuineness of CPG 2458.5. -jk | ||||
1992 | Gould | The Image of God and the Anthropomorphite Controversy in Fourth Century Monasticism | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:gould-1992 Gould, Graham. “The Image of God and the Anthropomorphite Controversy in Fourth Century Monasticism.” In Origeniana quinta: Historica, Text and Method, Biblica, Philosophica, Theologica, Origenism and Later developments: Papers of the 5th International Origen Congress, Boston College, 14–18 August 1989 , pp. 549–57. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium 105. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1992. | ||||
1992 | Evagrius Ponticus Leloup | Praxis et gnosis d'Evagre le Pontique, ou, La guérison de l'esprit; Textes choisis | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-ponticus-1992 ISBN 2226060898; ISSN 0755-1835 Evagrius Ponticus, Antoine. Praxis et gnosis d'Evagre le Pontique, ou, La guérison de l'esprit; Textes choisis . Translated by Antoine Guillaumont and Claire Guill. Edited by Jean-Yves Leloup. Spiritualités vivantes 102. Paris: A. Michel, 1992. Selection of texts from Praktikos and Gnostikos, chosen and introduced by Jean-Yves Leloup. -jk French translation of CPG 2430 | ||||
1992 | Evagrius Ponticus Bunge | Über die acht Gedanken | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-bunge-1992 ISBN 3-429-01416-6 Evagrius Ponticus and Bunge, Gabriel. Über die acht Gedanken . Würzburg: Echter, 1992. German translation of De octo vitiosis cogitationibus (otherwise: De octo spiritibus malitiae). -cat | ||||
1992 | Evagrius Ponticus | De la prière à la perfection: Au moine euloge | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-jourdan-gueyer-goudet-1992 Evagrius Ponticus. De la prière à la perfection: Au moine euloge . Translated by Marie Ange Jourdan-Gueyer and Marie-Odile Goudet. Les Pères dans la Foi 47. Paris: Migne, 1992. Translations of To Eulogius and the 153 chapters on prayer. -jk | ||||
1992 | Bamberger | Desert Calm: Evagrius Ponticus; The Theologian as Spiritual Guide | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bamberger-1992 Bamberger, John Eudes. “Desert Calm: Evagrius Ponticus; The Theologian as Spiritual Guide.” Cistercian Studies Quarterly 27, no. 3 (1992): 185–98. | ||||
1992 | O'Laughlin | The Bible, Demons and the Desert: Evaluating the <i>Antirrheticus</i> of Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:olaughlin-1992b O'Laughlin, Michael. “The Bible, Demons and the Desert: Evaluating the Antirrheticus of Evagrius Ponticus.” Studia Monastica 34, no. 2 (1992): 201–15. | ||||
1992 | O'Laughlin | New Questions Concerning the Origenism of Evagrius | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:olaughlin-1992a O'Laughlin, Michael. “New Questions Concerning the Origenism of Evagrius.” In Origeniana quinta: Historica, Text and Method, Biblica, Philosophica, Theologica, Origenism and Later developments; Papers of the 5th International Origen Congress, Boston College, 14–18 August 1989 , pp. 528–34. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium 105. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1992. | ||||
1992 | Bundy | The Philosophical Structures of Origenism: The Case of the Expurgated Version (S1) of the Kephalaia Gnostica of Evagrius | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:bundy-1992 Bundy, David. “The Philosophical Structures of Origenism: The Case of the Expurgated Version (S1) of the Kephalaia Gnostica of Evagrius.” In Origeniana quinta: Historica, Text and Method, Biblica, Philosophica, Theologica, Origenism and Later developments: Papers of the 5th International Origen Congress, Boston College, 14–18 August 1989 , pp. 577–584. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium 105. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1992. | ||||
1992 | Clark | The Origenist Controversy: The Cultural Construction of an Early Christian Debate | book |,2012:scriptum:clark-1992 ISBN 0-691-03173-8 Clark, Elizabeth A. The Origenist Controversy: The Cultural Construction of an Early Christian Debate . Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1992. This book is a thorough, highly nuanced, treatment of the Origenist controversy of the 390s. Clark explores the interrelationships between Jerome, Rufinus, Theophilus, and Evagrius, and finds that Evagrius had a far more prominent role than betrayed by a prima facie reading of the primary sources. Reviewed: Ettlinger, Gerard H. Theological Studies 54 (1993): 561-63. Mark Sheridan, OSB, "Elizabeth A. Clark, The Origenist Controversy: Compte-rendu," Collectanea Cisterciensia 58 (1996): 38-42. -jk | ||||
1992 | Samir Rassart-Debergh Ries | Évagre le Pontique dans la tradition arabo-copte | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:samir-1992 Samir, Khalil. “Évagre le Pontique dans la tradition arabo-copte.” In Actes du IVe Congrès copte: Louvain-la-Neuve, 5–10 septembre 1988 . Edited by Marguerite Rassart-Debergh and Julien Ries, pp. 125–153. Publications de l'Institut orientaliste de Louvain 40. Louvain-la-Neue: Université catholique de Louvain, 1992. Comments on the Arabic versions of Practicus (133<!--StartFragment-->–<!--EndFragment-->34, 138<!--StartFragment-->–<!--EndFragment-->39); Kephalaia gnostica (139<!--StartFragment-->–<!--EndFragment-->41); Antirrheticus (133<!--StartFragment-->–<!--EndFragment-->34); Sententiae ad monachos (137<!--StartFragment-->–<!--EndFragment-->38); Tractatus ad Eulogium (130<!--StartFragment-->–<!--EndFragment-->31); De vitiis quae opposita sunt virtutibus (131<!--StartFragment-->–<!--EndFragment-->32); De malignis cogitationibus (136<!--StartFragment-->–<!--EndFragment-->37); De octo spiritibus malitiae (135<!--StartFragment-->–<!--EndFragment-->36); De oratione (132<!--StartFragment-->–<!--EndFragment-->33); Expositio in orationem dominicam (149<!--StartFragment-->–<!--EndFragment-->50); Letter of Loukios (142–43); Ad imitationem Ecclesiastae (144–45); Ad imitationem Cantici canticorum (145<!--StartFragment-->–<!--EndFragment-->46); Ad imitationem Proverbiorum (146–47); Letter to a Bishop of Antioch on Patience (147<!--StartFragment-->–<!--EndFragment-->48); On the Manner of Life of Egyptian and Syrian Monks (148); anonymous life of St. Evagrius (151–52). AU offers five conclusions:
-jk Arabic edition of CPG 2482a | ||||
1992 | Géhin | Un recueil d'extraits patristiques: <i>Les Miscellanea Coisliniana </i>(Parisinus Coislinianus 193 et Sinaiticus Gr. 461) | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:géhin-1992 Géhin, Paul. “Un recueil d'extraits patristiques: Les Miscellanea Coisliniana (Parisinus Coislinianus 193 et Sinaiticus Gr. 461).” Revue d'Histoire des Textes 22 (1992): 89–130. | ||||
1992 | Young | The Armenian Adaptation of Evagrius' Kephalaia Gnostica | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:young-1992 Young, Robin Darling. “The Armenian Adaptation of Evagrius' Kephalaia Gnostica.” In Origeniana quinta: Historica, Text and Method, Biblica, Philosophica, Theologica, Origenism and Later developments: Papers of the 5th International Origen Congress, Boston College, 14–18 August 1989 , pp. 535–41. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium 105. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1992. | ||||
1991-1992 | LeBoulluec | Recherches sur la postérité littéraire et doctrinale de Clément d'Alexandrie | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:leboulluec-1991 LeBoulluec, Alain. “Recherches sur la postérité littéraire et doctrinale de Clément d'Alexandrie.” Annuaire de l'école pratique des hautes études, Ve section, Sciences Religieuses 100 (1991–1992): 343–46. Influence de Clément d'Alexandrie sur les anciens écrivains de l'Orient: Origène, à propos du "StromateVII", sur la prière; les "Lettres" d'Antoine, à propos de la connaissance de Dieu; Évagre le Pontique, à propos des passions; Pseudo-Denys l'Aréopagite, à propos de l'interprétation de la montée du Sinaï. -cat | ||||
1991 | Bunge | Akèdia: La doctrine spirituelle d'Évagre le Pontique sur l'Acédie | book |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1991 ISBN 2-85589-352-6 Bunge, Gabriel. Akèdia: La doctrine spirituelle d'Évagre le Pontique sur l'Acédie . Spiritualité orientale 52. Bégrolles en Mauges, Maine-et-Loire: Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1991. Preface by d'Adalbert de Vogüé. Translated from the German. Includes bibliographical references. Other Titles: Spiritualité orientale. Série Monachisme primitif. -cat | ||||
1991 | McGinn | The Foundations of Mysticism | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:mcginn-1991 McGinn, Bernard. “The Foundations of Mysticism.” In The Presence of God: A History of Western Christian Mysticism . The Foundations of Mysticism. New York: Crossroad, 1991. Includes bibliographical references (p. 442-483) and index. | ||||
1991 | Junod | Les sages du désert: Antoine, Pachôme, Évagre, Syméon | book |,2012:scriptum:junod-1991 ISBN 2-8309-0646-2 Junod, Eric. Les sages du désert: Antoine, Pachôme, Évagre, Syméon . Entrée Libre 16. Genève: Labor et fides, 1991. | ||||
1991 | Bunge de Vogüé | Palladiana III: La version copte de l'Histoire Lausiaque; II. La vie d'Évagre | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bunge-de-vogüé-1991 Bunge, Gabriel and de Vogüé, Adalbert. “Palladiana III: La version copte de l'Histoire Lausiaque; II. La vie d'Évagre.” Studia Monastica 33 (1991): 7–21. Reprinted 2011 in "Die Lehren der heiligen Väter" (RB 73, 2): Aufsätze zu Evagrios Pontikos aus drei Jahrzehnten | ||||
1991 | Driscoll Evagrius | The "Ad monachos" of Evagrius Ponticus: Its Structure and a Select Commentary | book |,2012:scriptum:driscoll-1991 Driscoll, Jeremy and Evagrius, Ponticus. The "Ad monachos" of Evagrius Ponticus: Its Structure and a Select Commentary . Studia Anselmiana 104. Rome: Abbazia S. Paolo, 1991. English translation includes the Greek, but without the critical apparatus. Reviewed: Blum, Georg Günter. Zeitschrift Für Kirchengeschichte 106, no. 1 (1995): 124-26. Vanwinden, J C M. Vigiliae Christianae 47, no. 4 (1993): 410-11. Pelland, Gilles. Gregorianum 75, no. 3 (1994): 573. Gould, Graham. Journal of Theological Studies, n.s., 44 (1993): 718-20. Halleux, André de. Ephemerides Theologicae Lovaniensis 69, no. 4 (1993): 448-49. Halleux, André de. Revue Théologique de Louvain 25, no. 1 (1994): 87. Elvira J. C. Studia Monastica 41, no. 1 (1999): 172-73. -jk English translation of CPG 2435 | ||||
1991 | Elm | Evagrius Ponticus' <i>Sententiae ad virginem</i> | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:elm-1991 Elm, Susanna K. “Evagrius Ponticus' Sententiae ad virginem.” Dumbarton Oaks Papers 45 (1991): 97–120. | ||||
1991 | Dionysius bar Ṣalībī Çiçek | Pušaqa d-maʼwata d-qadiša Mar ʼEwagris Iḥidaya | book |,2012:scriptum:bar-salibi-1991 ISBN 90-5047-015-7 Dionysius bar Ṣalībī, Bishop of Amida. Pušaqa d-maʼwata d-qadiša Mar ʼEwagris Iḥidaya . Edited by J. J. Çiçek. Harvard College Library Assyrian collection. Holʼanda: Maṭbaʻta d-Bar ʻEbraya d-Dayra d-Mar ʼEprem Suryaya, 1991. Edition of Dionysius bar Salibi's commentary on Evagrius's Kephalaia gnostika. Reprinted 2011 as A Commentary on the 100 Theses of Evagrius Ponticus, Bar Ebroyo Kloster Publications 10 (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2011) -jk | ||||
1991 | Guillaumont Guillaumont | Les versions orientales et le texte grec des Lettres d'Evagre le Pontique | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1991a Guillaumont, Antoine and Guillaumont, Claire. “Les versions orientales et le texte grec des Lettres d'Evagre le Pontique.” In Langues orientales anciennes philologie et linguistique , pp. 151–162. Louvain: Peeters, 1991. Provides an overview of the status of the Greek, Syriac, and Armenian versions of the 62 letters, as well as Conybeare's partial Latin translation of the Armenian version. A table provides a correspondence across these versions, and notes where other texts have been included in the Armenian tradition, which, the authors argue, is dependent upon the Syriac, not the Greek. This article includes Greek fragments from letters 4, 56. The longer edition of the fragments were published by C. Guillaumont in 1987. Greek edition of CPG 2437 French translation of CPG 2437 | ||||
1990 | Regnault | La vie quotidienne des pères du désert en Egypte au IVe siècle | book |,2012:scriptum:regnault-1990 ISBN 2-01-015832-6 Regnault, Lucien. La vie quotidienne des pères du désert en Egypte au IVe siècle . Paris: Hachette, 1990. | ||||
1990 | Evagrius Ponticus Wimbush | Antirrheticus (Selections) | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-wimbush-1990 Evagrius Ponticus. “Antirrheticus (Selections).” In Ascetic Behavior in Greco-Roman Antiquity: A Sourcebook . Edited by Vincent L. Wimbush, pp. 243–262. Studies in Antiquity and Christianity. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1990. Partial translation of the Antirrheticus. -jk English translation of CPG 2434 | ||||
1990 | Augst | Lebensverwirklichung und christlicher Glaube: Acedia-Religiöse Gleichgültigkeit als Problem der Spiritualität bei Evagrius Ponticus | book |,2012:scriptum:augst-1990 ISBN 3-631-42694-1 Augst, Rüdiger. Lebensverwirklichung und christlicher Glaube: Acedia-Religiöse Gleichgültigkeit als Problem der Spiritualität bei Evagrius Ponticus . Saarbrücker Theologische Forschungen 3. Frankfurt am Main and New York: Peter Lang, 1990. Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral) -- Humboldt-Universität, Berlin. -cat | ||||
1990 | Géhin | À propos d'Évagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:géhin-1990 Géhin, Paul. “À propos d'Évagre le Pontique.” Revue des Études Grecques 103 (1990): 263–67. Compte rendu de l'édition de l'oeuvre d'Évagre le Pontique "Le gnostique ou A celui qui est devenu digne de la science" édité par Antoine et Claire Guillaumont (Sources chrétiennes 356). L'ouvrage qui "s'adresse au maître spirituel, lui indique les voies à suivre dans son enseignement, des conseils de méthode", l'attitude qu'il doit adopter face à ses élèves. L'enseignement dispensé suivra les trois grandes étapes du progrès spirituel: pratique ou éthique, physique et théologique. (p. 264) -cat | ||||
1990 | Dysinger | St. Evagrius Ponticus (345-399) | webpage |,2012:scriptum:dysinger-1990 Dysinger, Luke. “St. Evagrius Ponticus (345–399).” Monastic Spirituality Self-Study (Website). [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1990. Along with an Introduction (biography and theology of Evagrius), many of Evagrius's texts are translated: Praktikos, Gnostikos, Kephalaia gnostica, Peri logismon, On prayer, Skemmata, Sentences (to monks, virgins, and others), Antirrhetikos (with Frankenberg's Greek retroversion), On Psalms , On Proverbs , On Eccles., Letters. -jk JK NEHEnglish translation of CPG 2432 CPG 2430 CPG 2450 CPG 2452 CPG 2437 CPG 2439 CPG 2458.2 CPG 2434 CPG 2431 CPG 2433 CPG 2455 Greek translation of CPG 2434 | ||||
1990 | Evagrius Ponticus Wimbush | The Kephalaia Gnostica | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-bundy-1990 Evagrius Ponticus. “The Kephalaia Gnostica.” In Ascetic Behavior in Greco-Roman Antiquity: A Sourcebook . Edited by Vincent L. Wimbush, pp. 175–186. Studies in Antiquity and Christianity. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1990. Partial translation of the Kephalaia Gnostica. -jk | ||||
1990 | Clark | New Perspectives on the Origenist Controversy: Human Embodiment and Ascetic Strategies | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:clark-1990 Clark, Elizabeth A. “New Perspectives on the Origenist Controversy: Human Embodiment and Ascetic Strategies.” Church History 59 (1990): 145–62. "Concern about the body developed in the Origenist controversy at several decisive points. For one, theologies of the body based on Origenist and anti-Origenist views underlay the dispute over anthropomorphism that disturbed the inhabitants of the Egyptian desert in the closing years of the fourth century. For another, the anti-Origenist charges relating to marriage and reproduction that were levelled by Epiphanius of Salamis, Theophilus of Alexandria, and Jerome resonate with the arguments waged over ascetism a few years earlier. The issue feuling debate in Egypt...concerned interpretations of the 'image of God.'" "The ascetic debate, I propose, was not displaced by the Origenist controversy: it was subsumed within it." (pp. 146; 162) -cat | ||||
1990 | Elm | The <i>Sententiae ad virginem</i> by Evagrius Ponticus and the Problem of Early Monastic Rules | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:elm-1990 Elm, Susanna K. “The Sententiae ad virginem by Evagrius Ponticus and the Problem of Early Monastic Rules.” Augustinianum 30 (1990): 393–404. The "Ad uirginem" is "usually explicitly excluded from the corpus of earliest monastic rules.... Since SV's ["Ad uirginem"] literary genre seems to be clearly defined as a letter addressed to one virgin containing parainesis, which a priori makes them into something other than a rule.... Following three non-literary criteria, which seem commonly accepted in defining whether or not a writing qualifies as a rule, SV seem to be fulfilling at least two of these criteria: First, it has a certain legislative character in line with the prescriptive literature of the time, now considered to be rules, whereby the criterion in itself is rather vague,...secondly, its content can be used to regulate life within an ascetic community with sufficient precision to grant continuity of its practice. SV do fail to fulfill the third criterion, namely that of wide distribution and acceptance by more than one generation." (pp. 403-4) -cat | ||||
1990 | Driscoll | Gentleness in the <i>Ad Monachos</i> of Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:driscoll-1990b Driscoll, Jeremy. “Gentleness in the Ad Monachos of Evagrius Ponticus.” Studia Monastica 32 (1990): 295–321. | ||||
1990 | Driscoll | A Key for Reading the <i>Ad Monachos</i> of Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:driscoll-1990a Driscoll, Jeremy. “A Key for Reading the Ad Monachos of Evagrius Ponticus.” Augustinianum 30 (1990): 361–92. "Yet the richness of each individual proverb is greatly increased by uncovering the pattern of its placement in the text, which is never without particular purpose. It is this latter dimension on which the present study wishes to focus. I wish to suggest here at least some of the major structural features of the text's arrangement of proverbs and indicate how discerning these features provides a key to a proper interpretation both of individual proverbs and of the whole text." "Key themes of his teaching provide the structure and order of the text. Thus, the various proverbs are exercises on the following themes: (1) the relation between mind, soul, and body; (2) the three parts of the soul; (3) the eight principal evil thoughts and their order; (4) the division of the spiritual life between "praktiké" and knowledge; (5) various levels of knowledge distinguished. I would like to indicate here some of the major structural elements of the text which these themes help the reader to recognize." (pp. 362-63) -cat | ||||
1990 | Van Esbroeck Drobner Klock | Sur quatre traités attribués à Grégoire, et leur contexte marcellien (CPG 3222, 1781 et 1787) | bookSection | Van Esbroeck, Michel. “Sur quatre traités attribués à Grégoire, et leur contexte marcellien (CPG 3222, 1781 et 1787).” In Studien zu Gregor von Nyssa und der christlichen Spätantike . Edited by Hubertus R. Drobner and Christoph Klock, pp. 3–15. Supplements to Vigiliae christianae 12. Leiden: Brill, 1990. archive.orgAt pp. 6-8, deals with questions on the date and authorship of the Letter to Evagrius (or to Philagrius) attributed to Gregory of Nazianzus or Gregory of Nyssa. The author leans to a view informed by Refoule (1961), Daniélou (1966), and May (1966) that the letter is by Gregory of Nyssa, who wrote sympathetically of the party of Marcellus in 371-79, and concerns itself with themes in the Kephalaia gnostika. At pp. 8-11 is a French translation of an unpublished collation of ten Greek manuscripts. -jk | ||||
1990 | Viller Rahner | Aszese und Mystik in der Väterzeit: Ein Abriss der frühchristlichen Spiritualität | book |,2012:scriptum:viller-1990 ISBN 3-451-21463-6 Viller, Marcel. Aszese und Mystik in der Väterzeit: Ein Abriss der frühchristlichen Spiritualität . Edited by Karl Rahner. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 1990. On Evagrius see pp. 97-109. -jk | ||||
1989-1995 | Dahme Nicodemus Makarios | Byzantinische Mystik: Ein Textbuch aus der <i>Philokalia</i> | book |,2012:scriptum:dahme-1989 ISBN 3-7013-0762-8 Dahme, Klaus. Byzantinische Mystik: Ein Textbuch aus der Philokalia . Translated by Klaus Dahme. Edited by the Hagiorite Nicodemus and Saint Makarios. Salzburg: O. Müller, 1989–1995. Translation of portions of Evagrius as preserved in the Philokalia. Pp. 25–26: selections from Hypotyposis; 26: selections from On the Thoughts; 27–34 selections from On Prayer -jk | ||||
1989 | Quecke | Auszüge aus Evagrius' <i>Mönchsspiegel</i> in koptischer Übersetzung | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:quecke-1989 Quecke, Hans. “Auszüge aus Evagrius' Mönchsspiegel in koptischer Übersetzung.” Orientalia Christiana Periodica 58, no. 4 (1989): 453–63. Coptic edition of CPG 2435 | ||||
1989 | Bunge | Mysterium Unitatis: Der Gedanke der Einheit von Schöpfer und Geschöpf in der evagrianischen Mystik | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1989b Bunge, Gabriel. “Mysterium Unitatis: Der Gedanke der Einheit von Schöpfer und Geschöpf in der evagrianischen Mystik.” Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie 36 (1989): 449–69. "Der folgende Beitrag versucht nicht, die ganze Fülle der evagrianischen Einheitsmystik auszuschöpfen, sondern beschränkt sich bewußt darauf, deren 'biblische Grundintuition' herauszuarbeiten, von der her allein auch jene Texte zu deuten sind, die wir hier nicht vorgestellt haben. Evagrios ist ohne Zweifel ein echter und tiefer 'Mystiker'. Für die 'christliche' Mystik (oder besser Spiritualität) ist diese stets 'verinnerlichte Theologie'. Fassen wir letztere in jenem engeren Sinn, wie ihn Evagrios mit der Patristik voraussetzt, als Trinitätstheologie, dann ist Mystik also verinnerlichte Trinitätstheologie. Dies bedeutet, daß Evagrios, falls er ein christlicher Mystiker ist - was bisweilen bezweifelt worden ist - von jener 'Selbstoffenbarung' Gottes her denken muß, die uns im 'Mysterium Trinitatis' gegeben ist." (p. 450) -cat Reprinted 2011 in "Die Lehren der heiligen Väter" (RB 73, 2): Aufsätze zu Evagrios Pontikos aus drei Jahrzehnten. -jk<br /> | ||||
1989 | Bunge | "Nach dem Intellekt Leben": Zum sog. "Intellektualismus" der evagrianischen Spiritualität | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1989c Bunge, Gabriel. “"Nach dem Intellekt Leben": Zum sog. "Intellektualismus" der evagrianischen Spiritualität.” In Simandron: Der Wachklopfer; Gedenkschrift für Klaus Gamber (1919–1989) . Schriftenreihe des Zentrums Patristischer Spiritualität Koinonia-Oriens im Erzbistum Köln 30. Köln: Luthe-Verlag, 1989. Reprinted 2011 in "Die Lehren der heiligen Väter" (RB 73, 2): Aufsätze zu Evagrios Pontikos aus drei Jahrzehnten | ||||
1989 | Bunge | Hénade ou Monade? Au sujet de deux notions centrales de la terminologie évagrienne | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1989a Bunge, Gabriel. “Hénade ou Monade? Au sujet de deux notions centrales de la terminologie évagrienne.” Le Muséon 102 (1989): 69–91. | ||||
1989 | Evagrius Ponticus Guillaumont Guillaumont | Le gnostique, ou, A celui qui est devenu digne de la science | book |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1989 ISBN 2-204-03190-9 Evagrius Ponticus, Guillaumont, Antoine, and Guillaumont, Claire. Le gnostique, ou, A celui qui est devenu digne de la science . Sources chrétiennes 356. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1989. Critical edition of the Greek fragments, with complete translation of those fragments integrated with the Syriac and Armenian versions. Includes commentary and tables. Reviewed: E. Desplaces, Revue de Philologie de Litterature et d'Histoire Anciennes 63, no. 2 (1989): 305-6. F. X. Druet, Etudes Classiques 59, no. 1 (1991): 82. Graham Gould, Journal of Theological Studies 41 (1990): 687-90. J. Mallet, Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa 26, no. 1 (1990): 188-90. A. Pasquier, Laval Theologique et Philosophique 48, no. 3 (1992): 473-74. -jk Greek edition of CPG 2431 Syriac edition of CPG 2431 French translation of CPG 2431 | ||||
1989 | Evagrius Ponticus | Praktikos, oder, Der Mönch: Hundert Kapitel über das geistliche Leben | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-bunge-1989 ISBN 3-922727-46-8 Evagrius Ponticus. Praktikos, oder, Der Mönch: Hundert Kapitel über das geistliche Leben . Translated by Gabriel Bunge. Schriftenreihe des Zentrums patristischer Spiritualität Kinonia-Oriens im Erzbistum Köln 32. Köln: Luthe-Verlag, 1989. Foreword by Alois M. Haas. Translation of Praktikos. -jk German translation of CPG 2430 | ||||
1989 | de Vogüé | Les fragments coptes de l'Histoire Lausiaque: L'édition d'Amélineau et le manuscrit | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:de-vogüé-1989 de Vogüé, Adalbert. “Les fragments coptes de l'Histoire Lausiaque: L'édition d'Amélineau et le manuscrit.” Orientalia 58, no. 3 (1989): 326–332. Collection of corrected readings to the coptic edition of the Historia Lausiaca (and therefore the Life of Evagrius, ch. 38) published by Amélineau. -jk | ||||
1989 | Desœudres Mottier Bosson | L’architecture des ermitages et des sanctuaries | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:desœudres-1989 Desœudres, G. “L’architecture des ermitages et des sanctuaries.” In Les Kellia. Ermitages coptes en Basse Égypte . Edited by Yvette Mottier and Nathalie Bosson. Genève: Editions du Tricorne, 1989. | ||||
1989 | Driscoll | Listlessness in <i>The Mirror for Monks</i> of Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:driscoll-1989 Driscoll, Jeremy. “Listlessness in The Mirror for Monks of Evagrius Ponticus.” Cistercian Studies 24 (1989): 206–14. | ||||
1989 | Vogüé | Psalmodier n'est pas prier | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:vogüé-1989 Vogüé, Adalbert de. “Psalmodier n'est pas prier.” Ecclesia Orans 6 (1989): 7–32. | ||||
