Guide to Evagrius Ponticus

edited by Joel Kalvesmaki



Joel Kalvesmaki

Advisory Board

Robin Darling Young
Charles M. Stang
Columba Stewart, OSB


Updated annually, the Guide to Evagrius Ponticus is an open access, peer-reviewed publication. Cite it as follows:
Joel Kalvesmaki, ed., Guide to Evagrius Ponticus, 2025 edition (2025),
Creative Commons License


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License. Rights for non-public-domain material are held by the credited author or the rightsholder of the publication cited. All other rights held by Joel Kalvesmaki.
The Guide to Evagrius Ponticus includes, under Writings, many versions of Evagrius's writings, and only those versions without license restrictions. This includes a number of texts in Greek, Syriac, and other ancient languages, drawn from the main text of modern critical editions. In United States, as elsewhere, courts have followed the general principle that any faithful reproduction of a public domain work is itself in the public domain (United States: Bridgeman v. Corel; France: Droz v. Garnier [commentary: Rouquette, Pearse]). The main text of a critical edition is not "recast, transformed, or or adapted" (U.S.C. 17.101) and so is not a derivative or creative work; it remains the intellectual property of the original creator (in this case, Evagrius or an ancient translator).
Nevertheless, those critical editions are challenging and expensive to produce and publish, and they are the only proper way to fully appreciate how the main text should be understood. Readers should support scholars and publishers by purchasing copies of the underlying critical editions.


Pages are set in Gentium Plus. Rob Garrison's tablesorter provides the functionality to the Writings and Bibliography displays. The content of those pages, and the corresponding transcriptions are derived from XSLT transformations of the master TAN XML files (Text Alignment Network) and a Zotero group. For more details, see the source files.