1989 | Schenke | Das Berliner Evagrius-Ostrakon (P. Berol. 14700) | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:schenke-1989 Schenke, H-M. “Das Berliner Evagrius-Ostrakon (P. Berol. 14700).” Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 116 (1989): 90–107. Three sentences of the De octo spiritibus malitiae given in Greek, Coptic, and German translation. -jk Greek edition of CPG 2451 Coptic edition of CPG 2451 German translation of CPG 2451 | ||||
1988 | Bunge | Geistliche Vaterschaft: Christliche Gnosis bei Evagrios Pontikos | book |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1988a ISBN 3-7917-1205-5 Bunge, Gabriel. Geistliche Vaterschaft: Christliche Gnosis bei Evagrios Pontikos . Studia patristica et liturgica 23. Regensburg: Friedrich Pustet, 1988. Reviewed: Solericanals, J M. Studia Monastica 37.2 (1995): 441-42. -jk | ||||
1988 | Bunge | "Priez sans cesse": Aux origenes de la prière hésychaste | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1988b Bunge, Gabriel. “"Priez sans cesse": Aux origenes de la prière hésychaste.” Studia Monastica 30 (1988): 7–16. Reprinted 2011 in "Die Lehren der heiligen Väter" (RB 73, 2): Aufsätze zu Evagrios Pontikos aus drei Jahrzehnten | ||||
1988 | Maraval | Un correspondant de Grégoire de Nazianze identifié: Pansophios d'Ibora | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:maraval-1988 Maraval, Pierre. “Un correspondant de Grégoire de Nazianze identifié: Pansophios d'Ibora.” Vigiliae Christianae 66 (1988): 24–27. L'A. propose comme le correspondant auquel Grégoire Nazianze adresse ses lettres 238 et 239, "Pansophios, évêque d'Ibora dans l'Hélénopont, élu après la mort d'Araxios, avec l'appui de Grégoire de Nysse (fin 378 ou fin 380). Mis en relation avec Grégoire de Nazianze par Évagre le Pontique (originaire d'Ibora), il l'invita à venir le voir et lui envoya des présents de fête. Présent au concile de Constantinople en 387." (p. 26) -cat | ||||
1988 | Augst | Acedia—religiöse Gleichgültigkeit als Logismos und Denkform bei Evagrius Ponticus | book |,2012:scriptum:augst-1988 Augst, Rüdiger. Acedia—religiöse Gleichgültigkeit als Logismos und Denkform bei Evagrius Ponticus . [n.p.]: Saarbrücken, 1988. Dissertation (Doctoral) : Universität des Saarlandes, 1988. -cat | ||||
1988 | Garzya | Osservazioni su un'epistola di Evagrio Pontico | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:garzya-1988 Garzya, Antonio. “Osservazioni su un'epistola di Evagrio Pontico.” In Mémorial Dom Jean Gribomont (1920–1986) , pp. 299–305. Studia Ephemeridis "Augustinianum" 27. Rome: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 1988. Extract from The Eight Spirits of Wickedness: 102n8. -jk | ||||
1988 | O'Laughlin | Elements of Fourth Century Origenism: The Anthropology of Evagrius Ponticus and Its Sources | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:olaughlin-1988 O'Laughlin, Michael. “Elements of Fourth Century Origenism: The Anthropology of Evagrius Ponticus and Its Sources.” In Origen of Alexandria: His World and His Legacy , pp. 357–373. Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity 1. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1988. | ||||
1988 | Dechow | Dogma and Mysticism in Early Christianity: Epiphanius of Cyprus and the Legacy of Origen | book |,2012:scriptum:dechow-1988 ISBN 0-86554-311-9 Dechow, Jon F. Dogma and Mysticism in Early Christianity: Epiphanius of Cyprus and the Legacy of Origen . Patristic monograph series 13. Macon, Ga.: Peeters and Mercer University Press, 1988. Revision of the author's Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1975. -cat | ||||
1988 | Tsirpanlis | Ο εσωτερικός πόλεμος στην ασκητική εμπείρια του τετάρτου αιώνα: Αγίου Μακαρίου του Αιγύπτου και Ευαγρίου του Ποντικού | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:tsirpanlis-1988 Tsirpanlis, Constantine N. “Ο εσωτερικός πόλεμος στην ασκητική εμπείρια του τετάρτου αιώνα: Αγίου Μακαρίου του Αιγύπτου και Ευαγρίου του Ποντικού.” Patristic and Byzantine Review 7, no. 2–3 (1988): 149–83. [The Inner Battle in Ascetic Experience in the Fourth Century: St. Macarius the Egyptian and Evagrius Ponticus]. See pp 168-83 on Evagrius. -jk | ||||
1987 | Regnault | Les Pères du désert: À travers leurs apophtegmes | book |,2012:scriptum:regnault-1987 ISBN 2-85274-112-1 Regnault, Lucien. Les Pères du désert: À travers leurs apophtegmes . Sablé-sur-Sarthe: Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes, 1987. | ||||
1987 | Evagrius Ponticus | Praktikos and On Prayer | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-tugwell-1987 Evagrius Ponticus. Praktikos and On Prayer . Translated by Simon Tugwell. Oxford: Faculty of Theology, 1987. | ||||
1987 | Bunge | Das Geistgebet: Studien zum Traktat De oratione des Evagrios Pontikos | book |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1987a ISBN 3-922727-35-2 Bunge, Gabriel. Das Geistgebet: Studien zum Traktat De oratione des Evagrios Pontikos . Schriftenreihe des Zentrums Patristischer Spiritualität Koinonia-Oriens im Erzbistum Cologne 25. Köln: Luthe-Verlag, 1987. Includes a translation of On the "Our Father." -jk German translation of CPG 2461 | ||||
1987 | Bunge | The "Spiritual Prayer": On the Trinitarian Mysticism of Evagrius of Pontus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1987b Bunge, Gabriel. “The "Spiritual Prayer": On the Trinitarian Mysticism of Evagrius of Pontus.” Monastic Studies 17 (1987): 191–208. | ||||
1987 | Nicodemus | Philocalie des pères neptiques: Composée à partir des écrits des saints pères qui portaient dieu ...; Publiée pour la première fois par saint nicodème l'hagiorite à venise, en 1782 | book |,2012:scriptum:philokalia-1987 ISBN 2855899516 (fasc.1) Nicodemus, the Hagiorite. Philocalie des pères neptiques: Composée à partir des écrits des saints pères qui portaient dieu ..; Publiée pour la première fois par saint nicodème l'hagiorite à venise, en 1782 . Translated by Lucien Regnault and Jacques Touraille. Vol. 8. Bégrolles en Mauges, Maine-et-Loire: P. Boris Bobrinsky, 1987. Translation of Evagrius as preserved in the Philokalia. Pp. 19–26: Hypotyposis; 27–43: On the Thoughts; 45–46: Praktikos fragments; 47–65 On Prayer -jk | ||||
1987 | Kline | Regula Benedicti 73:8: A Rule for Beginners | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:kline-1987 Kline, Francis. “Regula Benedicti 73:8: A Rule for Beginners.” In Erudition at God's Service , pp. 97–108. Cistercian Studies Series 98. Kalamazoo, Mich.: Cistercian Publications, 1987. Papers from the 1985 and 1986 Cistercian Studies Conferences, organized by the Institute of Cistercian Studies of Western Michigan University, and held in conjunction with the 20th and 21st International Congresses of Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, Michigan, on May 9-12, 1985 and May 8-11, 1986. -cat | ||||
1987 | Guillaumont | Fragments grecs inédits d'Évagre le Pontique | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1987c Guillaumont, Claire. “Fragments grecs inédits d'Évagre le Pontique.” In Texte und Textkritik: Eine Aufsatzsammlung , pp. 209–221. Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur 133. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1987. Includes fragments from Letters 4, 25, 27, 31, 52, 56, 58. See esp. 216-21. -jk Greek edition of CPG 2437 | ||||
1987 | Gribomont | L'édition romaine (1673) des Tractatus de S. Nil et l'Ottobonianus gr. 25 | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:gribomont-1987 Gribomont, Jean. “L'édition romaine (1673) des Tractatus de S. Nil et l'Ottobonianus gr. 25.” Texte und Untersuchungen 133 (1987): 187–202. | ||||
1987 | Evagrius Ponticus Géhin | Scholies aux Proverbes | book |,2012:scriptum:géhin-1987 ISBN 2-204-02885-1 Evagrius Ponticus and Géhin, Paul. Scholies aux Proverbes . Sources chrétiennes 340. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1987. Critical text, French translation, and commentary of the Scholia on Proverbs. Reviewed: J. W. Trigg, Church History 59, no. 3 (1990): 387-88. J. Schamp, Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire 68, no. 1 (1990): 179-81. Andrew Louth, Journal of Theological Studies 41 (1990): 686. J. Mallet, J. Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa 25, no. 1 (1989): 157-60. See appendix 2 for editions and translations of CPG 2457 and 2442. -jk | ||||
1987 | Guillaumont | Le gnostique chez Clément d'Alexandrie et chez Évagre le Pontique | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1987a Guillaumont, Antoine. “Le gnostique chez Clément d'Alexandrie et chez Évagre le Pontique.” In Alexandrina: Hellénisme, judaïsme et christianisme à Alexandrie; Mélanges offerts au P. Claude Mondésert. , pp. 151–160. Spiritualité orientale 66. Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1987. | ||||
1987 | Berthold | History and Exegesis in Evagrius and Maximus | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:berthold-1987 Berthold, George C. “History and Exegesis in Evagrius and Maximus.” In Origeniana quarta: Die Referate des 4. Internationalen Origenskongresses (Innsbruck, 2.-6. September 1985) , pp. 390–404. Innsbrucker theologische Studien 19. Innsbruck: Tyrolia-Verlag, 1987. | ||||
1987 | O'Laughlin | Origenism in the Desert: Anthropology and Integration in Evagrius Ponticus | thesis |,2012:scriptum:olaughlin-1987 O'Laughlin, Michael. “Origenism in the Desert: Anthropology and Integration in Evagrius Ponticus.” PhD dissertation. Harvard Divinity School, 1987. Thesis (Th. D.)--Harvard University, 1987. Typescript. Includes Greek, Syriac, and Latin text and parallel English translation of various passages of Evagrius' works. -cat English translation of CPG 2431 | ||||
1987 | Brock | The Syriac fathers on prayer and the spiritual life | book |,2012:scriptum:brock-1987 ISBN 0-87907-601-1 Brock, Sebastian P. The Syriac fathers on prayer and the spiritual life . Cistercian Studies Series 101. Kalamazoo, Mich.: Cistercian Publications, 1987. English translation of CPG 2440 | ||||
1987 | Dechow | The Heresy Charges against Origen | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:dechow1987b Dechow, Jon F. “The Heresy Charges against Origen.” In Origeniana quarta: Die Referate des 4. Internationalen Origenskongresses (Innsbruck, 2.-6. September 1985) . Innsbrucker theologische Studien 19. Innsbruck: Tyrolia-Verlag, 1987. | ||||
1987 | Dechow | Origen's 'Heresy': From Eustathius to Epiphanius | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:dechow-1987a Dechow, Jon F. “Origen's 'Heresy': From Eustathius to Epiphanius.” In Origeniana quarta: Die Referate des 4. Internationalen Origenskongresses (Innsbruck, 2.-6. September 1985) . Innsbrucker theologische Studien 19. Innsbruck: Tyrolia-Verlag, 1987. | ||||
1987 | Evagrius Ponticus | Geestelijke Geschriften | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-wagenaar-1987 ISBN 90-71837-03-3 Evagrius Ponticus. Geestelijke Geschriften . Translated by Christofoor Wagenaar. Monastieke cahiers 34–35. Bonheiden: Abdij Bethlehem, 1987. Translation into Dutch of Evagrius's various works. Volume 1: Texts on Discrimination of Various thoughts (an expanded recension of the material in the Philokalia), 153 sayings about prayer. Volume 2: Praktikos, Gnosticus; Completion of the Six Centuries; Sentences to Virgins, Sentences to Monks; Letter to Melania 610-19; About the Trinity; Protrepticus; Paraeneticus; 33 definitions; Alphabetical Sayings I and II; 26 Sayings; The vices as opposite to the Virtues; The Eight Evil Spirits; Encouragement for the monk. -ak | ||||
1987 | Tsirpanlis | The Unity of Mankind and Ecclesial Koinonia in Early Ascetic Theology | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:tsirpanlis-1987 Tsirpanlis, Constantine N. “The Unity of Mankind and Ecclesial Koinonia in Early Ascetic Theology.” Patristic and Byzantine Review 6.3 (1987): 173–98. | ||||
1987 | Guillaumont | Une nouvelle version syriaque du Gnostique d'Évagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1987b Guillaumont, Antoine. “Une nouvelle version syriaque du Gnostique d'Évagre le Pontique.” Muséon 100 (1987): 161–69. Syriac edition of CPG 2431 | ||||
1986 | Miquel | Lexique du désert: Étude de quelques mots-clés du vocabulaire monastique grec ancien | book |,2012:scriptum:miquel-1986 ISBN 2855890446; ISSN 0768-021X Miquel, Pierre. Lexique du désert: Étude de quelques mots-clés du vocabulaire monastique grec ancien . Spiritualité orientale 44. Bégrolles en Mauges, Maine-et-Loire: Abbaye de Bellefontaine :, 1986. | ||||
1986 | Grossi | A proposito della presenza di Origene in 'praedestinatus': Il Cristianesimo Latino del sec. V tra Origene e Agostino | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:grossi-1986 Grossi, Vittorino. “A proposito della presenza di Origene in 'praedestinatus': Il Cristianesimo Latino del sec. V tra Origene e Agostino.” Augustinianum 26 (1986): 229–40. "La presenza di Origene [nel 'Praedestinatus'] viene registrata cinque volte." Vi "viene invece proposto e difeso l'origenismo dei monaci egiziani e palestinesi del sec. IV che, veicolato dai 'Kephalaia' di Evagrio, assurge nel monachesimo gallo del sec. V a nuova sintesi ascetico-antropologica...dopo l'anno 425, e più precisamente dopo la morte di Agostino Ý430." l'autore del "Praedestinatus" "ricalcava in sostanza la tesi di Rufino 'De adulteratione librorum Origenis' [e] distingue definitivamente tre Origene: uno di origine sira, corruttore di costumi; uno eretico, adulterato da 'perversi dottori' (Marcione-Apelle-Ampolliano) e mai esistito; uno cattolico." "Se in 'Paedestinatus' (!) Agostino è il principale autore incriminato...appare evidente che qualcuno sta tirando in ballo Origene per gli stessi motivi predestinazionisti." "Benché [l'autore del 'Praedestinatus'] giudichi la predestinazione-eresia (la predeterminazione degli uomini da parte di Dio al male e al bene) non di Agostino bensí di altri, è tuttavia come simpatia più vicino ad Origene che al vescovo d' sua apologia di Origene tende, da una parte, a liberare il maestro alessandrino da una possibile accusa predestinazionista; dall'altra, riproponendo vecchi argomenti di contraffazioni indotte nei suoi scritti (l'Origene da non seguire perché falso e mai esistito), tenta di dargli uno spazio ufficialmente riconosciuto presso quanti lo seguivano come loro maestro spirituale." (pp. 229; 232-34; 238; 240) -cat | ||||
1986 | Evagrius Ponticus | Briefe aus der Wüste | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-bunge-1986 ISBN 3-7902-1410-8 Evagrius Ponticus. Briefe aus der Wüste . Translated by Gabriel Bunge. Sophia 24. Trier: Paulinus-Verlag, 1986. First full modern translation of the Letters, complete with commentary and analysis. See pp. 284–302 for the Epistula fidei. Reprinted in 2013 with corrections, new typesetting, and therefore new pagination. -jk | ||||
1986 | Evagrius Ponticus | Praktikos: Über das Gebet | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-bamberger-1986 ISBN 3-87868-238-7 Evagrius Ponticus. Praktikos: Über das Gebet . Translated by John Eudes Bamberger and Guido Joos. Schriften zur Kontemplation 2. Münsterschwarzach: Vier-Türme-Verlag, 1986. German translation of English translations of Praktikos and On Prayer. -jk German translation of CPG 2430 | ||||
1986 | Arras | Geronticon | book |,2012:scriptum:arras-1986 Arras, Victor. Geronticon . Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium. Scriptores Aethiopici 79–80. Louvain: Peeters, 1986. On Prayer 166-67 [text] = 112-13 [tr.]; 346-52 [text] = 235-39 [tr.]. Praktikos: 104 and 307 [text] = 69-70, 209 [tr.], 342-46 [text] = 233-35 [tr.]. Sententiae ad monachos: 197 and 259 [text] = 134 and 176 [tr.]. Other unedited mss. contain other Ethiopian fragments from On Prayer, as noted by Bausi. -jk | ||||
1986 | Bunge | Origenismus-Gnostizismus: Zum geistesgeschichtlichen Standort des Evagrios Pontikos | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1986 Bunge, Gabriel. “Origenismus-Gnostizismus: Zum geistesgeschichtlichen Standort des Evagrios Pontikos.” Vigiliae Christianae 40 (1986): 24–54. "Die Frage, um die es [hier] geht, ist...einerseits die nach dem geistesgeschichtlichen Standort des [Evagrios Pontikos], zum anderen die nach dem "Sitz im Leben" seines "Origenismus" bzw. desjenigen seines Kreises. Die Studie beschränkt sich dabei bewusst weitgehend auf eine Klärung der geschichtlichen Zusammenhänge...." (p. 26) -cat Reprinted 2011 in "Die Lehren der heiligen Väter" (RB 73, 2): Aufsätze zu Evagrios Pontikos aus drei Jahrzehnten. -jk | ||||
1986 | Crouzel | Origène a-t-il tenu que le règne du Christ prendrait fin? | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:crouzel-1986 Crouzel, Henri. “Origène a-t-il tenu que le règne du Christ prendrait fin?.” Augustinianum 26 (1986): 51–61. "L'idée que le règne du Christ aura une fin, prêtée par Théophile à Origène, n'est pas justifiée par les oeuvres de ce dernier et il est douteux qu'Évagre en soit venu là: Etienne bar Sudaïli va durcir jusqu'à ce point la pensée d'Évagre: mais un siècle après la mort de Théophile. Il n'est pas exclu cependant que ce dernier ait entendu cette opinion de quelque moine égyptien prétendûment origéniste: peut-être aussi n'a-t-il pas vérifié de trop près l'authenticité de ses accusations." (p. 61) -cat | ||||
1986 | Contreras | Evagrio Pontico en los catalogos de varones ilustres | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:contreras-1986 Contreras, Enrique. “Evagrio Pontico en los catalogos de varones ilustres.” Salmanticensis 33 (1986): 333–343. | ||||
1986 | al-Suryani al-Suryani | Mayamir Mar Awagris 'an makhtuta raqm 174 nuskiyyat bi-Dayr al-Suryan | book |,2012:scriptum:suryani-1986 al-Suryani, Tadurus and al-Suryani, Samu'il. Mayamir Mar Awagris 'an makhtuta raqm 174 nuskiyyat bi-Dayr al-Suryan . Edited by Tadurus al-Suryani and Samu'il al-Suryani. Dayr al-Suryan: [n.p.], 1986. See pp. 55-80 for the Arabic (A1) translation of On Prayer (CPG 2452) Arabic edition of CPG 2452 | ||||
1986 | Villeux | Monasticism and Gnosis in Egypt | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:villeux-1986 Villeux, A. “Monasticism and Gnosis in Egypt.” In The Roots of Egyptian Christianity , pp. 271–306. Studies in Antiquity and Christianity. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1986. | ||||
1986 | Tugwell | Evagrius and Macarius | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:tugwell-1986 Tugwell, Simon. “Evagrius and Macarius.” In The Study of Spirituality , pp. 168–175. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. | ||||
1986 | Samuel | Mayāmir Mār Ūghrīs | book |,2012:scriptum:samuel-1986 Samuel, Bishop. Mayāmir Mār Ūghrīs . Cairo: al-Naʿām li-al-Ṭibāʿah wa al-Tawrīdāt, 1986. Assorted works from Dayr a-l-Suryān MS 174. Reprinted 1999. According to Steven Davis (oral presentation 26 May 2018, Chicago), this edition provides only an incomplete description of the contents of the manuscript, and it lacks a transcription for the last two items. -jk | ||||
1985 | Murphy | Evagrius Ponticus and Origenism | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:murphy-1985 Murphy, Francis X. “Evagrius Ponticus and Origenism.” In Origeniana tertia: The Third International Colloquium for Origen Studies, University of Manchester September 7th-11th, 1981; Papers , pp. 253–269. Rome: Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 1985. | ||||
1985 | Kline | The Christology of Evagrius and the Parent System of Origen | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:kline-1985 Kline, Francis. “The Christology of Evagrius and the Parent System of Origen.” Cistercian Studies 20 (1985): 155–83. | ||||
1985 | Jones | Soul Making: The Desert Way of Spirituality | book |,2012:scriptum:jones-1985 ISBN 0-06-064182-7 Jones, Alan W. Soul Making: The Desert Way of Spirituality . San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1985. | ||||
1985 | Gribomont | Eastern Christianity: Monasticism and Asceticism | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:gribomont-1985 Gribomont, Jean. “Eastern Christianity: Monasticism and Asceticism.” In Christian Spirituality: Origins to the Twelfth Century , pp. 89–112. World Spirituality 16. New York: Crossroad, 1985. | ||||
1985 | Gendle | Cappadocian Elements in the Mystical Theology of Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:gendle-1985 Gendle, Nicholas. “Cappadocian Elements in the Mystical Theology of Evagrius Ponticus.” Studia Patristica 16.2 (1985): 373–84. | ||||
1985 | Guillaumont | Le rôle des versions orientales dans la récupération de l'oeuvre d'Évagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1985 Guillaumont, Antoine. “Le rôle des versions orientales dans la récupération de l'oeuvre d'Évagre le Pontique.” Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres 129 (1985): 64–74. "Tels sont les services que peuvent rendre les versions orientales, de manière différente selon les trois cas que j'ai envisagés: - servir à l'établissement du texte grec des traités dont l'original grec est conservé; - assurer, conjointement avec la critique interne, l'authenticité évagrienne de traités qui, dans la tradition manuscrite grecque, sont partagés entre Évagre et Nil, et, naturellement, comme dans le cas précédents, aider à l'établissement critique du texte; - faire connaître les traités d'Évagre dont le texte grec est perdu." (p. 73) -cat | ||||
1985 | Parmentier | Evagrius of Pontus' <i>Letter to Melania</i> | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:parmentier-1985 Parmentier, M. “Evagrius of Pontus' Letter to Melania.” Bijdragen 46 (1985): 2–38. Reprinted in 1999. English trans of the Syriac version; summary, comments. -jk English translation of CPG 2438 | ||||
1985 | Norris | The Authenticity of Gregory Nazianzen's Five Theological Orations | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:norris-1985 Norris, Frederick W. “The Authenticity of Gregory Nazianzen's Five Theological Orations.” Vigiliae Christianae 39, no. 4 (1985): 331–39. | ||||
1985 | Brague | L'image et l'acédie: Remarques sur le premier <i>Apophtegme</i> | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:brague-1985 Brague, Rémi. “L'image et l'acédie: Remarques sur le premier Apophtegme.” Revue Thomiste 85 (1985): 197–228. Analyse du premier fragment des "Apophthegmata" concernant Antoine et la tentation de l'acédie. Etude sur le thème acédie en recourant à Évagre le Pontique ("Practicus 7"). Analyse philosophique et psychologique de la spiritualité du désert à travers le personnage d'Antoine. -cat | ||||
1985 | Zizioulas | The Early Christian Community | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:zizioulas-1985 Zizioulas, John D. “The Early Christian Community.” In Christian Spirituality: Origins to the Twelfth Century , pp. 23–43. World spirituality 16. New York: Crossroad, 1985. | ||||
1985 | Ware Dempf | Nous and Noesis in Plato, Aristotle and Evagrius of Pontus: Evagrios Pontikos als Metaphysiker und Mystiker | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:ware-dempf-1985 Ware, Kallistos and Dempf, Alois. “Nous and Noesis in Plato, Aristotle and Evagrius of Pontus: Evagrios Pontikos als Metaphysiker und Mystiker.” Diotima 13 (1985): 158–63. | ||||
1985 | Vogüé | Un morceau célèbre de Cassien parmi des extraits d'Évagre | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:vogüé-1985b Vogüé, Adalbert de. “Un morceau célèbre de Cassien parmi des extraits d'Évagre.” Studia Monastica 27 (1985): 7–12. Un morceau célèbre de Cassien ("De institutis coenobiorum" 4, 39) source du fragment 68 de la collection de 69 fragments des oeuvres d'Évagre, contenue dans le ms. "Parisinus graecus" 2748 (seconde moitié du 14e s.). Traduction française du "De inst. coen." 4, 39). -cat | ||||
1985 | Vogüé | Les sources des quatre premiers <i>Livres des Institutions</i> de Jean Cassien: Introduction aux recherches sur les anciennes règles monastiques latines | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:vogüé-1985a Vogüé, Adalbert de. “Les sources des quatre premiers Livres des Institutions de Jean Cassien: Introduction aux recherches sur les anciennes règles monastiques latines.” Studia Monastica 27 (1985): 241–311. Abstract: l'"étude des quatre premiers Livres des Institutions de Cassien...[nous permettra de] repérer aussi complètement que possible les sources de chaque texte et à étudier la façon dont elles y sont utilisées." Sources: Basile le Grand, Eusèbe de Césarée, Pachôme, Horsièse, Évagre le Pontique. (p. 240) | ||||
1985 | Tugwell | Ways of Imperfection: An Exploration of Christian Spirituality | book |,2012:scriptum:tugwell-1985 ISBN 0-87243-136-3 Tugwell, Simon. Ways of Imperfection: An Exploration of Christian Spirituality . Springfield, Ill.: Templegate, 1985. Chapter on Evagrius at pp. 25-36. -jk | ||||
1985 | Sims-Williams | The Christian Sogdian Manuscript C2 | book |,2012:scriptum:sims-williams-1985 Sims-Williams, Nicholas. The Christian Sogdian Manuscript C2 . Schriften zur Geschichte und Kultur des alten Orients. Berliner Turfantexte 12. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1985. From preface: "Surviving fragments of the MS C2 are at present in the custody of the Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR (Berlin) and the Museum für Indische Kunst (Berlin/West)". -pub Rev. ed. of author's thesis (doctoral--University of Cambridge, 1978). -cat Sogdian edition of CPG 2434 | ||||
1984-1985 | Lolasvili | Zveli k`art`uli mcerlobis matiane | book |,2012:scriptum:lolasvili-1984 Lolasvili, Ivane. Zveli k`art`uli mcerlobis matiane . Tbilisi: Mec`niereba, 1984–1985. See 1:24-29 for the Georgian fragment of the Praktikos; 21-24 for the Antirrheticus; 29 for the Tractatus ad Eulogium; 29-36 for the De vitiis quae oposita sunt virtutibus; 36-38 for the De octo spiritibus malitiae. -jk Corp. author: Sot`a Rust`avelis saxelobis k`art`uli literaturis instituti. Georgian, with summaries in Russian. Note(s): At head of title: Sak`art`velos SSR mec`nierebat`a akademia. Sot`a Rust`avelis saxelobis k`art`uli literaturis instituti.Colophon title:; Letopis’ drevnegruzinskoi pis’mennosti sbornik. -cat | ||||
1984 | Labate | Nuove catene esegetiche sull'Ecclesiaste | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:labate-1984 Labate, Antonio. “Nuove catene esegetiche sull'Ecclesiaste.” In Antidōron: Hulde aan Dr. Maurits Geerard bij de voltooiing van de Clavis patrum Graecorum = hommage à Maurits Geerard pour célébrer l'achèvement de la Clavis patrum Graecorum , pp. 241–263. Wetteren, Belgium: Cultura, 1984. | ||||
1984 | Kavanagh | Eastern Influences on the Rule of Saint Benedict | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:kavanagh-1984 Kavanagh, Aidan. “Eastern Influences on the Rule of Saint Benedict.” In Monasticism and the Arts , pp. 53–62. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1984. | ||||
1984 | Guillaumont | La vision de l'intellect par lui-même dans la mystique Évagrienne | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1984 Guillaumont, Antoine. “La vision de l'intellect par lui-même dans la mystique Évagrienne.” Mélanges de l'Université Saint-Joseph 50 (1984): 255–62. Reprinted in <i>Études sur la spiritualité de l'Orient chrétien</i>, (1996) 143-50. "Dans son traité 'Sur la prière'...Évagre...décrit un état qu'il appelle "la prière pure", instant privilégié où l'intellect [nous], libre de toute passion, accède, de façon fugitive et anticipée, à ce qui, en principe, est le fait de l'intellect 'nu.'" "Ainsi donc, dans les moments de prière pure, l'intellect se voit lui-même, et il se voit parce qu'il est devenu lumineux; mais cette lumière, qui lui permet de se voir, de voir son 'état,' est la lumière divine qui le revêt. Cette lumière divine est Dieu lui-même." (pp. 255; 260) -cat | ||||
1984 | Bacht | Evagrios Pontikos | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:bacht-1984 Bacht, Heinrich. “Evagrios Pontikos.” In Grosse Mystiker: Leben und Wirken , pp. 36–50. Munich: C. H. Beck, 1984. | ||||
1984 | Vogüé | La lecture du matin dans les sentences d'Évagre et le de <i>Virginitate</i> attribué à Saint Athanase | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:vogüé-1984 Vogüé, Adalbert de. “La lecture du matin dans les sentences d'Évagre et le de Virginitate attribué à Saint Athanase.” Studia Monastica 26, no. 1 (1984): 7–11. La lecture du matin dans les sentences d'Évagre et le "De Virginitate" attribué à saint Athanase. "Il se pourrait que le Pseudo-Athanase, tout en s'inspirant d'Hippolyte ["Traditio apostolica"], ait pris la formulation de son précepte à Évagre." (p. 11) -cat | ||||
1984 | Schenke | Ein koptischer Evagrius | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:schenke-1984 Schenke, H.-M. “Ein koptischer Evagrius.” In Graeco-Coptica: Griechen und Kopten im byzantinischen Ägypten , pp. 219–230. Wissenschaftliche Beiträge der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle- Wittenberg. Reihe I 29. Halle (Saale): Martin-Luther-Universität [Abt. Wissenschaftlichspublizistik], 1984. Coptic fragments of the De octo spiritibus malitiae. -jk Coptic edition of CPG 2451 | ||||
1984 | Festugière Lucchesi Saffrey | Le vrai visage d'un père du désert ou Abba Jean Colobos à travers ses apophtegmes | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:festugière-lucchesi-ssaffrey-1984 Festugière, A. J, Lucchesi, Enzo, and Saffrey, H. D. “Le vrai visage d'un père du désert ou Abba Jean Colobos à travers ses apophtegmes.” In Mémorial André-Jean Festugière: Antiquité païenne et chrétienne; Vingt-cinq études , pp. 225–234. Cahiers d'orientalisme 10. Genève: P. Cramer, 1984. | ||||
1984 | The Sayings of the Desert Fathers: The Alphabetical Collection | book |,2012:scriptum:ward-1984 ISBN 0-87907-959-2 The Sayings of the Desert Fathers: The Alphabetical Collection . Translated by Benedicta Ward. Cistercian Studies Series 59. Kalamazoo, Mich.: Cistercian Publications, 1984. evagriusponticus.netEnglish translation of CPG 2462 | |||||
1984 | Maxarašvili | ევაგრე პონტოელის ცხოვრება-მოღვაწეობა და მის თხზულებათა ქართული თარგმანი | bookSection | Maxarašvili, S. “ევაგრე პონტოელის ცხოვრება-მოღვაწეობა და მის თხზულებათა ქართული თარგმანი.” In ძველი ქართული მწერლობის მატიანე , pp. 29–36. Tbilisi: [n.p.], 1984. | ||||
1983-1984 | ÒMurchú | Early Christian Ascetism and Its Relevance Today | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:òmurchú-1983 ÒMurchú, Diarmuid. “Early Christian Ascetism and Its Relevance Today.” The Irish Theological Quarterly 50 (1983–1984): 83–117. "In the present article I propose to re-examine the phenomenon of christian asceticism, particularly the underlying motives of the bedrock tradition of christian ascetical spirituality. Asceticism flourished in its greatest intensity (and indeed, in its most extravagant forms) in the early christian centuries. A better appreciation of these original forms will enable us to understand the past in its proper perspective, but also to appreciate the necessity for a continually developing asceticism in genuine christian spirituality." "Having thus outlined the theory and practice of early Christian asceticism, we are now in a position to explore what we have thus far called 'the underlying myths,' i. e., the thought patterns and determinants which gave these practices such depth of meaning for the Church and world of that time." "Our task, therefore, in the final part of this essay is to review the traditional forms of asceticism in the context of the needs and aspirations of modern man. Transcending the ascetical language and ideas are a set of permanent truths, touching the deepest layers of human nature. How do we formulate and express these truths in an asceticism for our time?" (pp. 83; 96; 105) -cat | ||||
1983- | Basil of Caesarea Forlin Patrucco | Le lettere | book |,2012:scriptum:forlin-patrucco-1983 ISBN 88-05-03731-1 Basil of Caesarea and Forlin Patrucco, Marcella. Le lettere . Corona Patrum 11. Torino: Società editrice internazionale, 1983–. See 84-112 for text of the Dogmatic Letter, and 296-97 for commentary. Text edited by Jean Gribomont. -jk Greek edition of CPG 2439 Italian translation of CPG 2439 | ||||
1983 | Bunge | Akedia: Die geistliche Lehre des Evagrios Pontikos vom Überdruss | book |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1983a Bunge, Gabriel. Akedia: Die geistliche Lehre des Evagrios Pontikos vom Überdruss . Köln: Luthe-Verlag, 1983. | ||||
1983 | Guillaumont | Les versions syriaques de l'oeuvre d'Évagre le Pontique et leur rôle dans la formation du vocabulaire ascétique syriaque | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1983 Guillaumont, Antoine. “Les versions syriaques de l'oeuvre d'Évagre le Pontique et leur rôle dans la formation du vocabulaire ascétique syriaque.” Orientalia Christiana Analecta 221 (1983): 35–41. | ||||
1983 | Bunge | Évagre le Pontique et les Deux Macaire | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1983b Bunge, Gabriel. “Évagre le Pontique et les Deux Macaire.” Irénikon 56 (1983): 215–27; 323–60. From pp. 226, 360: "Evagrius himself testifies to his contacts with the two Macarius - Macarius of Alexandria and Macarius of Egypt. This article shows what he owes to both of them.... One can conclude that Macarius of Egypt played a rôle in his life comparable to that played by saint Gregory of Nazianzus. However in many respects he is indebted to Macarius of Alexandria: asceticism, antirrhesis, doctrine of thoughts, influence of the "Vita Antonii". But the rôle played by Macarius the Great is emphasized by Evagrius himself. His doctrine of discernment, of grudge, of anger and the memory of God, of the original goodness of nature, of apatheia, of prayer 'monologistos' and other points link him to Macarius the Great...." -pub | ||||
1983 | Noah | La méditation de Barsanuphe sur la lettre êta | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:noah-1983 Noah, P. de Angelis. “La méditation de Barsanuphe sur la lettre êta.” Byzantion 53 (1983): 506–7. Discusses how Barsanuphius draws upon Evagrius's teaching on the eight thoughts to explicate the theological meaning of the Greek letter η. -jk | ||||
1982-1985 | Rondeau | Les commentaires patristiques du Psautier: IIIe-Ve siècles | book |,2012:scriptum:rondeau-1982 Rondeau, Marie-Josèphe. Les commentaires patristiques du Psautier: IIIe-Ve siècles . Orientalia Christiana analecta 219–220. Rome: Pont. Institutum Studiorum Orientalium, 1982–1985. Contents: vol. 1. Les travaux des pères grecs et latins sur le Psautier : recherches et bilans -- vol. 2. Exégèse prosopologique et théologie. See pp. 121-26, 203-99 concerning the MS tradition of Evagrius's commentary on the Psalms. -jk | ||||
1982- | Nicodemus Makarios | La Filocalia | book |,2012:scriptum:philokalia-1982 Nicodemus, the Hagiorite and Makarios, Saint. La Filocalia . Translated by M. Benedetta Artioli and M. Francesca Lovato. Edited by the Hagiorite Nicodemus and Saint Makarios. Torino: P. Gribaudi, 1982–. Translation of Evagrius as preserved in the Philokalia. 1:99–106: Hypotyposis; 107–24 On the Thoughts; 1:125–26: Praktikos fragments; 272–89 On Prayer (ascribed to Nilus). -jk | ||||
1982 | Messana | La chiesa orante nella catechesi spirituale di Evagrio Pontico | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:messana-1982 Messana, Vincenzo. “La chiesa orante nella catechesi spirituale di Evagrio Pontico.” In Ecclesiologia e catechesi patristica, "sentirsi Chiesa": Convegno di studio e aggiornamento, Pontificium Institutum Altioris Latinitatis (Facoltà di lettere cristiane e classiche) Roma, 6–7 marzo 1981 , pp. 173–186. Biblioteca di scienze religiose 46. Rome: Libreria Ateneo salesiano, 1982. | ||||
1982 | Kerlouégan | Les citations d'auteurs latins Chrétiens dans les vies de saints Bretons Carolingiennes | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:kerlouégan-1982 Kerlouégan, François. “Les citations d'auteurs latins Chrétiens dans les vies de saints Bretons Carolingiennes.” Etudes Celtiques 19 (1982): 215–57. Relevé des citations patristiques, dans les vies bretonnes des 9e-10e siècles. Elles sont groupées dans quelques vies et appartiennent à l'hagiographie, l'exégèse, l'histoire, les recueils de formules, l'homélie exégétique, aux règles, à la poésie. Ces nombreuses citations donnent une idée de la façon dont travaillaient les rédacteurs des vies. -jk | ||||
1982 | Guillaumont | Gnose et Monachisme | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1982 Guillaumont, Antoine. “Gnose et Monachisme.” In Gnosticisme et monde hellénistique: Actes du colloque de Louvain-la-Neuve (11–14 mars 1980) . Publications de l'Institut orientaliste de Louvain 27. Louvain-la-Neuve: Université catholique de Louvain, Institut orientaliste, 1982. | ||||
1982 | Hausherr | Penthos: The Doctrine of Compunction in the Christian East | book |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1982 ISBN 0-87907-853-7 Hausherr, Irénée. Penthos: The Doctrine of Compunction in the Christian East . Cistercian Studies Series 53. Kalamazoo, Mich.: Cistercian Publications, 1982. | ||||
1982 | Bunge | Le "Lieu de la Limpidité": A propos d'un apophtègme énigmatique: Budge II, 494 | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bunge-1982 Bunge, Gabriel. “Le "Lieu de la Limpidité": A propos d'un apophtègme énigmatique: Budge II, 494.” Irénikon 55 (1982): 7–18. "An apophthegm preserved in the Syriac tradition speaks of a "limpid place"; the meaning of this expression poses certain problems. However it leads us to the Nestorian mystics for whom the "limpid place" is the opposite of the place of passions. Isaac of Nineveh explains its meaning: limpidity is the starting point of the way of life of the new man. Joseph Hazzaya has systematized this teaching - for him the spiritual life contains three degrees: "corporal", followed by "psychical" which leads to limpidity which in turn leads to the "spiritual" degree which is the summit of the ascent of Zion. When the monk is favoured by a visitation of Divine Grace he is in the place of limpidity and he is not obliged to attend divine service; this idea goes back to Evagrius but the apophthegm is of a Syriac monastic provenance." (p. 18) -cat | ||||
1982 | Orlandi | A Catechesis Against Apocryphal Texts by Shenute and the Gnostic Texts of Nag Hammadi | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:orlandi-1982 Orlandi, Tito. “A Catechesis Against Apocryphal Texts by Shenute and the Gnostic Texts of Nag Hammadi.” Harvard Theological Review 75 (1982): 85–95. | ||||
1982 | Daley, S.J. | Apokatastasis and "Honorable Silence" in the Eschatology of Maximus the Confessor | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:daley-1982 Daley, S.J, Brian E. “Apokatastasis and "Honorable Silence" in the Eschatology of Maximus the Confessor.” In Maximus Confessor: Actes Du Symposium Sur Maxime Le Confesseur, Fribourg, 2–5 Septembre, 1980 , pp. 309–39. Paradosis 27. Fribourg, Suisse: Editions universitaires, 1982. | ||||
1982 | Watt | The Syriac Adapter of Evagrius' Centuries | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:watt-1982 Watt, John W. “The Syriac Adapter of Evagrius' Centuries.” Studia Patristica 17.3 (1982): 1388–95. Publisher: Elmsford, NY: Pergamon Press. -jk | ||||
1982 | Vasquez | The Gnosis of Space and Time in Evagrius of Ponticus: A Preliminary Investigation | thesis |,2012:scriptum:vasquez-1982 Vasquez, Michel F. “The Gnosis of Space and Time in Evagrius of Ponticus: A Preliminary Investigation.” thesis. Graduate Theological Union, 1982. | ||||
1981 | Grillmeier | Markos Eremites und der Origenismus: Versuch cr Neudeutung von Op[usculum] XI | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:grillmeier-1981 Grillmeier, Alois. “Markos Eremites und der Origenismus: Versuch cr Neudeutung von Op[usculum] XI.” In Überlieferungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen , pp. 253–284. Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur 125. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1981. | ||||
1981 | Gribomont | Prayer in Eastern Monasticism and in St Benedict | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:gribomont-1981 Gribomont, Jean. “Prayer in Eastern Monasticism and in St Benedict.” Word and Spirit 3 (1981): 1–22. Pub. info: Still River, Mass.: St Bede's Publications. -pub | ||||
1981 | Beyer | Die Lichtlehre der Mönche des vierzehnten und des vierten Jahrhunderts | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:beyer-1981 Beyer, Hans-Veit. “Die Lichtlehre der Mönche des vierzehnten und des vierten Jahrhunderts.” Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 31 (1981): 473–512. Treatment of Evagrius's use of light imagery. -jk | ||||
1981 | Parys | La lettre de Saint Arsène | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:parys-1981 Parys, Michel Van. “La lettre de Saint Arsène.” Irénikon 54, no. 1 (1981): 62–86. | ||||
1981 | Weijenborg | Überlieferungsgeschichtliche Bemerkungen zu der Justin dem Märtyrer zugeschriebenen <i>Apologia Secunda</i> | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:weijenborg-1981 Weijenborg, Reinoud. “Überlieferungsgeschichtliche Bemerkungen zu der Justin dem Märtyrer zugeschriebenen Apologia Secunda.” In Überlieferungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen , pp. 593–603. Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur 125. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1981. | ||||
1981 | Diekamp Phanourgakēs Chrysos | Doctrina patrum de incarnatione verbi: Ein griechisches Florilegium aus der Wende des 7. und 8. Jahrhunderts | book |,2012:scriptum:diekamp-1981 ISBN 3-402-03450-6 Diekamp, Franz, Phanourgakēs, Vasileios D, and Chrysos, Euangelos K. Doctrina patrum de incarnatione verbi: Ein griechisches Florilegium aus der Wende des 7. und 8. Jahrhunderts . Münster in Westfalen: Aschendorff, 1981. Edition of the Skemmata, 244–267; twelve chapters of that assigned (250, 254, 257, 258, 261, 263) by Casiday to a separate work without CPG no., Definitions. -jk | ||||
1981 | Bacht Sudbrack | Evagrius Ponticus und Pachomius von Tabennesi: Das Vermächtnis des Ursprungs | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:bacht-1981 Bacht, Heinrich. “Evagrius Ponticus und Pachomius von Tabennesi: Das Vermächtnis des Ursprungs.” In Zeugen Christlicher Gotteserfahrung . Edited by Josef Sudbrack, pp. 34–63. Mainz: Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag, 1981. German trans. of selected primary texts appended. Collection of lectures read at Rabanus Maurus-Akademie in winter-semester 1979. -jk | ||||
1980-1981 | Guillaumont | [Dans] Christianismes Orientaux | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1980a Guillaumont, Antoine. “[Dans] Christianismes Orientaux.” Annuaire de l'école pratique des hautes études, Ve section, Sciences Religieuses 89 (1980–1981): 471–72. Abstract: Présentation du corpus des "Epistulae LXII" d'Évagre le Pontique conservé en syriaque. Les destinataires. -cat | ||||
1980-1981 | Guillaumont | La métaphysique évagrienne | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1980b Guillaumont, Antoine. “La métaphysique évagrienne.” Annuaire du Collège de France 81 (1980–1981): 407–11. | ||||
1980 | Lienhard | On 'Discernment of Spirits' in the Early Church | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:lienhard-1980 Lienhard, Joseph T. “On 'Discernment of Spirits' in the Early Church.” Theological Studies 41 (1980): 505–29. | ||||
1980 | Guillaumont | Le problème de la priere continuelle dans le monachisme ancien | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1980c Guillaumont, Antoine. “Le problème de la priere continuelle dans le monachisme ancien.” In L'expérience de la prière dans les grandes religions: Actes du colloque de Louvain-la-Neuve et Liège (22–23 novembre 1978) . Homo religiosus 5. Louvain-la-Neuve: Centre d'histoire des religions, 1980. Treats the texts 1 Thess 5:17, 3:8; Luke 18:1. Discussion follows, on 293-94. -jk | ||||
1980 | Vadakkekara | Evagrius on Prayer | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:vadakkekara-1980 Vadakkekara, C. M. “Evagrius on Prayer.” In Prayer and Contemplation , pp. 27–55. Studies in Christian and Hindu Spirituality 1. Bangalore: Asirvanam Benedictine Monastery, 1980. The author points out similarities between Evagrius and Indian Sutras, noting, for instance, the similarity between his sentences and the "Sataka way of arranging verses." After summarizing the basics of Evagrius's theology, the author declines any attempt to compare the worldview of Evagrius and that of Indian spirituality. He suggests rather that there are comparisons to be made in other areas, such as prayer and contemplation: a common insistence on perseverence, discrimination, and detachment. Instead of pressing the analogy further, the author argues that Indian Christians should simply develop their own way of prayer. -jk | ||||
1980 | Watt | Philoxenus and the Old Syriac Version of Evagrius' <i>Centuries</i> | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:watt-1980 Watt, John W. “Philoxenus and the Old Syriac Version of Evagrius' Centuries.” Oriens Christianus 64 (1980): 65–81. "The first Syriac writer known to us to have been influenced by Evagrius was Philoxenus of Mabbug, who died in 523. In a letter attributed to Philoxenus, the authenticity of which, however, is open to question, the writer revealed that he had made a "pussaqa" (i.e., a translation or commentary) of the "Centuries." Guillaumont therefore put forward the hypothesis that Philoxenus was the author of S1. A question thus presents itself: Did Philoxenus know the "Centuries," and if so in which edition, the authentic or the expurgated?" (pp. 65-66) -cat | ||||
1979-1980 | Guillaumont | La vie gnostique selon Évagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1979c Guillaumont, Antoine. “La vie gnostique selon Évagre le Pontique.” Annuaire du Collège de France 80 (1979–1980): 467–70. | ||||
1979-1980 | Paramelle | Les <i>chapitres des disciples d'Évagre</i> | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:paramelle-1979 Paramelle, J. “Les chapitres des disciples d'Évagre.” Annuaire de l'école pratique des hautes études, Ve section, Sciences Religieuses 88 (1979–1980): 348–85. | ||||
1979- | Nicodemus the Hagiorite Makarios, Metropolitan of Corinth | The Philokalia: The Complete Text | book |,2012:scriptum:philokalia-1979 ISBN 0-571-11377-X Nicodemus the Hagiorite and Makarios, Metropolitan of Corinth. The Philokalia: The Complete Text . Translated by G. E. H. Palmer, Philip Sherrard, and Kallistos, Bishop of Diokleia. Edited by Nicodemus the Hagiorite and Makarios, Metropolitan of Corinth. London: Faber and Faber, 1979–. See vol. 1 for Outline Teaching on Asceticism and Stillness in the Solitary Life; Texts on Discrimination in Respect of Passions and Thoughts; Extracts from the Texts on Watchfulness; On Prayer: 153 Texts. -jk | ||||
1979 | Géhin | Un nouvel inédit d'Évagre le Pontique: son commentaire de l'Ecclésiaste | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:géhin-1979 Géhin, Paul. “Un nouvel inédit d'Évagre le Pontique: son commentaire de l'Ecclésiaste.” Byzantion 49 (1979): 188–98. For a contrary view on the genuineness of these fragments, see Labate. -jk | ||||
1979 | Guillaumont | La travail manuel dans le monachisme ancien: Contestation et valorisation | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1979b Guillaumont, Antoine. “La travail manuel dans le monachisme ancien: Contestation et valorisation.” In Aux origines du monachisme chrétien: Pour une phénoménologie du monachisme , pp. 118–126. Spiritualité orientale 30. Bégrolles en Mauges, Maine-et-Loire: Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1979. Alt. series name: Collection Spiritualité orientale et vie monastique. Volume contains previously published articles, 1967-1978. -pub | ||||
1979 | Guillaumont | Aux origines du monachisme chrétien: Pour une phénoménologie du monachisme | book |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1979 ISBN 2-85589-030-6 Guillaumont, Antoine. Aux origines du monachisme chrétien: Pour une phénoménologie du monachisme . Spiritualité orientale 30. Bégrolles en Mauges, Maine-et-Loire: Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1979. See pp. 185-212 for reprint of 1972 article. -jk | ||||
1979 | Beyschlag | Was heißt mystische Erfahrung: Entwickelt an den Beispielen Euagrios Pontikos und Symeon, dem Neuen Theologen | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:beyschlag-1979 Beyschlag, Karlmann. “Was heißt mystische Erfahrung: Entwickelt an den Beispielen Euagrios Pontikos und Symeon, dem Neuen Theologen.” In Evangelium als Schicksal: Fünf Studien zur Geschichte der alten Kirche , pp. 113–34. Munich: Claudius-Verlag, 1979. Previously published in Bethel: Beiträge aus der Arbeit der v Bodelschwinghschen Anstalten in Bielefeld-Bethel 19 (1978): 41-62. -pub | ||||
1979 | Ousley | Evagrius' Theology of Prayer and the Spiritual Life | thesis |,2012:scriptum:ousley-1979 Ousley, David Alan. “Evagrius' Theology of Prayer and the Spiritual Life.” PhD dissertation. University of Chicago, 1979. | ||||
1979 | Blum | Vereinigung und Vermischung: Zwei grundmotive christlich-orientalischer Mystik | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:blum-1979 Blum, Georg Günter. “Vereinigung und Vermischung: Zwei grundmotive christlich-orientalischer Mystik.” Oriens Christianus 63 (1979): 41–60. "Allerdings gehört eine Geschichte ostchristlicher Mystik zu jenen Desideraten, die bei realistischer Einschätzung des gegenwärtigen Forschungsstandes und der vorhandenen Forschungskapazität nicht kurzfristig in den nächsten Jahren erfüllt werden können. Es soll deshalb hier eine Art von Vorarbeit versucht werden, indem die Traditions- und Wirkungsgeschichte von zwei sich über 8 Jahrhunderte durchhaltenden Motiven christlich-orientalischer Mystik verfolgt wird. Dabei ist es angebracht, vom Endstadium auszugehen, von dem sich im Rückblick der Ursprung und die prägenden Kräfte der gesamten Entwicklung erschließen." (p. 41) -cat | ||||
1979 | Weitzmann | The Miniatures of the Sacra Parallela, Parisinus Graecus 923 | book |,2012:scriptum:weitzmann-1979 ISBN 0-691-03940-2 Weitzmann, Kurt. The Miniatures of the Sacra Parallela, Parisinus Graecus 923 . Studies in manuscript illumination 8. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1979. Reproduces minature images of Evagrius, rare in Greek MSS. -jk | ||||
1978-1979 | Hadot | Centre d'études des religions du livre. Laboratoire associé au C.N.R.S. No 152 | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hadot-1978 Hadot, Pierre. “Centre d'études des religions du livre. Laboratoire associé au C.N.R.S. No 152.” Annuaire de l'école pratique des hautes études, Ve section, Sciences Religieuses 87 (1978–1979): 441–60. Pp. 452-53 has an update on the work of the Guillaumonts on Evagrius. -jk | ||||
1978-1979 | Guillaumont | L'ascèse évagrienne | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1978 Guillaumont, Antoine. “L'ascèse évagrienne.” Annuaire du Collège de France 79 (1978–1979): 395–99. | ||||
1978 | Labate | L'esegesi di Evagrio al libro dell'Ecclesiaste | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:labate-1978 Labate, Antonio. “L'esegesi di Evagrio al libro dell'Ecclesiaste.” In Studi in onore di Anthos Ardizzoni , pp. 483–490. Filologia e critica 25. Rome: Edizioni dell'Ateneo & Bizzarri, 1978. | ||||
1977-1978 | Gouillard | Contemplation et imagerie sacrée dans le Christianisme Byzantin | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:gouillard-1977 Gouillard, Jean. “Contemplation et imagerie sacrée dans le Christianisme Byzantin.” Annuaire de l'école pratique des hautes études, Ve section, Sciences Religieuses 86 (1977–1978): 27–50. Contrairement à un avis assez répandu "l'icône est moins consubstantielle à l'orthodoxie...dans la théologie officielle et dans la religion communautaire." Il en est de même des milieux monastiques de souche intellectualiste évagrienne, pour qui la prière pure est la prière par excellence, car ils sont hostiles, à toute démarche imaginative. Analyse des affinités de la théologie iconomaque avec l'idéal de la prière pure; analyse de l'influence de la multiplication des icônes; examen de témoignages des XI-XIIe s. et XIVe s. (hésychasme). (p. 29) -cat | ||||
1977-1978 | Guillaumont | Les fondements de la vie monastique selon Évagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1977c Guillaumont, Antoine. “Les fondements de la vie monastique selon Évagre le Pontique.” Annuaire du Collège de France 78 (1977–1978): 467–77. | ||||
1977- | Guillaumont | Evagrius Ponticus: Leben, Werk, Nachwirkung, Quellen/Literatur | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1977a Guillaumont, Antoine. “Evagrius Ponticus: Leben, Werk, Nachwirkung, Quellen/Literatur.” In Theologische Realenzyklopädie , pp. 565–570. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1977–. | ||||
1977 | Leanza | Le catene esegetiche sull'Ecclesiaste | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:leanza-1977 Leanza, Sandro. “Le catene esegetiche sull'Ecclesiaste.” Augustinianum 17 (1977): 545–52. | ||||
1977 | Guillaumont | Les visions mystiques dans la monachisme oriental Chrétien | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1977d Guillaumont, Antoine. “Les visions mystiques dans la monachisme oriental Chrétien.” In Colloque sur les visions mystiques: [a L'occasion Du] 3e centenaire des visions de Marguerite-Marie Alacoque , pp. 116–127. Nouvelles Institut Catholique de Paris 1. Paris: Institut catholique, 1977. Article appears in volume organized by the Secretariat d'Etat a la Culture (Delegation Generale aux Celebrations Nationales) and held at the Institut Catholique de Paris on 17 and 18 March 1976. -cat | ||||
1977 | Guillaumont | Histoire des moines aux Kellia | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1977b Guillaumont, Antoine. “Histoire des moines aux Kellia.” Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica 8 (1977): 187–203. | ||||
1977 | Bacht | Agrypnia: Die Motive des Schlafentzuges im frühen Mönchtum | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:bacht-1977 Bacht, Heinrich. “Agrypnia: Die Motive des Schlafentzuges im frühen Mönchtum.” In Bibliothek, Buch, Geschichte: Kurt Köster zum 65. Geburtstag , pp. 353–69. Sonderveröffentlichungen der Deutschen Bibliothek 5. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1977. | ||||
1976 | Regnault | Les Sentences des Pères du désert: Troisième recueil & tables | book |,2012:scriptum:regnault-1976 ISBN 2-85274-016-8 Regnault, Lucien. Les Sentences des Pères du désert: Troisième recueil & tables . Sablé-sur-Sarthe: Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes, 1976. | ||||
1976 | Contreras | Evagrio Póntico: Su vida, su obra, su doctrina | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:contreras-1976 Contreras, E. “Evagrio Póntico: Su vida, su obra, su doctrina.” Cuadernos Monásticos 11 (1976): 83–95. | ||||
1976 | Daley, S.J. | The Origenism of Leontius of Byzantium | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:daley-1976 Daley, S.J, Brian E. “The Origenism of Leontius of Byzantium.” The Journal of Theological Studies n.s, 27 (1976): 333–69. From pp. 336-37: "I believe the thesis that Leontius was theologically an Origenist remains unproved and thoroughly dubious. Why this is so, and how one can then continue to identify Leontius the theologian with Cyril's 'Leontius of Byzantium' will be the subject of this article." -pub | ||||
1976 | Durand | Évagre le Pontique et le <i>Dialogue Sur la Vie de Saint Jean Chrysostome</i> | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:durand-1976 Durand, Georges-Matthieu de. “Évagre le Pontique et le Dialogue Sur la Vie de Saint Jean Chrysostome.” Bulletin de Littérature Ecclésiastique 77 (1976): 191–206. C'est dans le domaine éthico-psychologique "que peuvent se situer les contacts les plus nombreux entre Palladius et Évagre." "Le 'dialogue' ['Dialogus de uita Iohannis Chrysostomi'] n'est peut-être pas une oeuvre écrite tout entière dans l'esprit d'Évagre...mais il a nettement subi l'influence du maître Pontique, ou à tout le moins des aspects moraux et psychologiques de son système." (pp. 192; 205-6) -cat | ||||
1976 | Wathen | Methodological Considerations of the Sources of the <i>Regula Benedicti</i> as Instruments of Historical Interpretations | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:wathen-1976 Wathen, Ambrose. “Methodological Considerations of the Sources of the Regula Benedicti as Instruments of Historical Interpretations.” Regulae Benedicti Studia. Annuarium Internationale 5 (1976): 101–17. Les diverses sources à la lumière desquelles nous lisons la "Regula Benedicti" conditionnent largement l'interprétation que nous en faisons. de même en est-il de notre propre expérience. "In conclusion then, I am saying that the experience of today is an essential tool for the understanding of the RB, for this historical moment gives us a clue on how to discern the use of sources by the RB, for it challenges our presuppositions and predetermined selection of these sources, a selection that may not be the same as the selection of the author of the RB." Treats monastic sources in general in the 4th to 6th centuries. (p. 117) -cat | ||||
1975-1976 | Guillaumont | Fragments syriaques des <i>Disciples d'Évagre</i> | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1975b Guillaumont, Antoine. “Fragments syriaques des Disciples d'Évagre.” Parole de l'Orient 6–7 (1975–1976): 115–23. Syriac fragments of the so-called Disciples of Evagrius. Of the eight chapters, two agree with the Greek. Journal issue also titled Mélanges offerts au R. P. François Graffin, S.J. -jk Syriac edition of CPG 2483 | ||||
1975-1976 | Paramelle | Chapitres des disciples d'Évagre dans un manuscrit grec du Musée Bénaki d'Athènes | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:paramelle-1975 Paramelle, J. “Chapitres des disciples d'Évagre dans un manuscrit grec du Musée Bénaki d'Athènes.” Parole de l'Orient 6–7 (1975–1976): 101–113. Journal issue also titled Mélanges offerts au R. P. François Graffin, S.J. -cat | ||||
1975 | Lynch | Leontius of Byzantium: A Cyrillian Christology | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:lynch-1975 Lynch, John J. “Leontius of Byzantium: A Cyrillian Christology.” Theological Studies 36 (1975): 455–71. The article "is a closely argued historical study that takes issue with David Beecher Evans' claim that Leontius' Christology was totally unorthodox, in the tradition of Origen and the Origenist Evagrius of Pontus," and concludes that in modern terminology Christ is, for Leontius, one person. (p. 399) -cat | ||||
1975 | Guillaumont | Le problème des deux Macaire dans les <i>Apophthegmata patrum</i> | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1975c Guillaumont, Antoine. “Le problème des deux Macaire dans les Apophthegmata patrum.” Irénikon 48 (1975): 41–59. "Method to disentangle the appearances of the Sayings which under the name of Macarius belong to one of the two Elders who carry this name in the collections. In order to do this the author bases himself on the historical sources which are available to us for each one of them, among them Evagrius, which help to take away the doubts originated from the confrontations between the recensions of the Historia Monachorum in Aegypto and the Lausiac History, and the Coptic dossier published by Amélineau which comprises Sayings, the Virtues of Saint Macarius and a Life of saint Macarius, father of the monks of Scete." (p. 63) -cat | ||||
1975 | Guillaumont | Conception du désert chez les moines d'Egypte | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1975a Guillaumont, Antoine. “Conception du désert chez les moines d'Egypte.” Revue de l'Histoire des Religions 188 (1975): 3–21. | ||||
1975 | Turner | Evagrius Ponticus, Teacher of Prayer | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:turner-1975 Turner, Henry J M. “Evagrius Ponticus, Teacher of Prayer.” Eastern Churches Review 7, no. 2 (1975): 145–48. | ||||
1974- | Geerard Glorie | Clavis Patrum Graecorum | book |,2012:scriptum:geerard-glorie-1974 ISBN 2-503-05061-1 Geerard, Maurice and Glorie, François. Clavis Patrum Graecorum . Corpus Christianorum. Turnhout: Brepols, 1974–. For complete list of all of Evagrius's works see 2:78–97 and the supplement, s.v. -jk | ||||
1974 | Louf | L'acédie chez Évagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:louf-1974 Louf, André. “L'acédie chez Évagre le Pontique.” Concilium (F) 99 (1974): 113–17. | ||||
1974 | Harb | Les origines de la doctrine de la 'La-hasusuta' (apatheia) chez Philoxène de Mabbug | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:harb-1974 Harb, Paul. “Les origines de la doctrine de la 'La-hasusuta' (apatheia) chez Philoxène de Mabbug.” Parole de l'Orient 5 (1974): 227–41. La doctrine de la "la-hasusuta" a comme source immédiate la doctrine de l'"apatheia" d'Évagre le Pontique. Sources de Philoxène et d'Évagre. -cat | ||||
1974 | Guillaumont | La prière de Jésus chez les moines d'Égypte | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1974c Guillaumont, Antoine. “La prière de Jésus chez les moines d'Égypte.” Eastern Churches Review 6 (1974): 66–71. | ||||
1974 | Guillaumont | Jesus Prayer among the Monks of Egypt | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1974a Guillaumont, Antoine. “Jesus Prayer among the Monks of Egypt.” Eastern Churches Review 6 (1974): 66–71. | ||||
1974 | Blum | Modernismus in der Spätantike | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:blum-1974 Blum, Wilhelm. “Modernismus in der Spätantike.” In Der Modernismus: Beiträge zu seiner Erforschung , pp. 107–24. Graz, Vienna, and Köln: Verl. Styria, 1974. | ||||
1974 | Otto | Esoterik und individualistische Gnosis: Der mönchische Platonismus des Euagrios Pontikos | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:otto-1974 Otto, Stephan. “Esoterik und individualistische Gnosis: Der mönchische Platonismus des Euagrios Pontikos.” In Die Antike im Umbruch: Politisches Denken zwischen hellenistischer Tradition und christlicher Offenbarung bis zur Reichstheologie Justinians , pp. 65–81. Munich: Lit Verlag, 1974. | ||||
1974 | Conio | Theory and Practice in Evagrius Ponticus | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:conio-1974 Conio, Caterina. “Theory and Practice in Evagrius Ponticus.” In Philosophy, Theory and Practice: Proceedings of the International Seminar on World Philosophy, Madras, December 7–17, 1970 , pp. 49–62. Madras: Centre for Advanced Study in Philosophy, University of Madras, 1974. International Seminar on World Philosophy. Comparison of Evagrius's teachings with those of the Upanishads. A discussion follows, pp. 60-62. -jk | ||||
1973 | Hunt | Palladius of Helenopolis: a Party and Its Supporters in the Church of the Late Fourth Century | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hunt-1973 Hunt, E. D. “Palladius of Helenopolis: a Party and Its Supporters in the Church of the Late Fourth Century.” Journal of Theological Studies n.s, 24 (1973): 456–80. | ||||
1973 | Colless | The Mysticism of John Saba | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:colless-1973 Colless, Brian E. “The Mysticism of John Saba.” Orientalia Christiana Periodica 39 (1973): 83–102. "The sources used by John Saba in composing his Discourses. We shall look at a number of themes and symbols in the Discourses which are traceable to earlier ascetics." (p. 83) -cat | ||||
1973 | Weijenborg | L’origine evagriana dei “Discorsi Teologici III, IV, V (Discorsi XXIX, XXX, XXXI)”, attríbuiti a Gregorio di Nazianzo | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:weijenborg-1973 Weijenborg, R. “L’origine evagriana dei “Discorsi Teologici III, IV, V (Discorsi XXIX, XXX, XXXI)”, attríbuiti a Gregorio di Nazianzo.” Augustinianum 13, no. 3 (1973): 551–565. | ||||
1973 | Vogüé | L'anecdote Pachômienne du 'Vaticanus Graecus' 2091. Son origine et ses sources | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:vogüé-1973 Vogüé, Adalbert de. “L'anecdote Pachômienne du 'Vaticanus Graecus' 2091. Son origine et ses sources.” Revue d'Histoire de la Spiritualité 49 (1973): 401–19. "L'anecdote pachômienne du "Vaticanus graecus" 2091 Son origine [sa datation] et ses sources." "En lisant le récent ouvrage de F. Ruppert sur l'obéissance dans le monachisme pachômien, notre attention a été attirée par une belle anecdote, que l'auteur cite pour preuve et pour explication d'un principe de Pachôme: ne pas expulser les frères coupables. Il s'agit d'un morceau conservé dans le manuscrit [Vaticano (Città del), Biblio. apost. Vaticana, grec 2091, f. 9-10], où il s'insère à la fin du chapitre 7 de [l'"Historia Lausiaca" (BHG 1435-38v) de Pallade d'Hélénopolis]. Édité pour la premièrefois par R. Draguet il y a une quinzaine d'années, il est 'apparié à un texte d'Évagre en partie inconnu,' pour reprendre l'expression de son éditeur. Avant tout commentaire, il nous paraît indispensable de donner une traduction [française] de cet ensemble. Pour le morceau pachômien, nous reproduisons la division de R. Draguet en six paragraphes, et nous ajoutons sous le no 7 le texte d'Évagre qui le suit." (p. 401) -cat | ||||
1972 | Puech | [Dans] Bulletin de la Société Ernest-Renan | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:puech-1972 Puech, H-Ch. “[Dans] Bulletin de la Société Ernest-Renan.” Revue de l'Histoire des Religions 181 (1972): 118–20. Digest of A Guillaumont's address, "Un philosophe au désert: Évagre le Pontique" -jk | ||||
1972 | Lossky | The Problem of the Vision Face to Face and Byzantine Patristic Tradition | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:lossky-1972 Lossky, Vladimir. “The Problem of the Vision Face to Face and Byzantine Patristic Tradition.” The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 17 (1972): 231–54. "I shall allow myself to retrace briefly the more salient moments of this long controversy by theologians concerning the vision of God in the patristic tradition. We shall then seek to determine among certain Greek Fathers some doctrinal traits which might characterize theological conceptions of the face to face vision, where the moment of the knowledge of God [katousian] does not intervene." (pp. 231-32) -cat | ||||
1972 | Leroux | Jean Chrysostome et la querelle Origéniste | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:leroux-1972 Leroux, Jean M. “Jean Chrysostome et la querelle Origéniste.” In Epektasis: Mélanges patristiques offerts au cardinal Jean Danielou , pp. 335–341. Paris: Beauchesne, 1972. | ||||
1972 | Ḳaṭraya Draguet | Commentaire du livre d'abba Isaïe (logoi I-XV) | book |,2012:scriptum:ḳaṭraya-draguet-1972 Ḳaṭraya, Dadishoʻ and Draguet, René. Commentaire du livre d'abba Isaïe (logoi I-XV) . Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium. Scriptores Syri 144–145. 326–327. Louvain,: Secrétariat du CSCO, 1972. Syriac text and French translation of Pushaḳa de-memre de-ketaba de-Abba Ishaʻya.ʾ Vol. 1 contains the Syriac text, v. 2 the translation. Syriac fragments of Evagrius at p. 256. -jk Syriac edition of CPG 2481.1 | ||||
1972 | Guillaumont | Un philosophe au désert: Évagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1972 Guillaumont, Antoine. “Un philosophe au désert: Évagre le Pontique.” Revue de l'Histoire des Religions 181 (1972): 29–56. "Évagre, originaire du Pont, a composé au désert des Kellia, en Egypte, où il a vécu à la fin du quatrième siècle, une oeuvre qui a exercé une influence profonde sur le développement de l'ascèse chrétienne, en Orient plus encore qu'en Occident. Cette oeuvre, conservée en partie seulement en grec, la langue originale, et surtout par des versions orientales, reste d'un accès difficile. Une synthèse est ici présentée qui s'en tient aux grandes lignes de la doctrine et qui cherche surtout à dégager les articulations existant entre les principaux éléments doctrinaux: la "practikè", qui comprend l'ensemble des exercices ascétiques auxquels le moine se livre dans la solitude. la "gnostikè" dont le point culminant est la "théologikè". Cette doctrine spirituelle se situe dans un système plus vaste qui comprend une cosmologie et une eschatologie, et l'on envisage, à la fin, comment se pose le problème d'une mystique évagrienne." (p. 29) Reprinted in 1979. -cat | ||||
1971 | Harl | Y a-t-il une influence du "Grec biblique" sur la langue spirituelle des Chrétiens? Exemples tirés du Psaume 118 et de ses commentateurs d'Origène à Théodoret | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:harl-1971 Harl, Marguerite. “Y a-t-il une influence du "Grec biblique" sur la langue spirituelle des Chrétiens? Exemples tirés du Psaume 118 et de ses commentateurs d'Origène à Théodoret.” In La Bible et les Pères, colloque de Strasbourg , pp. 243–262. Bibliothèque des centres d'études supérieures spécialisés; Travaux du Centre d'études supérieures spécialisé d'histoire des religions de Strasbourg. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1971. | ||||
1971 | Evagrius Ponticus Guillaumont Guillaumont | Traité pratique, ou, Le moine | book |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1971 Evagrius Ponticus, Guillaumont, Claire, and Guillaumont, Antoine. Traité pratique, ou, Le moine . Sources chrétiennes 170–171. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1971. Contents: vol. 1. Introduction; vol. 2. critical edition with facing French translation, along with commentary and tables. Reviewed: M. Nin, Studia Monastica 40, no. 2 (1998): 396. Jean-Michel Hornus, Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses 55 (1975): 297-301. Pierre Courcelle, Revue des Études Anciennes 74 (1972): 334; 336-42. Courcelle's review suggests, among other things, emendations to the Guillaumonts' text. -jk JK NEHGreek edition of CPG 2430 French translation of CPG 2430 | ||||
1970 | Raasch | The Monastic Concept of Purity of Heart and its Sources. [Part 5] Symeon-Macarius, the School of Evagrius Ponticus, and the Apophthegmata Patrum | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:raasch-1970 Raasch, Juana. “The Monastic Concept of Purity of Heart and its Sources. [Part 5] Symeon-Macarius, the School of Evagrius Ponticus, and the Apophthegmata Patrum.” Studia Monastica 12 (1970): 7–41. | ||||
1970 | Evans | Leontius of Byzantium: An Origenist Christology. | book |,2012:scriptum:evans-1970 Evans, David Beecher. Leontius of Byzantium: An Origenist Christology. . Dumbarton Oaks Studies 13. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 1970. Leontius's Origenistic Christology explained in relation to Evagrius. Expanded version of the author's thesis, Harvard Divinity School, 1966. Reviewed: André de Halleux, Le Muséon. Revue d'Études Orientales 84 (1971): 553-60. -jk | ||||
1970 | Evagrius Ponticus | The Praktikos: Chapters on Prayer | book |,2012:scriptum:bamberger-1970 ISBN 0-87907-804-9 Evagrius Ponticus. The Praktikos: Chapters on Prayer . Translated by John Eudes Bamberger. Cistercian Studies Series 4. Spencer, Mass.: Cistercian Publications, 1970. Translations of Praktikos and On Prayer, with extensive introductions. -jk | ||||
1970 | Dempf | Evagrios Pontikos als Metaphysiker und Mystiker | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:dempf-1970 Dempf, Alois. “Evagrios Pontikos als Metaphysiker und Mystiker.” Philosophisches-Jahrbuch 77 (1970): 297–319. | ||||
1970 | Richard | Le traité sur les hérésies de Georges hiéromoine | journalArticle | Richard, Marcel. “Le traité sur les hérésies de Georges hiéromoine.” Revue des études byzantines 28 (1970): 239–269. persee.frCritical edition of On Heresies by Hieromonk George, early 7th c. In this text, chapter 9, on Origen, provides an independent account that independently parallels the anathemas of 543 and 553. -jk | ||||
1969 | Harb Khouri-Sarkis | L'Attitude de Philoxène de Mabboug à l'égard de la spiritualité "savante" d'Évagre le Pontique | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:harb-khouri-sarkis-1969 Harb, Paul and Khouri-Sarkis, Gabriel. “L'Attitude de Philoxène de Mabboug à l'égard de la spiritualité "savante" d'Évagre le Pontique.” In Mémorial Mgr Gabriel Khouri-Sarkis, 1898–1968, fondateur et directeur de l'Orient syrien, 1956–1967: Revue d'étude et de recherches sur les églises de langue syriaque , pp. 135–155. Louvain: Impr. orientaliste, 1969. | ||||
1969 | Weijenborg | Is Evagrius Ponticus the Author of the Longer Recension of the Ignatian Letters? | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:weijenborg-1969 Weijenborg, Reinoud. “Is Evagrius Ponticus the Author of the Longer Recension of the Ignatian Letters?.” Antonianum 44 (1969): 339–47. Enquête historique pour prouver qu'Évagre le Pontique est l'auteur de la recension longue des "Lettres" d'Ignace d'Antioche. Évagre le Pontique est identifié à Évagre d'Antioche et à Maxime Héron et mis en rapport avec Grégoire de Nazianze. -cat | ||||
1968-1969 | Guillaumont | Le dépaysement comme forme d'ascèse dans le monachisme ancien | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1968a Guillaumont, Antoine. “Le dépaysement comme forme d'ascèse dans le monachisme ancien.” Annuaire de l'école pratique des hautes études, Ve section, Sciences Religieuses 76 (1968–1969): 31–58. | ||||
1968 | Levasti | Il più grande mistico del deserto: Evagrio il Pontico (m. 399) | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:levasti-1968 Levasti, Arrigo. “Il più grande mistico del deserto: Evagrio il Pontico (m. 399).” Rivista di Ascetica e Mistica 13 (1968): 242–64. Évagre le Pontique. Vie, oeuvres, doctrine spirituelle (ascèse, mystique, prière, connaissance, contemplation). -pub | ||||
1968 | Guillaumont | Une inscription Copte sur la 'Prière de Jésus' | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1968b Guillaumont, Antoine. “Une inscription Copte sur la 'Prière de Jésus'.” Orientalia Christiana Periodica 34 (1968): 310–25. | ||||
1968 | Bamberger | Evagrius Ponticus: The <i>Praktikos</i>and <i>Chapters on Prayer</i> | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:bamberger-1968 Bamberger, John Eudes. “Evagrius Ponticus: The Praktikosand Chapters on Prayer.” Cistercian Studies Quarterly 3, no. 2 (1968): 137–46. | ||||
1968 | Chadwick | John Cassian | book |,2012:scriptum:chadwick-1968 ISBN 0-521-04607-6 Chadwick, Owen. John Cassian . London: Cambridge University Press, 1968. | ||||
1967 | Miquel | L'appel à l'expérience chez quelques auteurs de la <i>Philocalie</i> | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:miquel-1967 Miquel, Pierre. “L'appel à l'expérience chez quelques auteurs de la Philocalie.” Irénikon 40 (1967): 354–76. L'expérience spirituelle chez quelques auteurs de la "Philocalie" principalement chez Jean Climaque, Isaac de Ninive et Diadoque de Photicé. Etude du mot peira. | ||||
1966 | Regnault Dion Oury | Les Sentences des Pères du désert, les apophtegmes des Pères (recension de Pélage et Jean) | book |,2012:scriptum:regnault-dion-oury-1966 Regnault, Lucien, Dion, Jean, and Oury, Guy Marie. Les Sentences des Pères du désert, les apophtegmes des Pères (recension de Pélage et Jean) . Solesmes: Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes, 1966. | ||||
1966 | Lackner | Zur profanen Bildung des Euagrios Pontikos | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:lackner-1966 Lackner, Wolfgang. “Zur profanen Bildung des Euagrios Pontikos.” In Hans Gerstinger: Festgabe zum 80. Geburtstag; Arbeiten aus dem Grazer Schülerkreis , pp. 17–29. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanatalt, 1966. Lackner surveys the evidence for Evagrius’ secular education in grammar, rhetoric, and philosophy. Evidence from Palladius and the Historia Monachorum suggest that Evagrius had at least a basic education before he came under the influence of the Cappadocians. That he was accomplished in rhetoric is suggested by his being recommended to Nectarius as a dialectician after the departure of Gregory Nazianzus from Constantinople and by his supposed debates with philosophers in Alexandria. More concretely, one can see Evagrius’ rhetorical education appear in the letters, where he uses tropes common during the second sophistic. Of Evagrius’ philosophical education, Lackner finds even more direct evidence. He focuses on allusions to Porphyry’s Isagoge and Aristotle’s Categories in the KG. Though he does not wish to decide definitively whether Evagrius’ allusions came directly from a reading of philosophical texts or not, he is relatively sure that Evagrius read the Isagoge. --CSV | ||||
1966 | Dalmais | L'héritage Évagrien dans la synthèse de Saint Maxime le Confesseur | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:dalmais-1966 Dalmais, Irénée-Henri. “L'héritage Évagrien dans la synthèse de Saint Maxime le Confesseur.” Texte und Untersuchungen 93 (1966): 356–62. | ||||
1965 | Canivet | Dorothée de Gaza est-il un disciple d'Évagre? (A propos d'une édition de ses oeuvres spirituelles) | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:canivet-1965 Canivet, Pierre. “Dorothée de Gaza est-il un disciple d'Évagre? (A propos d'une édition de ses oeuvres spirituelles).” Revue des Études Grecques 78 (1965): 336–46. Compte rendu de l'édition par L. Regnault et J. de Préville du Corpus des Oeuvres spirituelles de Dorothée de Gaza (Sources chrétiennes 92), particulièrement le "Doctrinae diuersae I-XVII" et la "Vita S. Dosithei". La vie de Dorothée et les circonstances entourant son départ du monastère de Séridos. -cat | ||||
1965 | Evagrius Ponticus Diadochus | In geest en Waarheid | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-1965 Evagrius Ponticus and Diadochus. In geest en Waarheid . Levensbronnen. Brugge [etc.]: Desclée de Brouwer, 1965. Translation of On Prayer and De oratione en Capita centum de perfectione spirituali (Diadochus). -jk Dutch translation of CPG 2452 | ||||
1965 | Balthasar | The Metaphysics and Mystical Theology of Evagrius | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:balthasar-1965 Balthasar, Hans Urs von. “The Metaphysics and Mystical Theology of Evagrius.” Monastic Studies 3 (1965): 183–195. Balthasar proceeds systematically through a highly compressed description of Evagrian mysticism, cosmology, eschatology, and metaphysics. First, he gives an account of the relationship of the divine to spirit (nous), and spirit’s relationship to body; next, he illustrates how spirit takes on different states and progresses through various stages (demonic, human, angelic), wherein Balthasar emphasizes the fluidity of everything except for spirit; and, finally he describes the way in which body and soul pass away and leave spirit alone with itself, in reflection of the divine unity. He comes to several striking conclusions in light of this account, namely, that the Evagrian teaching is closer to Buddhism than to Christianity, that Evagrius preserves only a husk of Cappadocian Trinitarianism, and that the essential features of historical Christianity—the priesthood, orthodoxy, love, faith, and the Eucharist—melt under his symbolic gaze. As to whether this quasi-Christian mysticism was a help or hindrance to those who took up Evagrius’ teachings after him, Balthasar prefers to remain silent. -CSV English translation of "Metaphyzik und Mystik des Evagrius Pontikus." -jk | ||||
1965 | Florovsky | Theophilus of Alexandria and Apa Aphou of Pemdje | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:florovsky-1965 Florovsky, Georges. “Theophilus of Alexandria and Apa Aphou of Pemdje.” In Harry Austryn Wolfson: Jubilee Volume on the Occasion of His Seventy-fifth Birthday , pp. 275–310. Jerusalem: [n.p.], 1965. Published with a subvention of the Alexander Kohut Memorial Foundation and the Lucius N. Littauer Foundation. Reprinted in Florovsky's Aspects of Church History (Belmont, 1975): 4:89-96, 289. -cat | ||||
1964-1975 | Spörri | Gnome | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:spörri-1964 Spörri, W. “Gnome.” In Der Kleine Pauly: Lexikon der Antike , pp. 822–829. Munich: Druckenmüller, 1964–1975. | ||||
1964 | Guillaumont | De l'eschatologie à la mystique: histoire d'une sentence d'Évagre | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1964 Guillaumont, Antoine. “De l'eschatologie à la mystique: histoire d'une sentence d'Évagre.” In Mémorial du cinquantenaire, 1914–1964. , pp. 187–192. Travaux de l'Institut catholique de Paris 10. Paris: Bloud & Gay, 1964. | ||||
1964 | Bacht | Pachomius und Evagrius | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:bacht-1964 Bacht, Heinrich. “Pachomius und Evagrius.” In Christentum am Nil , pp. 142–57. Recklinghausen: A. Bongers, 1964. | ||||
1964 | Daniélou | [Dans] Bulletin d'Histoire des Origines Chrétiennes | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:daniélou-1964 Daniélou, Jean. “[Dans] Bulletin d'Histoire des Origines Chrétiennes.” Recherches de Science Religieuse 52 (1964): 135–40. Les "Kephalaia gnostica" d'Évagre le Pontique. Situation d'Évagre dans l'ensemble des courants origénistes de la fin du IVe siècle. Les courants de l'origénisme à cette époque. Condamnations de l'origénisme par Justinien, au VIe siècle. -cat | ||||
1964 | Evagrius Ponticus Vitestam | Seconde partie du traité, qui passe sous le nom de "La grande lettre d'Évagre le Pontique à Mélanie l'Ancienne" | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-vitestam-1964 Evagrius Ponticus and Vitestam, Gösta. Seconde partie du traité, qui passe sous le nom de "La grande lettre d'Évagre le Pontique à Mélanie l'Ancienne" . Scripta minora regiae societatis humaniorum litterarum Lundensis 3. Lund: Gleerup, 1964. So-called Letter to Melania according to British Museum MS add. 17192. Includes Syriac text and French translation. First part of the letter was published in 1912 by W. Frankenberg. -jk Syriac edition of CPG 2438 | ||||
1964 | Lantschoot | Un opuscule inédit de F. C. Conybeare | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:lantschoot-1964 Lantschoot, Arnold van. “Un opuscule inédit de F. C. Conybeare.” Le Muséon. Revue d'Études Orientales 77 (1964): 121–35. Extract from Bibl. Apostolica Vat. Lat. 14625 of the corpus of letters (not the so-called Letter to Melania). -jk Armenian edition of CPG 2437 Latin translation of CPG 2437 | ||||
1963 | Refoulé | La mystique d'Évagre et l'Origénisme | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:refoulé-1963c Refoulé, François. “La mystique d'Évagre et l'Origénisme.” Supplément de la Vie Spirituelle 66 (1963): 453–63. Abstract: "Il est aujourd'hui certain qu'Évagre est un témoin et, dans une certaine mesure sans doute, un produit de l'origénisme qui fut condamné en 400, et que ce fut son oeuvre qui, de façon prépondérante, inspira l'origénisme des moines palestiniens du VIe siècle. La thèse magistrale du professeur Guillaumont établit de façon péremptoire cette double affirmation. Nous-même, tout à fait indépendamment, sommes parvenu exactement aux mêmes conclusions." (p. 457) -pub | ||||
1963 | Refoulé | Immortalité de l'âme et résurrection de la chair | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:refoulé-1963b Refoulé, François. “Immortalité de l'âme et résurrection de la chair.” Revue de l'Histoire des Religions 163 (1963): 11–52. "Les conflits qui s'élevèrent dans l'église ancienne à propos de la résurrection de la chair et de l'immortalité de l'âme manifestèrent, croyons-nous, l'incompatibilité avec la foi tant de l'anthropologie platonicienne [représentée par l'origénisme d'Évagre] que de l'anthropologie sémitique ["à propos des discussions d'Origène avec les Thnètoppsychites et Héraclide, Origène prenant dans la même controverse ses distances à l'égard du platonisme"] et donnèrent ainsi naissance à une anthropologie chrétienne originale." (pp. 14-15; complété par Crouzel, p. 533) -cat | ||||
1963 | Refoulé | Évagre fut-il Origéniste | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:refoulé-1963a Refoulé, François. “Évagre fut-il Origéniste.” Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Théologiques 47 (1963): 398–402. | ||||
1963 | Krüger | Das Geheimnis der Taufe in den Werken Babai dem Großen | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:krüger-1963 Krüger, Paul. “Das Geheimnis der Taufe in den Werken Babai dem Großen.” Oriens Christianus 47 (1963): 98–110. Reprinted Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1992. Deals with the baptism of Christ and the baptism of humans. Baptism has, according to Babai, two effects, a negative and a positive. the negative clears away the sinful, the positive communicates different talents and gifts. -jk | ||||
1963 | Dorotheus of Gaza Regnault Préville | Oeuvres spirituelles | book |,2012:scriptum:regnault-1963 Dorotheus of Gaza. Oeuvres spirituelles . Edited by Lucien Regnault and J. de Préville. Sources chrétiennes 92. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1963. Contains a Greek fragment of KG IV.76: Ἔλεγε καὶ Εὐάγριος ὅτι ἐμπαθής τις ὢν καὶ προσευχόμενος ταχυτέραν αὐτῷ γενέσθαι τὴν ἔξοδον, ἔοικεν ἀνθρώπῳ παρακαλοῦντι τὸν τέκτονα ταχέως συντρίψαι τὴν κλίνην τοῦ ἀσθενοῦντος. Διὰ γὰρ τοῦ σώματος τούτου περισπᾶται ἡ ψυχὴ ἀπὸ τῶν παθῶν αὐτῆς καὶ παρακαλεῖται· Greek edition of CPG 2432 | ||||
1963 | Muyldermans | Euagriana coptica | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1963 Muyldermans, Joseph. “Euagriana coptica.” Le Muséon. Revue d'Études Orientales 76 (1963): 271–76. Réunion de "Fragmenta uaria" ("Fragmenta coptica") du Pseudo-Évagre le Pontique dispersés dans diverses publications. Traductions: allemande par Crum 1915 et Erichsen 1933; française par Lefort; anglaise par Crum 1926. -cat Coptic edition of CPG 2481.3 | ||||
1963 | Bouyer | History of Christian spirituality | book |,2012:scriptum:bouyer-1963b ISBN 0-8164-0325-2 Bouyer, Louis. History of Christian spirituality . New York: Seabury Press, 1963. Pp. 380-94 on Evagrius. -jk | ||||
1963 | Arras | Collectio monastica | book |,2012:scriptum:arras-1963 Arras, Victor. Collectio monastica . Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium. Scriptores Aethiopici 45–46 238–239. Louvain,: Secrétariat du CSCO, 1963. On the Eight Evil Thoughts: 238:51-53, 168ff., 170ff., 239ff. (Ethiopian), 239:37-39, 123ff., 124ff., 175ff (French translation); Sententiae ad monachos: 238:145-52 (Ethiopian), 239:106-12 (French translation). Also "some of the anonymous sayings are certainly to be attributed to E.P. (cf. e.g. ibid.: 132, ll. 18-22 [text] = 97, ll. 22-27 [tr.], to be compared with E.P.'s saying in Historia Lausiaca 38,13)." -A. Bausi. Ethiopian edition of CPG 2451 Ethiopic edition of CPG 2435 | ||||
1963 | Bouyer | Erudite Monasticism | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:bouyer-1963a Bouyer, Louis. “Erudite Monasticism.” In The Spirituality of the New Testament and the Fathers. , pp. 380–394. History of Christian spirituality,; 1;. New York: Desclee, 1963. | ||||
1963 | de Aldama | La naissance du seigneur dans l'exégèse patristique du Ps. 21,10a | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:de-aldama-1963 de Aldama, José Antionio. “La naissance du seigneur dans l'exégèse patristique du Ps. 21,10a.” Recherches de Science Religieuse 51 (1963): 5–29. Le R. P. Daniélou a montré la place privilégiée que la catéchèse patristique a donnée au Psaume 21. [...] Ces pages ne s'attachent qu'au verset 10a [...] pour en suivre la destinée dans l'exégèse des Pères; encore ne retiendront-elles qu'une ligne d'interprétation: l'application qu'ils en ont faite à la naissance virginale du Christ. Trop de textes ont péri, trop de fragments restent encore enfouis dans les manuscrits des chaînes pour qu'on ose proposer autre chose qu'un essai; il reste pourtant assez de jalons pour qu'on tente de retracer, sans trop de conjectures, l'itinéraire suivi dans l'exégèse de cette péricope. (p. 5) -cat | ||||
1963 | Lavenant | La lettre à Patricius (Philoxenus Mabbugensis) | journalArticle | Lavenant, René. “La lettre à Patricius (Philoxenus Mabbugensis).” Patrologia Orientalis 30, no. 5 (1963): . Pp. 812, 854-856, 872 contains quotes from Prak. 15 and 79; Gnost. 25 and 36 | ||||
1963 | Wenzel | Akedía: Additions to Lampe's Patristic Greek Lexicon | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:wenzel-1963 Wenzel, Siegfried. “Akedía: Additions to Lampe's Patristic Greek Lexicon.” Vigiliae Christianae 17 (1963): 173–76. | ||||
1962-1968 | Glotobdky | Εὐάγριος ὁ Πόντικος | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:glotobdky-1962 Glotobdky, Hrothrd. “Εὐάγριος ὁ Πόντικος.” In Θρησκευτική και ηθική ενκυκλοπαιδεία , pp. s.v. Athens: Ath. Martinos, 1962–1968. | ||||
1962 | Krüger | Das Problem des Pelagianismus bei Babai dem Großen | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:krüger-1962 Krüger, Paul. “Das Problem des Pelagianismus bei Babai dem Großen.” Oriens Christianus 46 (1962): 77–86. "Unserer Untersuchung legen wir zugrunde den 'Liber de unione,' den 'Zenturienkommentar' und den 'Markuskommentar.' Der Pelagianismus stellte folgende Hauptgrundsätze auf: 1. Die ersten Menschen befanden sich bei ihrer Erschaffung nicht in einem übernatürlichen Urzustande. 2. Die Sünde im Paradiese hat nur Adam geschadet; sie hatte keine Auswirkung auf das Menschengeschlecht. 3. Die Kindertaufe sei nicht notwendig, da es keine Ersünde gibt. 4. Der Mensch bedarf der Gnade nicht; er kann das Gute vollbringen kraft seiner eigenen Natur ohne die Gnade. Welche Stellung hat nun Babai im einzelnen eingenommen gegenüber diesen dogmatischen Grundsätzen? Das Schrifttum Babais bietet uns hier einen vierfachen Themenkreis zu näheren Erörterungen: 1. Die Taufe; 2. Kindertaufe und Erbsünde; 3. Die Folgen des Sündenfalles im Paradiese für die Menschheit; 4. Notwendigkeit und Wirksamkeit der Gnade. Dazu gesellt sich noch eine direkte und formelle Zurückweisung des Pelagianismus." (p. 78) -cat | ||||
1962 | Guillaumont | Les "Képhalaia gnostica" d'Évagre le Pontique et l'histoire de l'origénisme chez les Grecs et chez les Syriens | book |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1962 Guillaumont, Antoine. Les "Képhalaia gnostica" d'Évagre le Pontique et l'histoire de l'origénisme chez les Grecs et chez les Syriens . Publications de la Sorbonne série patristica Sorbonensia 5. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1962. Landmark study of Evagrius and Origenism, and the fate of both in Greek and Syriac cultures. Written after the author's edition and translation of the two recensions of the <i>Kephalaia Gnostika</i>, this monograph argues that KG was at the heart of the Origenism condemned in the 6th century (and was not central to the Origenism debated in the 4th century). He argues that the first translation of the KG into Syriac was the de-Origenized version, which won for Evagrius enduring influence as the master of ascetical theology, among both Monophysites and Nestorians. In fact, Evagrius was used to argue against more speculative forms of Origenism. The second, unexpurgated Syriac version was translated afterward, to correct the first. Guillaumont's monograph has been highly influential and admired. In the later 20th century some scholars have resisted Guillaumont's portrait, and tried to absolve or at least distance Evagrius from the charge of having been a heretic. Nevertheless, this study remains the starting point for the topic. -jk | ||||
1961-1970 | Bertocchi | Evagrio Pontico | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:bertocchi-1961 Bertocchi, P. “Evagrio Pontico.” In Bibliotheca sanctorum , pp. 356–363. Rome: Istituto Giovanni XXIII nella Pontificia Università lateranense, 1961–1970. | ||||
1961 | Refoulé | Rêves et vie spirituelle d'après Évagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:refoulé-1961c Refoulé, François. “Rêves et vie spirituelle d'après Évagre le Pontique.” Supplément de la Vie Spirituelle 59 (1961): 470–516. bnf.frAbstract: "Selon la tradition monastique - spécialement développée par Évagre - les rêves sont révélateurs des passions de l'âme. Ils peuvent influencer l'esprit, même à l'état de veille. Les moines doivent donc chercher à modérer leur activité onirique, voire à l'éteindre, en extirpant les passions de l'âme. C'est pour cette raison, pense Évagre, que le directeur spirituel doit se soucier des rêves de son dirigé. N'est-il pas en cela le lointain précurseur de la psychanalyse?" (p. 441) | ||||
1961 | Refoulé | La date de la lettre à Évagre (P.G. 46, 1101-1108) | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:refoulé-1961b Refoulé, François. “La date de la lettre à Évagre (P.G. 46, 1101–1108).” Recherches de Science Religieuse 49 (1961): 520–48. La date de la lettre à Évagre. Les noms de Dieu et les quatre comparaisons. Les noms de Dieu: expressions techniques; les adversaires visés. Les quatres comparaisons: relation du logos à l'Esprit, l'analogie des opérations de la pensée, les deux comparaisons de la lumière et de la source. La question posée. -pub | ||||
1961 | Refoulé | La christologie d'Évagre et l'Origénisme | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:refoulé-1961a Refoulé, François. “La christologie d'Évagre et l'Origénisme.” Orientalia Christiana Periodica 27 (1961): 221–66. L'A. se propose de relever les "erreurs christologiques reprochées aux 'origénistes', puis d'analyser la christologie d'Évagre, de dégager ensuite ses présupposés théologiques et philosophiques, de préciser enfin en quelle mesure elle se rattache à celle d'Origène." (p. 225) -cat | ||||
1961 | Muyldermans | Les citations bibliques dans la version arménienne de l'Antirrheticus d'Èvagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1961 Muyldermans, Joseph. “Les citations bibliques dans la version arménienne de l'Antirrheticus d'Èvagre le Pontique.” Handes Amsoreay 72 (1961): 441–48. | ||||
1961 | Crouzel | Recherches sur Origène et son influence | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:crouzel-1961 Crouzel, Henri. “Recherches sur Origène et son influence.” Bulletin de Littérature Ecclésiastique 6e sér, 62 (1961): 3–15; 105–13. Last chapter devoted to Evagrius. -jk | ||||
1961 | Guillaumont | Évagre et les anathémismes antiorigénistes de 553 | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1961 Guillaumont, Antoine. “Évagre et les anathémismes antiorigénistes de 553.” Studia Patristica 3 (1961): 219–226. archive.orgEd. F. L. Cross, published Oxford: Oxford University Press. Volume also published as Texte und Untersuchungen 78. -jk | ||||
1960 | Rondeau | Le commentaire sur les Psaumes d'Évagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:rondeau-1960 Rondeau, Marie-Josèphe. “Le commentaire sur les Psaumes d'Évagre le Pontique.” Orientalia Christiana Periodica 26 (1960): 307–48. Etude du "Vat." gr. 754 de la "Biblioteca apostolica Vaticana". Description du ms. Etude des lemmes et des gloses. Attribution d'une oeuvre contenue dans une série de gloses ("Scholia in Psalmos") à Évagre le Pontique et non à Origène comme le prétendent les éditions de de la Rue et de Pitra. Liste des gloses du ms. -cat This work is key to reconstituting Evagrius's Scholia on the Psalms, which have not yet been edited. Rondeau is said to be preparing an edition. -jk | ||||
1960 | Krüger | Zum theologischen Menschenbild Babais den Großen nach seinem noch unveröffentlichten Kommentar zu den beiden Sermones des Mönches Markus über <i>Das geistige Gesetz</i> | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:krüger-1960 Krüger, Paul. “Zum theologischen Menschenbild Babais den Großen nach seinem noch unveröffentlichten Kommentar zu den beiden Sermones des Mönches Markus über Das geistige Gesetz.” Oriens Christianus 44 (1960): 46–74. "Das letztgenannte Werk, der Markuskommentar, soll im folgenden dem Inhalte nach der Forschung bekanntgemacht werden. Der Inhalt dieses Kommentar ist im wesentlichen anthropologisch ausgerichtet. Deshalb stellen wir seine Wiedergabe unter diesen Gesichtspunkt. Wir bedienen uns dabei der rein descriptiven Methode, wobei wir zur Ergänzung, zur Vertiefung und zum besseren Verständnis die beiden bereits edierten Werke Babais, den Kommentar zu Evagrius Ponticus mit dem Zusatzkommentar der 60 Kapitel und den Liber de unione, herangezogen haben. Bei der hier durchgeführten theologischen Sachvergleichung hat sich herausgestellt, daß die beiden genannten Werke und der Markuskommentar nur einem Verfasser, eben Babai, zugeschrieben werden können. Zuvor noch einiges über die handschriftliche Überlieferung des Markuskommentars, den Verfasser der Grundschrift, d. h. der beiden Sermones, über Zeit, Zweck und Veranlassung des Kommentars. Leider ist die handschriftliche Überlieferung in einem sehr schlechten Zustande. Der Markuskommentar ist uns erhalten in einer einzigen Handschrift in London, und zwar in Br M add 17 270 (wohl 9. Jh.), die ausschließlich den Kommentar enthält. Von den 42 Blättern ist kaum eines leserlich, eine ganze Reihe bieten nur verstümmelte Sätze. Bei einer Ausgabe des syrischen Textes müßte man sich schon auf einige Textstücke beschränken. Die Verfasserschaft Babais steht außer Diskussion. Wir sind nun in der Lage, in unserem Zusammenhang einiges Neue beizutragen zum literarischen Schaffen und zum Lebensbild des Mönches Markus, des Verfassers der beiden Sermones." (pp. 46-47) -cat | ||||
1960 | Evagrius Ponticus Nilus of Ancyra | Les leçons d'un contemplatif: Le traité de l'oraison d'Évagre le Pontique | book |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1960 Evagrius Ponticus and Nilus of Ancyra. Les leçons d'un contemplatif: Le traité de l'oraison d'Évagre le Pontique . Translated by Irénée Hausherr. Paris: Beauchesne, 1960. Translation of On Prayer. Cf. A. Baumstark. Geschichte der syrischen Literatur. 1922, p. 87. French translation of CPG 2452 | ||||
1960 | Chaîne | Le manuscrit de la version copte en dialecte sahidique des “Apophthegmata Patrum | book |,2012:scriptum:chaîne-1960 Chaîne, M. Le manuscrit de la version copte en dialecte sahidique des “Apophthegmata Patrum . Bibliothèque d’études coptes 6. Cairo: Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire, 1960. wordpress.comEdition and French translation of Sahidic (Coptic) collection of apophthegmata. For Evagrius see apophthegmata: 57 (attributed to Eupreprios in the Greek alphabetical, but to Evagrius in Latin, Syriac and Coptic), 79, 80. -be | ||||
1960 | Csányi | 'Optima Pars': Die Auslegungsgeschichte von Lk 10,38-42 bei den Kirchenvätern der ersten vier Jahrhunderte | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:csányi-1960 Csányi, Daniel A. “'Optima Pars': Die Auslegungsgeschichte von Lk 10,38–42 bei den Kirchenvätern der ersten vier Jahrhunderte.” Studia Monastica 2 (1960): 5–78. | ||||
1960 | Florovsky | The Anthropomorphites in the Egyptian Desert | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:florovsky-1960 Florovsky, Georges. “The Anthropomorphites in the Egyptian Desert.” In Akten des XI. internationalen Byzantinistenkongresses, München, 1958 , pp. 154–159. Munich: C. H. Beck, 1960. | ||||
1959-1960 | Hausherr | Le <i>Traité de l'Oraison</i> d'Évagre le Pontique: Introduction, authenticité, traduction française et commentaire | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1959b Hausherr, Irénée. “Le Traité de l'Oraison d'Évagre le Pontique: Introduction, authenticité, traduction française et commentaire.” Revue d'Ascétique et de Mystique 35, 36 (1959–1960): 3–26, 121–46, 241–65, 361–85; 3–35, 137–87. This article has six parts distributed across two volumes. Article deals with the authenticity of De oratione. Includes French translation and commentary. French translation of CPG 2452 | ||||
1959 | Devreesse | Les anciens commentateurs grecs de l'Octateuque et des Rois: [Fragments tirés des chaînes] | book |,2012:scriptum:devreesse-1959 Devreesse, Robert. Les anciens commentateurs grecs de l'Octateuque et des Rois: [Fragments tirés des chaînes] . Studi e testi 201. Città del Vaticano: Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 1959. Includes a Greek fragment of KG VI.61: εἰ ὁ θεὸς “οὐκ ἔστιν θεὸς νεκρῶν ἀλλὰ ζώντων” (Mt 22.32), κατὰ δὲ Μωυσέα τὸν ἅγιον οἱ ἐγγαστρίμυθοι τοὺς νεκροὺς ἐρωτῶσιν (Dt 18.11), ἡ τοῦ Σαοὺλ ἐγγαστρίμυθος οὐ τὸν Σαμουήλ ἀνήγαγεν ἐκ νεκρῶν, εἴπερ μὴ νεκρὸς ἀλλὰ ζῶν ἐστιν Σαμουήλ. -jk Greek edition of CPG 2432 | ||||
1959 | Hausherr | Ignorance infinie ou science infinie? | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1959a Hausherr, Irénée. “Ignorance infinie ou science infinie?.” Orientalia Christiana Periodica 25 (1959): 44–52. "Faute de savoir, par la tradition manuscrite, ce qu'Évagre a écrit [ignorance infinie ou science infinie], nous chercherons ce qu'il a pu écrire, en accord avec l'ensemble de sa doctrine, et avec certains passages précis, aptes à éclaircir Cent. III, 88." "La leçon 'ignorance' me paraît plus probable." (pp. 46; 51) -cat | ||||
1959 | Colombás | El concepto de monje y vida monástica hasta fines del siglo V | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:colombás-1959 Colombás, García M. “El concepto de monje y vida monástica hasta fines del siglo V.” Studia Monastica 1 (1959): 257–342. I. Sentidos del vocablo "monje" y diversas clases de monjes: monahós; "monachus"; solitario. II. Aspectos negativos y ascéticos de la vida monástica: renuncia (apótaxis); secesión (anahóresis); ejercicio (áskesis); combate (agón). Otros temas y figuras del monje y la vida monástica. III. Aspectos positivos y místicos de la vida monástica: fin religioso del ascetismo monástico; el diálogo con Dios; caridad y contemplación; paraíso y vida angélica. IV. Monaquismo y cristianismo: renuncia bautismal y renuncia monástica; la Biblia, regla y espejo de monjes; motivos cristianos de la secesión monástica; nombres del monje y nombres del cristiano. V. Cenobitismo y eremitismo: ventajas y características del cenobitismo; el cenobio, escuela y palestra; el cenobio, iglesia de Cristo; el cenobitismo, vida apostólica; el ideal eremítico; soledad y contemplación. -cat | ||||
1959 | Zigmund-Cerbu | La préface du <i>De Oratione </i>d'Évagre | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:zigmund-cerbu-1959 Zigmund-Cerbu, A. “La préface du De Oratione d'Évagre.” Acta Philologica 2 (1959): 251–257. Published in Rome, Societas Academica Daco-Romana. -jk | ||||
1958 | Evagrius Ponticus Guillaumont | Les six centuries des "Kephalaia gnostica": Édition critique de la version syriaque commune et édition d'une nouvelle version syriaque, intégrale, avec une double traduction française; <i>Kephalaia gnostica</i> | book |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1958 Evagrius Ponticus and Guillaumont, Antoine. Les six centuries des "Kephalaia gnostica": Édition critique de la version syriaque commune et édition d'une nouvelle version syriaque, intégrale, avec une double traduction française; Kephalaia gnostica . Patrologia Orientalis 28. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1958. academia.eduSyriac text of both the expurgated and the unexpurgated versions, with French translation on each page; introduction in French. Reviewed: Jean Kirchmeyer, L'Orient Syrien 9 (1964): 383-89. -jk Greek edition of CPG 2432 Syriac edition of CPG 2432 French translation of CPG 2432 | ||||
1958 | Guillaumont | Sources de la doctrine de Joseph Hazzâyâ | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1958b Guillaumont, Antoine. “Sources de la doctrine de Joseph Hazzâyâ.” L'Orient Syrien 3 (1958): 3–24. Sources de la doctrine de Joseph Hazzâyâ: rencontre de l'origénisme et du messalianisme. -cat | ||||
1958 | Tarchnisvili | Il monachismo Georgiano nelle sue origini e nei suoi primi sviluppi | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:tarchnisvili-1958 Tarchnisvili, Michael. “Il monachismo Georgiano nelle sue origini e nei suoi primi sviluppi.” Orientalia Christiana Analecta 153 (1958): 307–19. | ||||
1957 | Nicodemus the Hagiorite Makarios | Φιλοκαλία τῶν νηπτικῶν συνερανισθεῖσα παρὰ τῶν ἁγίων καὶ θεοφόρων πατέρων ἡμῶν ἐν ᾑ διὰ τῆς κατὰ τὴν Πρᾶξιν καὶ Θεωρίαν Ἠθικῆς Φιλοσοφίας ὁ νοῦς καθαίρεται, φωτίζεται, καὶ τελετοῦται | book |,2012:scriptum:philokalia-1957 Nicodemus the Hagiorite and Makarios, Saint. Φιλοκαλία τῶν νηπτικῶν συνερανισθεῖσα παρὰ τῶν ἁγίων καὶ θεοφόρων πατέρων ἡμῶν ἐν ᾑ διὰ τῆς κατὰ τὴν Πρᾶξιν καὶ Θεωρίαν Ἠθικῆς Φιλοσοφίας ὁ νοῦς καθαίρεται, φωτίζεται, καὶ τελετοῦται . Athens: Ἀστήρ, 1957. Reprint of the Philokalia, first published in Venice, 1782. Hypotyposis: 1:38-43; On the [Evil] Thoughts, 44–57; 5 chapters from the Praktikos (29, 32, 91, 94, 15; uncredited): 58; On Prayer: 1:176-89 (ascribed to St. Nilus). At pp. 36-37 are two images of Evagrius, drawn by Ράλλη Κοψίδη (1957), and commentary on his place in the Orthodox tradition. -jk | ||||
1957 | Draguet | Un morceau grec inédit des vies de Pachôme apparié à un texte d'Évagre en partie inconnu | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:draguet-1957 Draguet, René. “Un morceau grec inédit des vies de Pachôme apparié à un texte d'Évagre en partie inconnu.” Le Muséon. Revue d'Études Orientales 70 (1957): 267–306. Description du ms. "Vat." grec 2091, f. 9rb-10rb avec photographie, datation, origine. 1. Texte grec de l'épisode Pachômien. a) En quête du contexte historique. Contenu de l'épisode. b) Langue du morceau: une question de méthode, grec ou copte? c) Le texte biblique du morceau. d) Les copticismes de la langue et du style. 2. Le commentaire, avec une citation du Praticius: comparaison de cinq attestations du texte. -cat | ||||
1956 | Hausherr | L'hésychasme: Etude de spiritualité | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1956b Hausherr, Irénée. “L'hésychasme: Etude de spiritualité.” Orientalia Christiana 22 (1956): 5–40; 247–85. Définition de l'hésichiasme. "Les éloges de la solitude, sous sa triple forme: 'fuge,' 'tace' [silence], 'quiesce' [hésychia]; les éloges de la vie commune, qui sont des mises en garde contre l'isolement." La "nepsis." (pp. 18-19). -cat | ||||
1956 | Hausherr | Comment priaient les Pères | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1956a Hausherr, Irénée. “Comment priaient les Pères.” Revue d'Ascétique et de Mystique 32 (1956): 33–58; 284–96. Abstract: "Comment les Pères priaient? En travaillant à se faire une âme de 'mendicus Dei'; comme le publicain qui se frappe la poitrine et qui revient justifié; comme l'enfant prodigue qui se dit indigne du nom de fils et à qui le Père rend la robe première; comme des gens qui se savent et se proclament pauvres, et à qui appartient le royaume. Disons autrement: comme des gens qui voient dans la prière l'acte essentiel de la créature, et qui, par suite, se veulent priants - suppliants ou remerciants - partout et toujours, dans la mesure où ils se veulent heureux de Dieu." (p. 276) | ||||
1956 | Garitte | Catalogue des manuscrits géorgiens littéraires du Mont Sinaï | book |,2012:scriptum:garitte-1956 Garitte, Gérard. Catalogue des manuscrits géorgiens littéraires du Mont Sinaï . Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 165 (Subsidia 9). Louvain: L. Durbecq, 1956. Extract from The Eight Spirits of Wickedness: 102n8. -jk Georgian edition of CPG 2451 | ||||
1955 | Hansen | Berliner Sogdische Texte, vol. 2, Bruchstücke der grossen Sammelhandschrift C 2 | book |,2012:scriptum:hansen-1955 Hansen, Olaf. Berliner Sogdische Texte, vol. 2, Bruchstücke der grossen Sammelhandschrift C 2 . Abhandlungen der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse 15. Mainz and Wiesbaden: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur; in Kommission bei F. Steiner, 1955. Antirrheticos in Sogdian. Berliner sogdische Texte I published as Abhandlungen der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Philosophlisch-historische Klasse; jg. 1941, nr. 10. Paged also: [819]-918. -cat Sogdian edition of CPG 2434 | ||||
1955 | Muyldermans | Les manuscripts arméniens d'Évagre le Pontique à Jérusalem | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1955b Muyldermans, Joseph. “Les manuscripts arméniens d'Évagre le Pontique à Jérusalem.” Bazmavep 113 (1955): 72–78, 108–14. | ||||
1955 | Muyldermans | À propos d'un texte grec attribué à Jean de Lycopolis | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1955a Muyldermans, Joseph. “À propos d'un texte grec attribué à Jean de Lycopolis.” Recherches de science religieuse 43 (1955): 395–401. Third recension of the anonymous work Admonitio de signis quietis, attributed by a Syriac ms. to Evagrius. Greek edition of CPG 2469 | ||||
1954 | Mühmelt | Zu der neuen lateinischen Übersetzung des Mönchsspiegels des Euagrius | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:mühmelt-1954 Mühmelt, Martin. “Zu der neuen lateinischen Übersetzung des Mönchsspiegels des Euagrius.” Vigiliae Christianae 8 (1954): 101–3. Évagre le Pontique, "Sententiae ad monachos" ("Versio latina" A) (sententia 55): reconstitution. -cat | ||||
1954 | Chitty | Pachomian Sources Reconsidered | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:chitty-1954 Chitty, Derwas J. “Pachomian Sources Reconsidered.” The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 5 (1954): 38–77. See esp. chap. titled [Evagrius's] "De Oratione" and the Letter of Ammon. -jk | ||||
1954 | von Ivanka | KEPHALAIA: Eine byzantinische Literaturform und ihre antiken Wurzeln | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:von-ivanka-1954 von Ivanka, Endre. “KEPHALAIA: Eine byzantinische Literaturform und ihre antiken Wurzeln.” Byzantine Zeitschrift 47 (1954): 285–91. Treats Evagrius's use of the genre of chapters to comment on his teaching. -jk | ||||
1953 | Makarios Nicodemus | Petite Philocalie de la prière du coeur | book |,2012:scriptum:philokalia-1953 Makarios, Saint and Nicodemus, the Hagiorite. Petite Philocalie de la prière du coeur . Translated by Jean Gouillard. Documents Spirituels 5. Paris: Éditions des Cahiers du Sùd, 1953. Selections from On Prayer. -jk French translation of CPG 2452 | ||||
1953 | Muyldermans | Une texte grec inédit attribué à Jean de Lycopolis | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1953 Muyldermans, Joseph. “Une texte grec inédit attribué à Jean de Lycopolis.” Recherches de science religieuse 41 (1953): 525–30. First recension of the anonymous work Admonitio de signis quietis, attributed by one Syriac ms. (3d recension) to Evagrius -jk Greek edition of CPG 2469 | ||||
1953 | Dalmais | Un traité de théologie contemplative: Le commentaire du Pater de S. Maxime le Confesseur | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:dalmais-1953b Dalmais, Irénée-Henri. “Un traité de théologie contemplative: Le commentaire du Pater de S. Maxime le Confesseur.” Revue d'Ascétique et de Mystique 29 (1953): 123–59. Un traité de théologie contemplative: Le commentaire du Pater de s. Maxime le Confesseur. l'"Orationis dominicae expositio" de Maxime le Confesseur. Théologie contemplative et ascétisme. -cat | ||||
1953 | Dalmais | La doctrine ascétique de S. Maxime le Confesseur, d'après le 'Liber asceticus' | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:dalmais-1953a Dalmais, Irénée-Henri. “La doctrine ascétique de S. Maxime le Confesseur, d'après le 'Liber asceticus'.” Irénikon 26 (1953): 17–39. Abstract: Le "Liber asceticus" de Maxime le Confesseur: "Une synthèse théologique où les prescriptions et conseils trouvent leur justification et leur explication dans une présentation de tout le plan de salut proposé par le Christ. de là se développe une ordonnance logique sur le commandement fondamental de la charité, la voie des vertus, qui introduit une exhortation, beaucoup plus développée et beaucoup moins originale, à la componction. Nous suivrons ces différentes étapes pour expliciter à l'aide des autres écrits de Maxime les points dominants de sa synthèse." (p. 17) | ||||
1952 | Muyldermans | À propos d'un feuillet de manuscrit arménien (Brit. Mus., cod. arm. 118) | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1952b Muyldermans, Joseph. “À propos d'un feuillet de manuscrit arménien (Brit. Mus, cod. arm. 118).” Le Muséon. Revue d'Études Orientales 65 (1952): 11–16. Edition avec traduction française et apparat critique des folios 1r-v et 6r-v du codex arménien 118 de la British Library. Etude codicologique. Ces fragments reproduisent une partie des "Sententiae ad monachos" d'Évagre le Pontique. -cat Armenian edition of CPG 2435 French translation of CPG 2435 | ||||
1952 | Bloomfield | The Seven Deadly Sins: An Introduction to the History of a Religious Concept, with Special Reference to Medieval English Literature | book |,2012:scriptum:bloomfield-1952 Bloomfield, Morton W. The Seven Deadly Sins: An Introduction to the History of a Religious Concept, with Special Reference to Medieval English Literature . East Lansing: Michigan State College Press, 1952. | ||||
1952 | Dalmais | L'oeuvre spirituelle de Saint Maxime le Confesseur: Notes sur son développement et sa signification | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:dalmais-1952 Dalmais, Irénée-Henri. “L'oeuvre spirituelle de Saint Maxime le Confesseur: Notes sur son développement et sa signification.” Supplément de la Vie Spirituelle 21 (1952): 216–26. | ||||
1952 | Evagrius Ponticus Muyldermans | Evagriana syriaca: Textes inedits du British Museum et de la Vaticane | book |,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1952 Evagrius Ponticus. Evagriana syriaca: Textes inedits du British Museum et de la Vaticane . Edited by Joseph and tr Muyldermans. Bibliothèque du Muséon 31. Louvain: Publications universitaires, 1952. At pp. 26–29 the author argues for three versions of the Syriac translation of the Praktikos:
Syriac texts discussed: Hypotyposis: 31-32 (CPG 2441). 33 Chapters: 32-33 (CPG 2442) Spiritual Chapters Alphabetized: 33 (CPG 2444); On Prayer: 41-43 (CPG 2452; includes critical Greek text of the proemion); The Eight Spirits of Wickedness: 55-59 (CPG 2451) This volume is the key edition for a number of texts that are of variable authenticity: The Just and the Perfect: 105-9, 142-46 (CPG 2465); Humility: 109-14, 146-50 (CPG 2466); Fasting: 115-17, 150-53 (CPG 2467); Silence: 118-20 (CPG 2468), 153-54; Admonition on the Marks of Serenity: 120-22, 154-56 (CPG 2469); Dialogue of a Master with His Student: 123, 156 (CPG 2470); The Defense of One Led by God: 124, 157 (CPG 2471); Instructive Admonition: 125-28, 157-59 (CPG 2472); Counsel of the Mind: 128, 159 (CPG 2473); Teaching: 129, 160 (CPG 2474); Counsel: 130-33; 160-63 (CPG 2475); Expositio in Parabolas et in Proverbia Salomonis: 133-35, 163-65 (CPG 2457); Proverbs and Their Interpretation: 135-38; 165-67 (CPG 2477); Profession of Faith: 139-40, 167-69 (CPG 2478); Excerpt: 141-42, 169-71 (CPG 2479). -jk Syriac edition of CPG 2441 CPG 2444 CPG 2445 CPG 2451 CPG 2457 CPG 2465 CPG 2466 CPG 2467 CPG 2468 CPG 2469 CPG 2470 CPG 2471 CPG 2472 CPG 2473 CPG 2474 CPG 2475 CPG 2477 CPG 2478 CPG 2479 Greek edition of CPG 2452 | ||||
1952 | Guillaumont Guillaumont | Le texte véritable des <i>Gnostica</i> d'Évagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1952 Guillaumont, Antoine and Guillaumont, Claire. “Le texte véritable des Gnostica d'Évagre le Pontique.” Revue de l'Histoire des Religions 142 (1952): 156–205."Le but de cet article est de montrer que la version syriaque éditée par Frankenberg fait connaître un texte gravement altéré et que le texte véritable des "Gnostica" nous a été conservé dans une autre version syriaque, dont l'existence est passée inaperçue jusqu'à présent." (p. 158) -cat | ||||
1951-1952 | Guillaumont | Le texte syriaque édité des Six Centuries d'Évagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1951 Guillaumont, Antoine. “Le texte syriaque édité des Six Centuries d'Évagre le Pontique.” Semitica 4 (1951–1952): 59–66. | ||||
1951 | Basil of Caesarea Way | Letters | book |,2012:scriptum:way-1951 Basil of Caesarea and Way, Agnes Clare. Letters . Fathers of the Church 13. Vol. 1. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1951. See pp. 21–40 for translation of Epistula fidei. Commentary vacillates on whether Basil or Evagrius should be credited. -jk English translation of CPG 2439 | ||||
1951 | Leclercq | L'ancienne version latine des Sentences d'Évagre pour les Moines | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:leclercq-1951 Leclercq, Jean. “L'ancienne version latine des Sentences d'Évagre pour les Moines.” Scriptorium 5 (1951): 195–213. Latin edition of CPG 2435 | ||||
1950-1986 | Quasten | Patrology | book |,2012:scriptum:quasten-1950 Quasten, Johannes. Patrology . Westminster, Md.: Newman Press, 1950–1986. Reprinted many times. See vol. 3, The Golden Age of Greek Patristic Literature, pp. 169-176. -jk | ||||
1950- | Guillaumont Guillaumont | Evagrius Pontikos: Persönlichkeit, Leben, Wirkung | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:guillaumont-1950 Guillaumont, Antoine and Guillaumont, Claire. “Evagrius Pontikos: Persönlichkeit, Leben, Wirkung.” In Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum: Sachwörterbuch zur Auseinandersetzung des Christentums mit der antiken Welt , pp. 1088–1107. Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1950–. | ||||
1950 | Lefort | À propos d'un aphorisme d'Evagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:lefort-1950 Lefort, L. Théophile. “À propos d'un aphorisme d'Evagrius Ponticus.” Bulletin de l'Académie Royale de Belgique. Classe des Lettres et des Sciences Morales et Politiques, 5e Série 36 (1950): 70–79. | ||||
1949 | Severus of Antioch Sergius the Grammarian Lebon | Severi Antiocheni Orationes ad Nephalium: Eiusdem ac Sergii Grammatici epistulae mutuae | book |,2012:scriptum:lebon-1949 Severus of Antioch and Sergius the Grammarian. Severi Antiocheni Orationes ad Nephalium: Eiusdem ac Sergii Grammatici epistulae mutuae . Edited by Joseph Lebon. Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 119–120. Louvain: L. Durbecq, 1949. Syriac fragments of Evagrius: 7*. Alt. series: CSCO Scriptores Syri 64-65. Syriac edition of CPG 2481.1 | ||||
1947 | Gouillard | Supercheries et méprises littéraires: L'oeuvres de Saint Théodore d'Édesse | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:gouillard-1947 Gouillard, Jean. “Supercheries et méprises littéraires: L'oeuvres de Saint Théodore d'Édesse.” Revue des Études Byzantines 5 (1947): 137–57. | ||||
1947 | Hausherr | Dogme et spiritualité orientale | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1947 Hausherr, Irénée. “Dogme et spiritualité orientale.” Revue d'Ascétique et de Mystique 23 (1947): 3–37. "Ces pages ne vont qu'à poser un problème suggéré par l'histoire de la spiritualité au sujet de la dépendance de celle-ci à l'égard du dogme au sens strict. L'assertion que la spiritualité soit le dogme vécu a deux aspects: 1) la spiritualité dépend de tout le dogme; 2) toute la spiritualité dépend du dogme." (p. 3) -cat | ||||
1946-1947 | Draguet | L'<i>Histoire Lausiaque</i>; une oeuvre écrite dans l'esprit d'Évagre | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:draguet-1946 Draguet, René. “L'Histoire Lausiaque; une oeuvre écrite dans l'esprit d'Évagre.” Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique 41, 42 (1946–1947): 321–64; 5–49. Article spans two volumes. Abstract: "Évagre le Pontique (346-99) occupe une place de choix dans la galerie d'ascètes qu'est l''Histoire lausiaque' (- HL).... C'est que Pallade, qui confessait à l'occasion appartenir au groupe d'Évagre, reconnaissait que celui-ci était, pour lui, un maître.... dans ces conditions, il est normal d'attendre que la spiritualité d'Évagre ait marqué l'oeuvre de Pallade. Mais sur quels points précis? et en quelle mesure? question a retenu notre attention à nous-même, en vue d'une traduction de HL....Nous avons donc lu Évagre en ayant présents à l'esprit les thèmes doctrinaux et le vocabulaire de HL. Il nous apparut bientôt que l'intérêt de la confrontation à laquelle nous procédions dépassait largement celui d'une aide apportée au traducteur et à l'interprète de Pallade; elle engageait le sens doctrinal même de l''Histoire lausiaque.' Nous nous en expliquerons dans la conclusion. Mais voici d'abord, notées au fil des histoires de Pallade, les rencontres successives du disciple avec le Maître." (pp. 321-25). A l'aide de 154 extraits de l''Historia Lausiaca' mis en parallèle avec l'oeuvre d'Évagre, l'A. montre la profonde influence de ce dernier sur Pallade. -cat | ||||
1946 | Hausherr | Les orientaux connaissent-ils les <i>Nuits</i> de Saint Jean de la Croix? | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1946 Hausherr, Irénée. “Les orientaux connaissent-ils les Nuits de Saint Jean de la Croix?.” Orientalia Christiana 12 (1946): 5–46. "Y a-t-il dans la spiritualité orientale des purifications volontaires qui sont des souffrances? Y a-t-il des souffrances qui sont des purifications passives?... La différence entre la conception orientale des purifications et les nuits de saint Jean de la Croix." (pp. 7-8) -cat | ||||
1946 | Muyldermans | Sur les séraphins et <i>Sur les chérubins</i> d'Évagre le Pontique dans les versions syriaque et arménienne | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1946 Muyldermans, Joseph. “Sur les séraphins et Sur les chérubins d'Évagre le Pontique dans les versions syriaque et arménienne.” Le Muséon. Revue d'Études Orientales 59 (1946): 367–79. "Les deux pièces 'Sur les Séraphins' et 'Sur les Chérubins' renferment un bref commentaire sur la vision des Séraphins, 'Isaïe' 6,2-3 et sur la vison non moins célèbre des Chérubins, 'Ezéchiel 1, 18 et 10,12.... Le texte original de ces pièces est perdu. On en possède une version syriaque contenue dans quatre manuscrits du British Museum.... Malgré sa date tardive, (9e s.), nous avons reproduit le texte du codex D. C'est l'état du texte manuscrit...qui a déterminé le choix.... édition du texte syriaque, traduction française. Il existe également une version arménienne de la pièce 'Sur les Séraphins'.... Elle est substantiellement la même que la version syriaque et il n'y a pas de doute que nous ayons devant nous un texte traduit du syriaque. Toutefois, dans les détails, le texte arménien s'en éloigne sur plusieurs points.... Nous sommes ainsi induits à penser que le modèle syriaque de l'arménien serait une rédaction différente de celle que nous fournissent les témoins connus. On trouvera ci-dessous le texre de l'édition de B. Sarghissian, qui est basée sur le manuscrit d' Etchmiadzin numéro 1500 ("ol." no 944)." (pp. 367-68; 375-76) -cat | ||||
1944-1953 | Graf | Geschichte der Christlichen Arabischen Literatur | book |,2012:scriptum:graf-1944 Graf, Georg. Geschichte der Christlichen Arabischen Literatur . Studi e testi 118, 133, 146–147, 172. [n.p.]: Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 1944–1953. See pp. 379-99 for an assesment of the Arabic ms. tradition for translations of Evagrius. -jk | ||||
1944 | Hausherr | Penthos: La doctrine de la componction dans l'Orient chrétien | book |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1944 Hausherr, Irénée. Penthos: La doctrine de la componction dans l'Orient chrétien . Orientalia Christiana analecta 132. Rome: Pont. Institutum Orientalium Studiorum, 1944. | ||||
1943 | Muyldermans | S. Nil en version arménienne | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1943 Muyldermans, Joseph. “S. Nil en version arménienne.” Le Muséon. Revue d'Études Orientales 56 (1943): 77–113. Recension de "Vitae Patrum", t. 2, pp. 637-725 contenant la version arménienne d'écrits attribués à Nil d'Ancyre. Identification des textes et rapports avec le texte grec original. Traduction française de: "Instructio utilis" d'Eznik de Kolb, "Sermo 6" (excerpta) d'Aphraate; "De magistris et discipulis" ("uersio syriaca") (fragmenta) de Nil d'Ancyre; "Adhortatio ad monachos" ("uersio armeniaca") (supplementum) de Nil d'Ancyre; "Sententiae" ("uersio armeniaca") d'Hésychius de Jérusalem, attribuées à Nil d'Ancyre. French trans. of Capita paraenetica pp. 80, 84-85. -cat French translation of CPG 2443 | ||||
1942 | Muckle | Greek Works Translated Directly into Latin Before 1350 | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:muckle-1942 Muckle, J. T. “Greek Works Translated Directly into Latin Before 1350.” Medieval Studies 4 (1942): 33–42. | ||||
1942 | Viller | Autour de la spiritualité Byzantine | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:viller-1942 Viller, Marcel. “Autour de la spiritualité Byzantine.” Bulletin de Littérature Ecclésiastique 43 (1942): 169–79. | ||||
1941 | Muyldermans | Evagriana de la Vaticane | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1941 Muyldermans, Joseph. “Evagriana de la Vaticane.” Le Muséon. Revue d'Études Orientales 54 (1941): 1–15. Texte grec du "Tractatus ad Eulogium" (ps.-Nilus) (fragmenta) d'Évagre le Pontique à partir des mss: Vaticano (Città del), Biblioteca apostolica Vaticana, Vat. gr. 703, et Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, gr. 1188, f. 108v. "Les notes qui suivent, feront connaître les "Evagriana" contenus dans cinq autres manuscrits du même fonds: les "Vaticani graeci" 653, 703, 1088, 1434, et l'"Ottob. gr." 436. Nous les examinerons dans l'ordre de leur importance respective." (p. 1) -cat Greek edition of CPG 2447 | ||||
1941 | Vögtle | Woher stammt das Schema der Hauptsünden? | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:vögtle-1941 Vögtle, Anton. “Woher stammt das Schema der Hauptsünden?.” Theologische Quartalschrift 122 (1941): 217–37. | ||||
1940 | Hausherr | Eulogios - Loukios | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1940 Hausherr, Irénée. “Eulogios - Loukios.” Orientalia Christiana Periodica 6 (1940): 216–20. La correspondance entre Lucius et Évagre. "Il n'y a rien à retirer pour ou contre l'authenticité [du 'Tractatus ad Eulogium'] disputé entre Évagre et Nil." (p. 220) -cat Arabic edition of no CPG 01 Greek translation of no CPG 01 | ||||
1940 | Muyldermans | Fragment arménien du <i>Ad virgines</i> d'Évagre | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1940 Muyldermans, Joseph. “Fragment arménien du Ad virgines d'Évagre.” Le Muséon. Revue d'Études Orientales 53 (1940): 77–87. Abstract: Texte arménien et traduction latine du "Ad uirginem" (Versio V2) d'Évagre le Pontique à partir du ms. Venizia, Biblioteca del Mechitaristi San Lazzaro, 966, f. 124-28. Collation. Description du contenu du ms. -cat Armenian edition of CPG 2436 | ||||
1940 | Frankenberg | Fragment Armenien du <i>Ad virgines</i> d'Évagre | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:frankenberg-1940 Frankenberg, W. “Fragment Armenien du Ad virgines d'Évagre.” Le Muséon 53 (1940): 77–87. | ||||
1939 | Gouillard | Un auteur spirituel Byzantin du 12e siècle: Pierre Damascène | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:gouillard-1939 Gouillard, Jean. “Un auteur spirituel Byzantin du 12e siècle: Pierre Damascène.” Échos d'Orient 38 (1939): 257–78. | ||||
1939 | Muyldermans | Une nouvelle recension du <i>De octo spiritibus malitiae</i> de S. Nil | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1939 Muyldermans, Joseph. “Une nouvelle recension du De octo spiritibus malitiae de S. Nil.” Le Muséon. Revue d'Études Orientales 52 (1939): 235–74. Texte grec, texte de la version arménienne et traduction française de fragments et de la fin du "De octo spiritibus malitiae" d'Évagre le Pontique, attribué par l'A. à Nil d'Ancyre, d'après les mss: Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Coislin 109, f. 21v-23v; Oxford, Bodleian Library, arm. f. 9, f. 317-25. "Le texte du traité [Évagre le Pontique, "De octo spiritibus malitiae"] contenu dans le Barber. gr. 515 a été le point de départ de cette étude. La comparaison de ce texte avec les éditions existantes révélait des différences notables. Pour expliquer celles-ci, il a fallu élargir le champ des recherches. Une douzaine de manuscrits du fonds grec de la Bibliothèque nationale de Paris ont été examinés; ils se répartissent en deux groupes: le premier est représenté par le texte imprimé, le second auquel le Barber. gr. 515 doit être rattaché, constitue une nouvelle forme du traité qui est inédite. On a tâché d'esquisser dans un tableau les principaux traits caractéristiques pour fixer sa physionomie." (p. 274) -cat Armenian edition of CPG 2451 Greek edition of CPG 2451 French translation of CPG 2451 | ||||
1939 | Balthasar | Die Hiera des Evagrius | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:balthasar-1939b Balthasar, Hans Urs von. “Die Hiera des Evagrius.” Zeitschrift für Katholische Theologie 63 (1939): 86–106; 181–206. Greek edition of CPG 2458.1 | ||||
1939 | Balthasar | Metaphysik und Mystik des Evagrius Pontikus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:balthasar-1939a Balthasar, Hans Urs von. “Metaphysik und Mystik des Evagrius Pontikus.” Zeitschrift für Askese und Mystik (1939): 31–47. vdokument.comBalthasar proceeds systematically through a highly compressed description of Evagrian mysticism, cosmology, eschatology, and metaphysics. First, he gives an account of the relationship of the divine to spirit (nous), and spirit’s relationship to body; next, he illustrates how spirit takes on different states and progresses through various stages (demonic, human, angelic), wherein Balthasar emphasizes the fluidity of everything except for spirit; and, finally he describes the way in which body and soul pass away and leave spirit alone with itself, in reflection of the divine unity. He comes to several striking conclusions in light of this account, namely, that the Evagrian teaching is closer to Buddhism than to Christianity, that Evagrius preserves only a husk of Cappadocian Trinitarianism, and that the essential features of historical Christianity—the priesthood, orthodoxy, love, faith, and the Eucharist—melt under his symbolic gaze. As to whether this quasi-Christian mysticism was a help or hindrance to those who took up Evagrius’ teachings after him, Balthasar prefers to remain silent. -CSV | ||||
1939 | Hausherr | Nouveaux fragments grecs d'Évagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1939b Hausherr, Irénée. “Nouveaux fragments grecs d'Évagre le Pontique.” Orientalia Christiana Periodica 5 (1939): 229–33. Twenty-five Greek fragments of the Kephalaia gnostika, three from the Gnostika, and three that cannot be assigned to a known text. The author reproduces S. L. Epifanović's transcription of MS Mosq. 425, fols. 216v-19 (16th c.). -jk | ||||
1939 | Hausherr | Le <i>De Oratione</i> d'Évagre le Pontique en Syriaque et en Arabe | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1939a Hausherr, Irénée. “Le De Oratione d'Évagre le Pontique en Syriaque et en Arabe.” Orientalia Christiana Periodica 5 (1939): 7–71. Syriac (11-16) and Arabic (21-58) versions of On Prayer, complete with analytical comparison with the Greek. -jk Arabic edition of CPG 2452 Syriac edition of CPG 2452 | ||||
1939 | Calvi | La storia Lausiaca di Palladdio | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:calvi-1939 Calvi, Giovanni Battista. “La storia Lausiaca di Palladdio.” Salesianum 1 (1939): 268–79; 385–406. Vie de Pallade; authenticité de deux de ces écrits: "Historia Lausiaca" (BHG 1435-38v, recensio G et "Dialogus de uita Iohannis Chrysostomi" (BHG 870, 870e, 870f). -cat | ||||
1938 | Muyldermans | Evagriana: Le Vatic. Barb. Graec. 515 | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1938 Muyldermans, Joseph. “Evagriana: Le Vatic. Barb. Graec. 515.” Le Muséon. Revue d'Études Orientales 51 (1938): 191–226. "Nous ferons d'abord connaître le contenu évagrien du cod. Barber. gr. 515. Puis, après un rapide examen des pièces par ailleurs déjà éditées, nous étudierons plus longuement celles qui présentent un texte soit partiellement inédit, soit notablement divergent." L'édition de l'"Institutio seu Paraenesis ad monachos" ("recensio longior", 24 nouvelles sentences; 198-204) et "Sententiae" ('O Brómasi sholázon). Identification des passages supplémentaires dans le "De uitiis quae opposita sunt uirtubis". Les variantes identifiées dans les textes "Capita paraenetica"; "Spiritales sententiae per alphebeticum dispositae"; "Aliae sententiae" d'après notre ms. (p. 192) -cat Greek edition of CPG 2454 | ||||
1938 | Hausherr | Aux origines de la mystique syrienne: Grégoire de Chypre ou Jean de Lycopolis? | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1938 Hausherr, Irénée. “Aux origines de la mystique syrienne: Grégoire de Chypre ou Jean de Lycopolis?.” Orientalia Christiana Periodica 4 (1938): 497–520. | ||||
1937 | Moisescu | Εὐάγριος ὁ Πόντικος: Βίος, συγγράμματα, διδασκαλία | book |,2012:scriptum:moisescu-1937 Moisescu, Iustin I. Εὐάγριος ὁ Πόντικος: Βίος, συγγράμματα, διδασκαλία . Athens: "Pyrsou", 1937. See also Biserica Ortodoxa Romîna 56 (1938): 97-109, with bibliography. -cat | ||||
1936 | Ménager | A propos de Cassien | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:ménager-1936 Ménager, A. “A propos de Cassien.” La Vie Spirituelle 46 (1936): 73–109. En réponse à un contradicteur, l'A. réaffirme que pour Cassien, à l'instar de tous les Pères, la contemplation est plus parfaite que la vie active, mais qu'elle suppose obligatoirement la pratique et la perfection des vertus de cette vie active, qu'elle en est l'aboutissement le plus parfait. -cat | ||||
1936 | Marsili | Giovanni Cassiano ed Evagrio Pontico: Dottrina sulla carità e contemplazione | book |,2012:scriptum:marsili-1936 Marsili, Salvatore. Giovanni Cassiano ed Evagrio Pontico: Dottrina sulla carità e contemplazione . Studia Anselmiana philosophica theologica 5. Rome: Herder, 1936. | ||||
1936 | Hausherr | Ignorance infinie | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1936 Hausherr, Irénée. “Ignorance infinie.” Orientalia Christiana Periodica 2 (1936): 351–62. | ||||
1935 | Hausherr | Les grands courants de la spiritualité orientale | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1935 Hausherr, Irénée. “Les grands courants de la spiritualité orientale.” Orientalia Christiana 11 (1935): 114–38. | ||||
1934 | Hausherr | Le <i>Traité De l'Oraison</i> d'Évagre le Pontique (Pseudo-Nil) | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1934 Hausherr, Irénée. “Le Traité De l'Oraison d'Évagre le Pontique (Pseudo-Nil).” Revue d'Ascétique et de Mystique 15 (1934): 34–93; 113–70. Translation by J. Simon (p. 88) of the Commentary on the Lord's Prayer. | ||||
1934 | Muyldermans | Miscellanea armeniaca | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1934b Muyldermans, Joseph. “Miscellanea armeniaca.” Le Muséon. Revue d'Études Orientales 47 (1934): 293–96. "1. Quelques précisions touchant les textes d'Évagre le Pontique, relevés dans le Répertoire des manuscrits arméniens de Saint-Lazare à Venise. 2. Note sur le manuscrit arménien no 314 du même fonds." (p. 293) -pub | ||||
1934 | Arnou | Unité numérique et unité de nature chez les pères, après le Concile de Nicée | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:arnou-1934 Arnou, R. “Unité numérique et unité de nature chez les pères, après le Concile de Nicée.” Gregorianum 15 (1934): 242–54. From pp. 253-54: "Ce que les Pères postnicéens appellent 'unité de nature' dans la Trinité est donc l'absolue simplicité de l'essence divine. [...] Une telle simplicité entraine l'impossibilité d'être multipliée comme celle d'être divisée ou composée. l'unité de nature contient donc l'unité dite numérique et la dépasse. [...] dans les doctrines trinitaires, on oppose volontiers les Latins aux Grecs (et S. Hillaire fait alors partie du groupe des Grecs), les seconds s'attachant, dit-on, au problème de l'origine, aux personnes et aux processions et s'efforçant ensuite de rejoindre l'unité de nature; les premiers par une voie contraire partant de la nature divine et cherchant à distinguer les Personnes. [...] On comprend mieux dès lors pourquoi, dans leurs luttes contre les hérésies du IVe siècle, ils n'envisageaient que deux écueils; ou la confusion des Personnes telle que la soutenait le sabellianisme, ou la diversité des essences 'séparées, dissemblables, étrangères', ce qui était la folie d'Arius." -pub | ||||
1934 | Muyldermans | Évagre le Pontique: Les <i>Capita cognoscitiua</i> dans les versions syriaque et arménienne | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1934a Muyldermans, Joseph. “Évagre le Pontique: Les Capita cognoscitiua dans les versions syriaque et arménienne.” Le Muséon. Revue d'Études Orientales 47 (1934): 73–106. Edition des "Capita cognoscitiua" ("uersio syriaca") ("Principium scientiae ueritatis in anima (est) motio eius a Spiritu Sancto") et des "Capita cognoscitiua" ("uersio syriaca") ("De perfectione" [99-102]) d'Évagre le Pontique d'après le ms. Vaticano (Città del), Biblioteca apostolica Vaticana, Vat. sir. 509, f. 93 et 96a-97a. Etude comparative des "Capita cognoscitiua" ("uersio syriaca") ("Rursus capita cognoscitiua sancti Mar Euagrii") et des "Capita cognoscitiua" ("uersio syriaca") (1-42) d'Évagre le Pontique, à partir du ms. Vaticano (Città del), Biblioteca apostolica Vaticana, Vat. sir. 509, f. 92b-93a et 94a-96a. Introduction sur les versions syriaque et arménienne des "Capita cognoscitiua" d'Évagre le Pontique. -cat Introduction, Syriac text, and French translation of On Perfection (CPG 2476) is at 97-106 -jk Syriac edition of CPG 2476 French translation of CPG 2476 | ||||
1933- | Hausherr | De doctrina spirituali christianorum orientalium: Questiones et scripta | book |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1933b Hausherr, Irénée. De doctrina spirituali christianorum orientalium: Questiones et scripta . Orientalia Christiana 30.3 (no. 86). Rome: Pont. Institutum Orientalium Studiorum, 1933–. Syriac version of Three Chapters on Prayer at 1:149-52. -jk Syriac edition of CPG 2453 Latin translation of CPG 2453 | ||||
1933 | Rahner | Die geistliche Lehre des Evagrius Pontikus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:rahner-1933 Rahner, Karl. “Die geistliche Lehre des Evagrius Pontikus.” Zeitschrift für Aszese und Mystik 8 (1933): 21–38. | ||||
1933 | Lot-Borodine | La doctrine de la déification dans l'Eglise grecque jusqu'au XIe siècle | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:lot-borodine-1933 Lot-Borodine, Myrrha. “La doctrine de la déification dans l'Eglise grecque jusqu'au XIe siècle.” Revue de l'Histoire des Religions 107 (1933): 8–55. Etude de la doctrine de la déification dans l'Eglise grecque. Les degrés de l'oraison et la "Garde de l'esprit". La connaissance pneumatique. Théologie mystique trinitaire. Déification participée dans la theoría accomplie. -cat | ||||
1933 | Hausherr | Une énigme d'Évagre le Pontique; <i>Centurie</i> II, 50 | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1933f Hausherr, Irénée. “Une énigme d'Évagre le Pontique; Centurie II, 50.” Recherches de Science Religieuse 23 (1933): 321–25. Abstract: L'A. se propose de déchiffrer un passage obscur de la "Capita cognoscitiua" (2,50) d'Évagre le Pontique. Étude des termes "apathia" et "noûs" tirés de ce passage. | ||||
1933 | Hausherr | L'origine de la théorie orientale des huit péchés capitaux | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1933e Hausherr, Irénée. “L'origine de la théorie orientale des huit péchés capitaux.” Orientalia Christiana 30, no. 3 (1933): 164–75. | ||||
1933 | Hausherr | Le <i>De oratione</i> de Nil et Évagre | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1933d Hausherr, Irénée. “Le De oratione de Nil et Évagre.” Revue d'Ascétique et de Mystique 14 (1933): 196–98. "Il semble même que le Traité de la prière ait été cité par Isaac de Ninive sous le nom d'Évagre. S'il était vérifié, ce fait serait un argument." (p. 196) -cat | ||||
1933 | Hausherr | Evagrii Pontici tria capita de Oratione | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1933c Hausherr, Irénée. “Evagrii Pontici tria capita de Oratione.” Orientalia Christiana 30, no. 3 (1933): 149–52. | ||||
1933 | Hausherr | Contemplation et sainteté, une remarquable mise au point par Philoxène de Mabboug | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1933a Hausherr, Irénée. “Contemplation et sainteté, une remarquable mise au point par Philoxène de Mabboug.” Revue d'Ascétique et de Mystique 14 (1933): 171–195. | ||||
1932 | Rahner | Le début d'une doctrine des cinq sens spirituels chez Origène | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:rahner-1932 Rahner, Karl. “Le début d'une doctrine des cinq sens spirituels chez Origène.” Revue d'Ascétique et de Mystique 13 (1932): 113–45. "La nature mystique de cette doctrine des cinq sens spirituels: Origène et l'extase." L'origine de la doctrine d'Origène, les rapports avec ses autres théories psychologiques et son influence sur la littérature spirituelle qui procède de lui. (Crouzel, p. 367) -cat | ||||
1932 | Lot-Borodine | La doctrine de la déification dans l'Eglise grecque jusqu'au XIe siècle | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:lot-borodine-1932 Lot-Borodine, Myrrha. “La doctrine de la déification dans l'Eglise grecque jusqu'au XIe siècle.” Revue de l'Histoire des Religions 106 (1932): 525–74. Etude de la doctrine de la déification dans l'Eglise grecque. Les voies de la contemplation-union et la [theosis]. L'apatheia et la théorie des passions dans la pensée de l'Orient chrétien. La nature et la grâce; le concept de la liberté humaine et le synergisme des Pères, vécu par les moines. Les méthodes et le caractère de l'ascèse orientale. "Garde du corps" et purification par les vertus. -cat | ||||
1932 | Hausherr | Par delà l'oraison pure grâce à une coquille. À propos d'un texte d'Évagre | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1932c Hausherr, Irénée. “Par delà l'oraison pure grâce à une coquille. À propos d'un texte d'Évagre.” Revue d'Ascétique et de Mystique 13 (1932): 184–88. A propos de l'oraison. "C'est Nil [D'Ancyre] qui représente la vraie pensée d'Évagre, et il n'y a nulle opposition entre celui-ci et les autres Pères: c'est une simple faute de lecture qui l'a fait croire à son trop fidèle disciple [Isaac de Ninive]." (p. 187) -cat | ||||
1932 | Muyldermans | À travers la tradition manuscrite d'Evagre le Pontique: Essai sur les manuscrits grecs conservés à la Bibliothèque nationale de Paris | book |,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1932 Muyldermans, Joseph. À travers la tradition manuscrite d'Evagre le Pontique: Essai sur les manuscrits grecs conservés à la Bibliothèque nationale de Paris . Bibliothèque du Muséon 3. Louvain: Bureaux du Muséon, 1932. Study of the following manuscripts in the Bibliotheque nationale de France: gr. Suppl. 1155, gr. Coislin 109, 1056, 1188, 39, 822, 362, 1220, 2748, 3099. Greek fragments mostly from De malignis cogationibus but also from the Letters (17, 18, 43, 59, 39), Skemmata, and Kephalaia gnostika: 47-55; Chapters to Monks: 65-70 (revised apparatus only); Gnosticus: 70-75; Sententiae sex: 74 (one sentence only); 79–94: various extracts from the Praktikos and other works (of 69 chapters, 16 are not associated by Casiday with other parts of the corpus the corpus). This edition was reprinted in 1933 (Louvain) -jk Syriac edition of CPG 2431 | ||||
1932 | Spies | Die äthiopische Überlieferung der Abhandlung des Evagrius <i>Peri okto logismon</i> | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:spies-1932 Spies, Otto. “Die äthiopische Überlieferung der Abhandlung des Evagrius Peri okto logismon.” Oriens Christianus 29 (1932): 203–28. Ethiopian edition of CPG 2451 | ||||
1931 | Hausherr | Les versions syriaque et arménienne d'Évagre le Pontique, leur valeur, leur situation, leur utilisation | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1831b Hausherr, Irénée. “Les versions syriaque et arménienne d'Évagre le Pontique, leur valeur, leur situation, leur utilisation.” Orientalia Christiana 22, no. 2 (1931): 69–118. "Nous examinerons rapidement: 1. La fidélité de la version syriaque [d'Évagre le Pontique]. 2. La propriété des termes dans la version arménienne [d'Évagre le Pontique]. 3. La provenance de la version arménienne, pour les "Centuries" ["Kephalaia gnostica"]. 4. Cette même provenance pour le "Gnostique" ["Gnosticus"]. L'A. utilise les éditions de Frankenberg (1912) et de Sargisean (1907)." -pub | ||||
1931 | Hausherr | Les versions syriaque et arménienne d'Évagre le Pontique: Leur valeur, leur relation, leur utilisation | book |,2012:scriptum:hausherr-1831 Hausherr, Irénée. Les versions syriaque et arménienne d'Évagre le Pontique: Leur valeur, leur relation, leur utilisation . Orientalia Christiana 69. Rome: Pont. Institutum Orientalium Studiorum, 1931. "Appendice au fascicule 69: Les versions syriaque et arménienne d'Évagre le Pontique [par I. Hausherr]" issued in vol. XXIV-1, num. 73, p. [38]-40. -cat | ||||
1931 | Muyldermans | Note additionnelle à: <i>Euagriana</i> | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1931c Muyldermans, Joseph. “Note additionnelle à: Euagriana.” Le Muséon. Revue d'Études Orientales 44 (1931): 369–83. Edition d'oeuvres d'Évagre le Pontique: "Capita cognoscitiua" à partir du ms. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, gr. 913, fol. 185v-188v, avec collation du ms. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, gr. 3098, fol. 81-84; "Capita cognoscitiua" ("Considerationes, capita XIII") à partir des mss: Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, gr. 3098, f. 56-57 et suppl. gr. 870, f. 151; "Capita cognoscitiua" ("Excerpta, capita XIV") à partir du ms. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, gr. 1055, f. B. -pub Greek edition of CPG 2433 | ||||
1931 | Muyldermans | Evagriana | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1931a Muyldermans, Joseph. “Evagriana.” Le Muséon. Revue d'Études Orientales 44 (1931): 37–68. Focuses on the Skemmata (CPG 2433), the ca. 60 supplementary chapters to the Kephalaia Gnostika. Deals with two MSS (Vat. Barberini gr. 515, Vat. Barberini lat. 3024 [Latin translation of the Skemmata by Suarez]) and Sargissian's Armenian edition, esp. pp. 124-28. Provides a transcription of the 67 chapters from the Greek MS and of the 59 chapters from the Latin MS. The 18 chapters of the Armenian are reproduced and translated into French. This article was reprinted that same year, with an expansion, as a monograph (see below). -jk Armenian edition of no CPG 06 French translation of no CPG 06 | ||||
1931 | Muyldermans | Evagriana: Extrait de la revue <i>Le Muséon</i>, vol. 44, augmenté de nouveax fragments grecs inédits | book |,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1931b Muyldermans, Joseph. Evagriana: Extrait de la revue Le Muséon, vol. 44, augmenté de nouveax fragments grecs inédits . Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1931. This brief reprint from Le Muséon, includes the main article (=,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1931a), its supplementary note (=,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1931c), and new material at 49-59, "Nouveaux fragments grecs inedits", which presents about twenty-five Greek fragments from Cod. Ambr. gr. 681 (q 74 sup; 10th century). Because of its date and title, it is easily confused with Muyldermans's other 1931 publication "Evagriana." -jk This reprint of an article published that same year is important for containing Greek fragments of the Kephalaia Gnostika found in codex Ambrosianus graecus 681 (q 74 sup), 166v-167v. The book is very scarce. -jk | ||||
1930-1932 | Peterson | Zu griechischen Asketikern. Part 3, Zu Euagrius | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:peterson-1930 Peterson, E. “Zu griechischen Asketikern. Part 3, Zu Euagrius.” Byzantinisch-Neugriechische Jahrbücher 9 (1930–1932): 51–54. | ||||
1930 | Viller | Aux sources de la spiritualité de S. Maxime: Les oeuvres d'Évagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:viller-1930 Viller, Marcel. “Aux sources de la spiritualité de S. Maxime: Les oeuvres d'Évagre le Pontique.” Revue d'Ascétique et de Mystique 11 (1930): 156–84; 239–68; 331–36. From p. 331: "Aux sources de la spiritualité de s. Maxime - les oeuvres d'Évagre le Pontique". "Introduction: 1) La psychologie; 2) La distinction commune entre vie active et vie gnostique; 3) La division tripartite de la vie spirituelle; 4) L'ordre des vertus dans la vie active; 5) La praktike. Vie active ou pratique. Páthos et apátheia; 6) Les mobiles du bien et du mal; 6) Les mobiles du bien et du mal; 7) Ag´ap`e et gn~osis; 8) Les cinq Th´eoríai; 9) La série des dépouillements et des purifications successives; 10) Prière et connaissance de la Sainte Trinité; Conclusion." -pub | ||||
1929 | Muyldermans | Le discours de Xystus dans la version arménienne d'Évagre le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1929b Muyldermans, Joseph. “Le discours de Xystus dans la version arménienne d'Évagre le Pontique.” Revue des Études Arméniennes 9 (1929): 183–201. | ||||
1929 | Muyldermans | La teneur du <i>Practicus</i> d'Evagrius le Pontique | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:muyldermans-1929a Muyldermans, Joseph. “La teneur du Practicus d'Evagrius le Pontique.” Le Muséon. Revue d'Études Orientales 42 (1929): 74–89. "Edition, tradition des manuscrits grecs et teneur du 'Practicus' d'Évagre le Pontique." -cat | ||||
1926 | Peterson | Zu griechischen Asketikern. Part 2, Noch einmal zu Euagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:peterson-1926 Peterson, E. “Zu griechischen Asketikern. Part 2, Noch einmal zu Euagrius Ponticus.” Byzantinisch-Neugriechische Jahrbücher 5 (1926): 412–14. | ||||
1926 | Griffin | Liber graduum | book |,2012:scriptum:griffin-1926 Griffin, R. Liber graduum . Patrologia syriaca 3. Paris: Firmin-Didot et socii, 1926. Pp. 325-334 for Syriac and Latin translation of The Just and the Perfect (CPG 2465). Syriac edition of CPG 2465 Latin translation of CPG 2465 | ||||
1926 | Basil McGuire Deferrari | Saint Basil, the Letters | book |,2012:scriptum:mcguire-deferrari-1926-v1 Basil, McGuire, Martin R. P, and Deferrari, Roy J. Saint Basil, the Letters . Loeb Classical Library. Vol. 1. London: W. Heinemann, 1926. See pp. 46–93 for edition and translation of the Epistula fidei, credited by the translator to Basil and dated 380 (360 meant?). Greek edition of CPG 2439 English translation of CPG 2439 | ||||
1925 | Evagrius Ponticus | Traité de la prière <i>De Oratione</i> | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-1925 Evagrius Ponticus. “Traité de la prière De Oratione.” La Vie Spirituelle 12 (1925): 472–97. French translation of CPG 2452 | ||||
1925 | Evagrius Ponticus | Traité de la Prière | book | Evagrius Ponticus. Traité de la Prière . Translated by Jehan Joliet. Ligugé, Vienna: E. Aubin, 1925. archive.orgTraité de la Prière, écrit par le moine ascétique Évagre le Pontique (345 – 399). Traduit par le moine français Jehan Joliet (1870 – 1937).Evrage est un moine du IVe siècle, vivant dans le désert d'Égypte, premier systématicien de la pensée ascétique chrétienne.Originaire d'Ibora, dans la région du Pont (actuelle Turquie), Évagre a été ordonné lecteur par Basile de Césarée.L'évêque Grégoire de Nazianze l'ayant ordonné diacre, il l'accompagna à Constantinople, où sa prédication connut un grand succès.En 382, Évagre quitta cette capitale et se retira d’abord à Jérusalem, puis en Égypte, où il devint disciple de Macaire de Scété.Il mena jusqu’à sa mort la vie monastique dans le désert de Nitrie, et gagnait sa vie en copiant des manuscrits. French translation of CPG 2452 | ||||
1924 | Lebreton | [Dans] Chronique d'histoire des Origines Chrétiennes | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:lebreton-1924 Lebreton, Jules. “[Dans] Chronique d'histoire des Origines Chrétiennes.” Recherches de Science Religieuse 14 (1924): 360–64. "Aperçu de la tradition consignée dans les 'Apophthegmes des Pères'. Très brève note sur les problèmes soulevés par les différentes vies de Pacôme. Aperçu de l'étude consacrée à la personne et à l'oeuvre d'Évagre le Pontique." -cat | ||||
1923 | Peterson | Zu griechischen Asketikern. Part 1, Zu Euagrius Ponticus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:peterson-1923 Peterson, E. “Zu griechischen Asketikern. Part 1, Zu Euagrius Ponticus.” Byzantinisch-Neugriechische Jahrbücher 4 (1923): 5–8. | ||||
1923 | Melcher | Der 8 [achte] Brief des hl. Basilius, ein Werk des Evagrius Pontikus | book |,2012:scriptum:melcher-1923 Melcher, Robert. Der 8 [achte] Brief des hl. Basilius, ein Werk des Evagrius Pontikus . Münsterische Beiträge zur Theologie 1. Münster in Westfalen: Aschendorff, 1923. Study of the so-called Epistula fidei, then attributed to Basil of Caesarea. The author argues that the letter was written by Evagrius. -jk | ||||
1923 | Bousset | Apophthegmata : Studien zur Geschichte des ältesten Mönchtums | book |,2012:scriptum:bousset-1923 Bousset, Wilhelm. Apophthegmata : Studien zur Geschichte des ältesten Mönchtums . Tübingen: Mohr, 1923. See pp. 281-341. Treatment of the authorship of Ep. 8, once attributed to St. Basil of Caesarea. -jk | ||||
1922 | Wilmart | [No title] | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:wilmart-1922 Wilmart, André. “[No title].” Revue d'Ascétique et de Mystique 3 (1922): 413 n. 11. Important note on the second Latin version of De octo spiritibus malitiae. | ||||
1918 | Palladius of Helenopolis | The Lausiac History of Palladius | book |,2012:scriptum:palladius-1918 Palladius of Helenopolis. The Lausiac History of Palladius . Translated by W. K. Lowther Clarke. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1918. | ||||
1918 | Degenhart | Neue Beiträge zur Nilusforschung | book |,2012:scriptum:degenhart-1918 Degenhart, Friedrich. Neue Beiträge zur Nilusforschung . Münster in Westfalen: Aschendorff, 1918. | ||||
1917 | Heussi | Untersuchungen zu Nilus Dem Asketen | book |,2012:scriptum:heussi-1917 Heussi, Karl. Untersuchungen zu Nilus Dem Asketen . Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur 42, no. 2. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1917. | ||||
1915-1921 | Grébaut | Sentences d'Évagre | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:grébaut-1915 Grébaut, Sylvain. “Sentences d'Évagre.” Revue de l'Orient Chrétien 20, 22 (1915–1921): 211–14, 435–39; 206–11. Three parts in two separate volumes, discussing Ethiopic fragments of Evagrius, prob. spurious. Ethiopic edition of CPG 2481.4 | ||||
1915-1917 | Drioton | La discussion d'un moine antropomorphite audien avec le Patriarche Théophile d'Alexandre en l'année 399 | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:drioton-1915 Drioton, Etienne. “La discussion d'un moine antropomorphite audien avec le Patriarche Théophile d'Alexandre en l'année 399.” Revue de L'Orient Chrétien 2e ser. 10 (= 20) (1915–1917): 92–100, 113–28. | ||||
1915 | Degenhart | Der hl. Nilus Sinaita, sein leben und seine lehre vom mönchtum | book |,2012:scriptum:degenhart-1915 Degenhart, Friedrich. Der hl. Nilus Sinaita, sein leben und seine lehre vom mönchtum . Beiträge zur geschichte des alten mönchtums und des Benediktinerordens 6. Münster in Westfalen: Aschendorff, 1915. | ||||
1914 | Mercati | Intorno ad uno scolio creduto di Evagrio | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:mercati-1914 Mercati, Giovanni. “Intorno ad uno scolio creduto di Evagrio.” Revue Biblique Internationale n.s, 11 (1914): 534–42. "Sur la base d'une reconstitution du texte, l'A. refuse d'identifier un scholion du cod. Patmos 270 comme étant d'Évagre. Comparaison avec des "Scholia" d'Origène." -cat | ||||
1914 | Grébaut | Les manuscrits éthiopiens de M.E. Delorme | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:grébaut-1914 Grébaut, Sylvain. “Les manuscrits éthiopiens de M.E. Delorme.” Revue de l'Orient Chrétien 19 (1914): 174–82. | ||||
1913-1921 | Grébaut | Sentences ascétiques | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:grébaut-1913c Grébaut, Sylvain. “Sentences ascétiques.” Revue de l'Orient Chrétien 18, 20, 22 (1913–1921): 423–27; 207–9; 443–47. <!--StartFragment-->This article spans three volumes: 18:423-27, 20:207-9, 22:443-47 and includes the Ethiopic version of The Eight Spirits of Wickedness. -jk "The attribution to Evagrius of other not based on a clear identification of the texts." -A. Bausi. Ethiopian edition of CPG 2451 | ||||
1913 | Grébaut | La mauvaise passion de la colère selon Évagrius | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:grébaut-1913b Grébaut, Sylvain. “La mauvaise passion de la colère selon Évagrius.” Revue de l'Orient Chrétien 18 (1913): 213–25. Ethiopian edition of CPG 2451 | ||||
1913 | Grébaut | Exhortations aux anachorètes | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:grébaut-1913a Grébaut, Sylvain. “Exhortations aux anachorètes.” Revue de l'Orient Chrétien 18 (1913): 317–25. | ||||
1913 | Evagrius Ponticus Gressmann | Nonnenspiegel und Mönchsspiegel des Euagrios Pontikos: Zum ersten Male in der Urschrift | book |,2012:scriptum:gressmann-1913 ISBN 0790518317 (microfiche) Evagrius Ponticus and Gressmann, Hugo. Nonnenspiegel und Mönchsspiegel des Euagrios Pontikos: Zum ersten Male in der Urschrift . Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur 39.4. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1913. archive.orgSententiae ad monachos (Greek, with Syriac in apparatus criticus): 152-65; Ad virginem: 143-51. -jk Syriac edition of CPG 2435 | ||||
1912 | Evagrius Ponticus Frankenberg | Euagrius Ponticus | book |,2012:scriptum:frankenberg-1912 Evagrius Ponticus. Euagrius Ponticus . Edited by W. Frankenberg. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Philologisch-Historische Klasse, n.F. 13, no. 2. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1912. archive.orgEvagrius's works from Cod. vatic. syr. n. 178, and selections from his other works from British museum ms. Addit. 14578, supplemented by Addit. 17167. The Syriac text of the Centuries is accompanied by a German translation of the commentary of Babhai, on opposite pages (p.8-471) The text of the selections is in Syriac with retroverted Greek on facing page. Kephalaia Gnostica comes with commentary by Mar Babai; pseudo-supplement: 422-471; Skemmata: 452-467; Antirrheticus: 472-545 (parts one and two); Gnosticus: 546-53; Protrepticus: 554-56; Paraeneticus: 556-62; Ad virginem 562-65; Letters: 564-611; Great Letter, 612-19 (§§1-32; BL Add. 17,162 has §§17, 24, 33-68); Dogmatic letter: 620-35. -jk | ||||
1911 | Wilmart | Les versions latines des sentences d'Évagre pour les vierges | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:wilmart-1911 Wilmart, André. “Les versions latines des sentences d'Évagre pour les vierges.” Revue Bénédictine 28 (1911): 143–53. "Une seconde version latine de l'"Ad uirginem" d'Évagre, témoin du succès de ces sentences dans le monachisme latin d'Occident. Manuscrits des versions et texte de la version S ou W." -cat Latin edition of CPG 2436 | ||||
1908 | van den Ven | Un opuscule inédit attribué à S. Nil | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:van-den-ven-1908 van den Ven, P. “Un opuscule inédit attribué à S. Nil.” Mémoires littéraires, philologiques et archéologiques 2 (1908): 73–81. archive.orgDraws from Paris. gr. 1188, f. 237 and Paris. gr. 1066, f. 59 for the Greek and Brussels 10,615-729 and Florence, Laurent. Plut. XXII dextr. cod. 1, f. 11 for the Latin translation. Greek edition of CPG 2449 Latin translation of CPG 2449 | ||||
1907 | Evagrius Ponticus Sargisean | Varkʻ ew matenagrutʻiwnkʻ: Tʻargmanealkʻ i hunē i hay barbaṛ i E. daru | book |,2012:scriptum:sargisean-1907 Evagrius Ponticus. Varkʻ ew matenagrutʻiwnkʻ: Tʻargmanealkʻ i hunē i hay barbaṛ i E. daru . Edited by Barsegh Sargisean. Venice: S. Ghazar, 1907. archive.orgEwagr Pontatsʻi; ashkhatasirutʻeamb ew tsanōtʻutʻeambkʻ i luys ěntsayeatsʻ. Reprinted as Le opere di Evagrio Pontico nell'antica versione armena, annotated by E. Teza. Venice: 1909. Title page also reads S. Patris Euagrii Pantici vita et scripta e graeca in Armenioram linguam. Contains Armenian versions of the following: Gnosticus: 12-22; Capita paraenetica 54-63; Tractatus ad Eulogium 63-113; Sententiae ad monachos: 114-24; Proverbs and their Interpretation: 124-28; Fragments: 128-34, 325-70; Kephalaia Gnosticus: 143-207; Capita cognoscitiva: 207-16; Antirrheticus: 217-323; Colloquium magistri cum discipulo eius (spurious): 327; Epistulae 334-76; Ad virginem (partial): 355-59. Extensive introduction and commentary on the life and works of Evagrius 11-182. -jk | ||||
1905 | Haidacher | Nilus-Exzerpte im Pandektes des Antiochus | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:haidacher-1905 Haidacher, Sebastian. “Nilus-Exzerpte im Pandektes des Antiochus.” Revue Bénédictine 22 (1905): 244–50. "Des citations de deux oeuvres de Nil d'Ancyre [dans la Clavis P. G., sous le nom d'Évagre le Pontique: le'De octo spiritibus malitiae' et le 'De oratione', dans le 'Pandecta scripturae sacrae' d'Antiochus de Saint-Sabas. -cat | ||||
1904 | Palladius of Helenopolis Butler | The Lausiac History of Palladius, vol. 2: The Greek Text Edited with Introduction and Notes | book |,2012:scriptum:palladius-1904 Palladius of Helenopolis. The Lausiac History of Palladius, vol. 2: The Greek Text Edited with Introduction and Notes . Edited by Dom Cuthbert Butler. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1904. handle.netCritical edition of Palladius's text. See pp. 116-123 for sect. 38, dealing with Evagrius. | ||||
1904 | Turner | The Lausiac History of Palladius | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:turner-1904 Turner, Cuthbert Hamilton. “The Lausiac History of Palladius.” The Journal of Theological Studies 6 (1904): 321–55. Lengthy review of Dom Cuthbert Butler's The Lausiac History of Palladius 2 vols. (1898; 1904). "[I]t will probably not be unwise to introduce the present article with some slight general sketch of this department of Christian literature, before coming to close quarters with the 'Lausiac History.'" (p. 322) -pub | ||||
1902 | Schuster | Della basilica di San Martino e di alcuni Ricordi Farfensi | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:schuster-1902 Schuster, D Ildefonso. “Della basilica di San Martino e di alcuni Ricordi Farfensi.” Nuovo bullettino di archeologia cristiana 8 (1902): 47–54. | ||||
1899 | Diekamp | Die Origenistischen Streitigkeiten im sechsten Jahrhundert und das fünfte allgemeine Concil | book |,2012:scriptum:tischendorf-1960 ISBN 0524051429 (microfiche) Diekamp, Franz. Die Origenistischen Streitigkeiten im sechsten Jahrhundert und das fünfte allgemeine Concil . ATLA Historical Monographs Collection. Series 2 (1894–1923). Münster i. W.: Aschendorff, 1899. | ||||
1895 | Evagrius Ponticus Basil | St. Basil: Letters and Select Works | book |,2012:scriptum:jackson-1895 Evagrius Ponticus and Basil. St. Basil: Letters and Select Works . Translated by Blomfield Jackson. A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, 2nd series 8. New York: The Christian Literature Company, 1895. See pp. 115–122 for translation of Epistula fidei. Attributed by translator to Basil, 360. Reprinted in 1905, Oxford. -jk English translation of CPG 2439 | ||||
1894 | Amélineau | Histoire des monastères de la Basse-Egypte vies des saints Paul, Antoine, Macaire, Maxime et Domèce, Jean le Nain, &a [sic]: Texte copte et traduction française | book |,2012:scriptum:amélineau-1894 ISBN 0790581361 (microfiche) Amélineau, E. Histoire des monastères de la Basse-Egypte vies des saints Paul, Antoine, Macaire, Maxime et Domèce, Jean le Nain, &a [sic]: Texte copte et traduction française . Annales du Musée Guimet 25. Paris: E. Leroux, 1894. harvard.eduEdition and French translation of Coptic collection of apophthegmata. See pp. 137–138, 157–158, 160–161, 195–196, 200–202 for accounts of interactions between Macarius and Evagrius. | ||||
1894 | Dräseke | Zu Evagrios Pontikos | journalArticle |,2012:scriptum:dräseke-1894 Dräseke, Johannes. “Zu Evagrios Pontikos.” Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Theologie 37 (1894): 125–37. | ||||
1893 | Zöckler | Evagrius Pontikus: Seine Stellung in der altchristlichen Literatur- und Dogmengeschichte | book |,2012:scriptum:zöckler-1893 Zöckler, Otto. Evagrius Pontikus: Seine Stellung in der altchristlichen Literatur- und Dogmengeschichte . Biblische und kirchenhistorische Studien 4. Munich: C. H. Beck, 1893. Includes a [German] translation from Berlin Syriac Manuscript Sachau 302 of the part of the Antirrheticus Prologue, Chapter on Gluttony and Lust. -ak German translation of CPG 2434 | ||||
1893 | Bachmann | Aethiopische lesestücke: Inedita aethiopica für den gebrauch in universitäts-vorlesungen | book |,2012:scriptum:bachmann-1893 Bachmann, Johannes. Aethiopische lesestücke: Inedita aethiopica für den gebrauch in universitäts-vorlesungen . Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1893. Repr. in Anthologia Aethiopica. Hildesheim-Zürich-New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 1988. De octo spiritibus malitiae: 26-33. -jk Ethiopian edition of CPG 2451 | ||||
1892 | Elter Evagrius Ponticus Cleitarchus Epictetus Moschion | Gnomica | book |,2012:scriptum:elter-1892 Elter, Antonio. Gnomica . Edited by Antonio Elter. Leipzig: Teubner, 1892. google.comContents: [v. 1, pt. 1-2] Sexti Pythagorici Citarchi sententiae. [pt. 3] Evagrii Pontici sententiae.--[v. 2] Epicteti et Moschionis sententiae. 2 v. in 1. Includes a 4 page review by Anton Elter titled "Zu den neuen Bruchstücken des Stobäus ... und den Sprüchen des Eugarius." For Evagrius's texts: Spiritual Chapters Alphabetized: p. LIII; Aliae sententiae: p. LIII. -jk | ||||
1889 | Amélineau | Un évêque de Keft au VIIe siècle | bookSection | Amélineau, Emile. “Un évêque de Keft au VIIe siècle.” In Mémoires présentés à l’Institut Egyptien , pp. 337–38. Cairo: Institut Egyptien al-Qahira, 1889. | ||||
1887 | Amélineau Palladius | De <i>Historia Lausiaca</i> quaenam sit hujus ad monachorum Aegyptiorum historiam scribendam utilitas: Adjecta sunt quaedam hujus historiae Coptica fragmenta inedita | book |,2012:scriptum:amélineau-1887 Amélineau, Emile and Palladius, Bishop of Aspuna. De Historia Lausiaca quaenam sit hujus ad monachorum Aegyptiorum historiam scribendam utilitas: Adjecta sunt quaedam hujus historiae Coptica fragmenta inedita . Paris: E. Leroux, 1887. archive.orgContains the important Coptic Life of Evagrius, with Latin translation. See the translation by Vivian. -jk | ||||
1887 | de Lagarde | Onomastica sacra | book |,2012:scriptum:de-lagarde-1887 de Lagarde, Paul. Onomastica sacra . Edited by Paul de Lagarde. Göttingen: Horstmann, 1887. archive.orgSee 229–30 for Εἰς τὸ ΠΙΠΙ (CPG 2482). -jk Greek edition of CPG 2482 | ||||
1886 | de Lagarde | Catenae in evangelia aegyptiacae quae supersunt Pauli de Lagarde studio et sumptibus edita | book |,2012:scriptum:da-lagarde-1886 de Lagarde, Paul. Catenae in evangelia aegyptiacae quae supersunt Pauli de Lagarde studio et sumptibus edita . Gottingae: A. Hoyer, 1886. google.comFragment from the Commentary on the Lord's Prayer (Coptic): 13. -jk Coptic edition of CPG 2461 | ||||
1876-1891 | Pitra | Analecta sacra spicilegio Solesmensi parata | book |,2012:scriptum:pitra-1876 Pitra, J. B. Analecta sacra spicilegio Solesmensi parata . Paris: A. Jouby et Roger, 1876–1891. google.comScholia on the Psalms: 2:444-83; 3:1-364. These are mixed in with Origen's scholia on the Psalms. -jk Greek edition of CPG 2455 | ||||
1868 | Eastern Orthodox Church | Velikija Minei Cetij sobrannyja vserossijskim mitropolitom Makariem | book |,2012:scriptum:makariem-1868 Eastern Orthodox Church. Velikija Minei Cetij sobrannyja vserossijskim mitropolitom Makariem . St. Petersburg: [n.p.], 1868. Excerpts from The Eight Spirits of Wickedness: Apr. 457-59. Old Russian edition of CPG 2451 | ||||
1860-1865 | Ceillier | Évagre de Pont, archidiacre de Constantinople et abbé dans le désert des Cellules | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:ceillier-1860 Ceillier, Remi. “Évagre de Pont, archidiacre de Constantinople et abbé dans le désert des Cellules.” In Histoire générale des auteurs sacrés et ecclésiastiques .. , pp. 110–119. Paris: L. Vives, 1860–1865. Summary of Evagrius's life, thorough and surprisingly useful, given its age. -jk | ||||
1860 | Tischendorf Origen | Notitia editionis codicis bibliorum Sinaitici auspiciis Imperatoris Alexandri II. susceptae: Accedit catalogus codicum nuper ex oriente Petropolin perlatorum; Item Origenis Scholia in Proverbia Salomonis; Partim nunc primum partim secundum atque emendatius edita | book |,2012:scriptum:tischendorf-1860 ISBN 0-8370-9511-5 Tischendorf, Constantin von and Origen. Notitia editionis codicis bibliorum Sinaitici auspiciis Imperatoris Alexandri II. susceptae: Accedit catalogus codicum nuper ex oriente Petropolin perlatorum; Item Origenis Scholia in Proverbia Salomonis; Partim nunc primum partim secundum atque emendatius edita . ATLA Historical Monographs Collection, Series 1 (13th Century to 1893). Leipzig: F.A. Brockhaus, 1860. harvard.eduarchive.orgSee pp. 76-122 for Scholia on Proverbs Commentary on Proverbs: 76-122. -cat Greek edition of CPG 2456 CPG 2458.4 | ||||
1857-1887 | Migne | Patrologiae cursus completus | book |,2012:scriptum:migne-1857 Migne, J.-P. Patrologiae cursus completus . Edited by J.-P. Migne. Paris: [n.p.], 1857–1887. harvard.eduEvagrius's works are to be found in vols. 12, 27, 32, 40, 65, and 79 as follows:
-jk | ||||
1855 | Benedictina Congregatio Mechitarista | Vark' srboc haranc ew k'alak'avarut'iwnk' nocin est krkin t'argmanut'ean naxneac | book |,2012:scriptum:cam-1855 Benedictina Congregatio Mechitarista. Vark' srboc haranc ew k'alak'avarut'iwnk' nocin est krkin t'argmanut'ean naxneac . Matenagrowt'iwnk' naxneac'. I Venetik: I Tparani Srboyn Lazaru, 1855. archive.orgSee 2:700-716 ( for the Armenian translation of On Prayer (CPG 2452) Armenian edition of CPG 2452 | ||||
1844 | Cramer | Catenæ græcorum patrum in novum testamentum | book |,2012:scriptum:cramer-1844 Cramer, J. A. Catenæ græcorum patrum in novum testamentum . Oxford: E Typographeo Academico, 1844. archive.orgSee vol. 3 p. 177 for scholium attributed to Evagrius on Acts 10:11-12: Αἱ τέσσαρες ἀρχαὶ τὰ τέσσαρα στοιχεῖα δηλοῦσι, καὶ τὸ φανὲν σκεῦος τὸν παχύτερον κόσμον σημαίνει καὶ τὰ διάφορα ζῶα τῆς τῶν ἀνθρώπων ἐστὶ καταστάσεως σύμβολα. = The four sources [translated "corners" in most English translations of Acts 10:11] indicate the four elements, and the vessel that appeared signifies the thicker world, and the different animals are symbols of the constitution of human beings." -jk Greek edition of no CPG 05 | ||||
1839 | Basil of Caesarea | Opera omnia: quae exstant, vel quae ejus nomine circumferuntur, ad MSS. codices Gallicanos .. | book |,2012:scriptum:garnier-1857 Basil of Caesarea. Opera omnia: quae exstant, vel quae ejus nomine circumferuntur, ad MSS. codices Gallicanos . . Vol. 3. Paris: J. B. Coignard, 1839. See 3:114-126 for the Dogmatic Letter in Greek with facing Latin translation. Greek edition of CPG 2439 Latin translation of CPG 2439 | ||||
1825-1838 | Mai | Scriptorum veterum nova collectio e vaticanis codicibus | book |,2012:scriptum:mai-1825 Mai, Angelo. Scriptorum veterum nova collectio e vaticanis codicibus . Rome: Burliaeum, 1825–1838. archive.orgVol. 9 contains scholia on Luke, at pp. 675-76, 688, 713-14, 715-16, 721-22. Greek edition of CPG 2458.6 | ||||
1765 | Gallandi | Bibliotheca veterum patrum atiquorumque scriptorum ecclesiasticorum, postrema Lugdunensi longe locupletior atque accuratior | book |,2012:scriptum:gallandi-1765 Gallandi, Andreas. Bibliotheca veterum patrum atiquorumque scriptorum ecclesiasticorum, postrema Lugdunensi longe locupletior atque accuratior . Venice: J.B. Albritii Hieron fil, 1765. See 7:572-574 for CPG 2442 (33 Chapters), 2444, 2445 (Maxims 2-3). | ||||
1750 | Jughaetsi | Girkʻ utʻn khorhrdotsʻ meghats | book |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-1750 Jughaetsi, Mattheos. Girkʻ utʻn khorhrdotsʻ meghats . Constantinople: I Tparani Atsaturi, 1750. hathitrust.orgCommentary on the Eight Thoughts of Evagrius. -jk In Classical Armenian. | ||||
1722-1724 | Wolf | Anecdota graeca sacra et profana: Ex codicibus manu exaratis nunc primum in lucem edita, versione Latina donata et notis illustrata | book |,2012:scriptum:wolf-1722 Wolf, Johann Christoph. Anecdota graeca sacra et profana: Ex codicibus manu exaratis nunc primum in lucem edita, versione Latina donata et notis illustrata . Hamburg: Apud Theodorum Christophorum Felginer, 1722–1724. See 3:167–68 for a Greek fragment of Kephalaia gnostika 4.46 (nowhere else published). -jk Greek edition of CPG 2432 | ||||
1680 | Bigot | Palladii episcopi helenopolitani De vita s. Johannis Chrysostomi dialogus: Accedunt homilia Sancti Johannis chrysostomi in laudem Diodori, Tarsensis episcopi, Acta Tarachi, Probi et andronici, Passio Banifatii Romani, Evagrius de octo cogitationibus, Nilus de octo vitiis | book |,2012:scriptum:bigot-1680 Bigot, Émery. Palladii episcopi helenopolitani De vita s. Johannis Chrysostomi dialogus: Accedunt homilia Sancti Johannis chrysostomi in laudem Diodori, Tarsensis episcopi, Acta Tarachi, Probi et andronici, Passio Banifatii Romani, Evagrius de octo cogitationibus, Nilus de octo vitiis . Edited by Émery Bigot. Luteciæ Parisiorum: Apud viduam Edmundi Martini, 1680. Version A of De octo spiritibus malitiae (Latin): 356-82. -cat Latin edition of CPG 2451 | ||||
1677 | Cotelerius | Ecclesiae Graecae monumenta | book |,2012:scriptum:cotelerius-1677-vol3 Cotelerius, Johannes Baptista. Ecclesiae Graecae monumenta . Vol. 3. Paris: Apud Franciscum Muguet, 1677. google.comSee 3:68-120 for Evagriana. Pp. 117-20 has a Greek fragment of the Life of Evagrius. -jk | ||||
1673 | Nilus Suarez | Τοῦ ἐν ἁγίοις πατρὸς ἡμῶν Νείλου Ἡγουμένου λόγοι / Sancti patris nostri Nili Abbatis tractatus, seu opscula ex codicibus manuscriptis Vaticanis, Cassinensibus, Barberinis, & Altaempsianis eruta | book |,2012:scriptum:nilus-1673 Nilus, of Ancyra. Τοῦ ἐν ἁγίοις πατρὸς ἡμῶν Νείλου Ἡγουμένου λόγοι / Sancti patris nostri Nili Abbatis tractatus, seu opscula ex codicibus manuscriptis Vaticanis, Cassinensibus, Barberinis, & Altaempsianis eruta . Edited by Giuseppe Maria Suarez. Rome: Typis Barberinis excudebat Michael Hercules, 1673. Alt. name of author: Iosephus Maria Suaresius Episcopus olim Vasionensis. On title page: Græcè primùm edidit, Latinè vertit, ac notis illustrauit & Serenissimo Principi Rainaldo Estensi d.d.c. -cat Parts reprinted in Migne's Patrologia Graeca 79 | ||||
1627 | Diadochus Castro Silva Evagrius Hesychius Nilus Raynaud de La Bottière | Sancti Diadochi episcopi Photices in vetere Epiro Illyrici capita centum de perfectione spirituali: S. Nili Capita centum quinquaginta de oratione ad Deum; Hesychii presbyteri antirrhetika kai eutika, siue Doctrina compendiaria binis capitum centuriis comprehensa, de spirituali temperantia & cordis puritate, reluctando & orando, comparanda | book |,2012:scriptum:diadochus-1627 Diadochus, Castro Silva, José Vicente, Evagrius, Ponticus, Hesychius, of Jerusalem, Nilus, of Ancyra, Raynaud, Théophile, and de La Bottière, François. Sancti Diadochi episcopi Photices in vetere Epiro Illyrici capita centum de perfectione spirituali: S. Nili Capita centum quinquaginta de oratione ad Deum; Hesychii presbyteri antirrhetika kai eutika, siue Doctrina compendiaria binis capitum centuriis comprehensa, de spirituali temperantia & cordis puritate, reluctando & orando, comparanda . Lyon: Sumpt. Francisci de la Bottiere, in via Mercatoria, 1627. The Capita centum quinquaginta de oratione, here ascribed to St. Nilus, is by Evagrius Ponticus. Cf. New Catholic Encyclopedia 10:470. -jk | ||||
1611 | Eusebius of Caesarea Rufinus of Aquileia Socrates Scholasticus Theodoret of Cyrrhus Sozomen Evagrius Ponticus Theodore Lector Dorotheus of Gaza Bucholtzer Grynaeus | Eusebii Pamphili, Ruffini, Socratis, Theodoriti, Sozomeni, Evagrii et Dorothei Ecclesiastica historia : sex propè seculorum res gestas complectens: Latinè iam olim à doctissimis viris partim scripta, partim è Græco à clarissimis viris, Vuolfgango Muscolo, Ioachimo Camerario & Iohanne Christophersono Britanno, eleganter conuersa: Et nunc ex fide Græcorum codicum ... per Ioan | book |,2012:scriptum:eusebius-1611 Eusebius of Caesarea, Rufinus of Aquileia, Socrates Scholasticus, Theodoret of Cyrrhus, Sozomen, Evagrius Ponticus, Theodore Lector, Dorotheus of Gaza, and Bucholtzer, Abraham. Eusebii Pamphili, Ruffini, Socratis, Theodoriti, Sozomeni, Evagrii et Dorothei Ecclesiastica historia : sex propè seculorum res gestas complectens: Latinè iam olim à doctissimis viris partim scripta, partim è Græco à clarissimis viris, Vuolfgango Muscolo, Ioachimo Camerario & Iohanne Christophersono Britanno, eleganter conuersa: Et nunc ex fide Græcorum codicum .. per Ioan . Edited by Johann Jacob Grynaeus. Basileae: Per S. Henricpetri, 1611. | ||||
1570 | Eusebius of Caesarea Rufinus of Aquileia Socrates Scholasticus Theodore Lector Theodoret of Cyrrhus Sozomen Evagrius Ponticus Dorotheus of Gaza Grynaeus | Eusebii Pamphili, Ruffini, Socratis, Theodoriti, Sozomeni, Theodori, Evagrii, et Dorothei Ecclesiastica historia: Sex propè seculorum res gestas complectens; Latinè iam olim à doctissimis uiris partim scripta, partim è Graeco eleganter conuersa; Et nunc ex fide Graecorum codicum... | book |,2012:scriptum:eusebius-1570 Eusebius of Caesarea, Rufinus of Aquileia, Socrates Scholasticus, Theodore Lector, Theodoret of Cyrrhus, Sozomen, Evagrius Ponticus, and Dorotheus of Gaza. Eusebii Pamphili, Ruffini, Socratis, Theodoriti, Sozomeni, Theodori, Evagrii, et Dorothei Ecclesiastica historia: Sex propè seculorum res gestas complectens; Latinè iam olim à doctissimis uiris partim scripta, partim è Graeco eleganter conuersa; Et nunc ex fide Graecorum codicum.. . Edited by Johann Jacob Grynaeus. Basileae: Ex officina Eusebii Episcopii, & Nic. Fratris Haeredum, 1570. | ||||
1532 | Basil of Caesarea Erasmus | En amice lector, Thesaurum damus inaestimabilem D. Basilium uere Magnum sua lingua disertissime loquentem quem hactenus habuisti Latine balbutientem: unum hunc dedit nobis Graecia numeris omnibus absolutum, siue pietatem animi spectes, siue sacrae pariter ac prophanae philosophi[a]e peritiam, siue diuinitus afflatam eloquentiam : mihi crede, reddet te tibi meliorem, quisquis hunc familiarem habere uoles | book |,2012:scriptum:erasmus-1532 Basil of Caesarea. En amice lector, Thesaurum damus inaestimabilem D. Basilium uere Magnum sua lingua disertissime loquentem quem hactenus habuisti Latine balbutientem: unum hunc dedit nobis Graecia numeris omnibus absolutum, siue pietatem animi spectes, siue sacrae pariter ac prophanae philosophi[a]e peritiam, siue diuinitus afflatam eloquentiam : mihi crede, reddet te tibi meliorem, quisquis hunc familiarem habere uoles . Edited by Desiderius Erasmus. [n.p.]: Ex officina Frobeniana, 1532. handle.netThis book, given sigla G in Gribomont's edition, is based on an edition of V. Opsopoeus (Grossenhain, 1528) from a codex from the King of Hungary Matthias Corvino. The codex is now presumed lost, but is the basis for Erasmus's edition. On the underlying MS, see N. Wilson's description of Corpus Christi Coll. gr. 284 (A Descriptive Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts of Corpus Christi College, Oxford [Cambridge, 2011], 30). -jk Greek edition of CPG 2439 | ||||
0 | Ramfos | The Head and Corner Stone: Evagrius Ponticus | bookSection |,2012:scriptum:ramfos Ramfos, Stelios. “The Head and Corner Stone: Evagrius Ponticus.” In Inconceivable Nothingness: The Philokalia and the Roots of Modern Greek Nihilism; An Essay in Philosophical Anthropology , pp. 62–126. n.p.: n.p, [n.d.]. | ||||
0 | Stewart Sellew | The Practices of Monastic Prayer: Origins, Evolution, and Tensions | bookSection | Stewart, Columba. “The Practices of Monastic Prayer: Origins, Evolution, and Tensions.” In Living for Eternity: The White Monastery and Its Neighborhood; Proceedings of a Symposium at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, March 6–9, 2003 . Edited by Philip Sellew, pp. 97–108. [n.p.]: University of Minnesota, [n.d.]. umn.eduEgyptian monks were known for the commitment to unceasing prayer, but what did this really mean? This paper will explore forms of monastic prayer from historical, theological, and ascetic perspectives, challenging our assumptions about how early monastic men and women actually prayed and what their own experience of prayer may have been. Both textual and archeological evidence will be considered. Major issues will include the role of biblical texts in monastic prayer, tracing fault lines between different theological understandings of prayer, and establishing foundations for later development of prayer practice. -pub | ||||
0 | Evagrius Ponticus | Tesserae—Evagrius Ponticus: Antirrhetikos | webpage |,2012:scriptum:evagrius-tesserae-2010 Evagrius Ponticus. “Tesserae—Evagrius Ponticus: Antirrhetikos.” [n.p.]: [n.p.], [n.d.]. German translation of the prologue and five of the eight books of the Antirrheticus. -jk German translation of CPG 2434 | ||||
0 | Brésard | Evagrius 345-399 | webpage |,2012:scriptum:brésard Brésard, Luc. “Evagrius 345–399.” A History of Monastic Spirituality (Website). [n.p.]: [n.p.], [n.d.]. Lengthy article introducing the life, writings, and spirituality of Evagrius. Includes excerpts from various works. -jk | ||||
0 | Vaticanus Graecus 754 | manuscript |, Vaticanus Graecus 754 . 0. vatlib.itThis manuscript contains complete the scholia on Psalms (CPG 2455), through a labeling and numeration device first discerned by M.-J. Rondeau (1960). Greek edition of CPG 2455 | |||||
0 | British Library Add. 14578 | manuscript |,2012:scriptum:ms:gb:london:bl:add-14578 British Library Add. 14578 . 0. This manuscript (= Wright no. 567, pp. 445-449) contains only works by Evagrius. Approximately 45 works, including the following:
1r-2v: Life of Evagrius (without title)
2v-11v: Praktikos (cpg2430), translation S1
11v-16v: Gnostikos (cpg2431), translation S1
17r- : To Eulogius (cpg2447)
102r-v: The Just and the Perfect (cpg2465)
152r-153v: Praktikos (cpg2430), prefatory Letter to Anatolius (cpg2430), translation S2
158v-159v: Ad virginem (cpg2436)
160r-186v: Letters (cpg2437)
187r-198v: Letter to Melania (cpg2438)
-jk | |||||
0 | British Library Add. 17167 | manuscript |,2012:scriptum:ms:gb:london:bl:add-17167 British Library Add. 17167 . 0. This manuscript (= Wright no. 743, pp. 676-678) is a miscellany of theological works, predominantly by Evagrius up through folio 105, and includes the following:
8v-13r: Gnostikos (S3; cpg2431)
18r-56r: Kephalaia gnostika (S2; cpg2432)
This manuscript is the sole witness to the S2 version of the Kephalaia gnostika, a version that aligns far closer to the extant Greek fragments than version S1.
-jk | |||||
0 | British Library Add. 17165 | manuscript |,2012:scriptum:ms:gb:london:bl:add-17165 British Library Add. 17165 . 0. This manuscript (= Wright no. 733, pp. 654-655) is a miscellany of theological works, predominantly by Evagrius up through folio 110, and includes the following:
1v-7r: Praktikos (S1; cpg2430; 11th-12th-c. hand)
9r-15r: Praktikos (S2; cpg2430; 6th-c. hand)
26r-34v: Gnostikos (S2; cpg2431; 6th-c. hand)
-jk | |||||
0 | British Library Add. 14616 | manuscript |,2012:scriptum:ms:gb:london:bl:add-14616 British Library Add. 14616 . 0. This manuscript (= Wright no. 744, pp. 678-680) is a miscellany of theological works, predominantly by Evagrius up through folio 84, and includes the following:
2v-26r: Praktikos (S2; cpg2430)
33r-40r: Gnostikos (S2; cpg2431)
-jk | |||||
0 | British Library Add. 14581 | manuscript |,2012:scriptum:ms:gb:london:bl:add-14581 British Library Add. 14581 . 0. This manuscript (= Wright no. 734, pp. 655-657) is a miscellany of theological works, and includes the following:
12v-23r: Praktikos (S1; cpg2430)
23r-27v: Gnostikos (S1; cpg2431)
27v-29r: Life of Evagrius
72v-88v: To Eulogius (cpg2447)
-jk | |||||
Pirtea | Babai the Great and Dionysius bar Salibi on the Spiritual Senses: The Syriac Commentaries on Evagrius' <i>Kephalaia Gnostika</i> and Their Relevance | bookSection | Pirtea, Adrian. “Babai the Great and Dionysius bar Salibi on the Spiritual Senses: The Syriac Commentaries on Evagrius' Kephalaia Gnostika and Their Relevance.” In Symposium Syriacum XII , pp. 227–237. Orientalia Christiana Analecta 311. Rome: Pontificio Istituto Orientale, . | |||||
Esprit 2020/12 (Décembre) | book | ISBN 978-2-37234-154-7 Esprit 2020/12 (Décembre) . [n.p.]: [n.p.], . cairn.infoAux couleurs de la Chine | ||||||
Rydell Johnsén | Reading kephalaia: The Composition of Evagrius Ponticus’ Ad monachos Reconsidered | journalArticle | Rydell Johnsén, Henrik. “Reading kephalaia: The Composition of Evagrius Ponticus’ Ad monachos Reconsidered.” Vigiliae Christianae 2020 (): . How Evagrius Ponticus (d. 399) composed his highly influential treatises of short and succinct chapters (kepahalaia) is bewildering and has been discussed by many scholars. In this essay the literary composition of Evagrius’ To monks in monasteries and communities, or Ad monachos, a typical text of short chapters, is examined from a literary perspective by relating the text to literary conventions, common in late antique literature and in rhetorical handbooks and exercises (progymnasmata). It is demonstrated how the teaching develops gradually in accordance with a pattern for a so-called amplified argument (epicheireme) codified in Pseudo-Hermogenes Progymnasmata. By this arrangement of the teaching, the reader is offered, not just a random taste of various aspects of the monastic life, but a set of specific conclusions to implement or to be aware of practically in the life as monk; conclusions that are perceptible not at just a cursory glance, but at a careful and repeated reading. -pub | |||||
From the Memory of History: Evagrius Ponticus and His Writings in the Preoccupations of Patriarch Iustin Moisescu | Florin Varlan - | webpage | “From the Memory of History: Evagrius Ponticus and His Writings in the Preoccupations of Patriarch Iustin Moisescu | Florin Varlan -” [n.p.]: [n.p.], . |